《She-Wolf》The Girl Who Knew Too Much


A few days later, at night, Stiles, Scott, Allison and Selene get a call from Lydia to come to the school. Allison and Selene are the first to arrive. Scott and Stiles arrive a little after.

"Where is she?" Stiles asks.

"Over here" Allison yells and the five of them come together.

"Lydia?" Stiles asks for an explanation.

"It's the same thing. Same thing as the pool. I got in the car heading somewhere totally different and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there's a dead body" Lydia explains.

"You found a dead body?" Stiles asks.

"Not yet" Lydia says.

"I have" Selene catches everyone's attention and looks over Lydia's shoulder. Everyone turns around and sees the body of a deputy lying on the school board.


Scott goes to talk to Miss Morell while Selene walks around the school trying to find Reed and Cheryl. She stops her actions when she hears someone scream.

"Lydia" she mutters to herself and runs to the source. She arrives there right after miss Blake and Aiden.

"I don't get why no one's calling the police" Lydia voices her thoughts to Miss Blake.

"I told you: They're gonna make an announcement over the PA-" Miss Blake tries but Lydia cuts her off.

"That's not gonna do anything! I told you, he's gone. Like the others, taken" Lydia explains.

"Okay-" Miss Blake says not believing it. Selene lets her gaze slide through the people gathering at the door. She sees Cheryl who's slightly frowning and looking at the floor. Cheryl looks up and lets her eyes flash amber and then looks at Miss Blake. Selene gets the hint and her heart starts to go a little bit faster. "But Lydia, you wrote that number" Miss Blake states and Selene has to give it to her, she's a great actress.


"Okay, fine. I'm psychic" Lydia admits.

"You're psychic?" Miss Blake asks not believing it.

"I'm something!" Lydia yells in response.

"Okay, Lyds. Calm down. Let's go" Selene says and starts to push Lydia away from the crowd.

Scott, Reed and Cheryl follow.

"It's Miss Blake. She's the Darach" Cheryl explains.

"What?" Scott asks.

"If they took Mr Westover... Call Stiles. Ask if Tara taught once. I think the Darach moved to Philosophers as in teachers" Selene realises and ignores Scott.

"Okay, but are you sure it's Miss Blake?" Scott asks.

"Maybe we should ask the Twins who are listening in on our conversation" Selene states and turns a little to see the two acting as if nothing happened. She walks up to them.

"Which one of your little alpha pack was closest to their emissary?" Selene asks and they look at each other.

"Kali" Ethan then admits.

"What was her emissary's name?" Selene continues the questioning.

"Why should we tell you?" Aiden asks.

"Because this Darach isn't coming for us, sweety. She wants to kill you so if you help us we can maybe stop her from doing that" Selene says using a lot of sarcasm.

"Julia Beccari" Ethan answers.

"You may survive this yet" Selene states and starts to walk back to her friends.


"She was a teacher," Scott says.

"All the teachers are gonna be there tonight because of the recital" Selene explains.

"So what's the plan?" Lydia asks.

"Keep an eye on Miss Blake for all times" Selene proposes.

"Good plan. Now we should get to class" Scott states and everyone agrees and leaves.


At the recital Selene sees Scott and Lydia talking and walks up to them.


"I don't know why I am the one that keeps finding the bodies. But maybe, if I just stopped trying to fight it. I'd find them before it happens, maybe with enough time, for someone like you two to do something about it" Lydia explains.

"You get us the time and we'll do something about it" Scott says.

"I swear to you we will" Selene adds. Lydia takes Selene's hand in hers and Scott's in her other.

A little later Scott and Selene are watching over the public... They lost her, they lost Miss Blake. Selene looks over to Aiden and listens in on his conversation with his brother.

"I just think I lost my phone" Aiden says and Selene's eyes become big. She turns around and finds that Lydia is gone.

"Fuck" She mutters and starts to search for Lydia's sent.

"Lydia! Lydia! Where are you!" Selene frantically yells trying to desperately find her friend. The faint smell of blood catches her nose and she chokes out a breath. "Lydia!" She yells and hears Lydia scream. She runs to the classroom and her eyes are glowing their bright amber colour.

She growls lowly and gets Miss Blake's attention, the Darach's attention. Selene charges at her and claws at her head. Miss Blake leans back and dodges Selene's arm. She grabs the arm and pushes it back, breaking Selene's shoulder. Selene ignores the pain and fiddles with her belt to get it loose. She gets it undone and lets it transform in the sword. She cuts through Miss Blake's stomach and pushes her shoulder back in place. Miss Blake looks at the wound that's not healing.

"How?" She asks. Selene holds up the sword and smirks.

"Mistletoe" She explains and Miss Blake runs away. Selene would go after her but she doesn't care right now. She hurries to Lydia and quickly removes the garrot for her neck. Lydia gasps for breath and quickly embraces Selene and they hug each other tightly.

Scott and Stiles run into the room.

"Derek. Go to Derek's house now!" Selene orders and Scott starts to run and Stiles runs after him. "Let's get you out of here," Selene says and she and Lydia get up.

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