《Leo x Errian》Chapter 9.


||You jerks||

Casey was in the kitchen talking to Mikey when he saw something.

"Hey do you know what this is Mikey.?" He held a small container.

"Nope. Maybe it's Donnie's." Casey nodded and walked over to Donnie who was sitting with Leo and Raph.

"Hey man. This yours.?" Casey tossed the container to Donnie, making him catch it. Donnie looked at it.

"No it's not mine."

"That's Errian's. She must have left it by accident." Raph said.

"That girl is always forgetting something here." Casey added.

"Is she always forgetting something.?" Leo asked.

"Ya. At least each week it's something different. Last week was the ointment for your bruise, and the week before where her bandages." Mikey said. Raph just sided.

"Get ready for her to barge in." Casey said. Everyone but Leo groaned. You came walking in holding your shoulder. Your jacket was on right so they couldn't see it.

"Hey have you guys."

"Looking for this." Donnie said showing the ointment.

"Yes. Thank you." You went to reach for it but instead Donnie tossed it to Raph.

"Guys come on." Raph just shock it in the air. You groaned and walked over and reached for it, only for Mikey to have it next.

"Guys I'm not kidding around. Give it to me." You gave Mikey a cold stare. Mikey froze.

"Mikey throw it before she gets its."

"But she's scary."

"Toss it to Casey. Then he'll have to deal with it." Raph shouted.

"What the heck man." Casey said. Mikey through the ointment at Casey, making him catch it but almost failing. You walked over to Casey, ready to pin him down, but Donnie grabbed your good shoulder.

"What the hell guys."


"Nothing. Just having a little fun." Raph said coming over to help. As he grabbed your bad shoulder, you were able to get the other arm free. You pulled but ended up hurting your shoulder more. You stopped and held your shoulder in pain. None seemed to notice, except Leo.

"Guys she's hurt. Knock it off." He said sternly. They stopped and looked at you. You looked away as they let go.

"Errian you alright man.?" Raph asked. You closed your eyes and snatched the ointment.

"I'm fine. Donnie I got something out side for you." Donnie walked over to the door and saw the brain and the metal body.

"How'd you get this.?"

"Ran into that was in my house. It was sneaking around."

"What is it Donnie.?" Leo asked. He tried to get up but you stopped him. Pushing him back down. Donnie dragged in the body and held the container with the brain in it.

"Holy hell. Did you take it out.?" Mikey asked.

"Ya I did. Like I said, it snuck into my house. Caught me off guard and actually hit me." Donnie dropped the bot and placed the container down and walked over to you.

"Where did you get hit.?" He said getting worried. You pushed him away.

"I'm fine. It's just a burn mark is all. I've had them before." Donnie didn't care, he just pushed you on the couch.

"You helped us, so let me help you." You sighed and rolled your eyes. You pulled half your hoodie down and showed the mark. Donnie looked at it carful before going to touch it. He barely touched it and you tensed up.

"Hey don't go doing that. It's hurt you dick." He backed his hand up a bit.


"I'm just making sure. Calm down." You just growled. You gripped the ointment right as he touched it. Wincing in pain every now and then. He stopped after a second. He stood up.

"This looks bad." You rolled your eyes and fixed your jacket, standing up.

"I'm fine. I have down this before. It's nothing new. I'm going now."

"You can't go. We have to make sure you stay healthy, and it works out cause you can look after Leo." You looked at Donnie in disbelief. You looked at Raph and Leo to see them agreeing with him.

"You guys are awful. I need to get my stuff through."

"Let's go then." Raph said picking you up bridal style.

"He-hey. Pit me down, I can walk.!" You shouted. Raph ignored you.

"We'll be back." And just like that you two were gone.

"I'm never going to get used to this version of Raph." Leo said shaking his head.

"Yes you will." Mikey said turning the tv on.

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