《Tracks》Chapter 8- Bonfire
"It's not what we have in life but who we have in our life"
Song-Campus; Vampire weekend
2 hours later it's dark outside, the fires roaring and I'm on my third (or 4th or 7th... I lost count) drink. I sit on one of the logs sipping on a solo cup filled with vodka and cherry cool-aid. Cam has a arm wrapped around me only on his 2nd beer.
He's a happy drunk but can be very protective. I can't name how many fights he's gotten in when drunk. Alcohol doesn't change me a lot the only thing is the thoughts I think somehow find their way out of my mouth.
Theo, Asher and Addie on the other hand are so drunk they're going to me hungover until we graduate. Miles has a very watered down drink and Bri stuck to just half a beer.
The sober ones spend most time rallying us drunk ones. I giggle as Theo dances to the music stumbling over. Grayson and Connor spent the night at a friends house because in their words "they don't want to spend the night cleaning up puke"
I walked them to their friends before we started the fire and made sure I knew the parents there so the boys were safe. I look up at Cam and giggle.
"What?" His brows furrow. I reach up and bop his nose.
"You're pretty, well pretty for an ugly person" I tell him leaning against him when I loose balance.
"How much have you had to drink?
"Just like dog" I reply using my arms.
"Yeah, like how much a dog drinks" I shrug standing up and running over to Addie "Addddsss" I drawl on. "Dance with me"
"Sure thing hot stuff" She winks. A new song plays and we bop our heads. Theo and Asher join us. I quickly pull up Briana and Miles.
"Dance you hobos!" I order pointing at both of them. "Or I'll- i'll"
"You'll what?" Miles laughs looking at me amused. Brianna has the same look on her face. I try to think of a threat when I see marshmallows.
"Oooh marshmallow" I skip over to the table leaving the two to dance. I stuff 5 into my mouth and feel a poke on my shoulder. "Wsaf du wou want?" I ask but Cam looks extremely confused. I swallow the marshmallows and as "what do you want?"
"I came to get this" he grabs the drink out of my hand and I immediately punch him.
"Woah, what the hell?!" Ashers asks as the group runs to us.
"Mar what did you do?" Theo questions and Addie snorts.
"More like what did he do"
"He took my drink" I point to my solo cup as Cam covers his eye.
"Because you told me last time you got drunk to cut you off at 8 drinks or you would cut my balls off" He argues glaring at me with his one non-black eye.
"Oh yeah" I remember before giggling "whoops, sorry Cami" I kiss his cheek before skipping inside. He follows me and I pull out peas from the freezer. "Here you go"
He puts the peas on his eyes and I laugh again. I laugh so hard I'm in tears. He laughs too at my hysterics. He calms down after a minute but I'm still laughing so hard my ribs hurts.
"What's so funny?" He asks with a smile .
"I've always wanted to punch you" I say before taking a deep breath. "Well I'm bored, goodbye"
I walk back outside and remember the bag of marshmallows I left. I quickly ran to them spotting Theo about to jump over the fire.
I should probably stop him.
What was I saying?
Oh yeah, marshmallows!
I grab the bag and gulf them down before getting really sick. I make a face and Miles grimaces saying "I know that look"
He and Brianna run over to my, Bri holding my hair and rubbing my back while I throw up. Miles grabs a bottle of water and hands it to me once I'm done puking my guts up. I chug the cool water quickly.
"Remind me to punch Cam next time I see him" I groan leaning against one of the wooden logs.
"You kinda already did that" Miles laughs and I feel myself getting more and more sober.
"I know, he didn't stop me soon enough" I tell them. Brianna tied up my hair in a braid. "Thanks Bri" I say softly giving her a quick hug.
Just then 20 people enter our backyard with kegs and bottles of alcohol. I feel my heart sink as more people fill our back yard.
"I'm going to kill them" I mutter standing up and walking over to Cam and Theo. "What the hell are all these people doing here?!"
Both boys who are blackout drunk chuckle pinching my cheeks. I shove them off and Cam try's to wrap an arm around me.
"Don't make me give you another black eye, now answer my question"
"Relax Mar" Theo slurs swinging his drink around.
"Yeah, Relax Lee. We're just having some fun. Let loose for one night" Cam laughs and I know he's too drunk to think straight.
"You guys know I don't do parties" I mutter feeling my chest tighten as the crowd forms. The realization dawns on them and they both look guilty.
And I wanna throw up again. I see Serena with her 2 best friends behind her. Serena is wearing a pair of short shorts or more like denim underwear. Her shirt is a bralette.
"Baby!" He grins turning to her and kissing her.
"Let's go inside" she whispers loudly.
"No!" I shake my head "no doing-" I grimace "unholy things in my house. Go do it in your truck."
Theo is already distracted by a random girl who he's making out with and Asher is doing a keg stand. Addie is kissing a girl I presume is her new girlfriend.
"Come on Marlee, it's not like you the next Virgin Mary. You've had your fair share of fun." Serena cackles an high pitched annoying laugh. Even Cam who is barley conscious notices she said something wrong.
"Serena" he warns.
