《Arta - the last princess》Chapter-28


"I would like to come with you today." Arta said when they were having breakfast.

"Why so suddenly? Don't you wanna enjoy yourself a bit as my beautiful wife, ordering around and do whatever you want?" Osman said with his mouth full.

"I grew up ordering around and doing whatever I wanted."

"Oh right. Sorry, I forgot. Ok no problem with me. But I warn you, you may get bored."

"Don't worry, if I got bored, I'll leave."

"Ok so finish up your breakfast and let's go."

"I'm done."

"What? You haven't eaten anything but orange juice. You cannot possibly survive the whole day with an empty stomach."

"Fine!" Arta had enough pressure on her right now, she did not want to argue with Osman and add to her stress level, so she started to eat breakfast. She had made up her mind last night. She was going to get as much as information as she could and send them to Abtin. But only this time and she was going to write to him that she will not spy on her husband again. She was shaking from inside and felt so bad about this, but she knew she had to do something for her people as well otherwise she would feel guilty for not saving Persian's lives for the rest of her life.

After finishing up their breakfast they left for the main palace, where Osman's office was.

"This used to be Abtin's office." Arta murmured when they arrived.

"Did you say something?"

"I said this was Abtin's office. One of our loyal generals."

"Oh, I see. The one that remained until very last second in the palace and defended it. He must be an honorable man. Do you know what had happened to him?"

Arta's heart suddenly sank to the pit of her stomach "How should I know that when I've practically trapped here." She said a bit too sharply and hissed then turned her head from Osman.

Osman approached her "Oh come on, you know you are not trapped here. I'm just worried about your safety. I can protect you here inside of the palace. I don't know what will happen outside if you step out."

"What? You mean my own people might harm me?"

"No, not just your people. We still have lots of enemies out there. I don't want you to get harm." He kissed her cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear "That's all."

A knock on the door stopped them from continuing this conversation and Arta felt relieved.

"Come in." Osman said.

"Oh sorry, we did not know you have a company." Ahmad said when he saw Arta and was about to leave when Osman said "It's alright. Come on in. Today Arta accompanies us. She liked to be more involved in some of the governing tasks."

Obviously, Ahmad did not like the idea, but he did not dare to say anything he just nodded and entered the room.

In the contrary, Samir entered the room with a huge smile on his face "very happy to see you again princess." And he bowed. Arta Smiled at him. He was the opposite of Ahmad, friendly and kind.


"It's really wonderful that you have decided to get involved in the governing tasks. At least we can see you more around." Samir said with an enthusiasm of a child in his eyes. Arta laughed "I'm happy to see you too Samir."

Osman cleared his throat and narrowed his eyes looking at Samir. Samir realized that he had probably overstepped his limits. He scratched the back of his head and walked to where Ahmad was standing shaking his head to the right and left with disappointment.

"So, what's the news?" Osman asked them.

Ahmad looked at Arta and then looked at Osman with doubt.

When Osman saw the hesitation, he said "you can say it. Arta is part of the family and she is here to help us too."

Arta felt bad.

"Well, we have problems with the northern towns. There are several uprisings against us and many cities do not accept our governors and the army that we had sent to the north to get control of the cities was attacked several times. We have lost many soldiers and the situation is not good. We need to do something quickly."

Osman frowned and was thinking while Arta's heart was beating fast in her chest.

Another knock on the door and Kabir came in.

He bowed to Osman and Arta. He looked at Arta and then looked at Osman questionably.

"Arta is here to help us with governing," Osman said.

"I don't think that'd be a good idea, my prince." Kabir said firmly.

"What did you say?" Osman said stepping toward Kabir.

"With all due respect, I don't think involving princess Arta at this stage in the governing issues would be a good idea. I don't think your father approves this either."

"Well you see my father is not here and I AM IN CHARGE. DO YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEM WITH THAT KABIR?" Osman said looking angry and almost shouting. It was not the way he liked to be treated by his subjects and especially in front of Arta.

"It's alright Osman, I can leave." Arta touched Osman's arm and said softly to him.

"No, you will stay. If anyone has any problem they can leave now."

Kabir did not say anything else, he bowed and stepped back.

"Good. Now let's continue. So do you have any plan regarding the issues with northern cities?" Osman asked Kabir.

"Yes, if you agree my prince, I'll accompany our army to the north to suppress the uprisings and conquer all the remaining cities."

Osman nodded.

Arta cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

"Do you want to say something?" Osman asked Arta.

"yes, what about women and children?"

"What about them?" Kabir said.

"Well, they should not get harmed." She said as a matter of fact.

"This is war princess; anyone's life cannot be guaranteed." Kabir laughed.

"of course it can. You just need to order your soldiers not to harm or rape them." Arta said with disgust.

Kabir looked at Osman who was closing his eyes not looking at Arta or Kabir.

