《Blood and Ink》Colossal Wonders
Alright Joey, I'm here. Let's see if we can find what you wanted me to see-
"Oh God, my head," he said to himself. Henry's head was thumping from a stinging-like pain.
He attempted to get his thoughts back together. He came to the workshop, found The Ink Machine and a living, breathing, real-life version of Bendy, they meet up with Boris after a little while, encountered who they later found out was Susie, they did her tasks to leave, she dropped them down the elevator lift, she took Boris and-
"Bendy!" He yelled as the memory shot back into him. He got up, ignoring the pain and looked to his left to see Bendy lying face down on the ground.
"Bendy!?" He went over to him.
He picked him up and turned him around, only to have a traumatizing sight as he saw that there was a hollow socket where his pie-cut cartoon eye was. He softly shook him a little.
"Bendy? Buddy can you hear me?" He asked.
"Ugh... Dad?" Bendy whispered as he struggled to sit up correctly, "dad, what's... Oh... Oh God... Oh God, please no!" He got out of Henry's hold and limped over to some glass that was near them to see that his eye was gone, "oh my God... Oh my God, it's gone," he layed down hugging his legs to his chest, "she took it... She took it away, it's gone," he started to cry, "it's gone," he sobbed.
Henry walked over and sat beside him, wrapping his arms around him and rocking him back and forth, "it's okay Bendy, don't worry. I'm here."
They sat together like that until Bendy's sobbing calmed down.
"Bendy are you okay? Does it hurt?" Henry asked getting to the important question first.
"I... I'm alive... So that's something? And n-no, i-it doesn't hurt anymore."
Bendy stood up, still a little wobbly, and looked around.
"Dad, where's Boris?" He asked.
"Susie took him," Henry replied looking at the corridor in front of them, "they had to have went down that way."
"Okay, let's go get him back then," Bendy said with a newfound determination.
"I'm gonna make that freak pay," Bendy said in a raspy, almost cackle-like voice before clearing it, "a-alright, let's get her."
"... Okay, let's get her," Henry said.
They walked towards an intersection, but the door to the right was closed.
"Definitely something missing here."
Bendy looked behind him and tugged Henry's sleeve. Henry saw Bendy pointing to another hallway.
"Seems good to me."
Henry walked over to find two rooms at the end of the hallway. He tried to open the one to his left. Nothing. He opened the one to his right to see a room full of incoherent scribbles, but some could be made out to say "time is money", "taxes", along with some numbers for what he believed could be bills. He found the valve wheel and grabbed it. As he left the room, He could have sworn that he was just being watched. He got back to the door and opened it to see a room with a giant Bendy statute with ink-covered statutes looking at it.
"Well that's something you don't see everyday," he said to himself.
"Be careful, I don't think this is safe," Bendy said to Henry.
They walked past the room to find what seemed like a library of sorts. Henry looked around to see a door with five lightbulbs attached to the top of it. Henry noticed a book sticking out and got an idea. After seeing so many horror/detective movies, he knew how these tricks usually went. He pushed the book in and one of the bulbs lit up.
"So that's how it works," he said. He looked over to Bendy, "I'll search around."
"Okay," Bendy simply replied, sitting down.
Henry began his search. The faker of an angel doesn't make good puzzles in his opinion, but once he got two more, out of nowhere, the surroundings became insanely bright and doors and cabinets continuously swung open. He covered his head, hoping it could stop some possible falling debris, but it went away as soon as it appeared.
"What the hell?" Henry said to himself before he remembered something, "Bendy?"
"Dad?!" Bendy called as he ran over, "what did you touch?"
"I just pushed in one of the books, that's all," he answered.
Bendy looked around with a glare-like gaze. He looked back at Henry.
"Alright, I'll admit... That was weird, even for me," he said, "be careful, I have no idea what that does, but I sure as hell don't wanna know."
"Got it," Henry replied.
