《Lost time (eremika au)》Sleepover (24)
———Mikasa POV———
I leaned down to grab my bag from the floor "I have to go Sasha" I said while standing straight and trying to walk around the brunette
"You haven't been in the dorm all week!" She scolded
I moved to the right of her to try to get around but she did the same, blocking me in my path "I have been-" I tried walking left but got blocked "-in the dorm now if you just-" I stepped right again but got blocked again "Sasha I swear to god you are going to make me late!"
She grabbed me by my shoulders and looked straight at me, her eyes piercing mine "If you keep this up I'm calling Eren and Levi"
I froze
I shook my head 'no' repeatedly my tongue rubbing the front of my teeth "Sasha I'm going to be lat-"
She cut me off "Late to what! You have nothing to do!"
I backed up which caused her arms to fall from my shoulders and back to her sides "I have to go, help someone tutor"
She looked at me with a flat expression "Stop acting like this Mikasa you haven't been sleeping" she counted it on her fingers "you haven't been eating" two fingers "and you haven't been talking to anyone" three fingers
"I'm talking to you right now"
"Because I'm making you!" She yelled while throwing her arms up "You need to rest you haven't slept since Tuesday"
I looked away trying to find something to keep my mind occupied trying not to hear Sasha's rant about me not sleeping blah blah I feel fine I'm rested and I'm not hungry
"Whatever Sasha I got to go so move," I said now irritated with her
"Sasha!" I yelled cutting her off "Leave me alone for five seconds please I need space!"
She looked at me shocked which I immediately regretted yelling at her and losing my cool. Fuck I'm an asshole.
I Readjusted the backpack strap on my shoulder "Sasha...I'm sorry I just need space" I said quietly while walking around her figure.
——Sashas POV——
After she yelled at me she left the dorm.
Eren didn't tell me much before he left but I do know her mom or dad died and that's why she's acting like this.
Normally I wouldn't be this serious but I haven't seen her since Tuesday and then she randomly shows up on Friday to get some of her books, not even clothes
She doesn't think I can hear her crying in the locker room after practice but if she did I know for a fact she would act out so I don't approach it.
I looked towards my phone that was on my bedside table, Walking over I picked up and saw who the caller was "Hey Eren"
Eren left I think it was Monday so every day he would call me and ask how Mikasa was doing but I wouldn't exactly tell him because she said she didn't want him to know about the nightmares or not eating or not sleeping...You know what maybe I should tell him.
There was some shuffling on the other line before he began to talk "Hey Sasha how are you?"
I unplugged my phone and held it by my shoulder while grabbing my water and bag from the floor "I'm good how about you? How's Carla?"
"She's good I'm good how's Mikasa?"
Pshhh what am I supposed to say? Oh yeah, Eren shes doing amazing if you count that she's literally sleepwalking or Yeah she's doing horrible and I'm scared for her health.
"Good" I simply said trying not to sound too suspicious
I heard him take a breath in "are you sure Sasha?" He questioned like a good boyfriend would do even though they aren't fucking dating. Fucking idiots.
We all know they like each other right?
I bit my lip while looking up trying not to actually tell him what's been happening "I'm positive"
I need a fucking award for this acting
"Ok well I have to go but remember-" I cut him off because I've heard this exact sentence every time he's called
"But remember that you are only one phone call away and you will come back if she needs it blah blah Eren I know and I will tell you I'll talk to you later!" I said fast and hung up without a goodbye so he didn't question me even more.
Maybe lying to Eren isn't the best idea...
I was right very right I should have told him
"Mikasa!" I yelled while running up to her
She looked over her shoulder but didn't respond.
She was on the library floor in the fucking corner crying her eyes out.
She looked up at me with puffy eyes and gave me a sweet smile "hey sash" she said weakly
"Hey love," I said gently while kneeling down beside her "wanna tell me what happened?"
Her knees were up to her chest and her face was down so I couldn't see her anymore "no" she mumbled
She peeped her head up a little, her red nose and eyes dominate "I need to go"
"Wha-" I got cut off by her standing up abruptly and grabbing her bag from the floor "where are you going?"
