

After a long time at no one knows, Selene, Cheryl and Reed are back. They are exhausted but considering nothing good happens on a full moon in Beacon Hills, Selene decides to walk around in it. That's when she realises it's Lydia's birthday. And a very special full moon. She starts running towards the Hale House ruins. It's quiet, but that doesn't mean anything. She walks inside the house and hears a faint heartbeat. She walks up the stairs and finds an unconscious Derek.

"God Dammit" She whispers and lifts him up. She gets him to Deaton and then sits down in a chair.

"Good to have you officially back" Deaton states and Selene smiles.

"I think two idiots are going to need my help, aren't they?" Selene asks and Deaton nods, a smile evident on his face.


Selene arrives at the sheriff's station and so does Mama McCall.

"You're Scott's mother, right?" Selene asks and the woman nods. "Get back in your car and drive away. Please, listen" Selene asks and Melissa nods and gets back in her car. She doesn't know why she trusts that teenage girl, but she does. Selene quietly gets inside. She sneaks into the cells and uncuffs the Sheriff.

He's about to ask something but Selene puts a finger to her lip. She gives him a gun and turns around.

Selene dodges the Kanima and sneaks into the Sherrif's office. Some guy is holding a gun pointed at har two idiots. She fires her gun at his hand, which makes him drop the gun and scream in pain. Then she uses the gun to hit him across the face which knocks him out. The light of a vehicle shines through the windows and a little later Derek runs inside the office.


"What are you doing here?" Selene asks concerned.

"Thanking you and trying to save some people. I see that's not necessary" Derek answers.

"Well- Kanima" Selene yells as she dodges Jackson's claws. Instead, they get inside Derek. Jackson turns around and Selene shoots him in the leg. It doesn't do anything and she throws away her gun. She tries to get off her belt and then it changes into a sword.

Everyone steps back and Jackson... screeches? Whatever he makes a high pitched sound. Then the fire alarm goes off.

"Did any of you do anything that could have pissed off the Argents?" Selene asks after making everyone duck.

"I bit Allison's mother to save Scott" Derek explains, while still being paralysed on the ground. The Argents and company start shooting in the windows.

"Stiles, get Derek out of here. Sheriff? Mind helping?" Selene orders Stiles and asks the Sheriff.

"'Course not" The sheriff replies and walks over to Derek. He and Stiles pick him up and start to run to a back door.

"And we?" Scott asks.

"We fight- Goddamit Jackson!" Selene yells and knocks the Kanima out after it tried to attack her midsentence again.

"How long is he going to be out?" Scott asks. Right then Jackson also gets up.

"Not long! Stay low and run!" Selene orders and starts turning in full wolf. She looks back at Scott in her wolf form and lets her eyes glow. Scott glows his eyes in response and Selene starts running to God knows where.


Wolf Selene finds Allison paralysed after a few minutes. Allison recognizes her friend and lets out a sigh. The wolf starts growling and turns around to be face to face... snout to snout? Whatever eye in eye with the Kanima. She jumps up onto the Kanima's back and bites in his neck. They start to weirdly wrestle and Allison's dad comes in.


He picks up Allison and brings her away. The Kanima hears something and 'walks' away. Selene, now badly injured turns back to human and groans in pain. She grabs the desk and pulls herself up.

Chris Argent comes back in the room. Selene and Chris make eye contact and he lowers his gun. He turns around and it's just like it never happened.

Selene stumbles out of the station and to her car. Through one of the broken windows, she sees Scott talking to Gerard and not in a hostile way. Her eyes sting with bad memories at the sight of the man and she quickly gets in her car. She drives home, not knowing what to think now.

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