《Arta - the last princess》Chapter-22


"Was that clear enough?" Osman asked still looking dangerous and wild. Arta said nothing. She was still panting and a bit scared. She did not know how to react to that. The kiss was a surprise and the fact that she liked it was even more surprise to her.

She was feeling joy and guilt at the same time. She moved a step closer to Osman; she was thinking "Should I slap him or kiss him again?" she looked him in the eyes but could not bear that confusing situation anymore. So, she chose the easiest thing that came to her half functioning head: She ran as fast as she could.

"Wait!" Osman shouted behind her, obviously, she did not wait. "crazy woman!" Osman put one hand in his hair and sighed.

She ran and went straight up to her room. she had never run this much in her life before. She was seeing black dots in the air and she had to hold the back of the chair to become stable.

She drank a glass of water. Heat was radiating from her body. After a few minutes, she felt better.

She slapped her forehead "Why the hell did I run away like a child?"

Then she heard a knock on the door. Her heart fell to the pit of her stomach. She thought it was Osman. But when Nahla came in she let out the breath that she was holding.

"What is wrong with you? have you seen a jinni or something?" Nahla asked mockingly.

"It's nothing!" she was blushing, which did not go unnoticed from Nahla's eyes.

"I was wondering where you two went after the prayer?" Nahla was enjoying mocking her. She could tell from the color of her cheeks and lips that something had happened between them.

Arta shot Nahla a furious glance.

"OK princess, don't get angry! I won't say anything else." She laughed. "You need to take a bath and make yourself pretty. We have a surprise for you!"

"What? A surprise? What do you mean? Who are 'we'?"

"Easy now! First thing first; let's move to the bath hall."

"I won't do anything unless you tell me what is going on."

"Please Arta, me as your friend wanted to do something nice for you, and Khadijeh also helped me with it, and other people as well. Please collaborate for once in your life and don't ruin all our efforts."

Arta sighed "Alright!"

"Perfect! Now let's clean you up."

After the bath. Arta wore the dress that Nahla had already prepared for her. It was a pale red sleeveless dress decorated with lots of precious red stones.

Looking at the heavy dress Arta asked "I don't know what is your surprise, but isn't this dress a bit too much?"

"No, it is not. Trust me!"

"Oh my God Nahla, you are making me nervous. What is this surprise? It is not my birthday yet, you know that, right?"


"I know. Just be patient, you'll know soon." Then she decorated Arta's hair with a golden string that gathered her hair in a loose bun.

"you are so beautiful Arta!" Nahla said looking at her admirably as her eyes filled with tears.

Arta smiled "Don't be silly, you are far prettier than me if you also wear this fancy dress and all these makeup."

"As if this dress fits me!" they both laughed. That was true, Nahla was chubby.

"Now let's go. Today I'm your family, of course, if you give me this honor."

A tear dropped from Arta's eyes. she sniffed "you truly want to ruin my pretty face, don't you?"

"Let's go!" Nahla said and they left the room.

Arta could hear the music coming from the audience hall downstairs. Suddenly the door to Osman's room opened. Osman, Samir, and Ahmad came out all happy and smiley. They all had worn their best clothes. Osman looked as handsome as ever in a black silk aba worn over a white thawb. A white long headscarf was covering his black long hairs.

Arta's heart was racing in her chest. She looked at Nahla questionably. Nahla gave her a reassuring look and gently pushed her toward Osman's direction. Ahmad and Samir also accompanied Osman walking toward Arta.

When Osman got close enough, he extended his hand "Shall we?" a shy smile appeared on his lips.

"errr... I don't know what is going on." Arta said confusingly looking at Nahla then Osman and his friends.

"I'm not sure what it is either but from what I understood this was Nahla's idea to through you a party called Hana-bandan, which is a Persian thing and I'm not familiar with at all."

Arata's eyes popped out of her head "WHAT??" she looked at Nahla who now was thinking maybe it was not a good idea to throw her Hana-bandan party. This ceremony should have been held by her family a day or two before the wedding, but since Arta did not have any family Nahla wanted to do this for her. Nahla had heard about the Hana-bandan ceremony and learned everything that should be done during the ceremony from the woman who was preparing Arta's wedding dress.

Arta was looking at Nahla in disbelief and Nahla was almost sure that this was a bad idea. Then suddenly tears dropped from Arta's eyes and whispered, "Thank you!" to Nahla.

Arta gave her hand to Osman and they descended the stairs.

In the hall, Arta saw mostly unfamiliar faces who were bowing to them as they were passing to reach the head of the hall where two big chairs were placed for them.

