《Arta - the last princess》Chapter-21


Arta was sitting in the balcony thinking about all the things that had happened to her. How her life turned upside down in the blink of an eye. What is this cruel destiny that God had written for her?

She wanted to start a new life with Osman, why did he treat her like she meant nothing to him? she wanted to be truly by his side and rule Persia not only for Persian's sake but for her own heart as well. The heart which was ready to accept Osman.

Two days had passed since the day Osman gave her, her mother's necklace. She wanted to run to Osman's room and ask him what has happened to him, but her pride would never allow her.

She was deep in her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door. Her heart skipped a beat in anticipation. It'd been two days now that she is waiting for Osman to come to her and be his kind and caring self again.

Nahla came in looking as happy as ever "Guess what?" she was jumping up and down, clapping her hands.

"I'm not in a good mood, just leave me alone."

"What? No way!"

"Whatever!" Arta sighed and walked back to the room.

"Hey wait, I have good news for you." then she looked hesitant "Well, I think it's good news."

Arta rolled her eyes "Just say it and leave me alone."

"The marriage date has set. You are getting married to the crown prince next week! How exciting is that?!?!" she started to clap again.

"What? That soon? I'm still not ready." Arta jumped to her feet looking anxious.

"Calm down my friend. We will make everything ready. I have already talked with Khadijeh about your wedding dress and other arrangements. So, don't worry about that."

"offf Nahla. I'm not talking about the stupid wedding dress. I'm talking about myself. I'm not mentally and emotionally ready."


"I have to see Osman. I need to talk to him right now."

"But the prince is not here. He left the palace two days ago with his soldiers."

"Where did he go? When is he coming back?"

"I don't know." She shrugged.

Arta threw herself on the bed. Her head was spinning from the sudden news.

"Anyway, about the wedding dress. I think ..." Nahla was talking non-stop but Arta was deep in her thoughts and was not listening to her.

She knew the marriage was going to happen sooner or later but not like this, not when obviously there is a misunderstanding between Osman and her. She needed to talk to him.

She decided to go and ask Khadijeh to see if she knew where was Osman and when he was coming back?

"What happened? Didn't you like my ideas about the flowers?"

"What flowers?"

"Did you hear anything that I said?"

"Sorry Nahla, I wasn't listening to you." She looked distracted.

"It's alright. I can explain it to you again, probably another time."

"Thanks!" then she rushed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Well well, look who has honored us with her presence." It was Amal who was standing in front of Arta in the kitchen. "It's our latest colleague, the princess of Persia." Then she laughed and a few maids in the kitchen also laughed.


Arta was looking around the room looking for Khadijeh.

"Now tell us, what is your secret? How did you manage to become a princess again, when you were just a prisoner?"

Arta looked at her angrily, but she did not want to lower herself to the point of arguing with her.

"What is going on here?" Khadijeh came in. "Your highness!" She bowed. "What has brought you here? Do you need anything? Where is Nahla?"

Amal stepped backward and looked as if nothing has happened between them. Arta did not pay any more attention to her.

"I need to ask you something." Arta said to Khadijeh. They walked out of the kitchen.

"Do you know when does Osman return?"

"No princess but I know he and his men went to the military camp outside of the capital. He usually stays there for a week or so. If you need anything tell me, maybe I can help you with it."

"No, I need to talk to him."

Khadijeh nodded "I'll let you know as soon as he returned."

"Thanks!" she left Khadijeh feeling depressed.


One week passed without any signs of Osman and Arta's nervousness and her eagerness to talk to Osman was turning to anger and hatred.

"Where the hell is he? I'm sure he has disappeared on purpose. He wants to torture me. How stupid I was to think even for a second that he cares for me." She was repeating these to herself all the time and cursing herself for being so naïve.

The wedding was in two days. Nahla and Khadijeh made everything ready for the big ceremony since Arta did not want to do anything with the wedding.

Arta was in her room listening to Nahla talking endlessly about the wedding arrangements. There was a knock on the door and a soldier came in and bowed "Sultan wants to see you in the main hall. I'll accompany you."

When they reached to the main hall Arta saw Sultan sitting on the throne. Then she saw Osman standing in front of Sultan. His back was to her and when she arrived he turned and briefly looked at her.

Arta's heart started beating fast, she felt warmth in her eyes and her hands became sweaty. She forgot all the anger and surprisingly she felt happy seeing him. "He is here! He came back!" she said to herself. But when she saw the cold look on Osman's face and his indifference toward herself, it was as if an arrow punched her heart.

"Oh come in my daughter." Said Sultan with a smile on his face.

Arta did not bow, she only lowered her gaze in respect mainly because he was an elderly person, nothing else. She will never bow to anyone.

Osman was silent, looking at his father. Arta walked closer and stood by Osman's side.

"There is something that we have to discuss before the marriage." Sultan cleared his throat and continued "You have to convert to Islam."

Arta's eyes widened in surprise "What? Why should I do that?"

"Well, it's the law of Islam. A Muslim man cannot marry a non-Muslim woman unless she converts."

"I won't do that. I'll not change my religion for this marriage."