He found the last two books and the door soon opened. The two walked into a huge room, but there wasn't much except boxes, cages, a Bendy cutout stuck in the wall (wtf?), and some sort of little lift next to some sort of dispenser.
Henry observed the contraption.
"We can get across here if I can find a way to fix this," he said.
Bendy looked over to the machine near them and an imaginary lightbulb lit up. Henry turned around as he saw Bendy take a blob of ink off his body and put it in the deposit-looking area of the little machine. He touched a button or two before pulling on a crank before it shuddered and spat out a gear.
Henry picked it up, amazed by what he witnessed, "wow, nice job Bendy."
"Heh, thanks dad," Bendy replied.
Henry put the gear in its rightful place and they watched the little lift of sorts slowly slither on over. Bendy got another idea and gave Henry the satchel Boris gave him and shrunk himself to be small enough to fit in it. (?)
"Let's get going," Henry said. The now miniature Bendy nodded in agreement.
Henry got on the small lift, keeping a firm grasp on the satchel, as it moved slowly across the gaping abyss below. The lift then shook violently, almost making Henry fall off the small lift. He kept a firm grasp, hoping they'd make it, which they did. Henry instantly got off and let Bendy out of the satchel, altering him to grow back to his normal size.
"You okay?" Bendy asked
"Yeah, you?" Henry replied.
"I'm good," he replied as well.
Henry took a deep breath before his gaze set upon a door in front of them. He gestured Bendy to follow, which he did. They opened the door to find a big empty hallway, but they took not even five steps before the hallway shuddered with a bright light to reveal several arms reaching out to him as they screamed. Henry jolted back as Bendy held his father in a protective embrace until they went away. They took in a few seconds before continuing and entering a new room to be greeted by a familiar voice.
"I see you there, my little errand boys," Susie said, "your angel is always watching."
"Well you're not MY angel!" Bendy screamed to the ceiling, due to the two not knowing exactly where the voice was coming from.
"At least you figured that out now," Susie answered back, "still, I wonder. What is it that keeps you going?"
They ignored her, Bendy beginning to frown even more, and walked up the stairs.
"Is it the thrill of the hunt?"
Henry ignored it.
"The thirst for your freedom?"
Bendy's frown became a scowl.
"Or perhaps... You're just looking for a little, friendly... wolf."
That made Bendy snap.
Susie chuckled at the sudden outburst, "better hurry errand boys. Boris is having trouble staying in one piece."
Bendy had a low, bellowing, and dark growl as he looked up with a furious expression. Henry could only just look with concern.
"What do you think she did to Boris?" Bendy asked with an afraid tone.
Henry could only tell the truth to him, "I have no idea, but I just hope it wasn't... What we saw there..."
They just stood in silence for a few good seconds before Bendy spoke up.
"Yes Bendy?"
"If she did anything to Boris and we do find her..." He whipped his head to reveal his eye now pure white with some black rings and a shaking black pupil in the center, "."
Henry was slightly frightened by that, but he understood where Bendy was coming from, so he nodded in agreement. They continued walking up until they came to a little room. They then heard crying and looked up to see a skinny, skeletal, man-shaped searcher of sorts.
"He always finds me... Oh no... I-I just wanna go home... When do we go home? When do we go home?"
The creature limped away still crying. They saw the door and walked through to see the next room filled with millions of them, but they didn't fight they just stood there and looked, like Bendy said they would.
"They seem safe," Henry whispered to Bendy.
"Well, let's not stick around to see their bad side," Bendy replied.
They walked past them and found a vent shaft with a light.
"Hey, I know this might be a bad idea, but do you wanna take the lead?"
Henry nodded and grabbed the light as the two entered the vent shaft. It was just a straight line forward, that is until they reached an opening and of of nowhere, Ink Bendy jumped up and slammed his huge fist on the vent. It lowered itself a little as it hissed a sound familiar to a "sshhh" before limping away. Henry was startled to say the least before they continued, but he was in a bit of thought. He didn't try to kill them? Then why would he chase the two, technically with a desire to drown him in ink? That Bendy was strange, very strange. They finally got out of the vents and into a huge room almost crowded with Bendy merchandise and etc.