"What? It's not like it's a secret. Everyone knows Marlee is a little freak in the sheets!" She smiles sweetly kissing his cheek. He looks at me with sorrowful eyes but I just shake my head.
The crowds around my make my head spin. I hate parties. I didn't used to but I haven't been to one since the night. I quickly push past everyone walking into my house.
I spot a couple making out on our couch. "Out!" I demand pointing towards the door. The look up with wide eyes gathering their things and running out the door.
When they do I walk towards it ready to lock everyone else out when Miles and Brianna walk in. "Want some company?" Bri asks.
"Why aren't you guys out there?" I question before realizing that those two hate party's almost as much as me.
"It's not our scene" he says and I lock the door before any drunk teens come in and destroy it.
"How pissed are you?" Bri wonders as we all walk back to my room. "I would be so pissed if I were you"
Brianna hates party's just as much as me. Her social anxiety makes her want to curl up in a ball during any social event but she's been getting better. Theo has been helping her get out of her she'll more.
Theo and Brianna are almost as close as Cam and I. They haven't know each other as long but they instantly clicked which is strange since they are polar opposites.
"On a scale of 1-10" Miles adds.
"27, I'm going to give them all black eyes tomorrow" I mutter grabbing a 3 oversized t-shirt along with 2 pairs of my shorts and one of Cams sweats. "Here"
I toss the clothes to them. Miles goes into the bathroom to change while Bri and I change in my room. We all pile onto my bed and I open up my laptop going to Netflix that we share with the Taylor's.
I click on my profile shuffling through the movies. We decide on "the perks of being a wallflower". While it starts we get comfortable.
An hour and 45 minutes we're all asleep as the credits roll.
I wake up to the bright sunlight blinding me.
"Shut up" I mumble to the sun. I sit up and notice that Miles is no longer in bed. Brianna is dead asleep next to me. I slowly sit up letting last nights memories come back to me.
I'm going to kill the boys.
I feel my temples thumping lightly due to the slight hangover I have but it's nothing compared to the ones everyone else is going to have. I place my feet on the cold wooden floor.
Standing up I grab a hoodie that's on my floor throwing it on. Opening my door I walk into the living room. Asher and Addie are both passed out on the couch. Asher has hickeys trailing down his neck and Addies makeup is smeared.
I walk into the kitchen where Theo is in only his underwear laying in the sink. Cam is laying on the kitchen table looking mostly normal besides messed up hair. I hear the front door open and I turn to see Miles walk in with coffee and donuts along with Gray and Connor.
I place a finger over my lips motioning for them to follow me. They younger boys look around with amused grins as Miles sets down the food on the counter. I quickly walk to the cabinet grabbing 2 pans.
"What are you doing?" Grayson whispers.
I smirk evilly before holding up the 2 pans and banging them together repeatedly. Addie groans covering her ears and Asher covers his head with a pillow.
"Rise and shine losers! It's a brand new day!" I yell in my Sargent voice.
"Shut up" Asher mumbles flipping me off.
"I'm up mom!" Theo falls off the counter hitting the floor with a loud thump.
"My head hurts" Addie groans. I walk over to her patting her head sympathetically.
"Maybe you all should've thought of that before throwing at party" I glare at all 4 of them. Cam gets off the counter slowly.
"You guys threw a party?" Grayson asks with a chuckle.
"You're so screwed" Connor adds nudging me "go on yell at them, punch them, anything"
"She already did punch me last night" Cam mentions sitting on the couch on top of Ashers legs. Theo goes and sits in the arm chair mumbling about how he wished he consumed me in the womb.
"Awesome!" Connor touches his brothers black eye. Cam slaps his hand away.
"I can't believe we missed that" Grayson pours grabbing a donut for him and Connor.
"I can do it again if you want" I suggest glancing at Cam.
"I respectfully decline" Cam smiles a tight lipped grin at me. "Speaking of last night, I'm really sorry Mar"
"Me too" Addie agree keeping her eyes covered blocking out the light.
"I barley even remember what happened but we just invited a few friends" Theo explains.
"And those friends brought friends" Asher rubs his temples before brushing back his light brown hair.
"It just got out of hand" Addies lips curl in a small frown. "But we're really really sorry"
"It's fine guys, I think that hangover is punishment enough" I chuckle. They all glance at each other surprised.
"You're not mad?" Theo asks slowly.
"No yelling" Addie studies me, he black hair is sticking all different ways.
"No punching me" Cam wonders walking next to me.
"Again" Asher flicks Cam and I could laugh looking at his black eye.
"He deserved it" I defend. "But no, none of that. I think the hangover is punishment enough"
"Wow" Theo placed his hand on my head. "You're not sick"
"You're really growing up" Cam says while I walk to the little table by the door grabbing something out of my bag.
"Well the hangover and this" I hold up a air horn and press it. They all wince covering their ears. Miles, Connor and Grayson all snicker while shoveling more donuts into their mouths. I let it go for a few seconds before stopping.
"I knew you weren't going let us off that easily" Asher groans slowly uncovering his ears.
"Did you expect anything less?" Walking over to the table full of donuts and coffee I hold my middle finger in the air.
"You feel better now?" Miles laughs handing me coffee.
