《Married By Chance》Chapter 13: Dinner.
Emily's outfit above.
"So Colton is coming to pick me up today." Emily announces.
"That's great, Em. I'm glad you two made up." Chloe smiles at her.
"Yeah, he's so sweet and I love him like crazy." Emily says dreamily as she strokes her beautiful red hair.
"I can't believe you're the only person in a relationship here." Tyler looks at her.
"Yeah, that's crazy." Camilla agrees and I catch Jacob and Chloe exchanging looks.
Seriously, what's going on with them?
"Nicole and Brandon are talking again." I throw in, looking at Nicole.
"I bet she's texting him now." Emily smiles.
"I'm not." Nicole looks up and drops her phone on the table.
"So what's going? Are you two talking about going on dates and stuff?" Camilla asks her.
"No, I don't think he's that in to me." She replies.
"Are you kidding?! The guy flew across the country for you." Tyler says.
"That was last year, Tyler and honestly, I don't think things will ever work out with him. I live here and he lives in LA. Long distance relationships are hard these days."
Nicole has never been the commitment type. She always freaks out or quickly ends things with guy when it starts getting serious. I know that she really likes Brandon. He's different from all the guys she's been with.
"If you like it, go for it." Chloe tells her but she just shrugs.
I watch Camilla as she takes her YSL bag and puts on her sunglasses. "Guys, I have to go take Chanel for her weekly mani and padi. I'll see you later." She stands up.
Chanel is her cat by the way.
"Yeah, I have to go too, I'm going to the gym from here." I tell everyone as I get up.
I kiss everyone goodbye and head to my car.
On my way to the gym, I get a call from my cousin, Tessa so I put her through the car speakers.
"And then he said he doesn't really care about his reputation." I tell her.
"What do you mean 'yeah'? If he doesn't care about his reputation, why was he so mad and angry?"
"Because he was worried about you, obviously!" She exclaims and I can hear some excitement in her voice.
I snort. "I highly doubt that."
"I think he does, Amelia. He had one of the best sushi chefs in the world cook in your kitchen. That's says something."
"He has a really sweet side." I state.
"Just stop overthinking everything and live your life, okay?"
"Yeah, okay."
"So when are we coming to visit?"
Tessa studies art in Italy and her parents stay in LA. We hardly see each other but we're still tight.
"I don't know. December maybe?" She says not sounding so sure though.
"Cool, I also really want to come to Italy and see you. It's been a while since I visited."
"That will be awesome!" She exclaims with excitement in her voice.
"Yeah, I have to go now." I tell her as a man starts honking behind me.
"Alright, love you." She says.
"Love you too."
"Do you want to pay for a trainer as well?"
"Yeah, sure." I reply the guy behind the counter. His name tag says 'Nicholas'.
"Amelia Sm-Black, Amelia Black."
He raises his eyebrow then gives me back my card. "Please come with me."
"Excuse me?" I draw my eyebrows together then Nicholas explains.
"Your husband already informed us that you were coming. He has paid for you."
Of course he has.
I follow him and he leads to be to the end of the gym. Looking around, there are a lot of hot guys around. A couple of girls are also chatting as the do some squats together.
"This is Joe, he's going to be your personal trainer." Nicholas introduces me to a very hot and muscular guy.
He has a nice milk chocolate skin. He's hair is well shaved, almost bald. His eyes have a simple dark brown shade and he's got a nice nose.
"Hi, I'm Amelia." I finally speak.
"Joe, nice to meet you." He smiles, offering his hand. I take it then pull back my hand.
Nicholas nods and then he leaves.
"So obviously this is not your first time at the gym." Joe says motioning to my body.
"Yeah." I nod.
"What do you usually do with your trainer?"
"Um, I'm a model so I would say almost everything."
All parts of my body have to look good so Danika, my old trainer and I did lots of exercises together. We did kickboxing, planks, push-ups, squats, weightlifting,
Sometimes I did yoga which helped with stretching my muscles and sometimes we even go hiking.
Danika got married and as a result, she had to move to Massachusetts.
"Okay so first, I want you to start with cardio. I want you to go thirty minutes on the treadmill then you start doing some stretches when you're done."
I'm making braised beef with baked potatoes and vegetables.
The beef is now in the oven. It takes a lot of time so I started with it.
After I got back from the gym, I took a shower and slept then I decided to make dinner.
The potatoes and vegetables are all chopped. I now have them in a baking tray. I drizzle everything with olive oil then start seasoning with different spices. I take a zester and a lemon then add some lemon zest and stir everything.
I have the other oven set so I open it and put the tray inside.
I like listening to music when I'm cooking so I have some jazz music playing.
The potatoes and are going to take about thirty minutes so I use that time to clean. Before I started cooking, the maids offered their help but I politely declined.
Cooking used to be a hobby of mine even though I didn't really like to eat. I used to cook a lot in my parents house but no one ever appreciated the food so I stopped.
It was not because I was a horrible cook. I'm great at cooking but for some reason everyone preferred to eat at a fancy restaurant or eat what the fancy chefs my mum hires made.
