《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 22


It stormed that night.

The thunder woke Ethan.

Then it was Daisy's barking and scratching at his bedroom door.

"It's just a bit of rain girl, no need to make a fuss." he informed her.

But Daisy continued her barking, turning in circles and pawing at the door.

"Come back to bed, time to sleep," he advised, patting the space beside him.

But Daisy would not stop.

"Ahh fine! I'm getting up, are you happy now?" Ethan asked.

He struggled to swing his legs over the side of the bed and reached for his crutches.

After hobbling to Daisy and opening the door she shot outside barking along the way. Ethan thought she would head for the stairs, but she went the other way toward Emma's room. Ethan followed her.

Daisy pawed at Emma's door. Thunder rumbled again overhead.

Ethan knocked gently on the door. "Emma, it's Ethan. Are you alright?"

There was no answer.

"Emma. Darling it's me. May I enter?" he asked cautiously.

Still nothing.

Becoming nervous now, particularly at Daisy's frantic behavior. Ethan turned the doorknob.

"I'm coming in." he called out as a warning.

He found Emma curled up in bed, crying.

Daisy ran to her and hunkered down by her side.

Emma draped an arm around Daisy's warm familiar body. She wore a simple cotton white nightgown. Her blond hair in a long braid down her back. While he simply wore a long night shirt reaching to his knees.

"Emma what's wrong?" Ethan asked, lowering himself to the side of her bed.

"I don't like thunder," she said, cringing, as another boom shook the manor.

"Ah," he laid down beside her.

"I know it's childish, I just can't help it." she said pitifully.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of." he assured her in a calm and soothing voice.


He laid a comforting hand on her arm.

"I'm here. You're safe," he assured her.

Emma sighed.

"You don't have to stay," she told him in a quiet voice.

He moved closer and rested his head beside hers on the pillow, his front to her back.

"I want to."



"Will you miss me when I'm gone?" Her voice, if possible, had gone even softer.

"I'm surprised you have to ask." And he genuinely was. He thought his feelings toward her were obvious.

"So, is that a, yes?" she asked for clarification.

"Yes, of course I'll miss you." He held her closer.

The thunder cracked again causing Emma to tremble.

Ethan elaborated. "I'll miss our morning tea, sitting together in the garden, listening to you read to me in the library, your laugh, your smile. I'll miss everything. Emma, I don't want you to go."

She turned over her blue eyes wide in surprise.

"You don't?" she asked, clearly surprised.

"No." he admitted.

"But I must." she reminded him.

"Do you?" he questioned.

"My family depends on me."

"That doesn't mean you can't stay."

She sat up, his arms falling away.

"I can't be your nurse forever."

It was an unfortunate truth. One he had spent many hours thinking over.

"I'm not asking you to."

"Then what are you saying?" she asked tilting her head to the side as if this would help her try and read his mind.

"I'm asking you to stay with me."

"As what?"

The question was a valid one and he quickly realized too late the trap he'd fallen into. They both knew he couldn't marry her, that a good match and a woman of nobility was expected of him and the title. He couldn't ask her to stay as his mistress; that would be an insult to her character and upbringing and as she was no relation, she couldn't stay at Lavender Hall without a true purpose.


She gently touched his face, "It's alright Ethan. I know what you meant."

"If I could, I'd have you." he murmured, his voice going husky.

"That's sweet." she said kindly.

The thunder had stopped.

He sighed, "I don't know what I'll do without you."

"We'll write." She promised.

But in his heart, he knew that wouldn't be enough.

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