《Arta - the last princess》Chapter-29


The next day Arta did not accompany Osman to his office. She did not want him to suspect anything. She was sitting on the edge of a pond in the garden thinking about a way to get some information when the same servant approached and bowed to Arta.

"Do you have anything to give me princess?"

"Not yet. Let's meet tomorrow here again."

She wanted to help Abtin but so far she did not have any information to share. She knew that she did not have time either because the army was leaving in two days to the north. She was determined to get her hands on the plans that were on Kabir's desk the other day.

She was patiently waiting the whole day to execute her plan. When the night falls and Osman was asleep, that was the only time for her. She knew all the passages and corners of the palace. She could safely reach Kabir's office and come back before Osman realizes her absence.


"Is something wrong my love? You looked distracted." Osman asked her when they were having dinner.

"What? No, everything is fine. I'm just a bit tired." She gave him a reassuring smile.

Osman smiled back and continued with his dinner.

After dinner, they went to the balcony watching the stars and breathing in the fresh cool air. They were sitting on a couch and Osman's hand was around Arta's back and Arta was leaning on him.

"Tell me about your day. What did you do?" Osman asked.

"Nothing much. Walking in the gardens, arguing about everything with Nahla. You know the usual. What about you?"

"Today was a very busy day for me. You know the army is leaving for the north in two days and there is a lot to be done. Although Kabir is the best general still I wish I could go with them. You know I'm a worrier, I'm not used to staying in one place and watch."

"I know, but you are the next sultan so you should prepare yourself and get used to this situation."

"I know." Osman sighed "Sometimes I wish I was just a simple farmer or a shepherd living somewhere remote from this hectic life with you. I imagine ourselves begin two commoners living a simple life but full of love and of course lots of children." And he laughed.

Arta turned her head and looked into his eyes "That's a wonderful dream. I wish we could have that life too. But with some modification about the children part." She smiled. She loved him so much and betraying and spying for his enemy was breaking her heart. But what choice did she have? She knew he and his generals would never listen to her, especially Kabir did not care about her people at all. So she had to do something for them.


Arta shivered and curled up herself.

"Let's go inside before you catch a cold." Osman lifted her and took her to the bed and covered her under the blanket.

He lied down next to her on the bed and hugged her from behind. He put some light kisses on the back of her neck.

"Let me warm you my love." And he pushed away the blanket and started to kiss her lips, neck, going down to her full breasts and her thighs.

Her heart was pounding with anticipation, but Osman was not in a hurry. Arta grabbed his head and pulled it toward her lips. She was ready for him, she told him with her eyes.

Osman could not wait any longer either. He kissed her and whispered into her ears "Give me a son my love!" and entered her.


The room was surrounded by darkness. Even the moon was hidden behind the clouds. The heavy breaths of Osman indicated he was in a deep sleep.

This was the time that Arta was waiting for all day. She crept out of the bed and wrapped herself into a black robe and tiptoed out of the room. She slowly closed the door behind her and waited for a few seconds to see if she could hear any sounds from inside the room showing Osman has woken up.

When she made sure that Osman was still sleeping, she turned and examined the corridor. There were only a few lanterns on. In the dim light of the corridor and the stairs, she could not see anyone.

She tiptoed down the stairs and walked toward the entrance. Two guards were sitting on the steps leading to the palace looking sleepy and tired. There was no way to get out of the palace from the main entrance without them noticing her.

She decided to use the servants' door. No one usually guards there.

She carefully took the stairs down toward the servants' quarter in the basement. The door was at the other end of the basement. She quickly walked toward the other end and when she was about to open the door she heard someone was talking on the other side of the door.

"What do you think they are doing all night?" she giggled.

"I don't know and I don't care." It was Amal answering to the other maid. They entered exactly when Arta managed to hide in the darkness behind one of the pillars.


"Don't be jealous Amal!" the other maid laughed.

"I'm not jealous because I know my prince. He married her to get power, there is no love involved in their marriage." Amal hissed.

"Yeah, right! You wish!"

"Well he is a man after all and he will get bored of her and you know we are all halal to him as his maids and that's when I'm going to make him mine."

"You are crazy Amal."

Arta was doing her best not to rash to Amal and gave her what she deserved. They passed Arta while still arguing.

Arta took a deep breath to calm herself and slowly opened the door and walked out. The cool air calmed her nerves and she continued walking toward the offices in the darkness. There were guards here and there but she could manage to pass them without being seen.

She was in front of Kabir's office. She turned the doorknob and entered the dark room.

Her heart was beating so fast and his throat was dry. The room was darker than the outside and it took a few seconds for her eyes to get used to the darkness inside.

She looked for a candle and lit it. The big table in the middle of the room was covered with maps and plans.

"Damn! How would I know which one is the right one? Off Abtin!" she approached the table and looked at the maps in front of her.

Luckily she could recognize the maps that showed the northern part of the empire. At first, it was not easy to understand the meaning of all the signs and symbols on the map but after spending almost half an hour she could understand what the map was saying. She tried her best to memorize all the details that she thought could be important to Abtin.

After spending more than an hour she blew off the candle and quickly exit Kabir's office and walked back to her chambers using the same route that she used a couple of hours earlier.

She let out a relieved breath when she closed the chamber door behind her and saw Osman was still sleeping on their bed.

She decided to go to the dressing room and write whatever she could remember from the maps and plans. She lit a candle and placed it on her makeup table and started writing and drawing the map that she had memorized.

It was almost dawn when she finished writing. She quickly blew off the candle, hid the letter in one of her dress's pockets and tiptoed to the bed.


It was almost noon when she woke up by Nahla.

"Wake up princess. Did you had a long night?" she said and opened the curtains. The sun rays filled the room.

"Nahla please let me sleep a bit more."

"It is almost noon. You have to eat something and then we should get you prepared for tonight's feast."

"What feast?"

"The army is soon going to depart to the north and there is always a feast before the army's departure."

"I see. I need to get some fresh air as well."

"I can take your breakfast to the balcony."

"No, I'll have my breakfast and then go for a walk in the gardens."

"We don't have much time, you need to get prepared for the feast, remember?"

"I know, it won't take long. I'll be back on time. Don't worry."

"OK, I'll come with you to make sure of that."

"No, I want to be alone." Arta said firmly.

Nahla shrugged and stopped arguing.

Arta ate her breakfast as quickly as she could and rushed to the gardens going straight to the pond to meet that servant.

The servant was already there waiting for her when she arrived. The servant bowed and she quickly gave him the letter.

"Do you expect a reply princess?"

"No no, just give this to Abtin and never come back again."

The servant bowed and disappeared between fruit trees.

It was done. Now she could relax. She leaned back on a bench beside the pond and took several deep breaths. It was then when sadness washed over her, the feeling of guilt and betrayal. How could she do this to Osman? She was about to burst into tears when she reminded herself of the people and her act could save many women and children.

Arta was so confused with her feelings that she did not notice Ahmad was watching her from behind a tree.

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