《Will you be mine?》Chapter 7



150 years later.....

I zoomed back into the house, having just gone to hunt. Ceryena I yelled. What? she asked, appearing before me. I looked at her face with pride. My daughter was beautiful, she was half mortal, half immortal. I had kept her hidden so the Volturi hadn't caught on and we were living a happy life.

Oh, nothing I said, I just wanted to let you know I was back. She gave me a hug and then plugged her earphones back in and zoomed off, back to her room. I walked up to the front door and in the distance I saw a black car. It gave me shivers and I wasn't sure why. Then I remembered. It looked so much like Carlisles car. I walked to my room and thought about the Cullen's. I remembered Edward with anger, Emmett with a pang, Rosalie and her kindness, even if it took a while for her to like me, Jasper, who always made me smile, Esme and how she looked after me, Carlisle and his smile, always having an answer. And then I thought about Alice. For some reason, another shiver ran through me. I missed her so much it was incredible. I knew I missed her, I thought about her everyday. Wait, what did I just say? When I thought about it though, it was true. When Edward and I weren't dating, I knew that I had had feelings for Alice. But I persuaded myself that I wasn't thinking straight. It was probably a stupid girl crush. I sighed to myself and went to my room.

Once inside I locked the door and got out a folder holding all my memories of the Cullen's. I started to cry when I found a picture of all of them. Emmett grinning and holding Rosalie above him like a weight. She was laughing and to her right stood Alice. Jumping in the air, a ray of sunlight eclipsing over her cheek. She sparkled and her smile was wide. Jasper striking a pose and oh.....him... Edward stood there glowering at the camera. Urrgghh, he was at the edge so I ripped it off and threw it away. My vampire strength caused it to fly out of the window and travel 500 metres. I went back to looking at Alice. God, I missed her....I put away the folder and logged onto my computer. Knowing I had the whole night to kill before I went to my new high school. I had been there for 1 year now. I would leave it in 3 years and then find a new school. I knew it was tough for Ceryena but she got over it. I went on Netflix and lost myself in a new series called Orange is the new Black. It was so good and I loved it. About a woman who had gone to prison and meets her lesbian lover, a woman who she had loved ages ago. It reminds me of me and Alice. I wondered if we would ever meet again. It made me laugh and I sat back and enjoyed it....

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