《Off Camera / A Treegan Love Story》Small Bump
Last night Keegan and I arrived home around 2 am. After the special moment we shared last night I had such a good sleep. I'm yawning and opening my eyes and when I do I squint because the sun shining through the curtains is so bright. Today is our first day off of filming until March. I let myself take in the moment to lie in bed in relax. In two weeks I will be starting a five week movie shoot on a film I wrote called Feed. I wanted to enjoy the last few days at home with Keegan and our pets before life got busy again. I stretch my arms out and instantly I hear my dogs barking and a cat meowing. I shake my head and laugh. For the most part my dogs got along with Keegan's cat Dan. The odd time they would bug each other and end up chasing Dan around the house.
I pick up my phone on the bedside table and notice its 11:30 am. I put it down and turn to Keegan who has his eyes open and is looking at me. I move toward him and give him a kiss.
"Good morning." I say after we kiss. "What do you want to do today?"
"Why don't I make breakfast and then we can take the dogs to Griffith Park?" He replies.
I tell him that sounds like a good idea but I offer to help him make breakfast.
As soon as we are downstairs I open the back door and let the dogs out into the backyard so they can run around. I open the fridge and my eyes widen.
"Ok this is scary." I laugh as Keegan comes over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.
"This is what a fridge of two busy people looks like." He replies smiling at me.
"Lets take the dogs to the park and then we'll stop on the way home to pick something up for breakfast." I suggest. He nods his head and then we head back to our room to get dressed.
After spending 40 minutes at Griffith Park, we get into our car and head out. I can see Troian out of the corner of my eye checking her phone. The car radio is on and I've got our favourite station playing.
"Ashley texted me. She and Tyler are downtown and they want to meet us at Poppy + Rose." Troian says with excitement. "Do you want to?"
I briefly turn to her. "Sure. Tell her 15 minutes." She smiles and sends Ashley a text.
We drop the dogs off at home and make our way to the restaurant. I'm about to pull into a parking spot on the side of the road when I see Ashley and Tyler waving and smiling at us.
As soon as I get out of the car I give Ashley and Tyler a hug.
"It's so good to see you!" Ashley says while we're hugging.
"I just saw you yesterday." I say laughing.
"Yeah I know. But not seeing everyone every day is hard at first." I nod agreeing with her as we walk into the restaurant with the guys.
As soon as we're all sitting down at a table about to look at our menus, I start talking.
"What do you two think of 'Lacy'? I ask directing the question at Tyler and Ashley. For a couple minutes they're both silent exchanging glances at each other.
I laugh. "Wow. That bad huh?" They both nod their heads.
"I want to be happy for him. But he keeps meeting the wrong girl. Either he meets an attractive actress who's already in a relationship or he meets a girl who isn't in the industry but some crazy fan. I mean it's ok if you like the show. Just don't let that be the only reason you give the guy your number."
We all nod our heads agreeing with her.
"Don't you have a single cousin?" Tyler asks her. "Madison who's just moved to Los Angeles for a PR job?"
Ashley nods her head smiling and it looks like she's thinking.
"You just gave me an idea. Madison has had crappy luck with men. I know she would like Ian." Ashley says looking at all of us.
"Ash just promise me before you do anything, that you'll let Ian figure things out with Lacy first."
Even though we were all unsure of Lacy last night I could tell Ian looked really happy. The happiest I've seen him in a long time.
"Don't worry. Madison's an option if things don't work out." Ashley replies with a smile and a wink. Tyler sits there shaking his head and laughing before he kisses Ashley on the cheek.
It's not too long before we're all eating our breakfast and the guys are having their own conversation while I have moved to sit across from Ashley and I'm telling her about the special evening Keegan planned last night.
"You two are seriously the cutest!" She smiles.
I blush and smile. I take a sip of my chocolate milkshake before continuing the conversation.
"Who's the cutest?" Tyler asks.
Ashley rolls her eyes at him looking annoyed.
"Troian and Keegan are." Ashley tells him about how Keegan planned a special night for me.
Half an hour later we leave the restaurant and after saying bye to our friends, I tell Keegan we should stop and get some groceries before we head home.
When we walk through the front door of our house I help Troian carry the bags from Whole Foods.
