《chains | anidala》outro


She sat, swinging slowly on the balcony chair. Anakin's arms fit firmly around her waist as he smiled into her neck.

In the distance, two children chased each other. The tall meadow grass of Naboo was trampled by their small feet. They called out, continuing their never ending games.

Anakin stroked her arm, murmuring about their day. It had been average, but she loved it. Anything ordinary was held closely to Padmé's heart. She would never take ordinary for granted, considering it had been all she'd dreamt about for her and Anakin. She cherished each peaceful day on Naboo with her entire heart.

It had taken years for the pair to heal. Padmé woke with nightmares, Anakin drowned himself in shame. For the first year, he spent most days in bed. He'd been mortified to show his face anywhere, meaning he stayed home too.

Things had gotten better after they'd moved to Naboo. Tensions were less high, considering politics and rebels were out of the picture. Padmé and Anakin relearnt their passion for each other. Instead of growing older, they felt as if each day they were getting younger.

They'd gotten remarried, as it seemed fit. For their second wedding, Obi-wan, RD-D2, C-3PO, and the twins were present. Padmé and Anakin were able to purchase bands and legally sign documents. It brightened their spirits.

Anakin kissed his wife's cheek and whispered, "What a beautiful life we have."

Padmé smiled, turning to face him, "What a beautiful life, indeed."

She leaned towards him, connecting their lips briefly. When she pulled away, Anakin placed a brunette strand of hair behind her ear.

"I love you, Padmé. No war, trial, or force could take that love away."

She nodded her head, "I love you too."

From across the meadow, Luke called out to his father.


"Being summoned?" Padmé teased.

"It appears so," Anakin grinned.

"Mommy!" Leia's high pitch voice screamed.

"Looks like I am, too," she laughed.

She took herself off of her husband's lap and interlocked their fingers. The two walked peacefully towards their children. The twins sprinted to seal the gap in between them.

"Play, play!" they shouted.

Anakin crouched to his knees, meeting face to face with his son and daughter. "What should we play?"

"Do the thing, do the thing!" Luke said.

"What thing?" Anakin asked.

"Please, Daddy?" Leia begged.

"Oh," Anakin smirked, "This thing?" He raised his hand, using the force to lift up the twins' ball that was placed on the ground in the distance. With a quick flick of his wrist, he sent it flying towards the group. Padmé caught it.

Luke laughed in delight, "Again, again!"

The ball crept out of Padmé's hands as Anakin willed it too, and launched in the other direction. Leia took the lead, Luke on her heels.

Padmé hugged her husband, smiling into his chest. "When I met you, I never would've guessed this would be my future. That the little boy racing ships was going to be the love of my life, living with me on Naboo with two beautiful children."

Anakin smirked, "I did. Since the moment I first saw you, I knew this was going to happen."

"Thanks for being pushy," Padmé laughed.

"Thank you for believing in me."


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