《SOLO IO E TE.》Nuova vita (Parte 12)
> le regalo un abbraccio forte, passando poi a mio padre, > annuisco aggiungendo > lui sorride, mi poggia una mano sulla spalla destra > sorrido.
Vado da mia sorella > è un po' in lacrime, ma sorride, > annuisco, la abbraccio forte, piango un po' anche io >.
I miei amici e il mio ragazzo mi aspettano, lascio mia sorella e la mia famiglia per salire sull'enorme aereo.
Diretti verso New York.
Dopo ore di viaggio la sera tardi arriviamo nella casa che abbiamo comprato, disponiamo le nostre valige nelle camere che avevamo scelto dalle foto, la nostra è molto spaziosa con un letto matrimoniale, delle tende attorno, grandi finestre con un balcone che si affaccia per vedere le luci della città.
> Sebastiano mi sorride beffardo, rido e giro verso il bagno che disponiamo in camera, che fortuna.
Apro l'acqua mettendola calda, butto i vestiti a terra ed entro nella doccia, le gocce scendono in tutto il mio corpo, chiudo gli occhi per rilassarmi, non voglio altri pensieri, lascio il mio corpo, la mia mente, torno alla realtà solo quando sento delle mani accarezzarmi la vita abbracciandomi, inarco la schiena invitandolo a toccarmi di più, voglio di più, voglio lui, che intanto mi bacia il collo, il lobo dell'orecchio destro, mi tocca il seno, facendo scivolare l'altra mano sotto la mia vita, nella mia intimità, faccio dei passi indietro appiccicandomi letteralmente contro Sebastiano.
> emetto diversi lamenti che sono costretta a soffocare dato che non siamo a casa soli, ma lui non mi aiuta, ormai mi conosce bene, sa come e dove toccarmi per farmi godere al massimo.
Chiude l'acqua e semi bagnati ci spostiamo nel letto, dove mi butta, e mi ritrovo nuda sotto l'uomo che amo che intanto si sdraia per riempirmi di baci, > quando lo sento dire quest'ultima lo blocco con le gambe > stringo la presa per non farlo andare via, lo voglio ora, non posso aspettare nemmeno un minuto in più > lo bacio con foga e finalmente sembra addolcirsi > annuisco con sicurezza, continua a baciarmi, in poco tempo mi penetra, con delicatezza senza farmi male, > mi bacia > sorrido, i nostri battiti diventano unici, con la stessa frazione di tempo, due corpi ma una sola anima, lo bacio stringendolo di più a me, ho bisogno del suo corpo, > sentito quella frase mugolata da me, con un rapido movimento, con facilità, data la vastità di spazio nel letto matrimoniale, mi ritrovo sopra di lui, finalmente ho di più, lo sento di più concedermi notevole piacere, mi scappa un gemito, che immediatamente mi tappa la bocca con un bacio, sento le sue mani addosso a me, ovunque, una che mi tocca il seno, l'altra che scende dalla schiena al mio sedere, sculacciandolo per poi accarezzarlo, e la mia carnagione chiara diventa rossa sotto le sue mani per l'azione violenta, ma eccitate in un modo indescrivibile, così in poco tempo veniamo insieme, lui mi viene dentro, ma non mi importa, mi distendo su di lui, per riprendere aria, col respiro affannoso, > sorride, quasi con una risata che nasconde, > annuisco con un sorriso, mi rigetto sopra il suo corpo sospirando, rilassandomi, lui mi coccola e mi culla tra le sue braccia.