When we're putting the groceries away I notice that Troian has a worried look on her face.
"What's wrong?" I ask her. I put my arm around her and kiss her on the cheek. She gives me a small smile before telling me she needs to use the bathroom. I continue putting the groceries away hoping everything is alright.
I'm sitting on the edge of the bathtub in the master bathroom. The door is locked and I'm on my phone hoping Lulu will pick up.
"T what's up?" She asks me.
"I need you to do a favour for me. Pick up three pregnancy tests." I say as I let out a small sob. "I was supposed to get my period a week ago. I went to use the bathroom when we were out for breakfast this morning and it still hasn't started." I say and all of a sudden I realize I'm scared as hell inside.
"I'll be right over." Lulu replies. Instantly I start to feel a little better.
I hang up the phone and sit in silence for a few minutes. Trying to decide what I'm going to do if I am pregnant. I shake my head. It won't be positive I tell myself.
As soon as I end my call with Troian I grab my car keys from my kitchen island and rush out of the house. I drive to the nearest Walgreens drugstore and head to the isle where the pregnancy tests are. I grab three Clearblue brand ones and head to the pay for them. I fumble with the zipper on my purse and grab a $20 bill and hand it to the old lady behind the counter. She gives me a weird look and all I can think is maybe she thinks I'm too young to be a mom or wondering why someone would grab more than one pregnancy test.
After I pay for them and throw them into my purse I run out to my car, get in and start it. Instantly Ed Sheeran starts blaring from my radio.
I'm entering our master bedroom when I notice the bathroom door is closed. Troian never came back downstairs to help me finish putting the groceries away.
"Troian? Are you alright?" I ask but get no answer.
As soon as I enter the bathroom I notice it looks like she's been crying. If there's anything that breaks me it's seeing Troian this way. I go over to her and sit down beside her on the edge of our bathtub. I put my arm around her and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. She looks at me and puts her head on my shoulder pulling me close to her.
"What's the matter?" I ask her.
At this she lifts her head up and looks at me. Before saying anything I can tell she's trying to think of what to tell me.
"I was supposed to get my period a week ago." She replies. "When I went to use the bathroom at the restaurant today, I thought it would have come but it didn't. Lulu is on her way over with a test. Actually I asked her to buy three just to be sure."
A few minutes later Lulu walks in and hands Troian three pregnancy tests. We head into the bedroom giving Troian some privacy in the bathroom.
As Keegan and I wait for Troian we pace around the bedroom waiting anxiously. To my surprise Keegan doesn't look too worried at least not yet. Although we aren't talking. I decide to sit down on a chair in the corner of the room by a window. Keegan sits down on the bed. The sunlight glares at his face and I can tell he's starting to look a bit worried.
"How long does this take?" He asks me looking up.
"Only a few minutes." I reply with a smile. I decide to go over and sit on the bed with Keegan to comfort him.
A few minutes later we hear a door open and see Troian walking out of the bathroom with a tear stained face. I don't even have to ask to know that the results are positive. I run over to her with Keegan and we both hug her. When we pull away she shows us that all three pregnancy tests are showing two pink lines.
We walk over to the bed with her and all three of us sit down.
"I should probably let you two have some alone time. I'm here whatever you decide. I love you T." I give her and Keegan both a hug before I leave and I tell them to call if they need anything.
As soon as Lulu leaves there's an awkward silence that falls over the room. I turn to Keegan and he starts talking.
"What are we going to do?" He asks with a worried look.
For a few minutes I think about it. If I decided to keep it, that would probably mean I wouldn't be on Pretty Little Liars anymore. It's late October now and filming resumes in March. I knew I wanted kids someday and in a few days I'm turning thirty. However right now the timing couldn't be any worse.
I pull Keegan close to me not wanting to let go.
"I'm here for you whatever you decide. I just hate myself for putting you in this position...I" Keegan's voice trails off.
"Don't. I love you. But there's only one thing I can think of as a solution. Will you go with me to the clinic? I'll make an appointment in a couple days. I'm just not ready today." I tell him.
"Do you think you'd want that someday though? Would you want a family? If it was with me?"
I think about this for a moment. I smile as I picture Keegan being a dad to a child we could have in the future. It makes me feel so happy inside.
