《Draco's Hufflepuff》Part 2



—————— = time skip

I read over the letter again and again, who could have sent that to me, I didn't think anyone would trust me with something like that other than Harry, Hermione and Ron. Who was this masterius person, I thought about it as I calmly petted Hedwigs feathers until I heard someone walk down the stairs.

"Umm" a first year girl said and I looked up from the letter smiling sweetly at the first year girl who looked as frightened as ever. "What's wrong?" I asked her and she started crying, I gently stood up putting my arms out for the first year to come into my arms.

When I had the first year in my arms I stroked her hair calmly shushing her quietly, "it's okay" I whispered to her as she sobbed into my shoulder. When she stopped crying she pulled out of the hug drying her tears away "the girls threw my toad out the window because she wouldn't stop making noises" the little girl said.

I instantly felt the anger bubble up inside of me, "show me which one is your dorm room?" I asked her and she nodded leading me up the stairs and to one of the girls dorms. The other three girls were fast asleep so I pulled my wand out and gently out a charm on them, as soon as the words left my mouth all their faces went green and their hairs went bright purple.

"I'll buy you a new toad, how about I'll bring you one next weekend when it's a hogsmeade weekend for me?" I asked and her face went as bright as ever and she nodded. "Oh and I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone that I did that" I told her and she nodded quickly before going back into her bed.


I left her dorm room and went into my dorm room to grab my quill, some ink and a pice of parchment before going back down to the common room.


Thank you so much for trusting me with that and if you ever want to tell me anything or want someone to talk to or even if you need any help just ask or send another anonymous letter. I'm guessing you won't tell me who you are with the things inside your letter but just know if you want to tell me you can

- with love Y/N Potter

I handed Hedwig the letter and kissed her head "here, take this to the person that gave you the other letter" I told her as I tied the letter around her foot and gave her a small owl treat. I opened the window so she could fly out and deliver the letter, I watched her fly away trying to detect where she was going.

I closed the window when she was out of sight and walked slowly up the stairs taking all of my things including the letter with me to my dorm to get some sleep


I woke up to an owl knocking lightly on my window, I noticed the other girls in the room were still fast asleep so I left my bed to notice it was Hedwig. I let her in and she had a letter in her beak, I groaned quietly as to not wake the girls up, her beak was sharper than most owls so her beak put a whole through the letter.

I took the letter from her handing her a treat and letting her fly off to get some sleep, I opened the letter and read it over.


Thank you for that, I appreciate it but you're right, I won't be telling you who I am and I won't be able to tell you anything about the task or ask you for help. Simply because you won't be able to.


I read the letter over and rolled my eyes, of course this person had to be super stubborn of all of this. I put the letter into my nightstand where I had put the other letter and got dressed, I put my prefect badge on and left the dorm room when the girls were waking up.

"You'll be able to catch late breakfast if you hurry" I told them all while closing the door into our dorm room. I hurried down the stairs, the letters in my satchel that I had all my school things in, I left the common room and went up to the entrance hall.

There I met Harry, Ron and Hermione and we all walked into the great hall together before I went to sit at the Hufflepuff table and the other three went to sit at the Gryffindor table. I looked around the great hall to see if anyone could possibly be the person I was looking for but no one seemed to be exhausted enough for it.


After all my classes of the day I went to the library to meet up with Harry, Hermione and Ron for a bit of a study session. I found a empty table and sat down at it taking my books out and decided I'd just start my homework and the others would come when they would come.

After sitting there for only a couple minutes the door opened up and in walked the golden trio, they all seemed to look around just like I had done when I came in until they saw me and walked over. "Hi, how were your classes?" Harry asked and I smiled "they were good, Malfoy is actually taking divination this year, I wasn't expecting that" I told them and they all frowned.

"Why would Malfoy be taking divination?" Harry asked as he furrowed his brows and I shrugged my shoulders on the same time as Hermione did. "It doesn't matter, we all have a potions test tomorrow so we should focus on that, also I don't want to hear that Malfoy might be a death eater right now Harry, it doesn't matter" Hermione said harshly to him.

I rolled my eyes at her "he's been on about that all day and all last night from what Ron told me" Hermione said and I rolled my eyes agreeing with her this time "Harry you should stop thinking about that" I told him but he shook his head. "I'm sure about this, when have I ever been wrong?" Harry asked and we all gave him a deadpanned look as to answer him.

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