《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 11: The Meadow


Bella and I were in the living room and Bella was yet again, calling Jacob. And to another disappointment, it went straight to voicemail, "Hey Jake, me again. I just...need to hear your voice..." Charlie came downstairs, started packing some fishing gear. "Jacob please call me." She then hung up, leaving the phone next to her.

"Harry and I will be back by 3-" Charlie came in though stopped once he saw Bella, "Its mono Bells."

"He's too sick to even call?" Bella asked frustrated.

"You just gotta wait it out Bella. He'll come around." I assured.

"You know, I don't have to go fishing-" "No, go. Avalei will stay with me, right?" Bella said looking at me, I nodded my head.

"Okay, but stay here or at Avalei's. No hikes or anything. We're issuing a warning about those bears." Charlie finished and went out.

As soon as we heard Charlie drive away, Bella looked at me with a strange expression...I didn't have to read her mind(I mean not like I could) to know what she was thinking. I shook my head continuously, "No no no no nope. Absolutely not Bella."

She looked at me with innocent eyes, "You didn't even let me say anything."

I looked at her sternly, "You're thinking about going out there when Charlie clearly said for us not to."

She raised an eyebrow, "Wow. You sure you can't read my mind?"

I laughed annoyed, "I don't need to read your mind to know that. Ever since you've been and I quote, "Trying something new," it always ended badly."

She looked at me again, hope in her eyes, I sighed, "If I say yes will you quit staring me like that?" She smiled and got up. I followed right behind her.

I was following Bella, though I know she'd get us lost somehow. And I was right. We kept turning back and taking a different route though we'd just keep getting deeper into the woods.

I was just about to lead Bella back to the direction of her house when she found a clearing. I've seen this scenery before, though it was much more green and filled with purple and lavender flowers and the sun would shine just above...its was Edward's and Bella's meadow. Though now it was cloudy and filled with brown dead grass, the spring season hasn't approached yet.

I followed Bella, going a little more into the clearing. I stood a few feet beside her and noticed she had her eyes closed, and when she opened them again, tears threatening to fall. But that's when we heard a rustling noise.

We both turned towards it. But nothing. I tried to use smell something out but then another rustling noise came from another direction, once we turned to look at what made the noise, we were surprised to see Laurent, across from us at the edge of the wood. Eyes focused on us.


I knew it was bad to come out here. Why didn't I just tie Bella to the kitchen table and wait until Charlie came back...things would've been much less dreadful.

"Bella, Avalei" He said coldly, soon he came a few yards closer. If he tries anything, I swear I'll kill him.

"I didn't expect you to be here." Laurent paced a bit, as he did, I stepped closer to Bella, right at her side, slowly holding her arm, "I went to visit the Cullens but...the house is empty. Well besides the scent left by you Avalei."

Bella and I stood our ground as he walked slowly around us.

"I'm surprised they left you both behind. Weren't you sort of uh pets of theirs?" Laurent teased.

"You could say that, but I think you should look a little closer" I said sternly. Trying not to show fear. I used my mood power to calm Bella down a bit.

"Ahhh I see immortality suits you young Avalei. But you seem a little more different."

I kept my eyes on him as he continued to circle us, watching his thoughts. He wasn't here coincidentally. "I am no different than you, thanks to your former friend."

He smirked, "Do the rest of the Cullens visit often?" I tried to peek into his mind but it was a little blurred, the only thing I caught that was clear was that he was here for a favor.

I was about to answer but Bella did instead, not that convincing though, "Yeah absolutely, all the time," then lied better, "I'll tell them that you stopped by..."

Laurent seemed to have caught her act and smiled as Bella continued, "Though I probably shouldn't tell...Edward. Cause he's pretty protective." Good Bella, I know how hard it is for you to say his name.

"But he's far away isn't he?"

"Why are you here?" Bella suddenly asked, changing the subject.

"I came as a...favor to Victoria." Laurent claimed. Of course.

Bella tensed, "Victoria" she stuttered softly, "She asked me to see if you and Avalei are still under the protection of the Cullens. Victoria feels its only fair to kill Edward's mate, giving he killed hers. An eye for an eye. Though in this case, Avalei, you're just a bonus. You were both the reason James is dead." Laurent explained. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Edward will know who did it. And he'd come after you" Bella threatened.

