《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 15


Emma had Eleanor fetch her shawl. It was still bracingly cold, but the cool night air was refreshing. Emma made sure to take smaller steps so Ethan could keep up on his crutches.

She still didn't know what she was doing or what Ethan was thinking. Nothing about this was proper. The room, the gown, the supper. What did he want? If he was lonely or frustrated, didn't he have Francesca for that? Though he didn't appear to care overly much for her.

"Tell me about this man you were once engaged to." Ethan asked.

There was a sliver of moon tonight, but Emma smelled rain in the air.

"There's not much to tell."

"What was his name?"


"How did you meet?"

"At church."

"Did you love him?"

"I thought I did."

They had passed the fountain by now and were walking along one of the many paths that made up the garden.

"Was he good to you?"

"I suppose." He had certainly never beaten her if that was what he was asking.

"Did he kiss you?"

Emma stopped and looked at him. The lanterns were only a dim glow behind them now, but she could just make out the expression on his face. She was surprised to see it was jealousy.


She began walking again.

"More than once?"


She did not stop her stride.

"And that is all?"

Emma froze, "What are you implying Ethan?"

"I'm just wondering if –

But then the sky opened, and rain began pouring down in heavy sheets.

"Oh dear!" Emma exclaimed, trying to use her shawl as an umbrella.

"This way." Ethan used one of his crutches to point the way ahead. "There's a gazebo we can take cover in, it's closer than going back to the manor."


Emma hurried along the path Ethan indicated and soon saw a white gazebo ahead. She assisted Ethan up the step and then they collapsed on the bench running along the perimeter.

Emma shivered. "It's certainly coming down hard."

Ethan laid his crutches on the floor, then removed his coat and wrapped it around Emma's trembling shoulders.

"Th-thank you," she chattered as he rubbed his hands up and down her arms.

He'd never been this close to her before. Unless you counted when he was unconscious. Which she didn't.

Rain dripped down his face, his black hair was starting to come out of its queue. His eyes she feared saw everything. And then their gazes locked, and she knew it had all been leading up to this moment.

Slowly he learned toward her and gently touched his mouth to hers. It was true Peter had kissed her before. But only a handful of times and she had never particularly enjoyed the experience. That should have been her first sign, Peter was not the man for her.

Ethan was different. For one thing, she wanted him to kiss her. Peter she merely tolerated. For another when he kissed her, he surrounded her, suddenly she could feel every touch and exhalation of breath. The cold, the rain, she felt none of it. Only Ethan sweetly kissing her, once, twice, and finally a third time before leaning back to look at her face.

"Yes, that was all." She admitted.

"He was a fool to give you up." Ethan declared.

"That's easy for a man with money to say."

Suddenly his face hardened, his eyes narrowed.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Emma faltered, "Just that...that you can have whatever you want."

He dropped his hands from her shoulders. "Your implication that everything has a price."

"No, I –

He turned away from her, "I apologize for my actions. It won't happen again."

But oh, how Emma wished it would.

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