《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 14


Emma looked magnificent.

As Ethan knew she would.

She walked toward him in a shimmering peach glow. She wore a ball gown with a scooped ruffled neckline and a gold sash tied around her waist. Her blonde hair though not completely down was curled and hanging about her face.

She looked nervous and uncertain as she approached where he sat in the dining room. It was an elegant room with exquisite paintings on the walls, an oak table large enough to seat twelve and a beautiful fireplace adorned with statues and a gold clock.

He would have risen when she reached him, but his broken leg prevented that.

"Good evening," Emma curtsied.

Ethan reached for her hand and pressed a soft kiss upon it.

"Good evening, Emma."

Though the room was dim he was sure he saw her blush.

A footman pulled out the chair at the end of the table for Emma.

"She will sit here. Beside me," Ethan informed him.

"Of course, my lord."

The footman assisted Emma into the chair next to him.

"Ethan this is too much." Emma gasped.

"What? It's just supper."

She glared at him. "You know that's not true. I was perfectly happy in the servant's quarters."

"But I was not. You are not a servant."

"I am a nurse and in your employ."

"And you also saved my life. Think of this as my thanking you."

"You do not need to thank me. It's my life's work and why I'm paid to be here."

"Do you not like the gown?"

She blinked, "Of course I love it! It's the nicest gown I've ever worn."

A footman placed a bowl of mushroom soup before them.

"I'm surprised you remembered I like the color peach." Emma said bashfully.


"Despite the blow to my head I happen to have a very good memory."

Emma smiled and reached for the glass of red wine in front of her plate.

She sighed.

"You like wine?"

"Yes, it's rare I'm able to have a glass."

"Because of your travel."

"Because of the expense."

He frowned. "I wish I had known."

She waved her hand in a careless gesture, "I've learned to live without it. Wine is hardly a necessity."

Their plates were cleared and the main course of salmon and wild rice with red potatoes was served next.

As they ate, he noticed her neck was bare. He would need to remedy that. The gown hinted at the swells of her breast and her long, elegant neck. Suddenly he longed to take her in his arms.

"Where is Daisy?" Emma suddenly asked.

"I asked one of the footmen to take her for a walk." He didn't want their supper interrupted by Daisy's cuteness or barking.

"She will be a good companion for you. Particularly once I'm gone."

"You keep speaking of that. Is there something you're not telling me? Are you leaving at dawn?"

Emma laughed. "No, I'm at your service until the agency tells me otherwise. I just worry that –

"Yes." He prompted as she moved her fork idly about her plate.

"I just worry that you won't take care of yourself properly after I've left."

"I have a manor of servants to ensure I do."

"Yes, but you don't listen to them."

He grinned, "That is true."

Dessert was a strawberry sorbet.

"I'll become a fat woman if I continue to eat like this," Emma declared once her sorbet was gone.

"I hardly doubt that. Am I a fat man?"


"You only recently started eating regular solid foods again. You lost quite a bit of weight during your convalescence."

"Yes, but I wasn't fat before that."

"That is true."

A silence descended upon them. The crackling of the fire and the ticking of the clock suddenly seemed so loud.

"Well, this was lovely Ethan," Emma finally said. "I shall always remember this night."

A footman approached to help her rise when Ethan blurted out, "It doesn't have to be over now."

She eyes him curiously. "No?"

"Let's take a stroll in the gardens." he suggested.

"It's dark."

"There are lanterns to light the way."

"You're on crutches." She pointed out.

"So, you'll stroll, I'll hobble."

"Are you certain you're up for that?" she asked.

"Yes...if you are." He wondered if she could tell by looking at him how much her rejection would hurt.

"Very well. A short stroll would be nice."

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