《The Rest of Eternity (EreMika)》Chapter 10


"You look.. really pretty"

Did he just say that? No he didn't, she must've misheard, she'd just woke up, yeah, that's it she's just tired.

"Excuse me?" she asked, "what did you say?"

"That you look pretty" He repeated

Yup, she heard him right. Her eyes flicked to his ears, to check for any redness. What should she say? she felt like her face would be crimson, because how warm it was. In her surprised state, she just replied with,

"You... look pretty too.."

She nearly slapped herself because of what she just said.

"I mean, uh.."

"I know what you mean." He cut her off, a tinge of pink on his cheeks. "Thank you"

She smiled, and looked at her lap, then her head shot up, realizing something.

"Wait, you just complimented my looks"


"Holy hell you actually have changed" She laughed,

"Yeah, and so have my feelings" He said, starting to get closer.

She was staring at him, before backing up. "Woah there hotshot, calm down."

He backed up, "Sorry, I should've expected that you'd have lost all feelings for me after what I did"

"N-no, that's not what I meant, I- Wait, you knew?!"

He laughs, before saying, "Literally everyone in our squad knows, they've seen they way you act." He started, "I was oblivious to it, as I usually was, but a few weeks ago, it hit me, I thought back to the day.." He swallowed, "The day Mr. Hannes died, when you said all that stuff about me always being there, I realized what that all was... Then all the other times you've basically given away your feelings, and I wanted to punch myself.." He stopped, I did, actually.

"Damn, I thought I was hiding that, up until that day"


He shook his head, "It was too obvious"

She just hid her head, "Eren, I- I still like you, but you've been gone for two years. Let's give it a week or so.. okay? Just to make to sure you aren't jumping into anything you don't want to, incase your feelings aren't just you mistaking it to be that you're just really happy to be back"

He nodded, "I understand"

"Why don't you tell me more about your life, the passed I years" She said

He nodded, "Alright, so what was the last thing you heard before you fell asleep?"

"You were eating a burnt fish" She looked at him, trying not to smile.

"How, you fell asleep..?"

"No I didn't, I was just too lazy to walk back to my room"

"So you made me carry you, because you didn't want to walk back to your room"

She just nodded

"Oh you ass" He began laughing, and mikasa couldn't hold her cheeky smile anymore.

"Anyway.. nothing interesting happened for the rest of the year really, so i'll skip to..."

One year ago

Eren was out, hunting for a deer. He figured out how to make a bow, which had proven very useful. He'd had one, when he was about to shoot, a bear attacked him. It was just a black bear, not brown, but that didn't make the bite on Erens arm not hurt like hell. He screamed when the teeth sunk in, and went to slam the arrow into the bears neck, but it backed up and it just barely scraped its neck. All it did was piss it off.

It reared up on its hind legs, and slashed at Eren, and he put up the same arm, blocking the hit to the face, tearing his arm to shit. He screamed out again, and slashed at it the bear with the arrow, catching its eye. It let out a growl, and disappeared.


"Son of a bitch..." Eren squeaked out, looking at his gashed arms, which were bleeding out pretty bad. He began walking to the spring, and washed the blood off, by then the gashes were starting to heal up already, but it clearly would take at least a few hours for them to close up fully.

Present time

"How long did it take?" Mikasa asked, "To heal"

"The rest of the day, and if finished sometime in the night" He replied. "If it weren't for my healing, I'd have lost too much blood, and died."

Mikasa just winces at this

"I can't really remember anything else at the moment" He said

She sighed, "Damn, i was gonna act like I was asleep again"

"The days barely begun Mikasa, it's not night"

"I'm still tired"

"What ever"

Eren just looked back to the horizon.

"Eren?" Mikasa began, "I'm glad your back, I can't say how much I wanted you to be back here the passed two years."

"I'm glad to be back, Mikasa"

"Also, Eren?"


"Cut your hair, you look Ridiculous"

He just laughed.

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