《POSSESSIVE paul lahote love story(editing)》defeat


Nicky's POV

Tears ran down my cheeks. My crying and wailing probably echoing through the halls and making more sound then necessary.

"I hate you…" I yelled at Molly. My fists punching her lifeless chest. One by one my fists kept coming. Her body not responding how it should. How I wished she would push me off of her, fight me back… anything instead of just lying there.

"I hate you!" I bawled louder. I just couldn't believe it.

She's dead.


Her last words: Don't give up.

I had spent the last few hours crying at how her heart either raced faster than the norm or slowed until it finally stopped altogether. The anger was now pooling through my veins.

How could she leave me? Why couldn't she have told the vampires that dumb secret? I didn't even find out what it was. Now, she was probably rotting.

I felt disgusted with myself. I felt disgusted with them.

They killed her.

More tears tickled my chin. I didn't care who heard- I didn't care if I would get punished. I didn't even care if they bit me.

"I hate you…" I whispered hoarsely. My voice was broken. My throat was raw from the screaming and crying and my hope… it was gone. All my spirit, determination, my optimism it was gone the moment Molly's heart stopped beating.

I held onto my dead aunt's hand and squeezed it. I don't even know why I expected her to squeeze my hand in response.

I leaned against the wall, bending my tail up and resting my head against where my knees would be. I missed walking; I missed the feeling of my legs. Come to think of it I missed being anywhere but at this hell hole.

I heard bangs, shouting and clanging about from the room upstairs. It was going on for quite a while. But I didn't take any notice.

Not even when the vault was opened suddenly and Alec came in. He kicked Molly out of his way on the way over to me. I gasped painfully, they treat her like dirt.

He didn't speak to me as he tied my hands tightly together with the same metal chains that held Molly in when they infected her with their filthy venom.

The sad thing about it was that I didn't struggle once.

He held my bridal style. I didn't even move when he pulled me close to his cold chest. I couldn't care less.

I took one sad, wistful look at Molly, lying limp in the corner of the room where other dead bodies laid. I guess they were making a little collection of dead mermaids, huh.

My heart broke when he closed the vault door behind us. Locking Molly's body in there.

I couldn't even bury her properly, with a proper funeral. Not when her body was trapped in the underground dungeon/freezer I was kept in for the passed two weeks.

"I'm sorry," A musical voice apologised. I looked up at Alec. Trying to hide all my emotion but failed miserably.

"I'm so sure," I tried to get my voice harsh and tried to send daggers with my eyes like Molly does- or use to. But thinking about how Molly would glare at the leeches only made my heart drop.

Before my brain could process it his cold, marble lips was pressed to mine. I opened my eyes with hatred.

"Get your fucking leech mouth away from me," I said through clenched teeth. He smiled at me warmly while stroking my hair as if I didn't just curseat him.


It ticked me off more. And I squirmed, using up any energy I had left after my crying fit. He only held on tighter, my arms were still chained up and I couldn't even kick him.

My hair was pretty drenched from the cold air it's been collecting and my stomach stopped growling-the hunger pains had gone away. I was way passed being hungry and angry.

"I think I'm going to ask Aro if I can keep you," He smiled, like he thought that was a compliment. I was about to bite him but I was grabbed roughly from Alec's hold and pushed into a giant fish net. I was about to yell out how funny they thought they were being by holding the net out- with me still in it like I was a fish they had just caught. But they duck taped my mouth shout.

I was still in the net when Chelsea- the vampire with the gift of changing relationships- threw the net over her shoulder, just like Santa would with his sac of presents.

I looked at Alec with the coldest glare I could manage but I was only put into a deep slumber- courtesy of that asshole.

I wonder if this was what happened before they tortured Molly to her death.


"So, that's our plan. Remember to be quiet and try not to get mad- Paul, what the hell are you doing?" Sam finished off his plan when Paul opened the large double doors loudly. Gaining attention from the room full of red-eyed bloodsuckers.

"Give me back Nicky," He said, his voice making a few vampires flinch.