"I don't k-"
"Hey Jean," I said while turning to see him jogging up to us "what's up?"
He slowed down and raised an eyebrow at me "who were you here with?" He questioned
I raised an eyebrow and jerked my thumb behind me "Mikasa" why is he asking me when she's literally right behind me
He scrunched up his face and looked at me like Im crazy "uh sash Mikasa isn't there"
"Huh," I said while turning around slowly and seeing that the black-haired girl has disappeared "Um she was..?"
Was I just imagining it? No no, she was here.
"Are you good Sasha?"
I looked around frantically "She was right here!"
"Maybe you should-" he got cut off by my phone ringing
"Here!" I shouted and threw the phone at Jean which he failed to catch and watched it fall to his feet "Jean fucking catch the phone next time!"
"What the fuck Sasha," he said while picking it up and checking who was calling
He started laughing once he realized it was Eren "You lost his girlfriend and now he's going to shoot you"
I shook my head repeatedly "No he's not going to shoot me just answer the god damn pho-"
"Jean!" I yelled after being cut off by him throWinG the phone at my face and hitting me square in the nose "What the actual fuck"
"I'm not dealing with him!"
"Neither am I, Jean!"
"Hey, guys!" A new voice called from beside us
Jean and I both turned to see a smiling Connie with a bag of chips in his hands "catch!"I yelled which made him drop said chips and catch my phone "answer it hurry!"
"Uh hello?" He said still confused about what was happening
I walked up to the side of him so I could hear Eren
Connie looked at me confused "Yes?" Like it wasn't his name
"Where Sasha?"
Connie looked at me and shoved the phones into my hands but I shoved it back "no!" I whispered yelled
"What do you mean no?" He mouthed to me
I grabbed the phone from Connie and looked towards Jean who looked very concerned "Give it to Jean!" I whispered
I shoved the phone to Jean's ear until he grabbed it with his own hand "Hey Eren.." he awkwardly said while looking at me frantically
"What the fuck is happening Horse?" Eren said from the other line clearly irritated
"Uh Sashas right here" He quickly said while shoving the phone into my hand, grabbing Connie they both ran out of the library
"traitors!" I yelled after them, bringing the phone up to my ear I heard Eren sigh deeply "Heyy Eren"
"Sasha, what the fuck was that?"
"Mhm, I don't know they stole my phone anyways! How are you! How have you been I haven't heard from you since" I looked at my wrist "4 hours ago!"
"I'm still the same How are you and Mikasa?"
I walked around the library looking under tables, couches "uh we are good.?" I grabbed a pillow and looked under it. She wouldn't be here dumb fuck.
He made a humming noise on the line "Are you lying to me?"
"Pshh me?! I would never lie to you Eren!" I said quickly while my eyes scanned the library
"Tell me what's wrong"
I chuckled awkwardly before answering "well you see this morning Mikasa finally came back to the dorm-" I got cut off by him "Sasha what do you mean 'finally came back' where was she?"
"Shut up I'm trying to say what happened anyways she left to tutor some kid"
"She doesn't tutor"
"Eren shut up anyways I heard from a very concerned Hitch that-"
"Yes hitch she's actually not bad anyways Mikasa had a panic attack again and when I got to the library I found her but fucking horse face distracted me and she's gone."
"First of all what do you mean another panic attack second of all what do you mean she's gone?"
Heh. "Um Yeah remember when you would call and ask if she was ok, well I might have stretched the truth" I made my voice high "a little tiny bit"
"A little?" He accused
I sighed "ok fine a lot"
"You lost her didn't you?"
I rolled my eyes did he not hear what I just said "I did not loSe her I just don't know where she went" I walked towards a couch and plopped down.
"You fucking lost her and she had a panic attack, Sasha?!" He yelled from the other end which made me lift the phone a little from my ear
"Yes Eren I lost your girlfriend" I deadpanned
"It's not my fault you fucker!" I yelled "She just left without saying where she was going"
"How do you lose Mikasa she trips over everything. She's literally the most clumsy person ever"
"You should put a bell on her it's not my fault I was talking to je-"
Pardon me? Did he just fucking hang up on me? I pulled the phone down. Yup, he fucking did.
