《Royals | pjm》Sixteen - Ugly



"Lee Haneul."

Upon hearing his voice, Haneul grunted, her clenched fists relaxing before clenching even tightly again. Turning her head slightly, she spoke.

"Go away, Park Jimin." She deadpanned.

He smirked at her unfriendly tone, but much to her dismay, this only triggered him more to tease her even further.

Lee Haneul was an interesting girl, he must say.

As he watched the girl walk away while stomping her feet stubbornly, an amused smile appeared on his handsome face.

"You can't run away, Haneul. We are destined to be together!" He shouted from where he was standing at, where the petals of the pastel pink cherry blossoms were falling down from the rows of trees, their pinkish hue mixing perfectly with the clear azure sky, creating a beautiful picture.

Passerbys were giggling at the two, unanimously agreeing that the 'couple' was cute as heck. Haneul halted her footsteps, and with a grimace plastered on her face, she whirled around and stared directly at Jimin who was approaching her with big steps. Their gazes never left each other's, with his grinning ones meeting her furious ones.

Darn his eye smile! Haneul thought to herself when Jimin was only a few steps away from her.

"Why do you keep following me!?" She hissed, her arms folding in front of her chest.

Raising an eyebrow, Jimin leaned down and grinned even wider. "My mother told me to follow my dreams."

"Too bad I'm a nightmare." She retorted, and stuck out her tongue at him before running away from him, leaving him slightly baffled at her behaviour.

He chuckled when Haneul turned around to stick out her tongue at him childishly again before disappearing from his sight.

"I'll make sure that you're mine and only mine again."

It was a beautiful spring day, and Jimin had forcefully dragged Haneul out of the palace ground, ruining her plans to sleep in with Hyun for the whole day, hence why she was mad at Jimin at the moment. Jimin had asked the boys to take care of Hyun for them, and his friends had agreed within a heartbeat. The boys loved Hyunnie a lot, so it wasn't hard to convince them to take care of him.

"Yah, are you going to ignore me for the entire day?" Jimin teased, his arm snaking around Haneul's waist when he caught up with her footsteps.

He didn't care whether they were in the public anymore. He wasn't afraid to show that he loved only Haneul and only her.

"We are in the public, Park Jimin!" Haneul warned, her desperate hands pushing Jimin's stubborn hand away from her waist.

"Do I look like I care?" Jimin replied, and cheered innerly when Haneul gave up and stopped trying to remove his hand away from her.

"Why are we out anyways? I'm not sure whether the boys are able to take care of our boy properly." Haneul grimaced recalling the moment when Namjoon had accidentally broke Hyun's toy into half, making the poor boy bawl until Jimin came to his rescue.


"They can. I trust them." Jimin assured her by patting her head. "And... isn't today a wonderful day for us to go out on a date?"

Haneul scoffed in disbelief. "This is a date? Who forces someone out to go on a date?"

"Me." Jimin raised his arm cutely, and it was impossible for Haneul to stay mad at him any longer.

"I hate how you're cuter than me." Haneul blurted out.

"I am?" Jimin laughed, and whirled Haneul around to face him. Lifting her chin upwards, he placed a quick peck onto her lips and grinned stupidly at her. "I'm only cute for you."

A smile etched on Haneul's face as she rolled her eyes. Blocking her eyes with her own hands, Haneul spoke. "I can't handle this. Your face is too distracting."

"Oh, is it too handsome for you?" Jimin teased, and chuckled when Haneul nodded honestly. "Haneul, look at me."


"C'mon, look at me."

Removing her hands, Haneul laughed when she saw Jimin making a silly face by flaring his nostrils and sticking out his tongue with his eyes rolled upwards.

"Stop it! You have a reputation to maintain!" Haneul covered his face with her hands, and Jimin didn't hesitate to hold her hands that always seemed to fit his one perfectly.

"I'm ugly now, so can you look at me now?" Jimin leaned down and gazed into his favorite galaxies, amazed that he never failed to find new things in them everytime he looked at her eyes.

"You're so silly." Haneul squished his cheeks together, making him resemble a fish. "Piggy back me, Your Highness."

"I thought we are in the public?" Jimin tilted his head, a naughty smile plastered on his face.

"Fine. I'm leaving." Haneul started to walk away, but she shrieked when Jimin scooped her up with his strong arms and lifted her in the air.

Passerbys who had been single for their entire lives glared at them, irritated to the core when Jimin carried Haneul on his back and started running while laughing together.

Resting her cheeks on Jimin's muscular back, Haneul spoke. "I still hate you, you know?"

"I know." Jimin smirked before releasing his grip and caused Haneul to fall onto the ground.

"Yah!" Haneul glared at Jimin incredulously, unable to believe that he had actually dropped her onto the ground.

Crouching down in front of her, Jimin grinned. "This is what happens when you hate me."

"You're really the worst." Haneul pushed his face away and stood up, dusting her pants in the process.

"Want to know what would happen if you love me instead?" Jimin had his hands clasped behind his back, his eye smile and cute smile on his face.

