《Leo x Errian》Chapter 4.


||I just want to help my brother||

You woke up a bit hot from the dream you just had. Shaking it off you hopped out and saw you still had an hour before 5. Knowing you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, you just got ready. Going to the kitchen and prepared food for Frosty and then going to the front door, grabbing your bow and arrow. Heading to the back to practice. You got your bow ready and looked at the target. Arrow in hand you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath in. Opening your eyes, only focusing on the target. You kept your breathing to a steady but slow pace. Getting the arrow in place and ready to fire. Looking at the target one last time before letting go of the arrow. You watched as it flew at the target, landing right on the bullseye. You were out their for 30 minutes before going back inside. You placed your bow down, leaving the arrows out on the targets for now, you grabbed your keys and walked out the door, locking it behind you. You went out for a walk, trying to past the remaining time when you got a text from April.

"Hey sorry if I woke you up, but I can wait till you want to go." You pit your phone way and walked to the farmhouse. Not even knocking on the door you walked right in, seeing the purple and orange turtle on the couch with Casey.

"How come your here again and didn't even bother to knock.?" The purple mask asked. You were going to reply when April replied instead.

"Donnie don't. This is like her second house, I'm guessing the main reason why it looked so nice when we got here. She kept the place a bit cleaned. Plus I'm going at to get groceries with her, so I'll be back." April walked out with you.


"Want to take the van.?" She asked. I just shook my head.

"I prefer to walk. It's better anyways and good way to check the sight out."

"Good point. Let's go." You both walked making small talk and reaching the store. Walking in you saw the man behind the counter.

"Heya Errian. Nice to see you again. How long as it been.?"

"Nice to see you to Robby. I guess I have been busy, plus I had some food still left over so I finished that off."

"Ah I see, and is that April O'Neil. Would you look at that."

"Hello sir. Sorry I don't really remember you."

"It's alright darling. I haven't seen you since a kid so figure you wouldn't recognize me. By the way. What makes you come all the way back down here.?" April didn't know what to say so you jumped in.

"Came to back for some good old times. Haven't seen her since she left." Robby nodded, leaving you two alone. April walked over to you and sighed.

"Thank you. Didn't really know what to say."

"Ya and you can't lie for shit so." She smacked you a little, but you just rubbed the pain away. Picking out some food you'll need for the week at least while april did the same. You both walked up to the counter and placed your stuff down. He scanned all it up and paid for it all. April smiled at you and thanked you. You both walked back to the farmhouse. You placed your stuff by the front door for now and helped help pit the stuff away, also going to check on the turtle. You saw the red masked turtle sitting by himself. You walked other and looked at the turtle for a bit. You saw you had to change his bandages but didn't have any of your stuff with you. You let out a irritated sigh making him look at you.


"What are you looking at dude.?" He looked away.

"Raphael's or Raph. You can call me that." You just nodded.

"What's wrong.? You seem irritated."

"Nothing. I just need to fix his things but I don't have anything with me. Meaning I have to go back home with my groceries, pit them somewhere were they won't get destroyed then get my stuff ready, then walk all the way back over. Which will take some time, and I'm a busy women so, it's not working out for me." You rubbed the back of your head trying to think. Raph was quiet till he got up.

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