I walked up to Connie, who was laying on my bed and snatched the bag of chips from his hands "Connie you cant eat these"
He looked up at me with wide eyes shocked that I actually took them "why not?"
I took a chip from the bag and stuck it in my mouth "because they are mine"
"You guys are pathetic" Jean scolded while sitting on Mikasa's bed
After Eren hung up on me I met up with Jean and Connie and we decided to just chill in my dorm and wait to see if Mikasa comes back (she probably won't)
I scoffed while looking over at him "Shut it horse don't you have to go eat carrots?"
"I'm not a fucking horse"
"You are"
"Am not"
"Are t-"
The door burst opened making Connie scream like a little girl "Where is she?!" The voice yelled
I looked over at Connie after he Screamed confused on where the sound came from but realized it was him, who was apparently a five-year-old girl "Who is she?" Jean questioned like the dumbass he is
"Mikasa you stupid fucking horse!" Eren in the flesh yelled while slamming the door shut. Jeez, what's got his panties in a twist.
"You guys are taking the horse joke a little too far"
"Sasha" Eren turned his attention to me, man bun perfect as usual he was wearing a black short-sleeve shirt with grey sweats "Where is she?" He asked again
"I like your tattoo" I leaned a little so I could see "also I don't know where she is sorry"
"Eren do you think I should grow a man bun out or-" Connie started but Eren scoffed and walked out of the dorm being dramatic
"What's his deal?" Jean questioned while standing up and walking over to the mini-fridge
"Sasha" Connie pointed at me "lost his bestie"
"They aren't dating yet?" Jean questioned
I shook my head 'no' while jumping onto Mikasa's bed "they are fucking stupid do you see what just happened" I looked at Connie "Eren almost made you shit yourself just because he didn't know where she was they need to get together"
Connie abruptly sat up and looked at me with an evil grin plastered on his face "Amazing idea!" He shouted "let's make them get together"
Jean snorted "what do you mean?"
"We can just push them in the right direction so they could start dating! What's the worst that could happen right?!"
I just smiled while thinking about how if they found out about Connie's idea we would all get murdered
But we are totally doing it.
——Erens pov—-
Stupid. Stupid. How do you lose a full-grown emo girl?
She's not really emo but still. I knew Sasha was fucking lying about how Mikasa was doing but I didn't think she would I don't know...Actually, lose her!
"Armin!" I yelled while running up to the short blonde who was walking out of a classroom
He smiled warmly at me "Why Eren when did you get back?"
"Uh like an hour ago. Do you know where Mikasa is?"
He looked up at the ceiling as if he was trying to remember something "I did see her leave the college if that helps" he shrugged
I nodded "yeah thanks Armin catch you around," I said while dabbing him up and walking down the hallway
"Just admit it Eren!" He yelled behind me "you like her!"
"Fuck off!" I yelled back without turning around.
Ok, so I might have lost her.
Well, I didn't lose her but I can't find her. What the fuck is this find Wally? But in my case Wally is emo.
His name is Wally, right? Like the guy with red and white stripes.
"Can you answer my calls please and thank you?" I said while hanging up my phone. I called Mikasa like five times and she hasn't bothered to pick up either it's dead or she's ignoring me.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say she's ignoring me.
Walking into the corner store I thought might as well get flowers and go visit her while I'm looking for Mikasa I'll probably find her there but I wanted to say some stuff also.
"Ten dollars and fifty cents," the cashier said after I put down the bouquet of flowers
I handed her a 20 dollar bill and got change back "thanks" I simply said while picking up the daisies and leaving the small store.
I opened the driver's door and got in while putting the flowers in the backseat.
I started the car and started to drive.
I'm honestly surprised Mikasa drove her car away from the college let alone still have her car yeah sure she has her driver but she's a horrible driver.
Levi got Mikasa her car when she turned 16 so she would end up driving me places seeing how she's older than me by a month.
Every damn time I stepped into that car I would pray I didn't die. Literally
I circled around the place trying to find a parking spot close to the gate seeing how it looked like it was about to rain.
