《chains | anidala》escape


Anakin left early the next morning. It had been odd waking up in his embrace, considering the indifference they felt towards each other.

Padmé had tried her best to remain calm. Her nerves fidgeted within her. She was nervous to what Anakin would do if he realized the missing key. She knew his force abilities caused him to be quite intuitive of what was going on around him. However, she was also aware that her prescence seemed to act like a mask. It blinded him slightly.

She'd done her best that morning to keep his attention on all things but the key. She'd been kind, making sure not to argue with him on anything. She even gave him a hug and let him place his hands on her abdominal when the baby had kicked.

Although it killed her slightly, she tried to soak in the moment. Her husband's hands laying on her stomach, caressing the touch of their child. Considering this would be the last time the two saw each other, she allowed Anakin to enjoy the moment.

He had grinned at her before shutting the door swiftly, locking it with his extra key.

After waiting several minutes, Padmé grinned into her hands. She'd done it. Anakin hadn't realized she'd taken one of his two keys. Carefully, she lifted her body off of the couch and walked into the room. She searched through the drawers, discovering a small bag.

After throwing the material on the bed, Padmé reached for the closet. She tore one of Anakin's black cloaks next to the bag and continued her search. She removed a pair of his pants and clothes from the dresser.

Cautiously, Padmé dressed herself. Her back was sore, making bending and lifting her legs quite difficult. She couldn't help but suffice a chuckle when she realized how she looked in the mirror.

Due to her small structure, Anakin's clothes swam over her limbs. She attempted to tie the material in the back, creating a better fitted look. She was thankful for her height difference to her husband, considering the cloak hid her face quite well.


Dressed as the Sith's apprentice, she sent a silent prayer that the clones and droids guarding the halls wouldn't notice her. Although she doubted they were exceptionally intellectual.

After packing the little food that sat in the kitchen, Padmé wore the bag underneath the cloak. She drew a deep breath.

Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she reached for the handle. Her fingers shook as she fiddled with the key gently. With a satisfying click, she could smell the freedom ahead of her already.

She flung the door open in excitement, smiling under the thick material of the cloak.

She was out. For the first time in a week, she was able to exit the treacherous apartment.

Observing that the wide hallway was clear, Padmé crept along. She kept her eyes on alert, scanning the distance ahead of her for threats or places to hide. So far, she found nothing.

Surprised by her foolishness, Padmé realized that she hadn't thought further into her plan. She hadn't expected to make it this far into the building uninterrupted.

She knew she needed a ship. Where were they located? She had no idea. However, the image of flying away from the hideous planet she'd been trapped on kept her body persisting forward.

Within a moment, the sound of footsteps echoed through the empty hall. Padmé could hear the murmuring of two robotic voices. The sounds of clones.

A lot had changed during her last moments in Coruscant. She'd barely understood what was going on, considering she was in hiding. Most of her knowledge was pieced together by observation and thought.

As she hid behind a door, piering curiously at the two clones walking in white, her thoughts were confirmed. The clones had never been for the safety of the Republic.

A bitter taste of betrayel rose to the back of her throat. Her life had been a lie. The entire Republic had been a lie.


Not even the one man she believed was good, honourable, and loyal lived without lies.

Once the voices dissapeared, Padmé fled. She ran to the best of her ability, pushing herself for several minutes. She couldn't stand this place any longer. It haunted her with regret and sorrow. She craved her freedom more than ever.

A small sound of joy escaped from the back of her mouth as she spotted a few rows of fighter jets. She'd never driven one herself, but she was willing to give it a try. She would do anything to get out of the prison.

Looking both directions, Padmé was shocked to see that the area was unguarded. The dark side was quite confident in it's planet, apparently.

Or confident in the Sith and his apprentice.

Pushing her legs forward with all her strength, Padmé began to run quickly to the first ship. Within nearing it, she grinned.

Suddenly, a sharp pain ruptured her abdominal. Her back bent backwards as she bit back a scream. Agony coursed through her stomach.

Padmé let out a whispy breath, her legs paralyzed from the pain. She didn't know what to do. Her body had never undergone such affliction before.

Closing her eyes, she attempted to take a deep breath. She was unsuccessful, instead her cheeks were met with tears. They slid cold down her warm skin.

It seemed like an eternity as she waited for the pain to subside. When it finally had, she let out a small sob. Her body shook, but she knew she had to continue.

Shooken, Padmé took small steps forward. She was petrified that the pain would begin again. Her mind raced to the baby, fearing the worse. Had she hurt her own child while attempting to escape?

She tried to push the negative thoughts from her mind. As soon as she got off Mustafar, she would return to Naboo or Coruscant for medical attention. The baby was alright, running wouldn't damage them... Or so she hoped.

Once she reached the fighter jet, Padmé stretched in an attempt to reach the door handle. She needed assistance pulling her body up.

After grasping the metal material, the girl pulled with all of her might. Her body wouldn't budge. Instead of climbing on, Padmé's body trembled. She felt weak, a cold sweat dripping down her face.

Striving not to cry, Padmé pulled a second time. As before, her body wouldn't travel to another position. It remained still, weak, and exhausted. Fear began to overwhelm her. How was she not able to support her own weight? Why did she feel so weak?

"Senator Amidala," A voice stated.

Padmé froze. Goosebumps rose up and down her like an infection. They grew in seconds, covering her. The familiar voice that had once spoken trust now delivered a horrifying sound. One to stop mice dead in their tracks.

"What a pleasant surprise," Palpatine continued. "Yet I imagined this encounter would come at a later date."

His skin drooped from under his cloak, it hung white and loose. From across the room, she could sense the pain he'd commited to others. She felt the evil that sorrounded him like an aura.

"May I ask where you're going?" He questioned, an unsettling grin molding to his face.

"Away from here," She spoke slowly.

Palpatine's laughter was dry and harsh. He pulled from his side a lightsaber, taking a few steps forwards. "No, I don't think that will happen."


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