《Engaged to the Bad Boy's Brother✔》TWO


"Your things are already placed in your new room. You don't have to worry about unpacking, the maids will do it for you." Jinyoung smiles as he turns to you. His smile was charming however it didn't make your heart flutter like Jungkook's smirks would.

"Thank you so much." You politely smile at him.

"You don't need to be polite. We're getting married soon, I want you to be as comfortable with me as possible." He explains and loosens his tie. "I'll be in my room if you need anything but you can always just ask the maids."

He turns to his room and you are left looking around the Jeon house.

"Is daddy's money not enough for you to want to marry into my family?" Jungkook scoffs behind you. "Or was it the fact you thought you and I would get married?"

You clenched your dress and swallowed the lump in your throat. Jungkook scoffs and brushes past you, his shoulder bumping into yours making you lose your balance. You held onto the couch to prevent yourself from falling and watched Jungkook as he followed his brother upstairs.

Sometimes you wondered why you were in love with him. Maybe it was because he was so different from all the other rich kids you've met.

You smooth out your dress and ask a maid to show you to your room.

When you walked inside you were surprised by its interior. On the side of your bed were one big bookshelf that surrounded the walls, all of your books were neatly placed by color. The window was huge letting in lots of natural light and the window seat made it a perfect place to read.

The wall opposite to the bed has a large desk and tv. You thought your old bedroom was perfect but this blew it all away.

The next morning you woke up forgetting where you were. When you finally remembered you changed into a tank top, plaid skirt and wore a cardigan on-top.


You went downstairs where Mr. And Mrs. Jeon were already eating their breakfast.

"Morning." You smiled at them.

"Good morning Y/N, how did you like your new room?" Mrs. Jeon asks.

"It was wonderful. More than anything I can ask for." You say and take a seat. You started piling up your breakfast onto your plate.

"Morning." Jinyoung walks into the room and takes the seat next to you. "How did you sleep?"

"It was alright."

Mr. Jeon and Jinyoung started talking about the business while Mrs. Jeon spoke to you about the house.

"How about we get Jungkook to drive you to school as well." Mrs. Jeon offers when Jungkook walks down the steps.

He eyes his mother and leaves the house without saying a word.

"I wish that child would be disciplined." Mrs. Jeon shakes her head. "Jinyoung, how about you take Y/N to school?"

"Ah no it's alright." You quickly interjected. "The university is in the other direction. I don't want to bother Jinyoung, I can just take the bus."

"Nonsense, Jinyoung take her to school." Mr. Jeon says

"It's alright. A couple minutes of driving won't be that bad." Jinyoung smiles at you.

Although you knew that it was only a kind gesture and that his parents are forcing him to, you didn't want to be in the same car as him. "Ok sure." But you were too polite to turn it down.

During the whole car ride, Jinyoung had tried to make small talk, both of you were awkward.

"You must feel nervous about the marriage." Jinyoung says keeping his eyes on the road. "I am too. I mean we don't know each other and we're getting married."

He kept on rambling on and on, his personality really contrasted his looks. On the outside he looked very sophisticated and shy but he talks, a lot. At one point you tuned him out and stared out the window until you reached the campus.


"Thank you for driving me." You smiled at him before grabbing your bag and getting out.

"Do you need a ride back?" He calls out before you close the door. You shook your head and he waved at you.

You walked to your english class and looked around for Jungkook, he was sitting in his usual seat with some of his friends.

You had the thought about going up to him and talking with him but it perishes when he notices you and sends you a glare. You took a seat listening to his friends who were loudly making comments about your look on purpose.

"Yo, I heard that your brother's getting married." Mingyu says to Jungkook and you tense up. "Have you met her? Is she pretty?"

"No. She's ugly." You felt your heart ache.

"How did she look?"

"She wore this ugly ass dress that didn't even suit her, I think she was trying to show her cleavage when she barely had any." Your hands automatically go up to your chest and you frown. "She also tried to curl her hair but I thought she went through a hurricane."

Did I really look that ugly yesterday?

"God she sounds a needy bitch." Someone laughs.

"I bet she probably blew someone before showing up if she looked like that." Another adds. You feel your chest tighten knowing that they were talking about you. You tried to tune them out but they were laughing so loudly.

Class starts with them still making a few rude remarks every now and then about that 'bitch'. You felt something hit the back of your head and when you turned around Jungkook's friends were smirking at you.

You opened the crumpled piece of paper lying on the floor and just stuffed it away in your bag to throw it later after reading it. It read 'Do you know what color his boxers are today, stalker?'

You sighed and flipped them off just before the professor dismissed the class.

"Ooh stalker flipping me off? You finally grew some balls." One commented.

"Girls don't have balls, dumbass." You say knowing it wasn't even a strong comeback.

But his friends snicker at him as his face flushed. He walks down the steps bumping you with his shoulder as he passes. His friends follow him, Jungkook behind them.

You followed them out and was about to head into the other hallway when you got a text from Jinyoung.


Can you tell Jungkook to come to the office after classes?

He's not answering

"Jungkook-" His name escapes your lips before you could think. He and his friends turn to you and you already knew what they were going to say by the looks on their faces.

"What stalker? Is it another confession or do you want to give him the banana milk upfront? Like seriously? What are you? 16?" You think his friend Yugyeom says.

"N-nothing." They knew that it was you. But who else would it be? You were the only one crazy enough to love him.

"I saw her buy it from the vending machine earlier, there's no point in hiding it. Just give it." Eunwoo approaches you and reaches for your bag. You try to grab it back but you weren't quick enough.

He opens your bag and dumps everything out grabbing the milk that fell out with everything. He hands it to Jungkook who just stares at you and throws it into the trash can not too far from him.

"Why would I drink this shit especially if it comes from her." He grimaces and his friends all laugh at you except Mingyu who looks uncomfortable.

You picked up your stuff, your cheeks burning hot as they all walked away not giving a shit about you or your stuff.

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