《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 11: Oh My God Isn't Haku Adorable?!
[Chapter 11: Oh my God Isn't Haku Adorable?!]
"Mother Trucker!"
"Watch your language."
"Uh- that is me watching my language!"
Right in front of us was the unfinished bridge filled with bodies. Sakura loudly gasped as Tazuna ran up to the nearest body.
"Hey! What in the world happened?! He frantically asked the fallen worker. Before the barely conscious worker could reply, mist flourished in the area. Alert and slightly worried, I take a back away along with my team with a defensive stance, our backs slightly bumping into each other.
"Here they come!" Kakashi warned us, not that I needed it. Grabbing a kunai from my thigh pouch, I flinch when I sense 2 big chakra signatures. Over the past week, my poor ass sensorly abilities was slowly but surely improving so that I would now be able to at least notice S-class nin who were not even trying to cover themselves up. Man, life would be so much easier if they did that before.
"Long time no see Kakashi." Walking out from the mist, Zabuza held a smug look, Haku not in sight but still hiding among the mist. I refrain from sighing. I guess they didn't take my warning. I let a frown form, I should have expected that; why would anybody trust an enemy? My grip on the metal kunai tightened. What would've happened even if they did? "I see you've brought your little genin again. That one's still trembling... how pitiful."
In the corner of my eyes, my little brother smirked. "Yeah, I'm trembling... from excitement." He retorted. I hover my hand over my mouth as I giggled, losing form. Y'all not be excited when you almost die. Not like I'll let you this time. Well, hopefully not. In an instant, Zabuza created water clones in front of us, looking intimidating (not really tho, I mean, can someone with cow pants be scary?).
Kakashi smirked confidently beneath his mask. "He's all yours, Sasuke, Megumi." With that command in mind, the said duckbutt and I rushed forward and slashed the clones in an instant, dispersing them.
"That was fun!" I exclaim, twirling my kunai with a goofy grin and a hand on my hip. Sasuke did the same thing but more emo.
"Still annoying aren't ya brat?" The missing nin commented.
Kakashi sighed in exasperation, mumbling something along the lines of 'It's too early for this'.
"Well, it seems like you have some rivals Haku." On that cue, Haku appeared next to the missing nin, mask and all. What's with people with mask and looking hot without them?! Example: Kakashi, him, Kakuzu, and Obito. It's like the ultimate tease! I sigh despairingly , earning weird out looks from my team and interesting ones from Zabuza.
"Looks like I was right; he was never a tracker." Kakashi comments, slowly dismissing my actions.
"Stop hiding your face behind that stupid mask and face us!" Sakura yelled, her Inner Sakura coming out.
"Take her advice Kakashi~"
"Now is not the time Megumi."
"It's the time!"
"I'll face him." Sasuke announces, dismissing our little side conversation as his ego flaring up.
"Me too!" I pipe in to his disinterest.
He whipped his head at me with annoyance. "Nee-chan no."
I furrowed my brows and pout. "Nee-chan yes!"
He let out a tch. "Fine." He uttered out, caving in. I fist bumped the mist in triumph.
Adjusting his grip on his sword, Zabuza darted his eyes towards Haku. "You, take on the Uchihas."
And then the battle begun. Breaking into a sprint, he turned into a spinning tornado and dashed towards his targets: us.
We quickly blocked it with our kunai and took a step back. Clashing once more, Sasuke's kunai was up against Haku's senbon, both equally struggling. "Sakura! Guard Tazuna and don't leave my side! Sasuke and Megumi can handle him." I heard the Scarecrow say.
"I don't wish to kill you, but you won't stay down, will you?" Haku asked softly under his mask, gaining my attention again. I can't get distracted now!
My brother smirked. "How foolish."
Despite the situation, I laughed with a teasing smile of my own. "Says the foolish little brother himself."
His glare only made me laugh more.
"I see... well then, you won't be able to keep up on my speed again."
Haku then raised his free hand and started forming a series of hand signs. When he was done, he stomped the ground, causing water to rise up. Quickly assessing the situation, I motioned to my brother to channel his chakra to his legs and jumped before any water needles stabbed us.
