《Lost time (eremika au)》Dreams and walks (22)
———Eren POV———
Are You ever just wide awake with nothing to do and you have no fucking clue why you're even up.
It's interesting how the human brain can work. Your body can be so fucking tired but your mind is wide awake. The bottom line is If you're tired but can't sleep your circadian rhythm is off.
being tired all day and awake at night can also be caused by taking naps in the middle of the fucking day.
Fun fact if you didn't already fucking know people above the age of 18 need seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Yeah. I wish I could get nine hours of sleep.
You know what's so fucking fascinating to me are dreams. Dreams are basically stories and images that our mind creates while we sleep.
They can be vivid sometimes and personally I love vivid dreams.
Dreams can make you Sad or happy most of the times my dreams make me straight out confused.
One time I had a fucking dream that I was being chased by a fucking cow. A cow.
People say that dreams don't actually mean anything but I for one think that they do mean something or that they are giving you a sign.
Some people actually don't dream at all.
Last week in class we were just leaning about which part of the brain creates dreams. Dreams are created deep inside the temporal lobe of the brain, the hippocampus has a central role in our ability to remember, imagine and dream.
You can dream about anything. Even memories, good and bad.
People have their own trigger or triggers that are unique to them.
Sometimes new memories or things that don't quite make sense may surface in a flashback. This means that your mind is still processing the trauma and trying to make sense of things.
It's kind of terrifying if you think about how your mind can play tricks on you while asleep.
Like nightmares.
Nightmares are a whole different thing. They can make your dream feel like a reality and that can really fuck someone in the head.
And sometimes that nightmare was actually a reality. Your mind is just playing it over again.
Like I've said before. Dreams confuse the shit out of me.
"Mikasa?" I knocked at her door.
No reply
It was early in the morning I think around 6am? I'm not sure. I haven't heard from Mikasa all fucking day yesterday and no I'm not obsessed with her but it's bizarre that she hasn't texted or answered my calls.
I knocked again.
No response.
Ok what the fuck is happening right now?
I went around the the other side of the house to look through the window.
I had to squint a little to actually see inside seeing how it was dark but I immediately regretted it.
What the fuck.
The couch was flipped on its side, the glass coffee table is shattered and family pictures were on the floor.
"Fuck" I mumbled while taking shaky steps backwards.
No no no.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called the local police department. I didn't bother to respond I just left the phone on the window sill. They can find the address themselves.
I ran to the front door and started pounding on the door.
Hoping for someone to answer.
The more I banged on the door the looser the door got. Finally giving up I tried to knock down the door myself.
I took a couple steps back and ran full force at the door causing it to break open.
"MIKASA!?" I yelled while stepping into the house. Looking around my eyes widen from the small drops of blood on the wood.
What the actual fuck.
I slowly made my way to their kitchen and grabbed a knife just in case. Their house was a two story and a open layout and I could already tell there wasn't anyone downstairs so I made my way up the wooden stairs.
"Mikasa?" I asked again while making it to the second floor of their house. Walking to mikasa's room I was stopped in my tracks after hearing a small sniffle from the closet in the hallway.
I opened the closet door slowly and there sat Mikasa, her knees up to her chest and her head hiding on them. "Mikasa" I said once again and this time she looked up at me. There was a gash underneath her eye dripping blood, eyes were puffy red and her hair all messed up.
"Eren" she said while scooting away from me the tiniest bit.
I looked to my left and to the right to make sure that there was no one here but there was still rooms I needed to check before I could actually talk to Mikasa about what the hell happened here.
"Eren don't-" I cut her off by just slowly closing the door on her again and giving her a reassuring smile. I made my way to the washroom that was between the two bedrooms they had.
Nothing. Minus the god damn blood on the broken mirror. I shuddered from just getting the memory back of Mikasa's gashed skin.
Walking slowly to the bedroom and my hand hovering the master bedrooms door, I slowly turned the door knob and while opening it I caught a glimpse of a body laying on the floor with no movement whatsoever. I felt something or someone grab my hand.
Turning back fast ready to stab someone i immediately stopped what I was doing because it was Mikasa who grabbed me. "Eren" she choked out but this time there was blood coming out of her mouth.
