《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 23


"Are you certain you should be speaking with him alone?"

"I won't be alone. It's a stable, people come and go all the time."

Eleanor gave her a doubtful look. "Just as well, perhaps I should come along."

"No," Emma said forcefully, attaching her cloak around her neck, "That will only make him more suspicious."

Of course, Emma was speaking of the head groom Liam. The man Nathan indicated may be involved with Reggie and an accomplice in Ethan's accident. Her time at Lavender Hall was running out and she needed to discover before she left what really happened on the day Ethan was injured.

As it happened Ethan was meeting with his land steward today and would be occupied for a few hours. It was the perfect opportunity to perform her questioning and hopefully obtain some answers.

A cold chill had descended in the last few days and Emma dressed accordingly, with a heavy coat, cloak, and mittens. It was nearly December, two months since Emma had arrived at Lavender Hall. And yet too little time.

"I won't be gone long. If I haven't returned within the hour, find Nathan and tell him where I've gone." Emma ordered.

Eleanor nodded obediently. "Be careful Emma."

"Always my dear."

When Emma arrived at the stables, she was already chilled to the bone. There was a biting cold wind today and the smell of snow in the air. She found Liam in the tack room taking inventory.

"Pardon me, are you Liam?" Emma asked, hovering in the doorway.

The man who had previously been standing with his back to her turned around surprised. He wasn't a very tall man but wide in the shoulders with unbound shoulder length brown hair and a rather flat nose.


"Who wants to know?"

"My name is Emmaline Rhodes. I'm the nurse that has been caring for Lord Salisbury."

"What do you want?" he demanded. His voice was deep and authoritative, but Emma also detected suspicion and fear. It was clear her task would not be an easy one.

"I was wondering if you could tell me about the day of, Lord Salisbury's accident." Emma asked politely.

"You mean no one has told you what happened?" He laughed and turned back to his work.

"Well, yes, I have heard a version of events. But no one seems to know what caused Aquila to buck off his lordship. As you're head groom at Lavender Hall, I thought you might have some theories as to what may have occurred." Emma replied, hoping playing to his ego would aid in getting the answers she needed.

"I don't."

"Nothing?" Emma asked, surprised.


"I was told you spoke with Lord Salisbury's cousin Reggie before they went off on their ride."

He faced her again, "And? So, what if I did?"

His face had turned hard. His beady brown eyes narrowed in frustration. The muscles in his face, tight with anger. He clearly did not like this line of questioning.

"What did you speak about?"

"Nothing that concerns you."

"Was there something you gave Reggie?"

Now Liam looked mad. "Look lady, I've already told you. I don't know anything about what happened to his lordship. Now if you know what's good for you, you'll stop with these questions."

"Very well."

Disappointed Emma left the tack room headed for the stable exit, but she was waylaid by a young boy who looked to be around twelve or thirteen. He was gesturing for her to follow him outside. Once they walked a few feet away from the stable he turned to face her. He was thin and gangly with a round face and big brown eyes. His attire looked more like rags than actual clothing hanging loosely on his body. Frayed and stained with a large hole in one sleeve.


"Can I help you with something?" Emma asked. "Are you ill?"

"No, Ma'am," he replied in a high voice. "But I heard you talking with Liam about his lordship."

"Yes, he said he didn't know anything."

The cold was numbing Emma's hands, even in her mittens. What she needed was a nice hot cup of tea in front of the fire and Daisy beside her for extra warmth.

"He lied."

"How can, you be sure?" Emma asked, surprised.

"They don't pay much attention to me. I just muck out the stalls and feed the horses, but I've got good ears!"

Emma now noticed his ears were abnormally large for his small head.

"And you heard something?"

"Reggie came asking Liam what would startle a horse. He said the best thing was a snake."

"A snake." Emma repeated. "So, it was Reggie who caused the accident! He got a snake from Liam and then used it to frighten Aquila."

"That's my best guess Ma'am."

"But what did Liam get out of this?"

"He was made head groom after his lordship's accident."

"Ah so that was his motive." Emma said comprehension dawning.

The boy nodded.

"I'm sorry, how rude of me I haven't even asked your name."

He shrugged, "I'm nobody important. Name is Jeremiah Cloves."

"I'm Emmaline Rhodes."

"Yes, I know who you are. You saved his lordship's life."

"How old are you?"


"Have you worked at Lavender Hall long?"

"A year or so. Since my mum passed."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Does your father work here too?"

"No, he's dead too. It's just me. His lordship was kind enough to give me this job."

"Shouldn't you be in an orphanage?" Emma speculated.

"No, disrespect ma'am but that won't do me any good. No one wants a boy my age. Better to learn a trade."

"What about your schooling?" Emma inquired.

"I know the basics. I get by."

"Well, you can never learn too much. And you seem like a bright lad. I'll see about you getting time for that."

"I really don't think I need it." he implored.

Emma smiled. "Maybe not now but someday you will. Don't fret, I'll take care of everything."

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