《Royals | pjm》Fifteen - Oops




Upon having her name getting hollered with such a loud voice, Haneul jumped from her position and dropped Hyun's neatly folded clothes onto the ground. Cursing under her breath, she turned around and glared at Jimin who had his face morphed from being happy to scared within a second.

"Park Jimin!" Haneul exclaimed while pointing at the baby clothes on the ground, and Jimin scratched the back of his neck from shame.

"Sorry, I'll fold them again." Jimin quickly shuffled to her side and picked the fallen clothes up and placed them on the bed before grabbing both of her hands, startling her. "But, follow me right now okay?"


Jimin didn't let Haneul finish her sentence as he had already dragged her out of the room and they were now running in the hallways, towards Hyun's playroom. When they were there, Haneul smacked Jimin's arm while panting.

"You're so unfit." Jimin joked, earning another slap on the arm.

"What's up?" Haneul spoke after finally catching her breath, her eyes automatically landing on their now almost eight months old baby in his crib.

"Hyunnie spoke his first word!" Jimin giggled, and Haneul's eyes went wide at the news.

"Are you serious?!" Haneul rushed towards Hyun who seemed startled by his mother's sudden appearance as he had fallen down with his butt landing first. "Hyunnie, what did you say?"

Darting his eyes from his mother to his father, Hyun's pacifier fell off when he opened his mouth.


It was a two syllable word, but it was enough to make Jimin laugh in victory with Haneul sulking with a frown.

"You little betrayer." Haneul pouted.

Jimin was still laughing, and scooping Hyun up from his crib, he twirled the baby around while sticking out his tongue at an irritated Haneul who was scowling at him by their side.

"I can't believe you. You called me just to show off." Haneul crossed her arms.

"Yep." Jimin winked at her before placing pecks all over Hyun's face.

"I hate you." Haneul threw a pillow at Jimin, and to her dismay, being the sneaky boy he was, Jimin had obviously dodged the pillow effortlessly.

"Don't lie, you've never actually stopped loving me." Jimin smirked while placing an oblivious Hyun back to his crib, and took big steps towards Haneul who was now seated on the two seater couch in the room.

"Why would I lie? I seriously hate you from the very bottom of my heart." Haneul dared herself to glance at Jimin who was now hovering over her by supporting himself with his arms on both of her side.


Oh how she wanted to wipe that smirk off his face.

"Fine, let's say that you're not lying." Jimin moved closer towards her, and with his lips hovering over her jawline, he spoke with his voice purposefully low and husky. "Then why are you not pushing me away right now?"

Haneul blushed at his words and immediately pushed him away, making Jimin laugh as he lied on the carpeted floor while clutching his stomach. Hyun sighed at his parents acting childishly again before focusing on his teddy bear again.

"You're really an idiot." Haneul shook her head before storming out of the room, and of course, her footsteps were then followed by another pair of footsteps echoing in the hallways.

Secretly smiling, Haneul walked faster with bigger strides and was about to slam her room door shut when a hand stopped her from doing so. She shrieked when Jimin pushed the door open with a playful grin on his face, his fingers raking his now naturally dark hair.

"When will you stop calling me an idiot hmm?" Jimin taunted while stepping towards Haneul who pretended to ignore him by whirling around and folded Hyun's shirts instead.

Jimin wasn't dumb, he knew that Haneul still had feelings for him. She had always been pretty stubborn and selfless, and that was what had made Jimin fall hard for her.

She wasn't like any other girls, heck, even his first love - Youngji, couldn't be compared with Lee Haneul.

He remembered meeting her for the first time, and he had thought that she was pretty cute with her long and thick hair cascading down on her back, with her nerdy glasses perched on her nose bridge. And when she smiled at his parents and him, he got mesmerzied by that cute grin of hers.

Being mischievous, he had told her that he would never be his. Besides, he had a girlfriend back then.

Oh, only if he knew how the tables would turn.

She had braces and long hair back then, and he kinda missed them now.

He remembered himself wondering why Haneul was never mad at him for always being with Youngji, but he certainly did feel jealous when she was with his hyungs, especially Seokjin. He was the closest to her, and even though the chances might be small, he was still worried that Haneul might like him as well.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Haneul was furrowing her eyebrows, her huge eyes blinking like how Hyun would when he was curious.

Grinning, Jimin surprised her by embracing her into a tight hug. He had always loved how she smelled, and how perfect her petite height was whenever they hug.


