《Leo x Errian》Chapter 7.


||Waking up||

It's been a couple of weeks since you meet the turtles. You finally learned all their names and became friends with them. You had been staying over in the past two weeks, watching over Leo. You were sitting by the tub looking at him when you saw roan walk in and taking a seat.

"Do you know how much longer Errian.?" You shock your head no.

"I just miss him for crying out loud." Raph said slamming his fist into the wall.

"Miss who.?" A deep raspy voice said. You both looked over seeing Leo awake. Leo was looking at Raph and seemed like he hadn't seen you yet. So you walked out and called the others. They came rushing inside to the bathroom. You could here how happy they were. You where going to go back, but stopped. You didn't want to ruin the moment, so you grabbed a book and read it sitting on the couch. After a few minutes you saw they boys holding Leo down the stairs. You moved out the way so Leo could have room.

"So how long have we been here.?" Leo asked. April gave him a whole run down. About the battle, to them coming here.

"Raph barely slept and ate food. He was half of the time by you. But someone else was with you with every running minute. You rolled your eyes, knowing who she was talking about.

"Ya dude. She watched you like a hawk. It was hard just to go in and check on you our selfs." Mikey said.

"That's what happened when someone almost dies." Donnie said. Leo looked at Donnie.

"Sorry dude. Not me. Nor is it Raph or Mikey."

"You haven't meet her yet." Frosty came bursting through the door and jumped on the couch, about to jump on Leo.


"Down girl.!" You yelled. Frosty got off and walked away. Leo turned around seeing you.

"Is that the person you were talking about.?" Leo asked April. She nodded. You left for upstairs and grabbed your bag, throwing it to Raph.

"I'm Errian. Nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you." You smiled. Leo smiled back. You opened your bag and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Leo, going back to the bag.

"What's this.?" Leo asked.

"That's all the injuries you had from that battle. Most of them are healed already, except your leg. That will take time. You pulled out bandages and walked over.

"Hey Raph I need help." Raph came over and lifted Leo's leg up but, letting you pit pillows down.

"This should help with abut of pain." You crouched down and unwrapped his leg. Seeing that it was starting to bruise, you asked Raph.

"Could I get the." Raph handed you the lotion.

"And gloves you idiot." Raph gave you gloves. Pitting them on and got ready.

"This May hurt a little." You pit the lotion on, making Leo since in pain. Once down you wrapped it up and through the trash at Mikey.

"Ok now that's done. I need to go back home. And he's Raph you may come."

"Hey no fair. I want to go this time."

"No it is fair. You scarred them off last time." Mikey pouted. Raph ran up the stairs grabbing something. You walked out the house leaving everyone. Raph came back down but sad not seeing you.

"Man I feel bad for you. She a menace to mess with. One time Raph got hurt, he never left her side for the rest of the day."


"Tell me about to." Raph said.

"Why.? How come.?" Donnie came walking in.

"Your stuck with her as your doctor. It's like pure hell. Anytime one of us got hurt while training or something she kept a close eye on us and made sure we didn't go and get hurt again." Donnie said.

"Ya dude and your stuck with her till you healed. I pray for you." Mikey said

"Really guys, stop trying to freak me out."

"Knock it off. You know damn well she just cares for you all." April said walking in with a cup of tea. She handed it to Leo and took a seat next to him.

"She's just worried. That's all." Leo took a sip and immediately his eyes shot open.

"Good.?" Leo nodded.

"Ya. We told Errian what kind you likes and she made it for you for when ever you woke up. She's a really nice girl, she just gets ticked off easily and keeps to herself most of the time." April said.

"Can't lie I would two. She knows we have to leave at some point, so what's the use of getting attached to someone if they are just going to leave. You all ready did that to her once." Raph said.

"I had no choice plus she said that she forgave me."

"Here." Donnie handle Leo his medicine.

"Don't tell Errian. I want to at least help some how so I made you a this, but she doesn't trust it so. Stay quiet."

"I'll try." Leo took a sip but almost immediately spit it out. He started to couch a little.

"Hey Leo you ok.?" Raph asked about to get up.

"Ya I'm fine. This stuff just taste awful."

"Sorry dude. Can't really do anything about the taste."

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