Valley of Titans' Tales
In a realm of fantasy, filled with great wonders but also dangers… Its inhabitants are tied in a cruel wheel of destiny, as darkness and corruption prowled the realm since its very beginning; to corrupt and deform them to the point of no return. The Gods and Goddesses’ mortal creations: Humans, High Elves, Amanis, Barakas, Castanics, Elins, and Poporis were blinded by their own nature and desires for centuries. Thus, their short-sighted ideals and racial barriers led to long, constant wars between themselves, destroying all possibilities for peace within the realm. And when they finally realized their tremendous mistakes, they can no longer undo their mistakes, no matter how much they tried, as they slowly fell into the crude gears of destiny. Except, when all hope had been extinguished and all possible solutions were swept away by the hands of darkness… ...An unknown black-haired magician bestowed another chance to this realm overwhelmed by the darkness, by turning back the hands of time. After time rewinded, opportunities revealed themselves now within arm's reach… The next step needed to save the realm was someone to take ahold of those opportunities. But…none remembered even a sliver of the bleak future, mildly drawing near to them like a spider closing in a helpless prey. Will they be able to change the bleak future? Or will history repeat itself again, as if destiny itself is taking charge? Based on the MMORPG The Exiled Realm of Arborea, Valley of Titans Server (TERA). Credits to Vocaloid, LechnerPR and I4MD347H for editing. Thanks a lot! *** *** *** *** Recently, I have joined the 'Pledge' movement, which means: "a concerted effort by the WriTE community to encourage authors to finish their stories, and to discourage authors from leaving their fans hanging." Being this said, I have pledged my Fac-Fiction Novel to the Pledge to communicate to all my readers that I will not abandon my novel till it is done! -If I fail, I will perish in the hands of Velik and Pandora will come for me and consume my soul.- Mech, proud WRiTE Member. Update schedule: Every 15 days.
8 185A Hero Returns
War raged on in the lands of Thyderalis, a continent within the world of Dunia. For a thousand years, two factions desperately fought for control: the Kingdom of Damore and the Draconic Empire. If left unchecked, an unseen chaos will be unleashed, bringing an end to all life. This was all disclosed to Aren Damoder - a once revered hero centuries ago - through a vision. He handled this burden alone and failed all attempts to thwart the future. As all hope seemed lost, another vision revealed itself: only a single person could bring an end to this conflict, forcing the lurking evil to slumber once again. The individual destined to change the world was a knight named Layette Hawkwood. She strives to be as great as the legends before her, only to struggle to uphold their “ideal” values. Along with many companions and battles to come, Layette explores the idea of heroism and what it means to be a hero. Continuing on his quest, Aren will ultimately have to decide: sacrificing others for the sake of one or uphold his heroic beliefs.
8 82Fallen Devil
Quanye Lest awoke from his quanye rest to go on a quanye quest to be the quanye best.
8 86Project Abra
Mike Lingston is trapped in an abandoned underground facility, with only a artificial assistant in his head as backup.
8 136Gray's Crucible
“The value you have brought to trade is immense, more than a thousand fold what any other traveler to Crucible has ever produced. More than even I produced during my journey.” The old man paused for a moment here, seemingly reluctant to continue. After a few seconds he begins again with weariness creeping into his voice. “As the Messenger of Crucible I have received the value of your life. You shall be awarded a body with potential equaling the value you have brought to this place in accordance with the laws of the higher realms. Now you shall depart for Crucible, but first; I, Jaze, will give you some advice.” The old man, Jaze, he had named himself paused a time. Time enough that Gray began to wonder if he was still present, when he suddenly continued in a low and serious tone, “You will undoubtedly have great potential Gray of Earth, but it is still only potential. What could be is not necessarily what will be. If you step foolishly in my world, if you can not live up to the potential you have bartered for, Crucible will crush you mercilessly and tear away your very soul.” A thought, cheerful and light was heard from Gray before his presence was sent rocketing away like a shooting star. “I’m looking forward to it.”
8 137I Did Not Learn English In School - Simple Secrets to Learning English Fast
This book is written for non-native and native speakers of English alike. What gets revealed if you are a native speaker of English reading this book is what really goes through the mind of a person learning English as a second language.Topics include the toughest challenges ESL students are facing such as:How To Learn English FastHow To Sound Like a Native SpeakerHow To Improve Your VocabularyI Can Read, Write in, and Understand English, But I Can't Speak ItYou Speak Too Fast!My English is PoorWriting this book is one of the scariest decisions I've ever done. I did even ask myself, "Why are you doing this? Why do you have to spend so much time contributing your thoughts and words? Why do you have to spend days and sleepless nights and months crafting this book, improving it, editing it? Why?"Because I CARE! I can't help but F***ING care!I am seeing ESL students-from the richest to the least privileged-who have trouble with English, and they're getting worse. To help, I wonder if I could share a bit of my story.
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