《Engaged to the Bad Boy's Brother✔》THREE


The door to the rooftop creaked open as you walked through it, Jungkook who was leaning against the railing turned his head then scoffed.

"What? Were you not humiliated enough today?" He brings his juul to his mouth and looks back down at the campus. "Stop following me."

"Jinyoung said that you have to go to the office after classes are over." You shrugged. Jungkook blows out the smoke and doesn't say a word.

After a while he turns to you again. "Why are you still standing there? Do you have more to say?"

"I get that you hate me and think that I have a crazy obsession over you but I'm your brother's fiance. Shouldn't you try to try to defend me in front of your friends?"

"I don't think that you have a crazy obsession, I know." Jungkook remarks and you roll your eyes, throwing your hands into the air.

"That's all you got from what I said?"

"You signed a marriage contract in hopes to marry me. Is that not crazy enough?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow. "But you and I? That will never happen on my watch. Should I call you stalker or should I start calling you sister-in-law?"

You frowned at Jungkook and he smirks at you walking towards the exit leaving you on the rooftop alone.

During dinner that night, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon started talking about the wedding plan. They had planned everything out from the start, the date, theme and decor, Mrs. Jeon even picked out which dresses she thought would look nice on you already.

"I know that you would look stunning in the dresses that I chose already."

"Like she'll look pretty in anything." Jungkook snorts and shoves a piece of steak into his mouth.

"Jungkook! Y/N is part of our family now, be nice." Mrs. Jeon scolds.

"She's not a part of the family until she marries Jinyoung. Right now she's just a fricking leech."


"Jungkook." Mr. Jeon says sternly, you thought that Jungkook would listen but instead he challenges his father by glaring back at him. What did you expect though? He's Jungkook.

"Honestly I don't understand why you chose her over all the other girls. They're all spoiled brats but she's a creep. You know that she-"

"Jeon Jungkook we are having a family dinner." Mr. Jeon glares at his youngest.

"It's not a family dinner if I don't have my family, just because you're my sperm donor doesn't mean you're my father."

Jungkook gets up from the table and heads to his room. The atmosphere around the table is tense but Mrs. Jeon tries to lighten it up by smiling at me.

"Forgive his behavior Y/N."

"It's alright." You force a smile back and push your plate away. "I'm full. I'm going to head back to my room to finish my assignments."

"Are you sure? You ate so little." Mrs. Jeon frowns. You nod your head and she doesn't try to push it any further. You stand up from your seat and go to your room. Downstairs you hear Mrs. Jeon scolds her husband and asks Jinyoung to check up on you.

A couple minutes later, there was a knock on your door and you had an idea of who it was. "Come in." You say and Jinyoung walks in.

"Are you doing alright" He seemed very nervous to talk to you.

"I'm fine, just not hungry." You smiled at him and turned back to your books.

"Not only that but the wedding. You know if you don't like what they're planning then we can always change it."

"Mrs. Jeon-"

"-Taeyeon." Jinyoung interjects, making you confused. "She also told me to tell you to call her Taeyeon."

"Oh well Taeyeon has planned a beautiful wedding. It's just a little bit too fast. Everything."

"Are you sure that it's not because I'm not the one you wanted to marry?" His question caught you off guard. You gulp as he studies you carefully.


"I mean, it's not you. It's me." You ramble. "I like someone else but I'm 100% sure that he doesn't like me back. You're a nice guy and all but like you said in the car I don't know you."

"Then let's get to know each other." Jinyoung smiles. "Of course the contract never said that we couldn't divorce but we should at least give the marriage a try."

"You're the complete opposite of Jungkook." You giggle but then slap your mouth shut.

"My brother?" Jinyoung questions. "Oh I guess you know him well since you're in the same university. Also I'm sorry on his behalf, he doesn't like anyone."

"I can see that." You grin and Jinyoung rubs the back of his neck standing awkwardly. "Tomorrow can you give me a ride to school? You know so we can get to know each other better?"

Jinyoung smiles at that and nods his head. "Yea sure but let's leave earlier next time. My father may be the boss but your family status doesn't matter at Jeon Empire, if you're late you're late. You get punished."

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." You gasped and he laughs.

"No it's alright. I just got a warning but I don't think it'll be just a warning if it happens again tomorrow." You laugh along with him and he excuses himself from your room.

When you finally finish writing your essay for your english class, you glance at the time and realize that 3 hours have gone by and it was midnight. You were about to go shower when your stomach started growling.

You started to regret not finishing your dinner.

You went to the kitchen and grabbed 2 packs of ramen leaning against the counter waiting for the water to boil. When the water started boiling, you heard footsteps echoing through the halls.

You didn't even bother to turn on the lights when you came in so you were scared of who it was.

You reached around the counter to find something to use as a weapon. When the footsteps got closer you tightly clenched the handle then the light flickers on. You shut your eyes as the blinding light hits your face.

"What the hell are you holding a rolling pin for." You opened your eyes and Jungkook was standing by the entrance, his phone in hand and he was shirtless. You tried not to drool when you saw his muscles and tattoos.

"I thought that you were a burglar." You admitted and put the rolling pin down.

"It's my house and why didn't you turn on the light." He rolls his eyes and eyes the ramen pack on the counter. "Make me some too."

"What? No, make your own." You pouted.

"My house. Leech." Jungkook glares at you and you huffed grabbing another pack of ramen and placing them all into the pot. "Why are you even making ramen in the middle of the night."

"I'm hungry?" What other explanation could there be.

Jungkook sits on the bar stool and rests his elbows on the island waiting for the ramen to cook. When it's finished, you place it in front of Jungkook and grab two bowls and utensils.

You and Jungkook both ate in silence, the only sound that could be heard was your breathing, you eating the ramen.

"You know you should apologize to your father." You say breaking the silence. "I don't exactly know your relationship with him that well but he's your father."

"If you don't know our relationship then stay out of it." Jungkook snaps.

"Maybe you can talk to me about it?"

"Is this one of your ways to try and get me to like you? Just stop"

"I'm trying to be nice."

"Well then stop because no one will understand."

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