In the air, I grabbed kunai from my pounch once more and chucked it at the unsuspecting nin. The long haired-male dogged it but not before Sasuke got up behind him.
"Hn. You're pretty slow," Haku whipped his head to face a smudged Uchiha. "From now on, you'll be the one running from my attacks." God I could hear Sakura fangirling within all this. When the missing nin ducked, my twin took the chance to kick him smack dab on the face, launching him back at Zabuza.
Landing on the ground gracefully (why do I always stumble like a total bitch?), I face my twin with a grin which he returned with a cocky smirk. I held my hand up for a high five.
He left me hanging.
Bitch what the fuck. I think in my head crying internally. "Looks like I have the advantage in speed." He commented, dismissing my awesome high five even thought I knew that he that I wanted to have that god damn awesome twin moment like what the . When they ask how you are and you say you're fine but you're not really fine but they could never understand-
"You shouldn't be underestimating and calling them brats." Kakashi started with a lazy but alert posture. Zabuza stared at him with irritation. "Sasuke's the village's number one rookie, Sakura's the brightest, and Naruto's the Leaf's hyperactive knucklehead ninja!"
I beamed, liking how Kakashi's complementing and acknowledging everybody- "Hey!" I shout, raising a fist at him, a bit ticked that he didn't say anything about me. "What about me?!"
"Ah. You're just crazy."
"You dum dum- I'll show you crazy!"
Pouting, We turn back to Zabuza and Haku when the guy starts freaking laughing mysteriously and intimidatingly. Sasuke started at them curiously. "Haku, at this rate we'll be driven back."
"Yes," His chilling chakra flared up, shocking all of us. "We can't have that." Holding a hand sign, Sasuke and I were suddenly in the famous Demonic Ice Mirrors. We immediately become alert and went into fighting stances, kunai in hand. Walking into the jutsu, we see Haku's form all over the mirrors.
In the cold, I shiver as cold sweat drips down my face. We are so fucked. "Well, where shall I begin?" The missing nin's soft voice rang throughout the prison. "I'll show you my true power."
Note: Before you proceed, I just wanna tell you that I am not a masochist. I repeat, NOT a masochist! I also wanna say that actually have little to no pain tolerance but that I still knew what I was gonna go through. So, do not mistake it when I say that Haku's jutsu...
Yeah it's a bitch.
Letting go of my kunai, I let out a barely restraint scream as senbon started slashing at me, littering small, shallow wounds all over my body. Amongst the pain, I could hear Sasuke scream as well. Ow shit this hurt bitch oh
Then it stopped. Looking up, I beamed in sheer relief and happiness when I saw a blond hair in a large puff of smoke outside of the ice prison. Holy mother of I have never been so glad to see a ball of sunshine all my life! Standing up, I let a smile grace itself onto my face as I help my little brother up.
"Sorry I'm late! Uzumaki Naruto has finally arrived!" I exclaimed with his infamous foxy grin. "I'm here now so everything's fine, dattebayo! The hero always shows up late and then kicks the villains' asses!" I let out a pained giggle. Ah, the typical Deus Ex Machina.
As Kakashi yelled at him, I stared at all of my wounds. This hurts. Was all I thought. Should I activate my sharingan? Probably since Sasuke's also gonna get his here. I sigh despite the situation. So much to think of, so little time.
"Heya! I came to save you!" Naruto whispered loudly, standing right next to us. I blinked, that was fast.
"You dobe!" Sasuke yelled , "Use your head! Damn it, why'd you come in here!"
"Wow, I come here to save you and this is all the thanks I get?!" I dedicate my life to our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, and this is the thanks I get?! I sniffle a giggle as they gave me weird looks. Ah, Vine, so sad to see you go.
"Thanks Naruto-chan."
"You're welcome. See Teme! Be like Megumi-chan!"
"Yeah, you foolish little brother."
Sasuke groaned at the discussion. In the corners of my eye I see Kakashi look so done with his life. To be honest, same.
Hearing Haku merge into his ice mirrors or whatever, We all began alert and took out our kunai. He began to move and Sasuke tried forming the hand signs for the infamous fire technique but I quickly moved my arm to stop him. "Don't. The dude's ice won't melt with that so do us a favor and not waste y'all chakra." I turned my head to the blond. "You too."
