《Leo x Errian》Chapter 18.


It was around 9 and everyone was gather by the van, ready to leave.

"Can't wait to go back yo's." Mikey said excited.

"Me two, but where's Errian.?" Leo asked. Raph looked at the ground.

"She's not coming." They looked at Raph.

"What do you mean.?" Mikey asked.

"She's not coming to say goodbye. She told me to say it for her." Mikey immediately had tears in his eyes. Donnie confront him and brought him in the van.

"This has to be some joke." Leo said. Raph shock his head no. Leo looked into the words, feeling heart broken. Leo walked passed Raph into the van. Raph joined in, and they started their journey back home. Halfway through the ride, Raph handed Leo an envelope.

"This was Errian's last request. Give this to Leo when you guys are halfway their. Just so you wouldn't jump out and go running." Leo looked at the envelope and opened it up, reading the letter.

Dear Leonardo,

I had a lot of fun with you, all of you. But the most with you. I'm giving you this now, causing knowing you, you would jump out and come back. So I may be a little to late, but I got some words to say. One is sorry for not being their to say goodbye. I knew you guys were leaving soon, so I tired not to get to attached, but you ruined that. You made it seem like your goal to make me your friend and I got to say, it sure did work. A little to well. Two is that I really hope you have fun back home. I know you'll be to busy to come back, so I just wanted to say that. Three is something I thought I would never do again. Love. You managed to open up my heart again and slide your way in. Taking over all the sadness and pain in my heart. I really do love you Leo, but never got the chance to say. I wish that I told you sooner, but I just couldn't. I would get to nervous. It also didn't help that every time i look at you, I get lost in your eyes. They are bright blue ocean sat night, seeing the stars shimmer over the waves that pass by. I know a bit cheesy, but oh well. And Five I'm sorry about. I wish for you to forget me. Focus on your training and taking down your enemy's. Protecting your home town. I understood what you said. You need to be able to focus and having me around showed to not be help for. So forget I ever existed and live your life. Tell your brothers that it was nice knowing them. Sorry again.


-Love Errian

Leo was crying over the letter now. Raph pulled him close and tried helping Leo the best he could.

"She... she loved me back and I said all those awful things. Now she wants me to forgot all about her. She knew me so well." Raph looked away from his crying older brother. The other turtles read the letter and looked away as well.

"I can't believe it. I messed up so bad. And now it's to late." That's when the felt the van stop. Casey slammed open the doors, dragging Leo out.

"We may be far, but if you go fast you can see her before dark."

"What do you mean.?"

"He means go get her. Go get you girl." April said walking over.

"We can wait another night." Leo smiled and rubbed his tears away. He nodded and ran back to the farmhouse, which took forever. When he got their, he saw Errian standing on the stairs, holding the crutches she made for Leo. Leo saw tears in her eyes. He ran to her and yanked her into a hug. She freaked out a bit but stopped seeing Leo.

"What.. what are you doing back here.?"

"I came to get you. I'm sorry again for leaving you and saying all those bad things to you." Leo felt her body tumble. She broke down crying. Holding onto Leo for dear life.

"I'm sorry. I should have never been rude. I was just mad and sad and I didn't know what to do. I hurt your feelings." She said strutting.

"It's ok. I understand why you said those things."

"I'll do anything to make it up to you, just don't leave me." Leo felt pain in his chest. Leo pulled away, holding her chin up.


"I just want one thing."

"Wha-what is it.?"

"A kiss." Errian had no time to reply. Leo placed his lips on hers. Kissing her. Errian was surprised at first but got into it. Kissing back. The two kids passionately. Leo wrapped his hands around her waist, holding her, while Errian wrapped her arms around his neck. Playing with his mask strings. The kiss felt like it lasted forever. You both had to part for air, but didn't want to.

"Why.?" Errian asked. Leo smiled.

"Cause I love you idiot and I wouldn't change that for the world." He said sweetly. Errian blushed. Leo went in for another kiss but got interrupted when bright lights flashed in them. The two covered their eyes and looked over, seeing everyone else.

"Nice now we can get going. Back to New York baby.!" Mikey shouted. The two stood up, a bit embarrassed.

"I'll see you next time." Errian said. Leo looked at her and grabbed her hand.

"You won't have to if you see me everyday." Errian looked at him confused.

"Come on. Let's go together." Leo walked over to his brothers but Errian yanked back.

"I'm sorry, but I can't just leave Frosty here alone. And I have to keep the house clean."

"Being her with you. She could stay in Mikey's room. Plus we'll come back often, just for you." Leo said walking over and bobbing your nose. You got flustered and looked away.

"Alright." She said almost at the lost of words. Leo called frosty over and told her everything. Frosty got excited, mostly because it's a car ride but whatever. Leo picked Errian up bridal style and brought you to the van. He walked in and sat down, sitting you in his lamp.

"Ok we can go now. Nothing can stop use now." Leo said. You smiled and felt the van move. You cuddled up to Leo's chest. Hearing his heart beat fast.

"So sweetheart. You staying in my room.?" It took her a minute to process what he said.

"Hey don't call me that." She said quietly.

"Why not.? You seem to like it." You growled but smiled.

"Whatever you over size grown blueberry."

"Hey.!" Leo yelled. And like that the van drove back to New York.

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