"I really think I would." I reply with a smile. "Someday." I tell him.
After hugging for a few minutes we get off the bed and head downstairs. I begin to make dinner and Keegan sits down on the couch and watches Netflix.
I eat dinner with Troian outside and I try to find something to talk about, but I can tell by looking at her she looks lost. I put my hand on her arm and she starts to cry a little. She gets up from her chair and makes her way inside leaving me outside alone with the dogs. I decide to wait a few minutes before heading inside.
As soon as I enter our bedroom I get into bed and pull the covers over me. I don't want to push Keegan away. Although right now I feel like I need to be alone. After about ten minutes I see Keegan enter the room. I begin to cry as he climbs into bed with me and pulls me in for a hug. The thought of him not being with me right now makes me sad. Every time he comforts me it reminds me of how much I love him.
"I love you." He whispers into my ear. I let him hold me and trail kisses along my neck. I turn toward him after a few minutes and begin to kiss him passionately.
After a little while Keegan falls asleep in my arms and I look at him for a few minutes before falling asleep myself.
Five Days Later
It's Monday morning and I'm waiting for Keegan and Lulu to take me to the clinic. I called two days ago to make an appointment to get an abortion. Lulu texts me to tell me she's outside waiting. She offered to take me and be there for support and she told me she would give me and Keegan a ride.
We head outside and get into her black SUV. Keegan and I get in the back. The entire way to the clinic he holds my hand.
We enter the medical building in downtown Burbank and make our way in. We check in at reception and I'm handed some paperwork I have to fill out. I go to sit down in a chair beside Lulu and Keegan in the waiting area.
After filling out the paperwork I walk over to the receptionist and hand it back to her. She smiles and tells me it shouldn't be too long of a wait.
I look around at the other woman in the office. Most of them are happy and very pregnant. Instantly I feel guilty about what I'm about to do to this tiny life inside of me. I put my hand on my very tiny, non existent belly. Keegan most notice because he puts his arm around me and kisses me. Lulu grabs my hand and squeezes it.
After waiting for what feels like forever, the doctor comes out and calls my name. I'm led into a room with white walls that feels cold. Lulu and Keegan are waiting for me back in the waiting area.
"Are you sure?" The doctor says to me.
I nod my head
"Very sure. I can't do this right now." I reply.
When Troian comes out of the room, I run towards her and give her a hug. She hugs me back tightly.
"Lets go home." I tell her. She nods her head and smiles.
The entire way home none of us say very much. I want to ask Troian how she's feeling. I know she feels she made the right decision. She isn't ready to have a baby and be a mom and I support her. I glance at her in the rear view mirror and she looks sad. Keegan has his arm around her and is holding her close. As soon as I reach their house they get out of the car along with me and I give Troian a hug before she heads inside with Keegan.
"I guess I'll see you Saturday?" I ask Troian. On Saturday our friends were throwing us a joint birthday party. We were born the same day, month and year. Troian looks at me for a minute.
"Oh my god. I can't believe I almost forgot. Of course you'll see me Saturday!" She replies with a smile.
"I love you T!" I say before getting in my car and heading home. She waves to me along with Keegan and then I drive off.
That night before I get into bed, I sit on the edge of the bathtub crying with a hand over my stomach. Keegan is already asleep and I made sure I carefully got out of bed before coming into the bathroom.
My eyes dart open and I notice Troian isn't in bed next to me. I notice the light is on in the bathroom. I get up and walk over to the bathroom door. When I reach it I listen and I hear crying. When I open the door I make my way over to Troian and hold her close. I begin kissing her. I get the idea to run a bubble bath in our large soaker tub. As soon as it's filled and I've poured bubble bath into it, we take off our clothes. Before Troian gets in I kiss her belly. I look into her eyes which are looking at me. She moves closer to me and starts kissing me. I help her into the tub and once we're both in I press my back against it and pull Troian onto my lap. She lays her head on my chest.
"I love you Keegan." She says to me. "It was very hard for me to do that today." I'm surprised that she brings this up. I wasn't going to press her to talk about it.
"But I know I did the right thing." She continues.
"We'll get through this." I reply.
Ten minutes later we're in bed and I'm holding the girl I love with all my heart close to me.
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