《Leo x Errian》Chapter 3.


||A helping hand||

"Sure whatever. Let's just get this done and over with. I got shit to do." She rolled her eyes.

"Still got a bad mouth I see. Many things don't change." She said turning around and leading you inside. When you walked in you saw some teenage boy the same age as April wearing black and hockey sticks and pucks. He looked over and stared at april.

"I'm still not sure this is a good idea april."

"It will be fine. I trust her with the secret plus we have no other choice." She said saying back. The boy looked at you weird. You saw April go up the stares and walk into a room, which if you remember was the bathroom. You walked up and stopped at the door. You saw April, but four giant turtles. Each had a different color masked, but one was in the tub full of water and had tons of injuries. You looked at them all, scanning them up and down, seeing their weapons.

"Don't worry. They don't mean any harm." April said making you looked at her, and the one in the tub. You walked in trying to ignore the other three. You kneeled down and looked at the turtle, seeing him in critical condition. You placed your bag down and reached your hand towards him but heard a small growl. You could here that it came from your left, meaning it was the red one.

"Don't worry your little booty. I'm not going to hurt him more then he already is." He stopped growling, but you could feel him burning holes in your back. You reached into the water and grabbed the turtles hand, checking for a pulse.

"His pulse is their but it's weak." You looked over to the tall one with the purple mask say. You looked back at the turtle.

"No shit. I can feel his pulse." You felt him back away a bit.

"Don't me rude. I know you have a bad mouth but please, they just stressed." April said walking over to your side. You gave an annoyed sighed, lightly pitting his hand back in the water. You looked over the rest, seeing you had to bandage them, but can't in the water.


"Could you guys take him out the water.? I need to wrap him but can't really do that in water." You heard none move.

"If you don't he might die. So sooner or later would work." You said harshly making the red and purple one move to him. Pulling him out. The tall one placed his legs down while the one it red held on to him tight, being his support. You reached into your bag and grabbed a box of bandages and begging wrapping them around. It was silent till April tired to make small talk.

"So, did you learn how to do this from your mom.?" You stopped for a sec but continued.

"No." You answered in small simple short answers.

"Ok then. How have you been.? Haven't talked in a while."

"Been doing just fine." You finished with the wrapping letting him go back in the tub. You pulled out some lotion and placed it down, pitting on a glove. You picked some up and begin rubbing it on the guys bruise. When you finished you pit your hand to his head, feeling him getting warmer.

"He's starting to run a fever. But you guys could probably handle that yourself." You got up and grabbed your bag.

"I need to get home. I was supposed to be doing stuff but guess April had other plans." You said walking out. Everyone watched as you left. You walked down the stairs and walked outside, but got stopped by April.

"Hey. Why don't you stay for dinner.? So I could somewhat repay you." You looked at her but turned away.

"Sorry. To busy to eat right now." And with that you left for the forest. You got home, unlocking the door only to be taken down by a giant white fluff ball.

"Miss me much.?" Frosty barked as a reply. You smiled getting up and throwing your bag down, and picking up your bow.

"Seeing how you didn't go hunting by yourself, shall we." Frosty jumped out the door and ran into the forest. You were out for about an hour before coming back how. You had a basket with some berries, nuts, vegetables, and mushrooms. While frosty held a basket with rabbit in her mouth. You both walked inside, taking the backer and setting it on the counter, pulling your gear off and throwing that aside for now. You grabbed a large pot and started to boil some water. You walked away, looking at frosty. She was dirty and had a couple of blood stains one her fur. You shook your head.


"Sometimes I think you get dirty just so I have to wash you." She waged her tail. "Alright, fine let's go." She ran out the back door, where you had a back porch, shorting range and a hose. You turned the hose on and sprayed Frosty with it. Cleaning her off then using soap, then washing it out. And just like that, she looked like a cloud. You walked inside, letting her dry off outside, you walked over to the kitchen. You grabbed your vegetables and washed them off, cutting them into tiny pieces. Pitting them in the pot to boil a little. You started to prepare the meat. Cleaning it off, taking the fur off, and feeding Frosty the pieces I wouldn't eat. I cooked the meat a little, then pouring it into the pot, letting it all cook together. You looked around for anything else to make, but realized that you had to go shopping today but never did because of April. You sighed irritated. You pulled out a book and started to read it, waiting for the soup to be done. After 10 minutes the soup was done. You poured some for you and some for Frosty. Placing the bowl down on the floor for her you looked at the pot. Seeing that you have made to much on purpose. Guessing that April just came back, she didn't have any food in the house. You finished your food and packed the rest up. You walked out the house and headed over to Aprils place. When you got their you saw her out side looking like she was getting ready to leave. Most likely getting stuff for food.

"Hey April.!" You shouted catching her attention.

"I accidentally made to much soup, and considering you have no food in the house, might as well let you guys have some." She smiled and walked over to you.

"Here let me take that." She grabbed the pot and walked in with you behind her. You both walked to the kitchen placing the pot down. You reached into your bag and pulled out some bowls.

"Here. You can keep them for a bit. I have to many." She smiled and nodded. You helped her pour some soup into the bowls. Pitting the lid back on April called the boys for food.

"Already. I thought you just went out.?" The boys asked, but stopped when he saw me.

"What's she doing here.? I thought she left."

"She did Casey but brought some food. She made to much." Casey was his name you thought. The turtles came down and seeing you stopped. One was about to talk when April did first.

"Just sit down." They all sat down. April was giving them the bowls and decided to help out. Carrying 5 bowls could be hard. You gave Casey and the tall one their soup. April walked back over and grabbed her bowl.

"You going to eat and stay.?"

"Sorry. I already ate. Plus I have to clean up a bit, take another shower, then I guess just read for a bit." April looked at you sad. You walked away but got stopped.

"What about the pot.?"

"It still got some soup in it. Just keep it and return it to me later. You know where I live or I'll just come and pick it up myself." You turned around but looked back.

"Oh by the way. I'm going out to get some groceries, wanted to know if you wanted to come or not." She smiled and nodded. You left and dashed for home. You ran in and looked around for any danger. Seeing only the bowl you gave frosty broken you sighed. Cleaning up the mess and hoping into the shower. Some hoping out and cleaning the kitchen a bit from cooking, then reading for a bit longer before heading to bed. You laid down in the bed and frosty jumped up to you. Curling up next to your feet. You set your alarmed and went to bed.

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