《Tracks》Chapter 2- First day
"Most people prefer for things to be black and white but sometimes we must settle for the colors in between"
Song-The less I know the better; Tame Impala
Last year was a rough year to say the least but today is the first day of school. I planned to wake up early enough to do my hair, pick out a cute outfit and have time to do my makeup.
Yeah.... that didn't work out.
Instead I woke up to Theo pouring water on me. I sat up with a gasp and immediately shoved him off of my bed onto the floor which he hit with a thud.
"What the hell was that for?!" I ask sitting up and ringing out my wet hair.
"Ow, I think you broke my rib" Theo rubs his side soothingly.
"Use Scotch tape, you'll be fine" I wave him off hopping off of my bed and helping him up.
"I've been trying to wake you up for an hour, I thought you went into a coma" Theo explains standing up and brushing off his pants.
"I wish, it'll be better than going to school" I comment walking to my closet and looking through it.
"You'll be fine, now come on. Cams going to be here in five minutes"
My eyes go wide as I quickly shove Theo out of the room so I can get dressed. I throw on a pair of high-waisted blue jean shorts with a cropped Arctic monkey t-shirt I got for my birthday last year.
I quickly put on a pair of white slip on vans that I painted sunflowers on. I run my fingers throw my loose curly- wavy hair to get out the knots from the night before.
Afterward I grab my backpack and slip my phone into my back pocket along with my earbuds quickly throwing on mascara and Red lipstick.
Well after last year most everyone in the school avoided me like I was some diesese. Everyone talked about me in horrible ways so I decided this year I'd give them something to talk about.
I hear the familiar honk of Cameron's red pick-up truck. When I walk outside I see Theo already in the front seat which meant I was stuck in the truck bed with Grayson and Connor.
There goes my hair.
I walk over to the rolled down window,flipping the two boys who snicker at me off, before getting into the trunk. The boys both greet me before knocking on the back window motioning for Cam to drive.
The cool breeze brushes my skin, my hair flows as we drive down the streets. The smell of autumn fills my nose and the different colors of fall trees blur together as we drive.
We slow to a stop and Theo opens the back window sticking his head out. "Can you go get Bri?"
I nod swinging out of the truck (and falling). I hope no one noticed but Cam snickers behind me. I walk up the cobble pathways to the quant yellow, cottage looking house.
I open the door and walk in to be greeted with the smell of fresh baked muffins and Ms. Lane. Ms.Lane is a tan elderly lady although she doesn't act like it. He graying hair is curly on top of her head and contrast with her chocolate skin.
"Hey Grams" I smile hugging her. "Is Briana ready?" I ask pulling apart and glancing around the house. I spot the picture of Bri, Cam, Theo, Miles and I from 8th grade that she hung up.
"She should be, last I checked on her, her nose was so in the book I think her face might have been glued to it" Grams chuckles motioning to her room. I turn around and knock on her door while opening it.
"Hey Bri-Bri, you ready?" I ask walking into her bright room with so many books it could be a library.
Brianna and I met in 6th grade science class. She got paired up to be my lab partner, she was the smart kid in class and I was the one who "accidentally" exploded stuff.
At first I could barley get her to say two words. After a lot (and I mean a lot) of pestering her I finally got her to spend the night at my house. The rest has been history. She immediately became another addition to our friend group.
Brianna's parents were deep in drugs after she was born. Her mom dropped her off at her widowed mothers house to live with her. Gram of course took her in and raised her.
Brianna has dark chocolate skin that glows constantly. Her dark curly hair always seems to be absolutely perfect but the thing I love most about her is how sweet she is.
She's always kind, calm and collected (the exact opposite of me). We balance each other out perfectly. I help break her out of her shell and she helps me stay out of jail or dying.
She doesn't look up from her book. She's wearing a long sleeved pastel pink sweater dress that I totally plan to steal from her one day. Her hair is full of volume hanging just past her shoulders.
"The house is on fire!" I try to get her attention. "There's a tornado!" Still nothing. I huff a breath of air before saying "the British are coming!"
She finally looks up at me with a bored expression. "The British are coming? Really?"
"What?!" I shrug. "That's all I remember from history" she laughs standing up and tucking her book into her bag before swinging it over her shoulder.
"You ready to go?" She asks walking out of her bedroom.
"I was born ready baby!" I cheer following her.
"I made some muffins for the others" Grams hands me a container of muffins with a smaller one on top. "And some gluten free, low sugar ones for you" She winks kissing my cheek and pushing us out of the door.
"About time" Cam huffs as we hop into the trunk bed. His head peaks out the back window.
"Shut up and eat this" I roll my eyes shoving the muffin into his mouth
"Oooooh muffins!" Theo cheers grabbing the small bag from me and taking a bite. He grimaced spitting it out. "Ew what is that?!"
