《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 4: Childhood Part 3
The next few days were... duller, to say the least. The day after Shusui's... death, some Uchiha clan members confronted Itachi, just like in the cannon. I had to hold Sasuke so that he wouldn't go to the unusually mad Uchiha. After that, it was just the calm before the storm.
"Megumi." I perked up from my seat and turned my head up to see Hiro standing above me. It was another normal day at the academy and it was break time so no teacher was in sight. Usually, I would be outside playing with either the twins, Sasuke, and Naruto, but today, I had to catch up on some work.
"Hiro-kun? Whatcha need?" I ask with a raised brow. Looking behind him, I couldn't help but sweatdrop at the glowering males that had glares targeted at him. Fanboys. Wait- was that Kiba over there?!
"Are you okay? You are less crazy than usual." He asked cooly with crossed arms, he sounded as usual but I knew that he was concerned.
"Awwww~ You actually care!" I exclaimed, beaming with a smile. The Hyuuga only chuckled and send a small smile towards me, and behind my back, I felt glares from his fangirls. Hiro was also one of the attractive people in the class so he had his fair share of fangirls and since I frequently spent time with him, I accidentally made enemies. Oops. It also didn't help that I was the only one that could even get a chuckle from him, aside from Hinata of course. Double oops.
"You can say that I guess. Hinata-nee's just worried about ya." I internally gush, it's so cute to have her worry about something as little as me. I don't deserve her!
"Anyways," He started and I focused back to him. Sighing, he puts a hand into his bag that he always has and rummages through it. After a few seconds, he pulls it back out and in his hand has my journal. "Here."
I gasp in shock and grab it. "Thank dude! I was wondering where it was!" I hug it, happy that I got it back.
"You left it here when you last came over." He bluntly stated. I smile as I tuck my book back into my own backpack. I never knew why the kids didn't have any and it was never explained during my time here; did supplies just magically appear? "Ne, Megumi," He started. I stared at him, wondering what he is gonna say. He lost eye-contact.
"Who are you?"
I tilt my head in confusion."What do y-" I froze and trailed off as I realized what he said. No, the question wasn't the problem. It was that-
It was in English.
He said that in English.
I sucked in air as my onyx eyes widen but I quickly compose myself, remembering where I was and who was present. I smile that kinda made the Hyuuga tense. I stand up and hover my head over his shoulder. "Meet me after school; I'll show you something really good," I whisper in his ear.
Stepping back, I once again lock eyes with him. He held an eyebrow raised, as if questioning me, but then saw how serious I actually was compared to my posture. He slowly nodded and walked back to where ever Hinata is. I sit back down and stare at my work. This is going to be a long day.
Right when the bell rang, I ducked under the desk from people's (cough fanboys cough) eyes. I had a date after all! Sasuke, who was sitting next to me, shot me a concerned look with his adorable face. I place an index finger onto my lips. His face then gave a look of understanding as he then smirked and sat up and left.
After I definitely knew that no one unwanted was here, I crawl out of my hiding spot. Glancing at the dark-haired Hyuuga at the door waiting for me, I smile. "Where's Hinata-tan?" I ask him.
"She'll be okay walking home alone today; I already scared of the potential bullies so there shouldn't be a problem." He replied back, crossing his arms.
"Aww, how sweet and overprotective you are." I gushed. I walk towards him. "Come on Hiro-kun, we have a date to go to!" He could only chuckle, yeah apparently someone as weird as I am able to break his walls and make him not so... aloof. I guess I am an LV. 5 friend.
Walking out of school, we passed by many people and shops until we came across a cafe. Getting ourselves a booth and after getting our food, I grab the curtains hanging at the entrance of the booth and move it so we could get some privacy. I sat down with Hiro on the other side.
"My mom and I go here sometimes: the drinks and food are great and we can get all the privacy we need. So," I stared at his pupilless eyes. "I guess I should reintroduce myself, "
I clasp my hands together and smile, "My name is Ashley."
He slightly narrowed his eyes, "...Tae-young Seong." He was hesitant to say that, I noticed.
"Oooooo, a Korean boy, I like that~" I commented. "Okay Tae-young, what do ya want to talk about?"
He was silent for a few seconds, then, he took a deep breath. "Is this the world of Naruto?" He questioned.
I raised a brow in confusion. I wasn't expecting this. "Of course it is, what'cha thinks it was?"
"Well," He started. "Before I was... reborn, I was thinking of watching the show but never did."
"Huh. I never thought of that." I stated, placing a hand on my chin thoughtfully. I thought only people who were huge fans would be able to get teleported here. "So how much do you know?"
"Only as much as what the choking Sasuke meme and that one guy break dancing tell me."
"Pfffffffffffffffffft." I laugh, catching the boy off guard. "Oh boy. You are in one hell of a ride once this show actually starts."
He shot me a look but nonetheless accepted it "...When does it then?"
"When we turn into Genins." I take a spoonful from the cake that I got. "What do you think of this world?"
"It's okay I guess. It's peaceful-" I snorted at that. "But I don't get why Naruto, I'm guessing he's the main protagonist, gets mistreated by everyone."
