《She-Wolf》Cast: Season 2


"Better late than never"

"I like to think so"

~Clarke and Finn, the 100

"People say you can't save everyone, that it's impossible

but how many times have you heard that the impossible is possible?"

"I might be only human

but I'm still smarter than you"

"Rule your mind

or it will rule you"


"You make mistakes

Mistakes don't make you"

~Maxwell Maltz

"I've painted this picture of myself

that I can't change anymore"

"Being a leader means having to take hard decisions

And then accepting those consequences"

"I'm aware people hate me

I just don't care"

"Hell is empty

all the devils are here"

~William Shakespeare, The Tempest

"When insecurity stopped being a problem

I became beautiful"

"I was lonely

until I met her"

"I've met some pricks

but you're a f*cking cactus"

"I know it seems like I don't care about anything or anyone

But that's because I've been let down one too many times

but not by her

never by her"

"I've lost so many people

but she was always there"

"I fight with everything I have

but what will I do when I've nothing left?"

"I'll protect those I love

until I have taken my last breath"

"I've been by her side from the start

and I always will"

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