"Oh I don't think he will. After all, how much could you both mean to him if he left you here unprotected..." He threatened us back. That got Bella's heart beating way too fast for me to calm her. I was ready to use my fire ability to smoke this vamp's ass. Sorry for my language.


"You have no idea who you're dealing with" I threatened.

He ignored me, "Victoria won't be happy about my killing you. But I can't help myself. You are so mouthwatering and tempting..." Laurent started but Bella stammered in, "Please dont! I mean you helped us."

All of a sudden, Laurent was right in front of us, I was prepared to throw him but he just shushed Bella, "No no shhhh, don't be afraid. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly, painfully, where as I will make it quick and I promise, you will feel nothing." He then stood back ready to strike Bella while I let my fingers dance at my side as a fire ball started to grow out of them. I'll show you a slow and painful death...

Bella just stood there, feeling like this will be her death...does she have no faith in me?

"Edward I love you." She stammered but before Laurent could strike her and I could throw my fire ball at him, rustling and growls came from the trees not far from us.

That made Laurent lower his arm and I demolished the fire ball. I heard voices, I sighed in relief. The pack was here.

"I don't believe it." Was all Laurent said before we looked back at the trees. There, more growls filled the air as Sam came out of the darkness. Once he was fully exposed, he stood tall, teeth gnarling pointed at Laurent.

Sam thought, still looking at Laurent.

I answered using my telepathy.

I smiled slightly though I felt a great amount of fear radiating off of Bella and Laurent. Sam growled again and crouched lowly, as he did, 4 more wolves entered the clearing. I recognized each, Embry, Paul, and Jared, leaving the last one as I remembered from Embry's memories, to be Jacob. It was amazing to see all of them here and ready to do their job.

With one last snarl towards Laurent, Sam pounced while Laurent ran away. Hmmmph now look whos scared?

The other wolves soon followed Sam. Jacob stayed back a bit, approaching Bella and I, except only looking at Bella. I heard her heart beat much faster, if that's even possible when she saw him approach us. Jacob lowered his muzzle, careful not to show any teeth to scare her then looked at Bella softly. He's trying to see if he imprints on her...

After a few seconds, he then zoomed pass us to join the others. Nope, he didn't. And he is sure not happy about it.

As soon as they left the clearing, I went to face Bella, she stood there looking off into the distance where the wolves and Laurent was last seen, "Bella, come on we should go home." I said calmly.

She soon snapped out of her gaze and nodded. "Uh yeah." We started walking out of the clearing when I grabbed Bella's arm, seeming that she wasn't moving fast enough for my liking. I lifted her onto my back and raced off. Getting to her house in 10 seconds flat...

As soon as we got there, Bella got off my back and went straight into the house, Charlie and Harry Clearwater were already here.

I soon walked into the house, Bella was still trying to catch her breath, "Bella what's wrong?" Charlie asked worriedly.

"They're not giant bears dad, I saw them...up in the meadow!" Bella explained frantically. Oh great, now he knows we went there when we weren't supposed to leave the safety of a house.

"What? What meadow? Damn it Bella! I told you not to go into the woods!" Charlie yelled.

"What did you see?" Harry asked. I tried to avoid looking into his eyes knowing he'd know the answer.

"Wolves. They're wolves dad." I heard Harry sigh slightly, though I caught it and looked up at him, guilty, "5 of them. The size of- of cars. I swear. They went after- something and we ran back here." Bella finished. Good thinking about not telling him about Laurent Bella. But you could've laid low on the wolves thing?

"Is this true? Did you see the wolves too Avalei?" Charlie said turning to me. I looked at Harry then at Bella but before I could say anything, Charlie grabs the phone and dialed numbers, "Harry, can you get some men on the rez to help?"

I looked at Harry again, "Sure. Yeah. I'll just-" He then went outside.

I mind talked to Harry knowing he'd hear me.

"Jerry? Put a hunting party together, tranq guns, large caliber shotguns- Theres something dangerous out there." Charlie finished, hanging up the phone. Yeah, more like someone...Victoria.

"I've got to go to the station. You two okay here? You want to come with?" Charlie asked.

Bella looked at me then shook her head no, "Actually, I need to see a friend."

Oh no.

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