It was easy finding a spot to park turns out no one wants to go to the cemetery on a Friday.
Grabbing the flowers and stepping out I made my way to the gate and it opened with a creek.
I walked up and down the tombstones trying to find the desired one.
I finally found the tombstone.
Kuchel Ackerman.
(A/n Since Levi and Mikasa are siblings in this au and seeing how I don't know Mikasa's mom's name I'm gonna use Kuchel)
——Third-person Pov——
Eren sat criss cross on the side of the tombstone, setting the flowers right in front of it and dusting some dust and other stuff off of it.
"Hi Miss Ackerman" Eren began while playing with some grass on the floor "Sorry I haven't been by as often"
Unknown to Mikasa and the rest of the group Eren would come once or twice a week to visit Kuchel, Mikasa and Eren use to do it when they were little but after Mikasa hit a certain age she found it too painful to go visit her mom which was understandable. Eren never stopped though even after Mikasa left Eren would come and bring flowers and keep the grave clean.
"My Mom wants to see Mikasa," Eren said with a small smile on his face "After I told her that Mikasa was back she started talking on and on about her and when I would finally grow the balls to ask her out" he chuckled at the last part remembering Carla scolding Him and saying something along the lines of 'So help me god Eren if you don't ask that girl out someone else will! I'll drag you by your ear if I have to!'
Kuchel and Eren had a close bond when He was little because as much as Mikasa would go to Erens, Eren would go over to Mikasa's just as often.
"I should go and actually find your daughter before I even think about asking her out let alone start to like her again."
Eren stood up slowly and placed his hand to his mouth and then to the gravestone almost like a kiss "see you soon" he gently said while walking out of the cemetery but stopping shortly after seeing a car in the parking lot.
Some people wouldn't stop at the sight of a boring car but the difference with this car was that the car was the exact same one as Mikasa's death trap.
Eren squinted his eyes trying to see inside the car but was unsuccessful seeing how the car was tinted probably an illegal tint too.
Eren walked up to said car, leaned down so he would see and used his knuckle to knock on the window.
"Mikasa?" He questioned
There was some movement in the car and there was a click indicating that the lock was unlocked.
The driver opened the door carefully so it wouldn't hit Eren "You're back" Mikasa said while sniffling a little and turning in the driver's seat so her legs were hanging out the door "did Sasha call you?"
Mikasa's Eyes were bloodshot and her nose looked like Rudolf's. Clearly, she had been crying if it wasn't obvious.
"Mika," Eren said gently while kneeling down and putting a hand on her knee "How long have you been here?"
She looked around, avoiding Erens sea coloured eyes "About two hours I think?" She weakly said while putting her hand on top of Erens for any kind of comfort.
There are some things you should and shouldn't say to a friend or a loved one if they have been crying or are crying and Eren said the only thing you shouldn't say "Mikasa are you ok?" That one sentence broke any kind of self-control Mikasa had left- which wasn't very much, to begin with.
She broke down.
Mikasa brought her head down so her hair would cover her face and you could hear the smallest cry's coming from her which made Eren heartache. When we feel heartache, for example, we are experiencing a blend of emotional stress and right now Eren is feeling a whole hell of emotions.
"Mika" he gently said while standing up and grabbing her shoulder so she would stand up which she did.
She slowly got up, head still down, still holding Erens hand.
After she was fully out of her car Eren brought her to his chest and hugged her like she was going to disappear.
Which she might have if he wasn't there.
"Mikasa talk to me please," he said trying to sound like he himself wasn't about to break from seeing her like this.
"I-" she started but stopped after her voice cracked and was replaced by sobs "Eren it hurts" she cried into his shirt that was now stained with her tears but Eren didn't care.
"Mikasa listens to me," he said while grabbing her face by her cheeks "You are here. You are with me. You aren't in that house anymore, your mom is still here watching over you. I'm not going to tell you it's going to get better because I don't know if it is going to get better but trust me when I say I will be here. With you."
She nodded in his hands while staring into his eyes which she couldn't really make out seeing that her vision was blurred by tears.
"Let's go" Eren gently said while leading her to his car by her hand.
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