When they sat the music started. The Persian dancers danced to the music played by the Persian musicians and instruments. All around the hall were full of colorful cushions and pillows with short tables in front of them full of delicates for the guests to enjoy.

Arta looked at Osman who was looking uneasy being in the center of attention. Arta giggled.


"What are you laughing at?" He asked

"Nothing!" she laughed.

Osman's heart fluttered when he saw her laughter, she was happy and that made him happy.

"Just for your knowledge, I'm a warrior, not a spoiled prince who attends parties like this."

"Just for your knowledge, this party is for you and me. So, try to relax and enjoy it."

"I heard from Samir that we should apply Henna to our hands, is that true?"

"Yes, and this ceremony is really important in Persia for two persons who want to get married. We believe that Henna comes from paradise and is a symbol of happiness, kindness and fortune. So, in this ceremony, we wish for a marriage full of happiness, kindness, and fortune."

"Well, I'm sure not everyone at this party wishes those things for us." Arta turned her head and saw Azim entered the hall. He briefly bowed and went and sat with other men on the left side of the hall.

Sultan also joined them and sat on a chair close to Osman.

After a few minutes, the music changed to more rhythmic music and two dancers entered the hall with big trays of henna on their heads. They looked very skillful as the trays of henna were placed on their heads without them holding the trays and they were dancing and approaching the bride and groom.

They placed the trays of henna which were decorated with flowers in front of Arta and Osman. Nahla came and grabbed a hand full of henna and placed it on Arta's left palm. Samir was doing the same for Osman following Khadijeh's instructions who was standing behind him telling him what to do. Samir placed henna on the right palm of Osman's hand. Then Samir and Nahla brought Arta's and Osman's hands together and they locked their hands together.

All guests applaud and made happy noises for the bride and groom.

Arta and Osman were looking at each other. Osman held Arta's hand harder and pulled her closer then whispered to her ear "I promise to fill your life with nothing but happiness, kindness, fortune and... love"

Arta bit her lower lip and blushed when he said love. She felt a thousand butterflies in her stomach.

He wanted to kiss her again, but it was not possible when all eyes were on them.

After a few minutes, they detached their hands and clean them in a bowl of water that Nahla had brought. The orange color of henna on their palms was visible.


The next morning Arta woke up to the sound of birds singing outside. This was her last day before she becomes a married woman. She was lying in the bed thinking about her father, her brother, the war, and now this new life. She was thinking about the people and how she and Osman together can improve their lives.

Nahla knocked and came in with the tray of breakfast.

"Good morning princess!" she placed the tray on the table and drew the curtains open. Sunlight filled the room and Arta hid her head under the bedsheets and nagged.

"I don't think that's how you want to spend your last day as a free woman."

Arta threw the bedsheets away and said "what do you mean my last day as a free woman. I'll still be a free woman after the marriage."

Nahla shrugged "Maybe the concept of marriage is different in Arabia and Persia."

"What do you mean? I'm marrying one of you people from Arabia!" Arta looked worried. She rushed out of the bed and ran out.

Nahla shouted "Where are you going in that dress? Wait!" but it was too late.

Arta knocked on Osman's door several times until Osman finally opened the door looking at her with half-opened eyes.

"Oh my God, what is wrong with you woman?" he was rubbing his eyes.

"We need to talk." She let herself in.

"Have you missed me already?" he came in and closed the door.

He then looked at Arta from head to toe in her revealing sleeping dress, a thin silk shoulder strap short dress.

"You know I kinda wanted to wait until after our marriage, but if you insist to do it now, I won't dare to object." Osman said with a smirk on his lips.

"What? Shut up!" she turned and tried to cover herself by crossing her hands over her breasts.

Osman stood in front of her. he grabbed her chin and gently made her to look at him "Don't be shy, my love. I told you before, I won't touch you until you want me to. I've been waiting so long to have you in my life and I'll respect you and your body until you come to me."

Arta blushed and bit her lip.

He moved his finger to her lip and free it from her teeth. Then he kissed it gently.

"Don't run away this time." He said after the kiss. "Come and sit with me."

Osman grabbed a quilt from his bed and wrapped Arta in it. It was impossible to just sit beside her when she was almost naked. They went to the balcony and sat on the couch there watching the mountain scene in front of them.

After a few silent minutes, Arta said "I came to talk to you about our after-marriage life. I don't want anything to change."

"Well, some things will definitely change. For example, I want to wake up by your side every morning." He said as a matter of fact.

"Don't be stupid, I mean for example my freedom of choice. I cannot change myself to what you or your culture expect me to be. I am who you see right now, and I don't want to change."

"I fell in love with who you are right now. I never want you to change."

Arta breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that and placed her head on Osman's shoulder.

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