After Brianna woke up we ate donuts, drunk coffee and cleaned the house. Well the ones who threw the party did. Brianna, Miles and I sat on the couch sipping tea and watching everyone clean before mom gets home.
Soon Addie, Asher, Bri and Miles left. I went to my room to catch up on school work since tomorrow was Monday. Cam and Connor stayed in the living room with the boys watching a game since we were meeting our parents for dinner in a bit.
A couple hours later Cam comes barging into my room. I'm sitting at my desk typing a paper for Sara's class. He lays on my bed putting his hands behind his head.
"Can I help you?" I ask monotonously not looking up from my laptop.
"Yeah I need a favor" he says picking up Charlie.
"Get your nasty hands off Charlie" I snap standing up and grabbing him from his hands holding him to my chest. I sit crossed legs, facing him.
"You love my nasty hands" he winks his dimples show as he smirks.
"I only use you for your money" I tease. He sits up in an amused way.
"Well of course, that's what sugar daddies are for"
We both start laughing uncontrollably. My ribs ache and cheeks burn from laughing so much. I take deep breaths trying to steady myself.
"Okay, now what did you need?" I ask calming down.
"Oh yeah" he remembers. "Can you paint this picture for me?" He pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of him and Serena. "Her birthdays soon and I wanted to do something special."
I nod grabbing his phone and going to his messages clicking on the one that's labeled "Lee" and send the picture to myself before handing his phone back.
"You're the best" His childlike smile makes my heart skip a beat. I ignore it blaming it on a heart defect or something.
"I know that" my tone is laid back and I stick my tongue out at him.
"Hey idiots! Almost time to go" Theo yells from down the hall. I get up and walk to my closet picking out an outfit.
"Get out so I can change"
When he doesn't budge I walk back over to the bed and hit him with a pillow.
"Let me rephrase" I lean in closer "get out or I'll chop your dick off"
"No need to be so violent" he pats my head twice. "I'm going" he walks out of my room closing the door being him.
"I heard that"
"You were meant to"
I get changed into a grey tank stop that stops just above my belly button and maroon skirt. I braid my hair into 2 French braids with some baby hairs framing my face.
Walking outside everyone's already in the truck. I see all 3 boys besides Cam in the truck bed. Thinking it was weird they all say in the back I walked over and smacked the side to get their attention.
"Why are y'all back here?" I ask them with a suspicious glance.
"Theo and Cam made us" Connor explains.
"Their trying to bribe you to not tell the parents about last night" Grayson and Connor wince when Theo punches them both in the arm.
"Shut up" he seethes.
"I'm not going to narc on you" I tell them. Cam and Theo both relax "probably" they both tense back up.
"Relax, I'm kidding" getting into the front seat I buckle up and turn on the radio for the 2minute drive.
Cameron turns off the car when we arrive at his house. I get out skipping to the door practically. The boys all walk slower but catch up with me.
"What's got you so happy?" Connor questions flicking my head.
"I get to see my favorite person"
"But I'm already here" Cam wraps his arm around me pulling me into him.
"I'm talking about Ella, not you" my hands push his arm off and I step forward walking inside. I head straight to the dining room where Dave is holding her. "My girl"
I scoop her into my arms as Dave chuckles and ruffles my hair. "No hello?"
"Hey old man" I say teasingly. His stomach rumbles when he laughs hugging me. The moms come into the dining room from the kitchen.
"1,2,3,4,5" Sara counts off with her fingers. "Everyone's alive and breathing" she jokes nudging moms shoulder. Mom looks more rested then the last time I saw her relaxing me slightly.
"Well besides that nice shiner you have there" Mom touches Cams eye and he winced.
"Wow, how'd you get that?" Sara walks towards him and both moms study the eye to make sure it needs no medical attention.
"Look at Lee" he motions to me. I'm holding Ella and freeze looking from her to everyone with a guilty smile.
"Did he deserve it?" Dave questions me.
"Doesn't he always?"
"Well you did a good job, looks like all those fighting lessons I gave you paid off"
"Dad!" Cam glares at his father in shock while he high fives me.
"As long as he deserved it" Sara shrugs sitting down at the table and pouring mom and her a glass of wine.
"Gee, and I wonder who y'all's favorites are?" Theo retorts sarcastically sitting down at the end of the table.
"None of you" mom deadpans, Dave and Sara both nod.
"Wow, don't you really feel the love?" Gray and Connor both sit down too and start fighting with butter knifes.
"I only love Ella" I tell the boys pinching her cheeks.
"That reminds me!" Sara hops up and comes over to Ella and me. She points to me and asks "who is this?"
"Marwee!" Ella shouts excitement evident on her face. My heart swells as I kiss her cheek.
Ella only knew 3 works ma, dadda and dummy (Curtesy of the idiot boys in the room) I couldn't help but smile so wide.
"Wait, she says Mars name before mine?" Cam asks shocked coming over to us.
"But I'm her brother"
"And I'm her favorite"
Cam flicks my head and I flick his back. Ellas giggles fill to room as Cam and I flick each other. "Don't make me give you another black eye."
Trust me, I would.
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