"Mikasa" I panicked and looked around for something to clean the blood. She fell to the ground. Her knees hitting the floor with a thump.
"Mikasa" I whispered while going down and picking her up so she was laying across my lap "don't close your eyes" I said while moving pieces of hair from her face.
I hear sirens. The police are here.
"Mikasa hold on keep your eyes open" I sniffled, my own eyes about to start dripping tears while hers were shutting slowly
"My moms dead." She whimpered quietly
"what?!" I suddenly yelled. Her mom cant be dead she just can't. I just saw her the other day "Mikasa stop lying where is your mom" I begged for her to stop whatever sick prank this was but I knew that this was no fucking prank.
She cried out loud almost like a scream "It hurts so bad Eren!" Her voice strained and with that her eyes fluttered shut and her breathing suddenly became erratic
"Mika" I shook her body "Mika wake up"
Why is it quiet. Where did the sirens go?
I looked behind me to see if I could see the flashing lights but was met with nothing but a white wall that wasn't there before.
I looked back to where Mikasa was laying on my lap but she was gone. The only thing left was a pool of her blood.
She can't be gone.
No she was just here.
"NO!" I jerked up In my bed laying in a pool of my own sweat. I swiped my forehead with my arm while leaning back on my other hand.
I looked around the room I was in.
Grey walls, guitar, my hat and Connie's snores right before me on the other side of the dorm. I'm in my dorm. I'm not at Mikasa's house.
A nightmare of the day I found mikasa in the closet but this time mikasa was choking out blood and disappeared.
I ran my hands through my hair. Why the fuck did I dream about that? It's been 7 years and I still get this reoccurring dream.
"Eren?" Connie muttered while twisting himself to look at me.
I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to calm my rapid breathing "Sorry"
He murmured 'ok' before going back to sleep and slowly his snoring returned. How can he fall asleep so easily?
Laying back in bed I looked up towards the ceiling. Fucking nightmare. I looked towards the clock and it read 3 am. creepy.
A Nightmare can be defined as dreams that bring out strong feelings of fear, terror, distress or anxiety. They feel more vivid or intense than a bad dream, and nightmares are often differentiated from dreams when they cause the sleeper to actually wake up and experience intense feelings upon waking, Hanji once said during class while a kid sitting in front was sleeping which caused hanji to go on and on about dreams.
Slowly reaching for my phone I went to call the only person that I wanted to hear.
I dialled her number still looking up at the ceiling "Hello?"
"'Mika" I said low because my voice hurt and I didn't want to wake up Connie
I heard rustling from the other side "Is everything all right?" She questioned also speaking in a low tone
I stayed quite for a minute because I think we both knew why I called at 3 AM "Were you asleep?" I asked while closing my eyes and putting an arm over them
She gave me an airy chuckle "no, uh I couldn't"
I raised an eyebrow even though she couldn't see me "Why not?"
"What time do you have class?" She asked changing the subject
I rolled my eyes because she was avoiding the topic "9:30." I answered not bothering to ask my question again. "Tell me a story mikasa" I quietly said almost like a whisper that you could barley hear but I knew mikasa heard because she gave a genuine laugh
"Really?" She asked. You know how you can hear people smile? Well she was smiling right now that's for sure
A small smile appeared on my face "Tell me a story Mika" I said once more
There was more shuffling on her end before it all went silent "This is a story my mom use to tell me" she quietly said while I heard her moving around her dorm.
I stayed silent so she could continue "There was a boy and a girl both 19, both In love since childhood but didn't say anything to each other because of what was happening in this world." She stopped talking while there was a muffled sound over the mic "In this world there were monsters, very deadly and they eat humans"
I raised an eyebrow under my arm "They were soldiers in this war against monsters but turns out the monsters were human, The monsters were human and get this" she paused for dramatic effect "Humans turned these people into monsters."
I could hear her open a door and close it behind her "So during this war The girl and boy were still very close until the boy found out he had powers, powers that could cause the end of the world" she opened another door and there was wind against her mic "He could see the future and after this realization he turned against his comrades and the girl he loved"
"The girl he loved?" I questioned, suddenly more interested in this story
"Yup this girl he loved he told her he hated her and that she was a slave." I could practically see her rolling her eyes
"After turning against them he started his powers and started to destroy the world, His Comrades and The love of his life were left with two options, option A: let him kill all of humanity or option B: kill him"
"What did they choose?"