My family can be annoying sometimes.
Some few minutes later, the potatoes finish baking. I take them out of the oven and put them inside one of the fancy dishes that my mum got when she was shopping for the kitchen.
I decide to go upstairs and get my phone and laptop since the bees has like two more hours before it's done and I still have to make dessert.
I take the elevator upstairs and then enter my room. I don't if Adam is home or not. He has a crazy schedule. Sometimes when I'm home at like eleven in the morning, I see him and sometimes he doesn't come back till nine in the evening. I can't keep up honestly.
I unplug my MacBook from the charger and take my phone then I use the stairs to go downstairs.
I hear some muffled voices in the entrance hall so instead of taking my left to the kitchen, I walk straight and as I peek my head, I see two guys.
One is sitting on one of the waiting chairs while the other is hanging is just coming in.
"Took you long enough." The guy sitting speaks.
"Sorry, I had a very busy day." The guy that just came in says and the other shakes his head and stands up.
I clear my throat to grab their attention. "Hi."
They both snap their heads and look at me.
Holy moly! I don't just have two strangers in my house, I have two extremely hot strangers.
The guy that just came in is wearing a well tailored grey suit with matching pants and a white shirt inside. He's not wearing a tie so the two first buttons of the shirt are undone.
His hair has a very beautiful golden shade and he has sexy green eyes. He jawline is sharp and he has strong cheek bones and a medium pointed nose with thin lips.
He is one of the most handsome men I've ever seen. He obviously can't beat Adam but he's so dreamy.
The other guy who now has a smile on his face is also drop dead gorgeous but in a cute way. He's smile shows one nice dimple on the right side of his face. His hair is a very light shade of brown and his eyes are hazel.
Yay! Team hazel.
He has nicely shaped brows and all the features of his face are also well defined.
Both guys look around their early to mid twenties. Young and fresh, I would honestly go for either of the two.
"I'm Amelia." I grace them with a smile.
"I'm Raf-" The guy with dimples starts but he gets cut off by a now very familiar sexy voice.
"What are you assholes doing here?" Adam asks and I frown.
"You guys are assholes?" I blurt with probably a little disappointment in my voice.
Dimples aka Raf chuckles and says, "No, we're his friends. He is the asshole."
"You have friends?" I turn around and look at Adam with a fake shocked expression and both guys chuckle.
"Why are you wearing an apron?" He says, looking at me with a sexy tired look in his eyes.
Every time, every fucking time Adam Black looks at me like that, I feel a shoot in my chest.
Why did my parents have to marry to a guy as handsome as sexy as he is?
Looking at him, all my attraction towards his friends dies and goes him. He is wearing a stylish white buttoned up shirt and simple black pants. His hair is sexily messy and of course there is a cute frown on his lips.
"I'm cooking." I reply after catching my breath. I'm not kidding, he literally takes my breath away.
He raises his eyebrow. "Cooking?"
"Yes." I reply and he nods and gives me a long stare.
Under the apron, I have a simple light blue top that I paired with black skinny jeans.
"Dude, you can ogle your wife later, allow us to introduce ourselves." Raf says and I turn back to him and the other guy.
"Hi, Raf. It's nice to meet you." I smile.
"It's actually Raffael but you can call me Raf." He winks.
"Nick." The other guy says and steps forward and shakes my hand with a gentle smile. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Why don't you join us in the game room, Amelia?" Raffael suggest.
"I'm actually making dinner. Maybe after I'm done?" I reply softly.
"Sure, let's go man." Raf says and pats Nick on the back then they head to the elevators.
They know where it is, that means this is not their first time here. Weird, I've never seen them before.
"Who are cooking with?" Adam asks.
Oh! I forgot that he's standing like four feet away from me.
Yeah, I'm just kidding. I can smell his cologne from here. "No one." I answer his questions.
"Nina and Talia should help you."
"I'm fine on my own. I'm not going to burn down the house."
"I didn't say you are." He says.
"But that's what you're thinking."
He crosses his arms over his chest. "How do you know that? Are you a mind reader?"
Is he making jokes?
I chuckle. "No."
He rolls his eyes and walks away and I go back to the kitchen.
"Hey, do you guys want to join me for dinner?" I ask as I go into the game room.
"Sure." Raffael stands up.
"This room is so cool." I say as I walk towards the pool table.
The game room has a lot of things. There's a table hockey, table soccer, pool table and different arcade cabinets with different games.
"So what'd you make?" Raffael says.
"You'll see." I smile.
"Mmm, mysterious. I like that." He winks,
"Dude, you're married and so is she." Nick who is playing a car game on the PlayStation with Adam says in a bored tone.
Adam doesn't strike me as the type of guy that plays video games with his friends on a Friday night. He is so full of surprises.
"Mr Grump here doesn't seem to mind so why don't you shut up, Nick." Rafael rolls his eyes.
"Adam, are you coming?" I ask, staring at him.
"Yes, I'll come." He replies then I give him a smile and walk out with Rafael.
The maids have already set the table so I just take the seat the table head's and Rafael sits in the opposite direction.