"Correct." The young missing nin commented, still hiding behind his mask. "There is no way you will be able to escape me." Then he attacked.
"Holy shit my- owwwwwwww!" I yelped in pain. Pain once again coursed through every inch of my body as I fell down onto the cold wooden floor. How the fuck did Sasuke and Naruto not holler in absolute pain in the cannon?!
"Wh-Where's the real one?!" Naruto demanded when Haku was done torturing us. He hastily stood up and formed hand signs. "Kage Bushin No Jutsu!"
"What did I just freaking say, ya bub!!!" I yelled when I saw he create multiple shadow clones.
"You dobe," Sasuke added, clearly pissed off. "Listen to her!" But he clearly didn't listen and took off.
In an instant, a figure flashed before our eyes and the blond's clones immediately disappeared. Letting out a shaky breath, I catch Naruto before he slams onto the ground again.
"This jutsu uses the mirror reflection to transport me. From my point of view, you all seem so slow." The brown-haired male stated, as if mocking us. Man am I so glad that he's just a softie. I thank mentally.
We all struggled to get up, Naruto struggling the most.
He went on one knee, "Damn it! I... I can't die here: not when I have a dream to achieve!"
Haku paused, probably having a flashback to his tragic past. Same tho. "Becoming a shinobi is quite difficult for me; if possible, I would like to not kill you-" You wouldn't anyways. "-Nor do you want to kill me. But, if come at me. I can eliminate my heart and become a true shinobi." Hey, I'm actually not zoning out this time! Well, not much. Maybe it's because at this time the author actually stopped being so fucking lazy and picked up the manga to get the dialouge this time. I mean, what?
"For that, I can become a shinobi. I can kill you." Haku finished, pulling me back to reality. just when I was saying that I wasn't zoning out. Feeling my lips twitch up, I curled them into a small smirk.
Glancing at my teammate and brother, They both have the some determined expressions plasted on their wounded and bloody faces. Standing up at the same time, we all went into a defensive stance, kunai in hand.
Outside the cage, I sense and see Sakura cheering us on, thought I couldn't hear her. I also saw Kakashi in front of her and Tazuna facing Zabuza.
Noticing that Haku had started attacking again, I quickly try dodging, careful to not bump to my friends. "Hey Teme! All we're doing is running away!" Naurto complained at he continued moving.
"Shush, Naruto-chan, we're concentrating." I shot back, forcing myself to focus on both the moving senbons and missing nin. Geez, I should really get moving targets when this is all over.
"We're gonna get hit for sure. " Sasuke admitted. "Just try not to get anything serious."
"Like really, don't get any on y'all dick, that'll definitely suck." I casually commented. The boys scrunched their brows by the sheer mention of it. Well- I don't know about Haku. Cuz, ya know, mask and all?
"Now is not the time Nee-chan!"
"It is the time!"
"Anyways, there's got to be a limit on his chakra." My younger brother stated. When Haku came near, he tried moving, which resulted in him getting shot in the knee.
"He took an arrow to the knee." I mumbled before quickly going to help him up only to get shot by multiple icy senbons. I fall gracefully onto the ground once more. "And now I'm lying on the cold hard ground. Oooohhh!" I sing weakly in my lying position. God this is torture; Itachi should have killed me that night so I wouldn't have to suffer from this-
In the corner of my eyes, I see my raven-haired brother shakingly stand up with sticks in his body, making do the same thing. Despite all the damage we've been slowly seeing his attacks (would've been faster with my sharingan but oh well). We both stared at the brown-haired male who was above us as Naruto fainted.
Oh yeah, this is the time where Sasuke will get his Sharingan. I realized. Guess I better activate mine now to not be suspicious.
"You move well; too bad that within my next move, I'll stop you." The girlish-male taunted us. The second he shot out his next array of senbon, I activated my blood-red sharingan and at the same time, we both moved. I dove to the right along with Sasuke and grabbed the fallen Naruto before he could get hit.