"Their mine stupid" I say grabbing the small bag and handing him the big container. "Their gluten free, sugar free and-" I take a bite before chewing the sand-like muffin "taste free, give me the real ones" I reach into the window as Cam starts driving.
"Nope, not until you check your sugar" Cam denies glancing back at me through the rear view mirror.
The thought dawns on me and my eyes go wide. Grayson puts his head in his hands. "You forgot it didn't you?"
"Marlee!" Bri scolds shaking her head and popping a piece of muffin in her mouth.
"I'm sorry! I was running late!" I cross my arms glaring at all of them as they enjoy their muffins.
"Don't worry, I have a diabetic kit in my locker at school" Cam reminds me making me relax. I really didn't want to go to the nurses office on the first day.
As we cruise down the street I have the sudden urge to jump of out the car. Of course I won't do it but it does sound more appeasing than going to school.
We park in front of an apartment building that Miles lives in. He stands on the front steps with his backpack hanging over his shoulders.
"Hey hot stuff!" I call out cupping my hands around my mouth.
Miles has dark tanned skin with curly brown hair. His golden eyes and nice boy personality make all the girls swoon for him but that's not the kind of guy his is.
Instead he hangs out with us (no idea why) when he isn't studying. He lives with his dad Mr.Saunter who owns the local ice cream shop. His mom passed away when he was only 3 so he doesn't remember her very well but his dad always tells him story's of the great women she was.
I met miles in 3rd grade. I was crying because it was my first time not having a class with Theo or Cam. The teacher sat me next to miles who was also upset.
I looked at him giving his a large, gapped tooth smile, outreached my hand and said "hi, I'm Marlee. My friends call me Mar so you can call me Mar now since were friends"
Little Miles looked at me with a confused look and said " we're friends?"
"Well of course we are, we're both crying which means we're friends" I told him and the rest was history.
Cam and Theo were a little hesitant at first to add someone to our group but I threatened to punch them if they didn't give him a chance. He fit right in and helped keep us out of trouble.
Let's just say he was incredibly thankful to have Bri join the group and "have another mentally stable person around" (his words not mine).
"Hey honey bunches" Miles smirks lifting himself into the bed trunk and saying hi to everyone. We start driving again and I quickly get antsy so I lean through the back window that is just wide enough for me to fit through and hook my phone up to the aux cord.
I scroll through my playlist before finally deciding on a song. Hot girl bummer starts playing over the speakers. Everyone immediately recognizes it and soon enough we're all screaming the lyrics as we pull into school.
"You know, I think my blood sugars a little low. Better go home and check it." I chuckle nervously turning to get back into the truck.
"I don't think so" Cam and Miles both grab my arms lifting me up so I can't walk and carrying me to the school.
"This is assault! Put me down! I'll sue you!" I protest trying to get out of their grip.
"Where are you going to get money for a lawyer?" Grayson asks me holding my backpack as the two boys drag me closer to the school.
"Easy, I'll just sell Theo on the black market" I say nonchalantly when they finally set me down in front of the school doors.
"Hey!" Theo glares at me. I flip him off turning to face the school.
"I don't even need an education, I'll just marry a rich man old guy and murder him so I can inherit all his money" I suggest. "Or a sugar daddy!"
"That's what you have me for" I spin around to see Asher and Addie Felix approach us. The final pair to our group.
They moved here at the beginning of freshman year. Ashers tall with pale skin, light brown hair and a cocky personality.
"Wow, you actually came to school!" I comment rolling my eyes at him. I was opposed to him joining our group at first (I'm still kind of iffy).
He seemed like he was a jerk at first. Well he is a jerk but that's just a front. He still gets on my nerves all the time and constantly gets my brother in trouble.
Addie is Ashers adopted sister. She has small hooded eyes that go perfectly with her tiny nose and full lips. Her black hair is always straight with a little wave.
She's my only other friend that is a girl besides Bri. When I first met her Asher walked into the room with a cocky smirk. I leaned over and said "he looks like a dick"
She snorted and said "yeah he is, I'm his sister"
That was the moment I knew that we were going to be friends. Asher has kinda grown on me over the past couple years (don't tell him that though).
What comes as a shock to everyone though is that Asher and Addie aren't from our side of town. They live in one of those fancy neighborhoods with gated houses and big pools.
Their parents are never home which makes it the perfect place to through parties.
Theo let's out a big burp and Connor high fives him. Addie rolls her eyes and says "this is why I like girls"
Brianna and I both giggle ignoring the glares from the boys.
"And this is why I like books" Bri agrees.
"I just like my bed" I shrug grabbing my backpack from Grayson. "You two got to head to class, do you guys know the way?"
"Yeah, we took a tour a couple weeks ago" Grayson explains. I wrap both boys in a bone crushing hug.