"Not everyone!" I protest. "Our adorable Hinata-tan wuuuuuuvs him and soon will Iruka-sensei!"
"Yup! After Naruto steals the forbidden scroll-"
"He what?!"
"Shush. He was tricked okay! Anyways, the villagers mistreat the poor cinnamon roll since he's the jinchuriki of the Kyuubi-"
"Oh wait, probably shouldn't have spoiled you. Whoops!"
It was silent after that. Awkward... I continue eating my food as the guy keeps on staring at me. "How... How are you so carefree? Do you even know why we're here?"
I pursue my lips and rubbed my chin. Am I not supposed to? I put down my spoon. "Well, I was hella freaking out when I first got reborn but then there's a lot of fanfiction where the reader gets sucked into the Narutoverse I guess I thought it was normal."
I looked away from his eyes and stared down. "I... I guess I'm so carefree since I actually know what's happening so I guess in your case I understand that you have no clue at all."
He nodded understandingly and looked down, saddeningly having this forlorn look on his face. "Do you... miss your other life?"
I widen my eyes at that another unexpected question. Out of instinct, I giggle humorlessly, causing Hiro to look at me funny. Giggling, even more, I eventually calm down before smiling. "I guess not. It's not that I don't miss anyone. It's that I never really had anyone to miss. I know this may seem weird or like, cruel even, but I never want to go back to that life."
I look at the slightly shocked male. "I always had to act in my childhood and when I stopped, I guess I just gave up. Here though, I never had to act once yet, so I don't want to go back." I take another spoonful of my cake. "Sorry, I guess I can't really emphasize you if you do miss your other life."
After I answered his questions about all this, it was already dusk. We headed out of the cafe, I grinned and patted the quiet boy's back. "Don't overthink about what I said. After all, you already have to worry about Hinata-tan 24/7!"
Hiro smirked and crossed his arms, "I kinda have to worry about your craziness if I wanna survive, ya know."
I dramatically gasped and stepped back my black hair flowing with the slight breeze. "Hey! That's copyrighted!!"
"That speech dialect belongs to Kushina!"
"The prettiest woman in the whole world!"
Hiro walked me home and the walk was fun. After our little conversation, I evolved into a Close Friend and found out that he actually has a funny bone! He's like a closet-member now.
"Thanks for the date, and for walking me home." I started when we approached the Uchiha compound.
He smirks. "A princess, albeit an insane one, shouldn't walk alone at night." He teases. Oh yes, I'm the Uchiha Princess, one of the typical nicknames I have for being the only daughter in the main family.
"Why thank you, my dear prince, ~" I replied with a giggle. "Well, toodles." I turn back to my home and start to walk in just as he spoke.
"Wait. How the hell did Sasuke turn edgy? He's so not what people say he is." I pause in my movement. Turning my body back at a 45-degree angle with my hands behind my back, I smile, sending chills at his back.
"That's something you'll find out sooner or later."
"Megumi? What are you doing up so late." A familiar voice called out to me. I turn my head at my seat to see Itachi standing before me.
"Nii, " He walked up and sat down next to me. It was after midnight now. I wrapped my arms around my knees and rested my head on them, "...I couldn't sleep. What about you Nii?"
"I couldn't sleep either."
I hummed in reply. After Shisui, we didn't really have the time to speak alone like this. Something bubbled inside me, what it was I didn't know. I gulped. "You... You plan on taking the village's side, don't you?" I ask him.
He hesitantly nods with a soft 'hn', not bothering to act like everything's fine like he does with Sasuke. Now that I think about it, I don't ever 'Hn'- oh my Pein, I'm a disappointment to all Uchiha.
He looks up at the sky. "How did you find out about everything?"
'Well, I just so happened to watch all of it in a show. By the way, did you know that Sasuke turns into a fucking asshole later on?' Is what I want to say. I shake my head, deciding to just say, "It was kinda obvious when you really think about it. How did we start living here after the Kyuubi attack? The tension and whispering of the other members?"
I sigh sadly. "I may be a kid but I don't just turn a blind eye, unlike Sasuke."
"... You are smart for an eight-year-old."
"I know right!" I say to lift the atmosphere, it doesn't help. It makes sense, he is an Uchiha after all. It was silent after that, you know it's always silent. Though this time, it was more comforting that Hiro and I are a date. "...You'll at least spare our little foolish brother right?" I ask even though I knew the answer.
He chuckles miserably at my nickname for him (though it's actually his, he doesn't know of course) "Of course."
"That's good."
He stares at me with a slightly concerned look. "You're not asking me to spare you, Megumi?"
"Why would I?" I retorted back immediately. His eyes widen as he postures tenses at my words. I look in the distance. "I wasn't even supposed to exist. (I was.) I know that mom, dad, even you, we're only expecting one child, a male to be specific."
Itachi continued to stare at me in disbelief and mild shock. I guess it was strange to hear your crazy, eccentric little sister say such depressing things. I didn't mind, for that what I said was true. I also knew that wasn't supposed to be in this universe in the first place in the first place, so it didn't matter what would happen to me.