She let out a airy chuckle "Option B"
"Who was the one to kill him? Or did he even die?" This is a made up story so there was no possible way they killed him
"Shut up and let me finish" she scolded "They all went to find him but plot twist! The girl had the strength of 100 soldiers so she was the one chosen to kill him" she sadly said
"She's willing to kill him? I thought she loved him?"
"She loved him so much." She sighed "In the end she decapitated him" I stayed quiet "They both grew up together and were at each other's side for many many years and in the end she was the one to end his life. But that's what he wanted and his final wish was for her to forget about him, she couldn't though he was her one true love. Her dearly beloved and they never got the chance to actually love each other."
"Damn mikasa, That's so fucking depressing why would you tell me that? Now I'm sad"
She laughed lightly "well I did get your mind off of what happened"
That's true, I totally forgot about that stupid dream.
"You know what would be great right now?" She asked suddenly and the wind that was blowing at her mic stopped
"What?" I mumbled
She hung up the phone which caused me to lift my arm from my eyes and look at my phone. Why did she hang up?
Suddenly there was a knock at my door which caused me to jolt. I walked up to the door and opened it and was met with a pair of grey eyes. I looked down to her hands and there was two coffee cups.
"Can I come in?" She asked with a soft smile which I returned
I looked over at connies sleeping figure that was now snoring as loud as a train "Want to go on a walk" I pointed behind me "I don't want to wake him"
She stepped to the side indicating for me to step out. I quickly put on my shoes and stepped out and shut the door quietly.
"Shall we?" She asked while handing me a coffee "I got loads of sugar for you since you don't like bitter things" she shrugged while taking a sip of her coffee.
I grinned at her "You know me so well" I sarcastically said because every time she got me coffee there was no sugar and I would spit that shit out.
We walked in silence together side by side it wasn't the awkward kind of silence we use to have though it was the peaceful kind.
"Why were you up so late?" I questioned while we stepped out of the dorm building "you don't even look tired"
She looked at me and gave me another smile but this time it didn't reach her eyes "Couldn't sleep" she shrugged "I was busy doing homework"
"At 3 Am?"
"Best time to do it in my opinion" she looked away and set her gaze to the empty sidewalk "why were you up?"she changed the topic again
I looked towards the empty football field "Nightmare" She suddenly stopped and zoned out while looking intensely at the sidewalk "Mika?" I pulled at her sleeve to get her attention "Are you ok?"
She shook her head almost like she was trying to push back a memory "I'm fine Eren" she said while looking at me but her eyes told a whole different story.
I gave her a short nod and continued to walk while still holding her sleeve even though she was right beside me, our shoulders grazing sometimes.
"That story you told me" She turned her gaze back to me "Where did your mom hear of it?"
"I'm not sure, she was always into that kind of stuff, always said 'the stories are real, the characters in them are real but just living in a different reality than their story'"
I nodded because that somewhat made sense but I was still curious about the ending "So was there another plot twist?" She raised an eyebrow waiting for me to continue " was he really dead? Did they confess their love"
"Nope he was dead in the end and they did confess their love for each other just not to each other"
"That fucking sucks"
She nodded in agreement "It's a sad story"
I hummed in response "where are we going?" She suddenly asked because we were on a random sidewalk with nothing but fields around us and a building in the distance.
"Don't know" I took a sip of the coffee that was full of sugar which made me suck my cheeks in "How much sugar did you put in this?" I crocked out
She laughed at my reaction "A lot"
"What's the date?" I suddenly asked seeing that our project was due sometime this week
She looked at me with a small smile "September 24th"
Fuck. I'm a fucking dumbass no wonder why she wasn't asleep and why she was so self conscious about wearing a crop top that she would wear daily and zoning out throughout her day. "Mika-" she cut me off
"I'm fine Eren I promise" she waved a hand in dismissal.
No fucking wonder why I was getting these nightmares so consistent these last weeks. The nightmares were reality and the day it all happened was September 27th.
September 27th is the day Mikasas mom died.
2881 words
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