"What's your best bet in saying we'll find what we need up there?" Henry asked, pointing to the room covered by a giant Bendy face.
"Well, my instincts aren't screaming "DANGER" for once, so we should be okay," Bendy answered.
They walked in to find a room with drawings, models, and more. The two saw a lever and Henry pulled it. They didn't hear anything like a crank or lift, but they walked down to see that a door had opened. Once they entered, several lights turned on before revealing a sign that said-
They continued to walk until they came across a closed entrance to a haunted house.
"This haunted house seems like the way to go, but it's gonna need some power," Henry said.
"Hang in there Boris. We're coming," Bendy finished.
Time skip
They pulled the second switch and followed the third chord. The door slowly opened to reveal a huge carnival ride of sorts. They saw a cassette tape and Henry decided to play it.
"The biggest park ever built. A centerfold of attractions. Each one more grand than the one before it. It makes my eyes coffee to tears at the thought. But then... Oh, Mister Drew. For all your talk of dreams, you are the true architect behind so many nightmares. I built this park. It was to be a masterpiece. My masterpiece! And now you think you can just throw me out? Trample me to the dust and forget me?!"
The ride in front of them turned on and began to move.
"No! This is my park! My glory! You may think I'm gone..."
The arms on the right began to twitch and lift upwards as the doors on the center opened up to reveal a human face. ()
"But I'm still here!"
The arms began to spin around quickly ready to knock away whatever was in it's path. One of the arms attempted to attack Henry and Bendy, but they moved away just in time before it slammed down in front of them and destroyed the desk in front of them and revealed an axe. They saw the giant monster slam down another of it's arms and Henry got an idea as he ran over to the arm and chopped off two of the caps on it. He got up and dashed away from the monster as it began moving it's arms again. And it repeated again a few more times. Finally it came down to the last arm, but Henry was a little too quick on his draw with the axe and the monster hit him hard. Just before it was about to swing into him though, someone held the giant arm and did their best to push it back. It was Bendy in his ink form, determined to protect his father.
"Bendy!" Henry exclaimed.
"I've got this last one dad," Bendy said through grunts passing back the huge mechanical arm. The monster was determined to hit them again.
Bendy then pushed back and wrapped his arms around the one part of the arm. He then moved to the left and pulled with all his might. The wires connecting the arm began to show and the monster tried to pull back, but it was to late. Bendy had it right where he wanted it now. He began to pull harder and harder, and finally, with a loud demonic screech, Bendy ripped off the last arm, causing the machine to spiral out of control before it short-circuited and a part near its face exploded before the doors showing its face closed up. Bendy put his fists up in victory before falling flat on his back and melting back to his normal self.
"Remind me... Never... To try that again," Bendy said through gasps for air.
"Never try that again," Henry replied.
"Thank you."
Bendy got up and staggered over to a door that opened to pull the third switch. The got back to the center room and flipped the third lever, and followed the last one. They entered the room, but when Henry stepped through the door it shut behind him, locking Bendy out.
"Dad!" Bendy yelled, banging on the door and attempting to open it.
"I'm okay Bendy, and don't worry. There doesn't seem to be anything bad yet," Henry called back.
Bendy heard Henry's footsteps disappear, but that didn't make him happy. He began banging on the door some more before he made his arm huge and whipped his fist towards the door, but it only left a huge dent. Bendy became more and more frustrated until he heard hisses and ragged breathing. He turned around and saw Ink Bendy standing in front of him. The two looked at each other, neither taking the offensive, just... Staring at each other.
Henry shouldn't have left Bendy like that, but he had to get that last lever and he'd be right back with him. Although, he wasn't expecting "The Projectionist", as Susie called it. He had to be stealthy. He looked to his right and saw the lever, but he had to guess that like the second one, this one would have a second lever as well. He checked to see if he had an opening, and what luck. He snuck over to the lever and pulled it down, but that easily got the creature's attention. Henry looked to see the stairway and sprinted towards it, The Projectionist following not too far behind.