I glance back at him with a smile. "Don't worry. Even if you killed me, Nii, I wouldn't care; I'll always love you."
We stayed like that in silence.
/( . D . )
When I thought about the massacre and how I will probably get brutally murdered, I just accepted it. It's not like I could have done anything, especially when Danzo is still up and going. Maybe, if I was born in Kakashi's generation, then, just maybe, I could have done something to prevent this.
Oh well, it doesn't really matter to me.
After all, I was never supposed to exist in the first place.
/( . o . )
"Ne, Nee-chan, do you think Nii-san will show me a new shuriken technique?" Sasuke questions me as we head home from Shuriken practice. It was almost dusk and we were both tired.
"Yup!" I say with a smile. "Heck, maybe even a Jutsu!" Exclaiming, I run ahead and walk backward to face him instead of just being next to him.
He grins with glee and excitement. "Really?!"
"I'm sure!"
He then looks away and suddenly stops, grin falling. Wondering what he was looking at, I stop as well and glance up. Batman? "...Nii-san?" No, wait it was Itachi.
That meant it was happening.
In a blink of an eye, Batman- er, Itachi disappeared. Internally panicking, I face my little bro with a closed-eye smile. "We should probably hurry. Wouldn't want to be late for dinner!"
When we approached the compound, we immediately got hit with the scent of iron, blood. "Wha-what the...!" Sasuke shouts in terror, seeing our relatives on the ground, dead. In the corner of my eye, I see a certain Uchiha laying in the distance. Izumi... I had only hung out with her a few times. At least she died peacefully.
I clutch Sasuke's hand, gaining his attention from the corpses. I could feel my heart racing and my breathing pick up, though it was probably worse for him. Squeezing it, I quietly say to him as sweat trickled down my face. "We... we should go find Mom and Dad." He nodded frantically and we started running in the compound to find them.
"Mom! Dad! Where are you?" Sasuke yelled in desperation. I gulp as we continued sprinting. In my chest was that bubbling sensation once again. What the hell is this?! We stopped in front of a room and pushed the door open. I sucked in a breath and widened as my foolish little brother let out a yell.
In front of us was Itachi with a bloodied katana gripped in his hands. Laying behind him was our parents, also very much dead. "Ni-Nii-san! Wha- Why do you have that sword?! What happened to Mom and Dad?!?!" Sasuke demanded, squeezing my hand so hard that I felt like I was losing blood circulation.
In a flash of pure instinct, My hand moved out of my younger brother's death grip and covered Sasuke's eyes, letting only myself take the genjutsu this time. Please, he's already had enough pain! Flashes of everyone's brutal deaths rushed into my head. I opened my mouth in shock as the genjutsu just kept on playing. I knew that it was happening, I knew that they would die, but simply watching it was far less traumatizing compared to actually experiencing it. I had to resist everything to make sure I wouldn't shriek in agony.
I lost my balance to my knees and couldn't do anything but fall. "Nee-chan!" Sasuke yelled, kneeling down in an attempt to catch me.
"Nii-chan! Why did you-- what did you do to her?! Why did you do this?!?!"
"Foolish little brother," Hey he copied me! But then again I kinda copied him. "I did this as a test of power. I have been faking as your kind older brother to see how far I can be."
He then ran out of the room with Sasuke after him. I sigh but then quickly catch up. When we were out in the open, Itachi stopped. We paused in our movements as well. Looking over at our little brother, I noticed that his shirt was a little torn up at his left shoulder.
"You have been jealous of me, and you have hated me," Itachi stated, bringing my attention once more. "You've continuously aimed to surpass me. Because of that, I will allow you to live for my sake." He turned around, away from us.
"Foolish little brother, foolish little sister..." I pout, it may not be appropriate but how dare he call me that! "If you wish to kill me, then hate me, detest me, and live a long, unsightly life. Run, and keep running... Cling onto your pitiful life."
"And one day, when you have the same eyes as I, come before me!" He finished. Sasuke suddenly became woozy and fell to the ground.
"Sasuke!" I called out, crouching next to him. When he opened his eyes, he held the Sharingan, not that he knew. Itachi then ran off, causing another goose chase with us, mainly with just Sasuke though.
Pulling out a kunai, he slashed at our older brother, who defended it with his katana. Should... Should I do something? No— I can't. Throwing it, Itachi's headband falls off. Stopping, he picks up his headband and ties it around his head, turning to the exhausted boy. In his eyes, I noticed, were tears. Just seeing that made me tear up as well. Sasuke then winces and faints, leaving only us now.
"Nii..." He looked away shamefully, letting out quiet sobs. Walking up to him, I hug him in behind, he tenses at my touch. "It'll be okay. He'll be fine." I release him and turn away from him. "You should probably finish up before people come." 'You should probably finish me' is what I meant. I let my tears fall out, I was fine with dying, it didn't matter anyway.
"Megumi." He started. I hmmed in question as I turned my head, just in time to meet his Sharingan. "Take care of Sasuke." That was all I remember before falling and seeing black.
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