《Leo x Errian》Chapter 17.


||Im so so sorry||

"I'm so so sorry Errian. I didn't mean to hurt you. I've just been stressed about going back, and I don't want to leave you, so I tired distancing myself from you, hoping it wouldn't hurt so bad leaving you." You looked up at him, seeing tears fall down his face. Y you wiped your tears away, the using your thumb you wiped his tear way, giving a fake smile.

"It's alright. I know you didn't mean to. I'm not mad." Leo looked at you and shut his eyes.

"Yes you are mad. I can tell. Giving that smile, while still having tears run down your face, plus the comments you said about me. I know their true. I just didn't know what to do. I don't want to leave you." You still had your hand on his check. You giggled a little making Leo look at you weird.

"It's alright. I knew you guys had to leave, so forget about me. You'll either see each other again or not. Only time will tell." You could clearly see the pain in Leo's ocean eyes when you said that. Leo hugged you tighter, not wanting to let go. You rubbed his shell, and he soon fell asleep. You called Raph asking him to come pick him up. When Raph arrived, he helped you get him down the stairs. You three were at the front door.

"Hey Raph. Could you do me a favor.?"

"Sure what is it.?"

"Could you tell Leo I said goodbye. And give him this when you guys leave." You handed him a envelope.

"How come.? Can't you just do it when we're leaving.?" You looked at the floor.

"I don't think I'm going. Just tell everyone I said goodbye." You shut the door on Raph.

Raph walked back to the farmhouse with Leo. Pitting him in his bed and going to sleep himself.

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