Bendy heard The Projectionist's screech and drew his attention to the door and tried to push it open, even rammed himself into it a few times, but he was still too tired from earlier. He couldn't muster up enough strength to open the door. He looked behind him to see Ink Bendy with his smile still plastered on his face.
"Bendy, look, I know we've had our differences, but you've gotta help me. So please, just help me out. Just once, that's all I'm asking for," Bendy said to his counterpart, but he got no response as he just stood in front of Bendy, still with his smile intact.
Henry speeded up the stairs and saw what he was looking for. He ran to the switch, seeing the light behind him, and got to the switch. The entire room went dark before slowly lighting up again. He looked around. No Projectionist.
Bendy didn't hear anything and that didn't settle in good. He tried to open it again, but to no avail.
"Bendy, please! Just help me out here!" Bendy yelled. His counterpart, although, didn't respond.
He snuck down the steps, still cautious of his surroundings and ready to run again if he had to. But there was nothing, no Projectionist whatsoever. He still stayed cautious, but he had a good reason to once he got to the stairs and heard The Projectionist's screech. He bolted for somewhere to hide and saw the same hiding place he used to hide from Ink Bendy, but the Projectionist already saw him go in. Henry now realized he was alone, and Bendy wasn't there.
"BENDY PLEASE, SAVE DAD!" Bendy yelled at his counterpart, this time he got a reaction.
Ink Bendy's smile turned into a frown and his head began to twitch before he let out a demonic roar, making the room violently light up as he busted the door open and charged at The Projectionist and the two threw fists at each other before Ink Bendy grabbed The Projectionist by the throat and snapped their neck. The lights went away and Ink Bendy ripped The Projectionist's head off and threw it at the area that Henry was hiding in. He got to eye level with Henry before he grabbed the Projectionist's corpse and walked away. The ink that was covering the room disappeared, telling that Ink Bendy had disappeared along with it. Henry opened the door to see a trail of ink leading to a wall and Bendy on his knees spaced out.
"Bendy," Henry said to him, making him snap out of it.
"D-dad... A-are you okay?" Bendy asked, that not only being the only words he could muster, but also because that was the first thing on his mind.
"I'm okay," Henry replied to him.
They didn't speak a word to each other about what happened as they pulled the last lever and the doors to the haunted house opened, and like any old fashion haunted house, it made a pretend evil laugh, but with the crap they've been put through, they couldn't care less. They entered the ride and it slowly trekked along before Susie's voice interrupted their quiet rest.
"It's a funny thing. How so much can fall apart so fast. We never really had control of the studio. Either you were put in someone's pocket, or you were putting someone in yours. I just wanted what was promised to me. I just wanted to be beautiful. Surely you can understand that. Henry... Why are you here? We're all dying to find out. Do you just enjoy the terror of the drop into hell? Because if that's the case... Hang tight, I've got a surprise..."
Bendy wrapped his arm around Henry, trying to get into a protective position. Once they went through the next door, they saw what seemed like an abandoned ballroom of sorts, but it did seem quite pretty. They were about to go through the next door until two huge hands stopped the ride, but what was worse was when the two saw who stopped them.
"Boris!" Henry exclaimed.
"Oh my God, what did she do to you?!" Bendy finished.
Boris, on the other hand, didn't respond like they expected him to. Instead, he grabbed the cart and lifted it off the track, but before he threw them, Bendy wrapped himself around Henry, in an attempt to cushion what was about to happen next. Boris then launched them into the wall, Bendy although, cushion the blow like he wanted to, and they looked up to see Boris, now looking like a mindless brute. ()
"Meet the new and improved Boris!" Susie said as Boris let out a low growl and charged at Henry and Bendy while the two jumped out of the way.
"I got what I wanted, and in return, I gave him so much more! And this time, there's no Ink Demon, no escape. Boris, tear them apart! Leave nothing!"
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