"No thanks, not interested." Haneul narrowed her eyes at him leaning closer towards her.

"Too bad, I don't take no as an answer." Jimin then planted a kiss onto her lips, making sure that his lips lingered on hers for a good five seconds before leaning away. "This is what you get if you love me."


"But I hate you." Haneul shook her head at his playful side.

"But I love you, so I get to kiss you whenever I want." Jimin stated before stealing another kiss from her again, and this time, knowing that Haneul would kill him, he ran away and hid himself behind the bodyguards who were following them.

Haneul felt bad for the bodyguards who had to witness them being all lovey dovey with each other.

"I'm going home, I miss Hyunnie." Haneul announced, and Jimin immediately rushed to her side.

"Let's go home then, I kinda miss him too."

Back at the palace, the now one year old baby was currently playing with his uncles who never stopped entertaining him by making a fool out of themselves.

"More more!" Hyun could speak a few words now, and wasn't afraid to show off his skills.

"I'm getting tired, Hyunnie." Seokjin complained as his biceps were now sore from carrying and playing airplanes with the little boy for quite some time now. "Want to go to uncle Hoseok?"

"Okay!" Hyun chirped excitedly and Seokjin sighed in relief while passing the boy towards his friend and massaged his own shoulders.

"When are your parents coming home? I want to sleep." Yoongi complained while lying on the couch, and Hoseok smirked before placing baby Hyun onto Yoongi's flat tummy. "Yah!"

"Uncle Yoongi!" Hyun spoke adorably, and it melted Yoongi's cold glare instantly.

"Ah fine fine, you just know how to make me melt." Yoongi sat up with Hyun in his lap, and ran his long fingers in the boy's soft hair.

"I sure hope Jimin bought us food for babysitting his kid while he goes out on a date with Haneul." Taehyung lazily spoke while reading a children book.

"We're back!" Jimin suddenly slammed the door open, and Haneul pushed him away while raising bags of snacks in her hands.

"You're the best noona!" Jungkook cheered as he zoomed towards her and started to rummage for his banana milk he knew Haneul would never miss to buy him everytime.

"Appa! Eomma!" Hyun greeted happily as he screamed from Yoongi's lap, excited to be in his parents arms again.

"Woah, be careful kiddo. You don't wanna fall." Yoongi chuckled when Hyun was eager to leave him to head towards where Jimin's opened arms were at.

As the adults ate, with Hyun imitating Jungkook drinking his banana milk, Namjoon spoke. "Let me guess, you two did lots of PDAs today, again."

"It's his fault!" Haneul pointed at Jimin who looked extremely offended.

"You're blaming me now?" Jimin feigned hurt, winking at Hyun who was giggling as he pretended to be hurt by punching his own left chest.

"Oh look, there's another article on how adorable you two were in the streets. Again." Seokjin showed the group his phone, and true to his words, there was indeed an article along with their photos from earlier today attached together.

"Why can't you two just marry each other again?" Hoseok questioned, popping a chip into his mouth.

"Ask her." Jimin pointed at Haneul with his thumb. "This woman here wants to enjoy the thrill of getting chased by me."

"What the heck?" Jungkook scrunched his nose up in disgust, as he was very very done with them being affectionate with each other everytime.

"I feel disturbed." Taehyung fake gagged.

"You shut up too, I always see you kissing Jisoo all the time." Hoseok wriggled his index finger at the said boy, causing Taehyung to smile sheepishly at them.

"Shut up." Hyun suddenly blurted, and everyone turned to look at him with shook faces.

"Jung Hoseok-"

"I'm sorry!" Hoseok screamed when the older boys tackled him and started to ruffle his hair.

"This is unhealthy." Haneul shook her head while closing Hyun's eyes, and Jimin automatically closed his son's ears when the boys started to mutter colourful profanities towards each other.

"I agree." Jimin laughed.

"But seriously though, I think you two should get married again." Namjoon gestured at the couple in the room.

"Should we?" Jimin tilted his head at Haneul who rolled her eyes at him as a reflex. "See? This is what I get everytime I try to make her marry me again."

"That's because you're not being romantic enough, hyung." Jungkook commented, and Haneul laughed when Jimin's jaw dropped.

"Seriously? That's the reason why you keep refusing my proposals?" Jimin narrowed his eyes at Haneul who high-fived Jungkook.

"Probably." Haneul winked at him.

Haneul wasn't going to run away anymore. She knew that in exchange for her love, she would have to sacrifice her freedom that she had always craved. But as she spent the days with both Jimin and Hyun, she realized that both of them were her freedom, as they had always managed to make her forget about the reality.

She loved Park Jimin, and she still did.

They might had gotten together in the most cliché and k-drama worthy way ever, but she was thankful that she had met Jimin. He had taught her so much, from learning how to love and to be more mature in handling things, and most importantly, to learn how to love once again.

Besides, they had a little boy now whom they both equally loved as much.

Perhaps, it was time for her to finally accept his proposal and this time, she was ready to spend the rest of her life with the boy who was a royalty as well.

"Park Jimin, let's get married again."


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