《My Big Brother's Best Friend Volume 1: Based On True Stories (BOYxBOY)》Chapter 11:Heart To Heart


I bust through the door as Terry pulled his 10 inches out of Rashawn, "Dam my bro dick was huge, I wouldn't want see what my mommy does be getting from daddy, but one thing he surely bless us cause my dick was already 9inch and I was only about to turn 17".They both sat on the bed looking at me with shame in their faces at the fact that they was just caught fucking.

Me: Rashawn what the fuck bey,(Looking at him with anger) you fucking my brother, how long this shit been going on?

Terry: A Calm down lil bro, (As he looked over to Rashawn), Shawn bey get dressed and dip out bey, alright, I going to call you later, let me talk to this nigga alone

Rashawn: Alright nigga (He said under his voice)

As Rashawn got dress the same hat that was in the front room he put on his head and suddenly it all made sense. It made sense why my bro was so anti gay ; it was because he saw himself in them and was hiding his true feelings. It also made sense why he been acting strange lately but I couldn't even be mad because I was doing the same thing. Only thing I aint fuck he best friend yet, but do oral count? Loll but any way I was kind of happy because this would mean I wouldn't have to sneak around Terry. This nigga was doing the same thing. I KEEP IS SECRET AND HE KEEP MIND SIMPLE! But even though he took my best friend away from me I still loved my big bro to death.

Terry: Mjay I know what you may think about me now and yea I into niggas bruh, i ga be real with you


Me: How long you were fucking my best friend nigga?

Terry: Lil bro tell you no lie but we been fucking since the beginning of the summer

Me: bey! You the reason that nigga wasn't on my run no more

Terry: well Yea! (He burst out laughing)

Me: bey this shit aint funny at all do, so yawl two together?

Terry: Yea bro, you could say that, but real talk I think I love that nigga

Me: Love!! But how yawl two even knew about the other one(I look at him shocked)

Terry: Yea nigga love (he burst out laughing) Bey after school closed for summer break it was one Sunday. You went to church with mum and Dad. Rashawn came looking for you ya see. I was fresh out the shower and heard the door bell; I went to answer the door with a towel around my waist. I told nigga you weren't home but he insisted that he was going to wait on you so I let him in. No lie niggas was looking sexy in them jersey pants, it hugged his ass right, I kind of gave him a I want fuck that look as he walk in but I didn't pay no mind cause I thought nigga didn't play. He went into the front room and turned on the TV to wait on you and was chillin. I went in my room to put on some clothes. I was at my underwear draw and I dropped my towel same time. Next thing i heard the door push open and I turned around exposing my dick and it was him. Nigga just drop to his knees and went to work.no lie i fucked him and from then we was hanging out

Me: DAM! Well I here that bruh. I happy for you man at least you found love. Thugs need love to a (I burst out laughing)


Terry: Lmao you know it nigga. The heart wants what the heart wants king...real talk! (We both sit there laughing for a minute and then it went silent) So lil bro you aint got nothing you want tell me a since we talking about sexuality?

Me: Bey what you talking about now (Starts to get lil nervous and think to myself this nigga can't be talking about me and Chris, but then again how the fuck would he know).

Terry :( Terry starts to smile and looks me dead in the eye) you sure nigga?

Me: Yea bro I sure man (trying to hide how nervous I was cause here I was guilty of doing the same thing and didn't know how he would react)..I going to catch you later bey, I heading back over to Dion's house.

Terry: (He started laughing) Yea Later.....Chris's shawty!

Me: All wide eyes looking like a deer caught in head lights and said how the fuck you know bey!

Terry: I didn't but that look on your face confirmed it loll (Terry burst out laughing). This some weird shit you fucking my right hand man and I fucking yours, wow. But yawl niggas need to work on yawl sneaking methods, loll I saw nigga sneaking out your room the that night after mom was at your door, You know her mouth loud so I peeked out after I heard her to see what was going on and I saw you and Chris sneaking to the backdoor. Lol lil man, when you think no one watching, trust me someone probably is. Remember that bruh.

Me :( I burst out laughing) ok nigga you caught me. Yea me and nigga going.I am doing the same thing you doing. But nigga you start shit first you been fucking my friend the whole summer

Terry: Well I did start it but nigga it aint my fault nigga hooked on this dick (he burst out laughing) My Boi fucking my lil brother a! Still can't believe it

Me: Bey we aint fuck yet. So I aint know what you running on with king

Terry picked up his phone and called up Chris

Terry: Sup nigga.. a man we got to talk bro, can't come over by the house a bruh

Chris: Everything cool bruh and yea I was headed that way anyway, be there in a min

Terry: Alright dawg.. link you when you reach.

What do you think terry want tell Chris?

and writing new chapter as we speak and thanks for support thus far

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