To think that she made fun of his height made Jimin chuckle.

"You're behaving weirdly, Jimin. Are you sick?" Haneul placed the back of her hand onto Jimin's forehead. "Yep, you're definitely sick."

"I'm sick for you, Lee Haneul." Jimin admitted while cupping her cheeks swiftly, and tilted her head upwards so that she would be looking at him instead of looking at something else.

"Let me go, Jimin." Haneul demanded with her cheeks still squished, and it simply made Jimin's heart flutter at how adorable she was.

"Why are you so stubborn? I miss your kisses." Jimin pouted while resting their foreheads together, his eyes still gazing into hers.

He had always thought that her eyes were like a whole new galaxy out there, just like the Milky Way, filled with millions and millions of stars twinkling beautifully with their own individual quirks.

"I don't see why you're still refusing to be with me again." Jimin whined softly, his hands now holding Haneul's as he swung their arms gently side to side. "Am I not good enough? Or... are you actually in love with someone else?"


"Do you like Seokjin hyung?" Jimin suddenly asked, and Haneul scrunched her nose while eyeing him weirdly.

A mischievous thought appeared in her mind.

Smirking, Haneul spoke. "So what if I do?"

Jimin gasped. "Why does this feel so deja vu?"

"That's because you asked me the same question before." Haneul chuckled. "And to answer your question, I do like him."

Jimin felt his heart drop.

"As a brother, of course. He's like Hyungsik oppa." Haneul grinned seeing the relief look on Jimin's face. "Why? Were you that worried?"

"Duh! I can't imagine you being in his arms. Or any other guy's arms, to be honest." Jimin shook his head lightly. "So please don't go to anyone else okay? I want to be selfish for once."

"I'm not yours to control, Jimin." Haneul pushed him away gently, a smile still on her face. "But."


"Keep trying alright? I want to enjoy this thrill of getting chased by you." Haneul giggled, and her bright smile caused the frown on Jimin's face to turn upwards.

"Oh? That's your reason of not coming back to me so easily?" Jimin pulled her back, his hands resting on her back, not wanting her to move away from him.

"Maybe?" Haneul shrugged, her eyes forming two crescent shapes as she beamed.

"God, you're so cute." Jimin laughed before resting his chin on the crown of her head. "I'm so glad that our grandpas made us marry each other."

"You sure?"

"I'm not complaining, we have Hyunnie now. And even though we are not husband and wife legally, just know that you'll forever be my wife in my heart and mind, okay?" Jimin stated out loud, and that was sufficient to make Haneul a blushing mess.

"Don't be so sure of yourself." Haneul replied him while speaking with her voice muffled by Jimin's sweater as they were still hugging each other.

"Don't worry, I'm hundred percent sure that you'll be mine again." Jimin leaned back and without any warning, he planted his lips onto hers, surprising her to cause her to freeze on the spot.

Jimin felt his monochrome world now returning back to its colourful self when he tasted her lips again, and he secretly grinned when Haneul didn't pull away. He knew, he knew that she had been craving for him as well.

Pulling away, Jimin chuckled when he saw Haneul pouting angrily at him. "What's with that angry look? I thought you wouldn't like it?"

Haneul was about to call him an idiot again when the latter connected their lips together again, and this time, he never stopped kissing her, and she didn't back away either by responding to his kiss.

Watching the two were seven pairs of eyes from the doorway, their large bodies hiding behind the wall as they contined to peek at them kissing, lost in their own world.

"Are we ever going to tell them that we are here?" Jungkook whispered, slightly annoyed as he didn't want to be greeted by the sight of his hyung and noona kissing in their room.

He came to see Hyun, but to be welcomed by this scene instead.

"Shut up, Kookie. It's like watching a movie." Yoongi whispered back, his gummy smile displayed as he grinned at his younger friend with his lover in the room.

"I want to see Hyunnie, not his parents kissing!" Jungkook whined.

"Jungkook, if you don't shut up this instant they will notice us here!" Jisoo scolded, making Taehyung laugh silently at the now frowning dongsaeng.

"Too bad we already notice you guys. How embarassing." Jimin awkwardly said with a grin, with Haneul hiding behind his back.

"Oops." Hoseok closed his mouth with his hands.

"Oops indeed." Jungkook scoffed.


Edit : omg it's actually a few days before chuseok! Happy Advanced Chuseok again guys hahaha

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