《SOLO IO E TE.》Inizio di tutto (Parte 1)
Inizia così la giornata, facendo a gara con il tempo, oggi la sveglia non era suonata e come al solito mi salto la colazione.
Mi lavo, mi vesto e metto un leggero mascara, scarpe e cappotto, esco dalla porta di casa frettolosa cercando le cuffie nella tasca del giubbotto, dopo 15/20 minuti arrivo a scuola, facevo il liceo classico, era una scuola molto impegnativa che richiedeva cura nello studio e molta determinazione, insieme a me mi ha seguito Nadia mia cugina e Arianna una mia amica della 4 elementare, le chiamo e decidiamo di incontrarci al bar.
Entro nel locale e cerco con lo sguardo le mie amiche, > mi siedo nel tavolo con loro e le saluto con un abbraccio > mi chiede Nadia
> risponde Arianna, ordiniamo e parliamo del più e del meno, in realtà l'incontro era stato casuale.
dopo aver finito ci dirigiamo a scuola, il cortile era pieno di ragazzi e ragazze, sia quelli del quinto anno che i nuovi arrivati del primo, rispetto a quelli più grandi erano molto piccoli e disorientati come me e le mie amiche il primo anno, ora siamo al secondo mi e sembrato di volare poiché il tempo passa in un lampo, poco dopo suona la campanella ed entriamo, ormai sapevamo la nostra aula dov'era senza fatica ci recammo là, Arianna e Nadia occuparono l'ultimo banco io mi sedetti davanti a loro, dopo che tutti presero posti entrarono due professoresse:
> finì la solita cantilena detta anche l'anno scorso > lui entrò dalla porta, non sorrise ne guardò i componenti della classe, aveva un cappello nero dei occhiali, maglietta a maniche corte nera e dei jeans blu scuro, le mani in tasca, dava un aria da cattivo ma che non mi convinceva pienamente > gli indicò il posto e venne verso di me a passo sicuro, spostò la sedia col piede e si sedette poggiando la schiena al muro, > provai a socializzare, lui mi guardo male, e poi prese le cose dal suo zaino e continuò a stare per le sue, mi girai dalle mie amiche > sussurro Nadia > la rimprovero, lei alza gli occhi al cielo.
Finisce il primo giorno di scuola e torno a casa per prepararmi per uscire col Arianna e Nadia quando guardo il telefono noto che hanno aggiunto il nuovo compagno, esco da casa e mi dirigo al bar di stamattina dove incontro le ragazze >
> esclama Nadia, Arianna ride e in poco tempo finiamo per parlare del nuovo ragazzo >
> la rimprovero
> aggiunge Arianna
Nadia incrocia le braccia > disse Arianna rincuorando Nadia > cercava di convincerci > le rispondo portando in alto le mani.
Così iniziammo a parlare di come poteva essere caratterialmente e anche a letto...
Il giorno dopo stessa routine, arrivando in classe in ritardo però, la professoressa mi guardò male ma mi fece entrare lo stesso, riprovai a comunicare col nuovo compagno > dissi entusiasta lui mi guardo ma non spiccicò una parola > riprovai > mi risponde con tono acido > mi continua a guardare e fa un leggero ghigno sorridente > domandai
> ridacchia lui
> ribatto
> mi prese in giro, ma almeno mi parlò a modo suo
> lo rimprovero e lui ride, così sbuffo e mi giro, per il resto della giornata non parlammo.
- In Serial27 Chapters
The Dead Lands
Jaden Harris is a professional card player, playing the trading card game Magigio. That is until he wakes up drunk in a field with no idea where he is. The addition of a shy french maiden who barely speaks english, and a fiery red-head with a black belt compound his problems. Not to mention that the world has ended, and the afterlife is run by a cartoon paperclip. Will Jaden be able to survive the end of the world, learn magic, and deal with the cruel whims of a sarcastically cheerful god-like being? Note: Anything posted here is essentially the rough draft for a book that will eventually be posted to amazon/kindle unlimited. I apologize for any spelling/grammar issues, they'll be sorted out when my editor/wife does the editing. Extra note: the stat pages are intended to be red, but there is no color option on the text editor for this website. As a result, they default to black. Sorry, I'm doing the best I can with what I have. If you like what you've read, please join my facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/201449257405559/ For other books that I've written, you can find them at: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B07L476H4G (as a function of royalroad for whatever reason, I have to link to a book, and not my author page. Just click on my name on the amazon page beneath the title to see the rest of what I've written)
8 192 - In Serial11 Chapters
DARK EDEN: The Death God's Origin
Year 3077. Humanity had perfected the Virtual Reality Simulator, a system that allows individuals to experience alternative universes of video games in real-time. Unknown to humankind, catastrophe strikes and the Simulator central gets hijacked by an unknown man, with plans to establish a world modelled after a video game: Dark Eden Online (DEO). "To you, those who have lost all hope. To you, those that seek to live a better life. To you, those that humanity itself had abandoned…now is the chance to change, to start over. What is it that you desire most? Is it money, fame, love, friendship, or is it something like…revenge? Or perhaps something even greater? In this new world, you can become even God. Now, the 7th hour of the 7th day in 7th month of 3077 has arrived. Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to the world of Dark Eden."----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Status: OngoingBrought to you by Team Lux:Story- Hikaru SeishinEditor- Yoshii OkanaCorrespondent- Sachiko
8 87 - In Serial8 Chapters
Can I really create a VR game?
A jack of all trade trying to create a Virtual Reality game He isn't a genius He has no money nor connections He doesn't even have the required technology to run a full-dive VR program and has to make it by himself He will do it in the way no regular people ever thought about Will he success? Obviously he will, since this is his story. He will success not because he can do what people can't. He will success because he can see what people overlooked. But is the goal really that important? Or it is the process?
8 180 - In Serial34 Chapters
Tricked into another world!
Tetsu Tagami, a university student and online gamer. Having become the best Magic Swordsmen of Project Iris Online, he's sent an invitation to come to an entirely different world. What kind of adventures await our protagonist in his adventure? Visit me at my blog : https://saiakutranslationsblog.com/tricked-into-another-world/
8 94 - In Serial24 Chapters
Silent Voice
MCRC Story 4: We have fallen. There is nothing left but revenge and Tina fully intends to get that. With Crispin, her father's assistant, at her side, she swears that she won't stop until they are brought down. However, Crispin's attitude is far from the submissive assistant she thought and Crispin isn't sure how to handle the feelings he has for Tina.
8 112 - In Serial48 Chapters
The 48 Laws of Power in Practice
Discover how power works in the world, through true stories and real-world applications. In the game of power, we all play - as either conscious or unconscious players. So we can't afford not to know the rules. The ** chapters have the most outrageous content. In each chapter, I will be summarizing one of the laws and how it can be applied to current events and pop culture. Some of you have told me the stories are what you enjoy the most. They are real, raw, and anonymous so that others may learn from my mistakes. There will be cringe-worthy stories of self-sabotage, but perhaps also some unlikely triumphs. Some of the details are changed to protect the innocent, (or perhaps guilty). "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene illustrates truths about power, through philosophy and lessons from three thousand years of history, which still hold true today. There is a lot to learn from each chapter. I encourage you to go on this journey with me by reflecting on how each law might apply to you. Together, may we learn from the past and take control of the future.
8 187