"Princess is right. Women and children are innocents. They should not get harmed. Make sure of that." Osman said finally.


Kabir could not be angrier but he did not show any emotion on his face, he bowed.

"We will go over the plans after the noon prayer, you may leave now" Osman said to Kabir.

When he left the room he devilishly murmured "Yes princess, don't worry. No one will get harmed. I personally will make sure of that."


"We are now going for the noon prayer, are you coming with us?" Osman asked Arta.

"No, I'll go to our chambers. Are you coming to have lunch together?"

"Yes. I'll."

"Do you want to come as well?" Arta asked Samir and Osman out of politeness.

Samir suddenly said yes but Ahmad hit him with his elbow and said "Thank you, princess. Maybe another time."

Then they left the office, Arta went to the chambers and other guys went for the noon prayers.

Arta was walking through the main palace corridor when she saw Kabir coming out of one of the rooms at the far end of the corridor. She did not pay attention to him and turned to the right and went to the gardens that led to the royal chambers. She slowed down her pace to make sure that Kabir has left the corridor. Then she turned back and walked towards Kabir's office.

"There should be information that I need." Arta was thinking with herself. She was standing in front of Kabir's office when she heard someone was approaching her.

"Do you need something princess." It was Ahmad, who was coming back from performing wudu before prayer and he saw Arta walking in the opposite direction of the chambers and got suspicious.

Arta smiled hysterically which Ahmad noticed and said "um, nothing I just wanted to see how things in this part of the palace have changed, you know comparing to when my father was the king."

"Here are the generals' offices, I don't think it is appropriate for you to wander around here alone princess. Let me accompany you to your chambers." Ahmad said. He was not convinced by her explanation at all.

"No need for that. You must join the others for the prayer. I'll also leave immediately to my chambers." And without waiting for him to respond, Arta walked past Ahmad and quickly disappeared from Ahmad's sight.

"She is up to something," Ahmad said thoughtfully.


Arta quickly went to the bed chambers and threw herself on the bed. "fww, that was close." Her heart was beating fast. "Off Abtin, look what you have put me into."

She needed to calm herself before Osman comes for lunch. She changed her dress and laid down on the bed and she fell asleep in no time.

When she woke up it was late in the afternoon, the sun was about to set and Osman was not there.

She called for Nahla and asked her whether Osman had come for lunch or not.

"yes he came but when he saw you are asleep he ate his lunch alone and left."


"I see someone has got used to eating with her love." Nahla said mockingly.

"No, it's not that."

"OK, whatever you say." And she winked. "I'll bring your lunch right away."

"I don't have an appetite for lunch. Do you know when the prince is coming back?"

"He said he'll be back for dinner. But you should eat something before dinner. I'm going to prepare a light meal for you and I won't take no for an answer. I'll be right back."

Arta knew arguing with Nahla is useless so she just nodded.

After having her meal, she decided to go back to the offices. She was so angry with herself. She just needed to accompany Osman to that meeting with Kabir to know about their plans and that was it. Now she had to get that information in a hard way.

She quickly walked past the gardens and reached to the offices. She went straight to the Osman office and knocked. No one replied. She opened the door and no one was there. Then she went to Kabir's office and knocked. Samir opened the door.

"Oh hi princess. Are you looking for Prince Osman?" he said cheerfully.

"um yes, is he here?"

"Please come in."

"Arta, what are you doing here?" Osman asked looking happy and shocked.

"I think I was supposed to be in this meeting as well."

"of course, but you were asleep, and I did not want to wake you up."

Ahmad and Kabir did not like her presence in the room. Kabir slowly hid the maps and their plans under a pile of paper and papyrus.

"It's alright, now I'm here. Let's continue." She said giving him a warm smile.

"My prince" Kabir bowed, "I think we are done for today. I need to prepare our army for departure, too."

"yes you are right, so let's move on with the same plan that you showed us. And don't forget what the princess said about women and children."

"We'll do our best my prince to came back with a victory."

Osman took Arta's hand and left the room. Arta was so disappointed that she couldn't say a word. They went for a walk in the gardens.

When they were far enough from everyone Arta asked "So how did the planning go?"

"It went well, Kabir had already thought of everything. He is one of our bests if not the best general in the army."

"So tell me about your plan."

Osman stopped and looked at Arta in the eyes "I know you are worried for your people, but this war is not over yet especially in the northern part of the country. I wanted to ask you not to bother yourself with this matter since it may affect our relationship. You know, it's your country and we had to attack and conquer cities. I don't want these things to affect our love and relationship. I hope you understand my concerns."

Arta was silent for a few seconds "Of course I understand, let's not talk about it anymore." She knew if she insisted more, she would not only lose his trust but also lose himself as well. She had to think of a way to get information, soon.

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