"I can't believe my boys are in high school" I admit hugging them even tighter.
"We won't make it to high school if you suffocate us before then" Connor mumbles. I'm pried off the boys by Miles.
"We'll see you guys later" Grayson waves us goodbye giving me one last small hug before they run down the halls. The freshman classes are on the second floor so they needed to leave a bit early.
"Okay, we need to get going or we'll be late" Bri explains checking her bubblegum pink watch.
"I say we just skip" Asher suggest earning a pinch from Addie.
"I can't believe I'm about to say this but I agree with Asher" I shake my head with a disgusted look. "Ugh that was gross to say" I complain.
Miles chuckles wrapping an arm around me. "Let's go sugar plum"
In 7th grade a rumor went around that me and Miles were dating (which would never happen since he's like a brother to me). Instead of denying it we went with it but the only way out 7th grade selves knew how to be in a "relationship" was to call each other names.
It kind of stuck and now is an ongoing joke between us.
They all start to walk in stopping when they realize I'm not behind them. They all look to Cam who mumbles "I got it" and walks back towards me.
"Okay, what's going on? You've never dreaded school this much before" Cam questions pulling me to the side so students can pass.
"Nothing, I just don't want to go" I lie rubbing my arm.
"Mar, I know when you're lying. Now tell me." He pressures. "I know it's not because you think people are going to judge you because you don't give a damn what people think"
He's not wrong.
"What if he's here?" I ask, my voice so quiet I don't know if it can be heard.
"He won't be, we have the restraining order plus he graduated last year" Cam reassures me. "Look, we'll be by your side all day. He won't be able to hurt you again."
"Swear?" I say holding up my pinky. He looks at me with a small laugh interlocking our fingers.
"Swear" he nods. "Now get your ass in there before I drag you in there by your hair" he shoves me into the school where everyone is gathered waiting, looking at me with anticipation.
"Well, let's get this over with" I say causing everyone to cheer. Theo wraps an arm around me.
"There's my Marlee" He pinches my cheek, something he's done since we were kids even though he knows it annoys me.
"Where's our lockers?" Addie wonders looking around the halls. Theo, Cam and I share mischievous glances.
"Uh-oh" Bri mumbles.
"What did you guys do this time and please don't tell me it was her idea" Miles points to me.
"Me?! What's wrong with my ideas?!" I place a hand over my chest for dramatic effect.
"One time your "ideas" made us end up in Mexico with no passports"
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
Good times.
"Oh yeah, remember that super nice guy?!" I ask. "What was his name?"
"Carlos!" Addie remembers basically shouting it.
"I miss Carlos" I say sadly looking at my feet.
"Carlos was a drug dealer who stole our car" Asher deadpans looking at Addie and I like we're idiots.
"He was still nice" I argue, Addie agreeing with me.
"We're getting off topic" Cam stares bringing us all back to the main topic.
"Yeah, what did y'all do?" Miles looks at us with seriousness in his eyes.
"We may or may not have snuck in and rearranged the locker order so we're all next to each other" Theo says in a high pitched voice flinching way before Bri whacks him over the head.
"Nice job!" Addie high fives me.
"Don't encourage them!" Asher scolds his sister while Miles turns to Cam.
"I can't believe they sucked you into it" Miles shakes his head. Cam raises his hands in defense.
"I was a hostage, Mar had her bat" Cam tells them and they all look to me.
"What, we needed his help!" I explain.
"He's the only way we could get Sara's keys" Theo adds as our entire group shakes their heads at us .
"Let's just go to our locker" Addie suggest interlocking her arms with Bri's and mine. We head down the hall to the area where all of our lockers are located when we see a crowd around them.
I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach and the smile I had moments before wiped off my face. Some girls snicker and boys high five.
"Move" I say shoving some of the crowd out of the way. When I push to the front with my twin and the girls behind me I see what everyone was looking at.
On my locker the word slut was painted across it. Theo turns around facing the crowd. "If I find out who did this I'm going to kick your ass!" He threatens.
I spot a kid recording the entire thing. Before I can get to him Cam walks up and grabs him by the shirt. "Delete that. Now."
His brown eyes were full of rage, the veins in his neck were popping out. Miles immediately starts scrubbing off the paint along with Bri.
"Shows over pea-brains. Leave!" Addie yells at them all as Asher shoves some of them back.
Once everyone's gone they all gather around me. I just stare at it for a minute when I feel Miles and Theo's arms wrap around me.
"Are you okay?" Brianna asks. I walk up to my locker, everyone silent in anticipation.
"I personally think it's a good decoration, blue was too boring for my taste" I tell them with a playful smile. Theo chuckles ruffling my hair. "Maybe I'll paint some confetti or balloons to add some more spice"
They all go to their lockers around mine chattering about different things. I sigh unloading my backpack.
So much for a good junior year.
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