A few minutes later, Adam and Nick decided to grace us with their presence.
"It's smells good in here." Nick says with a small smile.
"It does, doesn't it?" Rafael agrees.
Adam sits at the table head as usual and Nick sits beside Raf.
I open the dishes to serve everyone but the guys insisted on serving themselves.
"Don't worry, Amelia. We've got it." Nick says.
Adam didn't object do I start serve him. I put the potatoes and vegetables first then put the beef. "Thanks." He says.
I watch him cut the food then he starts eating. Even the way he eats is sexy.
"Fuck! I wish I have a wife that can cook this." Raf says after taking his first bite.
"I thought you are married."
"I am but my wife can't cook for shit." He replies.
"Adam is very lucky to have you cooking for him like this everyday." Nick says.
"This actually the first time that he's tried my food." I inform him.
"Dude, Really?"
"I didn't know that she could cook and even if I did, I'm not going ask her to. We have a chef." Adam says.
"This tastes better than every fucking chef's braised beef. It's so fucking delicious." Nick says
"I'm glad you like it, Nick but don't exaggerate." I chuckle.
"It's really good, Amelia." Raffael smiles at me.
"Thank you, guys."
"So how's marriage going for you two?" Nick asks Adam.
"Okay." Adam replies.
"You guys plan on having babies soon?" Raf asks and my eyes widen.
"You made her blush, Raf." Nick smiles.
Don't they know that Adam and I aren't in a real marriage. Hasn't he told them?
"They know." Adam says.
"How do you know what I was thinking?"
"I'm a mind reader." He says with a straight face and I laugh.
"You guys haven't answered our question."
"Shut up, Nick." Adam says.
"Adam and I aren't really together." I tell them simply and they both frown in confusion.
"Wait, still?" Raffael asks.
I laugh nervously and push my hair to the side. "What do you mean 'still'?"
"You guys have been married for three months now. I thought stuff will happen." Nick answers.
I shake my head. "Nothing happened, we're not even friends."
"Wow." Raffael whispers.
This is getting awkward.
"I'll go get dessert." I announce.
"Do you need help?" Adam asks softly and I shake my head. "No, thank you."
"Dude, she's so fucking beautiful, absolutely gorgeous and sweet. How can you not want that?" I hear Raffael say in a low voice as I walk our of the dining room.
"Yeah, she's hot as hell and she cooks like a fucking celebrity chef." Nick agrees.
I wait a little too hear Adam's reply but of course, there was nothing but silence.
At least he's friends find me appealing.
I go to the kitchen and open the fridge to get the chocolate mousse I made. It's perfectly set so I take four cups and go back to the dining room.
I see the maids clearing the table and I thank them and pass everyone their mousse.
"So Adam told us you study Architecture at Hardwood, that's awesome." Raf says with a smile, flashing his dimples.
I smile back. "Yes, I'm in my fourth year now. What do you?"
Based on their outfits, I could tell that both Raffael and Nick are rich. I'm curious to know if they own billionaire companies like Adam.
"I'm an Architect." Raffael says.
My eyes widen. "Really?"
Then he nods. "Uhuh."
"High five." I give him my hand and we high five.
"I own a film production company, thanks for asking." Nick looks at me.
I chuckle at his reaction. "That's so cool, Nick."
"Amelia." Adam calls my name and I look at him.
"Is this finished?" He points at my mousse.
I only had two spoons but I'm full. My stomach can't take anymore.
"Yeah, I'm done." I reply. Sometimes I don't really understand what he's saying so I guess he's asking if I'm done eating.
"What he's trying to say is 'do you have more chocolate mousse?' Guy, can never get enough of chocolate." Raffael explains.
"Oh." I say in realisation then look at Adam. "There are two extras in the kitchen. Do you want me to get one for you?"
"Yes, please." He says.
Oh, wow. I'm glad that he likes it.
"I'll have the other one if that's okay." Nick smiles at me.
"No! I'll take it please." Raffael says and Nick looks at him. "What? I said it first."
"Yeah but I'm sure I thought about it before you did." Raf growls at him.
"I'm sorry, guys. I should have made more." I say with an apologetic smile.
"Don't worry about it." Adam says and the guys nod in agreement with smiles.
I came back to dinning room with the two cups in my hands. I give one to Adam and the other to Nick.
"I thought about it first." Raffael mutters under his breath.
Adam rolls his eyes then passes his to him.
"Awww." I gush with a smile.
"Thanks, bro." Raf grins at him, mouthful.
Diana Black gave birth to two sweethearts. Adam is so sweet.
"Do you mind if I take this ?" He asks and I catch him looking at my partially eaten mousse.
"Of course not."
"Thanks." He says and takes it.
I look back at the guys and catch Nick looking between Adam and I. "Are you sure nothing has happened between you two?" He asks, skeptically as he softly dabs his spoon in the air.
"Positive." I reply.
We later moved to the Adam's personal sitting room and the guys and I chat for hours. The room has transparent doors so we can see one of the swimming pools outside.
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