《Mr. Professor [A Jeon Jungkook FF]》ELEVEN


"Why are you cooking?" Jungkook asked when he came out of his room and saw you cooking with extreme focus.

"Because we have to have breakfast." You replied not paying attention.

"I could've cooked." He proposed.

"That's fine. I like to cook anyways." You told placing the pancakes and smoothie on the table.

You sat and began to eat. Seconds later, he joined you and dug in. No one talked.

"See you at college." You waved at him and left.

"Y/n!" Namjoon called taking a seat beside you.

"I topped our university. Can you believe it? I thought I'll never be able to beat you." He added while chuckling.

"I am happy for you. Congratulations!" You said patting his cheeks.

"How about talking to Bong Soon once? She is sorry towards you." He told.

"I am not mad at her. It's just that I need time. I want to introspect myself. I will talk to her once I feel I am sound again." You replied and that is when Mrs. Jung entered your class.

"Good morning everyone." She wished.

"Y/n, I need to talk to you for a second." She told and walked out of the class and you followed her.

"What is it, ma'am?" You asked.

"What is it? Y/n, since when did you grow so irresponsible? I didn't expect this from a student like you." She yelled and crossed her arms on her chest.

"What is the matter, ma'am? Did I disappoint you in any way?" You asked.

"You are still clueless, aren't you? You forgot about the Psychology seminar we had yesterday. You didn't attend it even though it was online. Apart from this, your grades didn't satisfy me either. What the hell is wrong with you?" She shouted this time catching the attention of all the students inside your class. Being nosy, a few of them came and stood behind you to see what is happening.


"I am extremely sorry ma'am. Something urgent came up." You told her with pleading eyes.

"Urgent? What is more urgent than your studies? I could have chosen someone better only if I knew about your behavior. Shame on you!" She scolded and pulled one of your ears making you wince in pain.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am. Please let go. It is hurting." You yelped trying to remove her hand.

"Hurting? You ruined my reputation in front of our entire faculty! Don't you dare attend my class for a week." She left your ear and pushed you aside making you fall.

"Y/n, get up." Namjoon came and helped you get up.

"Get back to your work everyone. There is no drama going on here." He added getting mad and everyone walked back to their places.

"Your ear is red." He told taking you to your class but you stopped.

"I don't want to go to class right now. I feel ashamed." You murmured and he sighed.

"Let's go to the cafeteria then." He suggested and you nodded.

"Y/n, how did you forget about the seminar?" He asked sitting beside you.

"I remembered it till a week back. But something urgent came up, so I forgot." You told looking down.

"I understand. Don't worry. She's just a bit angry for now. She forgets things easily." He tried to comfort you.

"She'll forget but I can't. I don't even have the courage to get back to our class." You told now stroking your swollen red ear.

"It's okay. All of us make mistakes." He said.

"Namjoon, go back. Don't miss your class because of me." You said.

"It's okay." He told.

"No, go back. I'll join you in the next lecture." You told and he left.

"I forgot about it because of the marriage. Clumsy me!" You sighed and a tear rolled down your eyes.


"My ear is hurting." You talked to yourself while putting your head down.

"Let's go home." You decided.


You came back home and decided to take a short nap. When you woke up, it was already 3.

"I slept for 5 hours straight?" You exclaimed in shock.

"No wonder, I was so exhausted because of our marriage." You asserted.

"I can do self-study if I'm not at college. He'll return by 4.30 I guess." You talked and took out your books.

You decided to take the help of youtube to study. Maybe, it will help you understand better.

An hour passed and you finished making notes of psychology. You were stretching when the door knocked.

"Who's it? Can't be Jungkook because college ends at 4." You wondered.

"Dad?" You managed to speak.

"Where is Jungkook?" His dad spoke getting in and you placed a glass of water on the table for him.

"No, dad. He'll return by around 4.30." You told.

"I'll be leaving for Busan tonight." He told and you nodded.

"You can have dinner with us before leaving." You smiled.

"I'm planning to do so. God knows if I'll be able to see you guys again." He muttered.

"Why are you talking like that? Of course, you'll see us again." You told.

"I wish I get to see my grandchildren once." He smiled sadly.

"Dad, please don't be like this." You said holding his hands.

"Forget it. Just bring my Jungkook back to his original self. Just take care of him. Give him the utmost care and affection. Maybe he'll melt someday." He requested with his now wet eyelashes.

"Dad, I don't know anything about his past but I'll make sure to take care of him." You promised.

"What is happening here?" Jungkook joined the conversation.

"I'm leaving for Busan tonight. Just wanted to have dinner with you before leaving." His father told.

"Alright." That was all he said.

"I'm preparing the dinner. You can freshen up." You told Jungkook taking away his bag.


"I heard you got scolded by Mrs. Jung." Jungkook said out of a sudden making you choke on the water. His dad left after having dinner and you are currently getting tutored by him.

"Y-yes." You said in a small voice.

"Did she pull your ear too harshly? Does it hurts?" He asked peeking at your still-swollen ear.

"N-no. I'm good." You whispered.

"Why did she scold you like that? She never really gets mad at students." He said.

"I forgot to attend the seminar which was held on the day we got married. She's so disappointed in me." You told turning the pages of the book.

"I'm sorry. You had to suffer because of me." He apologized.

"No, No. It's not your fault. I was clumsy enough to forget about that." You said shooking your hands in the air.

"Just tutor me well so that I can persuade her with good grades on my next test." You requested.

"Your ear is still swollen? I'm sure it hurts. Did you eat some medicine?" He asked touching it and making you yell in pain.

"I didn't eat any medicine. It'll be fine." You said in a cracked voice because it hurt so bad.

"I'm getting you a painkiller. Stop crying, okay?" He told you and brought you a tablet.

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