Glancing up from our positions, I could feel Hakus chakra flicker in surprise. Craning my head just a little, I stared into my brother's incomplete sharingan. "Ayyyy, we got it at the same time! This is totally a twin moment." I gushed out, hands clenched and close to my chest in glee and totally ignoring the dire situation. The dumb ravenhead that I call my brother groaned in endearingly exsperation (is this even a thing?). I think he's gonna kill me after this. "He he, I'm in danger."
"I see. So you are also apart of a bloodline," The handsome nin concluded in his ice mirrors, is he trying to look smart or emo or that just him? I can't tell because, ya know, the mask. "Then I can't fight for much longer. My jutsu costs a lot of chakra, there's a limit to how long I can keep up this speed. Most likely the longer the fight goes on, if your eyes are starting to catch up to me."
He raised up his arms with his icy senbons as I sharply inhaled and held my breathe. In an instant, He burst out of his mirror, aiming to attack the furball container who was now awake and struggling to get up. "This is the end!"
My body ran before I could even process what I was doing. Sasuke darted his eyes over to the blonde and ran along with me. My emo twin was of course in front of me but that was fine, I was still faster. Right when he was about to stop in front of Naruto, I roughly shoved him away and took his place. You know, like a complete At the same time I pushed Haku away with a kunai, making the brown-haired ninja also fall down. He fell down in a harsh 'thud'.
I was forced to deactivate my sharingan as I coughed up blood in pain. Ewwwwwww. Disgusting.
Hearing a groan behind me, I easily put up a smile, thought it was more like a grimace witht he pain and blood. "Heya wi- wittle ball of sunshine. H... How's life?" I stuttered out.
In the corner of my eyes, Sasuke laid on the cold hard ground in disbelief, sharingan eyes widen at lips apart. Or at least I think he was. With all these senbons in me and blood loss, my vision was getting hella blurry. I was way too tired and didn't really have the strength to activate my kekkei genkai. He he, did he think I wouldn't do this?
"Megumi-chan you-!" Naruto sharply sucked in air in shock when he finally got a good look at me.
Looking back at them, my vision became hazier that they just became blobs. "Ha, lo... look at your faces...!" I let out a shaking giggle, as if it could ease the tension.
"Why...?" The ball of sunshine quietly question me. Sasuke was still in shock, probably in a flashback. Oh god, he still has his sharingan on: I feel bad that he'll forever remember this but it's better than him taking the risk.
"Wh..."I hacked up even more blood, making a bigger pool. Why I do that? "What'ja mean?"
"W-Why me?! I never asked you to help me!"
"Oh shush you adorable bub." Maybe... maybe it was because I truly cared for them. Suddenly losing my balance as my thoughts drifted, I tensed and started to fall like the graceful bird I was.
But I didn't land with a splat.
Looking up tiredly, I see a very distressed Sasuke hovering above me. "Nee-chan!" He called out, finally snapped out of his trance.
"A-Awwwww... you do care." I weakly cooed at him, never getting rid of my smile.
"Sh- shut up! Your going to be fine. You have to be! I- I can do something! Where's- where's Kakashi-sensei?! You- you CAN'T-"
I placed a weak finger on his lips, efficiently shutting his very-out-of-character ass the fuck up. "H-heyyyyyyyyyy. It's fine. What's not fine is... is if ya and or Naruto-chan di... die here." My hand fell limp.
"So-so... I'll burn Mr. D if ya die..." And then I died.
Lol no- I wish. I just fainted, just like Sasuke did in the cannon.
Anyways, I'm just here, in my mind, talking to y'all. Trippy right??? And- oh!- oh, there goes the fourth wall. Whoops? At this time there's supposed to be a flash back to my childhood (even though we already got enough chapters about that!) but by the time the author is writing this she is stressed, sleep deprived, and busy with being a freshman in highschool.
Anyways, the author wanted to know your opinion of the story so far. Is it going too slow? Is it boring? Is it following too closely to the plot? Characters too OOC? This
is her first time writing a naruto fanfic and her other fics were cringey as fuck.
She also wanted to know how you guys were, are you guys fine? Stressed? Dying on the inside so much that everyday when you wake up you just want to curl up in your depression and wish that your life would just end? If so, same. Please tell us! (don't worry im a therapist in training, I know what to do.)
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