Sultan laughed "Osman said that you wouldn't. OK then you don't have to convert to Islam with all your heart, it will be just a superficial ceremony for others to shut their mouth and accept your marriage."


Arta smirked, "Is this how you respect your religion and your Muslim society?"

"No this is how I respect you and your religion." Sultan stood up and roared, his voice echoed in the hall.

Sultan took a deep breath and calmed himself "You can believe in whatever God you have in your heart, but for the sake of Persia and Persians you have to commit to this marriage and the first step for Arabs to accept you as their bride is to convert to Islam."

Arta did not say anything else and silently looked at Sultan.

"Offf Osman, God gives you patience with this woman." Sultan shook his head and sat on the throne again. "You may leave now. Get prepared for this ceremony after today's evening prayer."

When the doors closed behind them Osman continued to walk without paying any attention to Arta.

"Wait!" Arta shouted. "How dare you treat me like this? Who do you think you are?"

Osman stopped walking and turned to look at Arta. "Don't forget who you are talking to woman." Osman said while clenching his teeth.

"I know who I am talking to. My enemy who has slaughtered my family and my people and now I have to forcefully marry him."

Osman rushed toward Arta and grabbed her by her upper arms and looked into her eyes furiously "for the last time, I had nothing to do with the death of your father and brother. It was a war for God's sake, what were you expecting?" then he let go of her arms and this time with a husky heartbroken voice continued "I did everything for you, I stepped over my boundaries to show you how much I cared for you, how much I ..." he stopped and swallowed a lump in his throat and looked at the floor.

"How much what?" Arta gathered all her courage and asked. Her heart was beating so fast.

"Forget it. As I told you before, you are free to do whatever you want after Sultan left the capital." With that, he turned on his hills and left Arta.

"Wait!" Arta shouted but he did not stop this time.

Osman knew if he stops, he would rash back to her, hugs her, kisses her, and tells her how much he loves her and how much he had missed her in the past few days. But knowing her feelings toward himself, he knew that would be just embarrassing. She will never love him and she will always blame him for her father's and brother's death.


Arta and Nahla entered the hall while people were still praying. There were about 100 people standing behind Sultan praying in harmony. Arta could recognize Osman standing behind his father. His eyes were closed, and his face looked peaceful and kind.

Arta's heart melted at the sight of him with his broad shoulders, well-built body and long hairs. She was looking at him intently when he suddenly opened his eyes and stared back at Arta for a few seconds before he went into the sitting position and continue his prayer.

The evening prayer ended and Sultan told everyone about the Persian princess who is going to convert to Islam.

Sultan approached Arta and invited her to come and sit on the ground in front of everyone. Arta followed his instructions and repeated the Shahada after Sultan.

"Congratulations my daughter you are now a Muslim."

Arta was surprised how people could believe that she has turned to Islam just by repeating a few words. That was the stupidest thing she had ever done in her life. Although she was never a religious person as a Zoroastrian, she always believed in God. Muslim's God or Zoroastrian God, to her there is only one God, the God that she believed in.

Everyone was congratulating her and Osman. Azim was also among the people who approached Arta to congratulate her.

"Look what love can do to a person." He paused then continued "or better to say fear, or maybe desire for power? Which one is it princess?" he was almost whispering to her.

When Osman saw Azim talking to Arta he went and grabbed Arta's hand "Let's go princess."

"Oh, what is the rush cousin? Don't tell me you afraid that I steal your bride's heart." He laughed.

"Know your limits Azim. I have already warned you not to come anywhere close to Arta." He said clenching his fist.

"Oh, my poor cousin, princess and I have already discussed a lot in private. I can even say we are really close friends." He winked to Arta.

"What are you talking about?" Arta said in disbelief.

"Oh, princess don't be shy." He smiled and continued "Anyway, I just wanted to say congratulations." Then he left knowing that he had done the damage.

Osman was standing there still holding Arta's hand while watching Azim leaving the hall. He was beyond angry. What did he mean by them being close friends?

He turned his head and looked at Arta then he rushed out of the hall dragging Arta behind her. He was walking fast and Arta was almost running behind him.

"Slow down, I cannot run anymore. What is wrong with you? where are we going?" Arta was panting as she was running behind Osman. She tried to free herself from his grip but it was useless.

They were in the middle of the royal gardens when Osman stopped walking. The sun was setting in the west and the evening breeze chilled her sweaty skin.

"you are crazy!" She said when she saw the flames of anger in his eyes. She freed her hand from his and turned her back to return to the palace before she caught a cold.

She hadn't even yet taken one step when two strong hands grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her to turn. She lost her balance and fell into Osman's embrace.

Osman looked angry and dangerous, a chill ran down her spine. What is he going to do to her? they were in the middle of the garden, no one could hear her even if she shouts for help.

"You are mine Arta. If I could I would hide you from everyone's eyes. No one but me should ever touch you." then he touched her lips. "No one but me should ever hug you" then he pressed her harder in his embrace. "No one but me should ever kiss you" then he pressed his lips on hers. At first, it was a soft and gentle kiss but then he pinned Arta to a tree and started to kiss her hungrily.

Then he suddenly withdrew from the kiss before he completely loses his control "Was that clear enough?"

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