

While Scott is off to talk to Gerard and Stiles is at Derek's loft doing whatever Stiles is doing, Selene goes back to a place that changed her life. The place her father got killed.


A little girl and a man are walking in a warehouse. The girl looks around four years old, black hair and brown eyes and the man has the same eyes but brown hair.

"Dad, why are we here? Are we going to practice?" the little girl asks. The man kneels down and smiles at his daughter. He pulls out a wooden sword and smiles wider when he sees the little girl's eyes lighten up with happiness.


Selene smiles to herself as she pulls out the belt/sword. She lifts it above her head and moves it down with a jump and turning 360°.


"Dad! I did it! Did you see it! From the first try!" The little girl says proudly and does the same move Selene just did.

"Well done sweety. Now try this" the man says with a proud smile on his face. He does all sorts of movements with his real sword which the little girl repeats with her wooden. "Very good! Now-" The man suddenly gets up and is alarmed.

"Dad? What's wrong?" the little girl asks, looking very scared. The man kneels down in front of the little girl.

"Sweety listen too me carefully. Hide. And don't come out whatever happens" the man says.

"Dad, I'm scared" the little girl admits.

"Good, now go" the man says and pushes the little girl away with tears in his eyes. Three black SUV's drive in the warehouse and stop.


"I love you. Never forget that"

The girl tries to say something else but a young man maybe even a teenager pushes her behind one of the barrels.


Selene does the same move the man and little girl did and drops her sword. She drops to her knees and puts her head in her hands. She starts to cry and sob.


"Dad!" the girl cries out and the young man/teenager puts his hand for her mouth. He puts a finger for his mouth and the little girl nods. They both look at the scene that is already unfolding.

"It doesn't have to be this way" a younger Gerard warns the girl's father.

"I would rather die than betray them" he says bitterly. He raises his sword and they raise their guns.

"Then so be it" Gerard says. They start shooting and the girl tries to run to her father to save him but the guy holds her back.

"Let go" She says struggling against his grip. He turns her around to face him and she keeps struggle.

"Listen to me. You can't do anything. The only thing you can do for him is to stay alive yourself do you understand? Hey! Tell me you understand" he explains. Tears stream down her face and she nods. They glance back at the scene and the guy switches places with the four-year-old to block her view. He pulls her against him and doesn't look back.

But he knows. He knows because he hears the metal cut through flesh and bones. He knows because of the quiet sound of something falling against the ground. He knows because of the smell of blood that catches his senses. He knows because of the sickening thud of something falling limply to the ground. He knows Gerard killed his friend and it's his fault.


Selene gets up and walks over to a red stain on the ground. She never even had the chance to bury her dad. She and her mother never found her dad's body. She also never saw the guy who saved her life again. This is the first time she comes back here. She gets back up and walks over to the barrel that saved her life by hiding her and the young man. She frowns catching a scent and then the realisation hits her.



The girl let a soft choked sob escape from her lips.

"You hear that boys. That's the sound of our way to that pack" Gerard says and the men cheer. The girl looks terrified and the young man/teenager sighs. He puts his finger to his lip. The little girl nods and they both get up. The guy picks her up and she clings to him. He starts to run towards the door that's wide open. A hunter picks up on them and starts shooting at them. A bullet hits the guy's leg and he puts the girl on the ground.

"Run!" He yells and his eyes flash blue. The girl is hesitant "Run! I can save myself! Run!" the guy yells and the little girl starts running. Right before she disappears in the woods she looks back and sees the guy is gone.


The person who saved her life, she has met him. But she has met a lot of people. Who and why would someone save her? Was it because of her father? Most likely but still why? Was he a friend of her father? Or maybe even her mother? Both? The new information, the flashbacks, the things she now understands that she never quite did before, it just raised more questions. When, if even at all, will she be able to get the answers?

"The love between a

Father and Daughter

knows no boundaries nor distance

not even death can stop it"

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