"Well good evening to you too, oh Carlisle, my old friend. How have you been?" Aro asked cheerily walking from his thrown.

Paul stood in the direction of Aro but his knees were knocked out from under him as agonising pain filled his brain. The excruciating acidy burning pinched his veins causing Paul to scream out in pain.

"Stop!" Carlisle said walking forward. Most of Sam's pack i.e.: Collin, Brady, Seth and unwillingly Leah were outside patrolling the castle in wolf form. While the older and more experienced wolves stood on four legs behind Sam.

Rosalie, Alice and Esme were outside on watch with Collin, Brady, Seth and Leah.

They all growled as their fellow pack member was in unbearable pain caused by the infamous Jane.

Aro put his hand out- signalling Jane to cut it out before stepping over Paul's exhausted body and strolling towards Sam. Sam and Paul were the only wolves still in their human forms.

Edward stiffened as he read the thoughts of Aro.

"That's who we are looking for," Edward said trying to keep ruthless tone out of his voice.

"Hmm, so you're after my mermaid?" Aro said, his lips puckered into a straight line.

Quil and Jared shared a look. Sure Sam had explained to them at the meeting that Nicole was a… mermaid but who really did believe him? Not even Paul did. It was only mentioned once or twice as the conversation passed, they all had bigger things on their mind. Sam was open to the other existence of different types of beings but he couldn't imagine Nicky growing a tail and gills. He just couldn't see it. And he knew he was being hypercritical since he turns into a giant wolf. But he has proof.

"She's not yours!" Paul managed to growl. He stood up suddenly regaining his balance. Jane stepped forward in anticipation but Aro turned to her shaking his head.


"Aha, then who does she belong to then?" Aro provoked.

Edward knew he wanted to get a reaction from Paul- anything to start a fight. Edward didn't even have to read his mind to know that.

"ME!" He grounded out. His fists shaking. Aro noticed and took a step back. He was always afraid of werewolves, and being surrounded by them was not helping him conquer his fear.

Aro reached his hand out suddenly, not even asking permission as he read every thought Paul has ever thought. Every reason and emotion going through that thought- he saw it through Paul's mind in a heartbeat. A sly smile on Aro's face as he let go.

"So Nicole is your mate?" Sam growled stepping closer- not liking his pack member being in risk to a psychopathic vampire with an army of guards watching his every move.

Edward splayed his arm out, stopping Sam from making hasty decisions. They had to wait what was playing out.

"Yes," Paul snarled, giving Aro the dirtiest look he could muster.

"What would happen if she died?" Aro said nonchalantly looking at his nails.

Just the words itself made Paul see red. Fire cursed through his spine as he fisted his jeans, hoping to control himself. He knew he couldn't hurt Aro… yet.

"Relax, my boy. It was only an enquiry," Paul hated him. Hated his fancy words, hated his guards and mostly- he hated Aro's face.

He wanted to spit on Aro. And strangle him with his fucking robe.

"Stop aggravating him, it will do you no good," Carlisle said politely. Stepping forward cautiously. Making sure he didn't make any fast moves. Eyes were on him but he was only focused on Aro.

"And what would you-" Aro didn't finish his sentence. He smiled delicately as a bunch of footsteps neared. Behind the thrown was massive wooden double doors were the sounds were coming from. Everyone heard the quiet murmurs of Chelsea, Alec and a few new members of the Volturi thanks to their super enhanced hearing. The footsteps stopped at the door, waiting patiently. Waiting for Aro's permission to enter.

"You may enter, dear," Aro said extra loud, though there was no need.

The Cullen's and the pack leaned in eagerly as the double doors opened with a loud creak.

Chelsea strolled in carrying something over her shoulder and Alec stood behind Chelsea almost protectively.

Anyone in the room could hear the faint heartbeat coming from behind Chelsea and in front of Alec.

"Put her hear for everyone to see," Aro said in his childishly happy manner.

Chelsea stalked lithely to Aro. She stood in front of him and dumped the bag violently to the stone tiled floor.

Inside the bag that seemed to be a rope, fishing net a silvery-blue tailed flipped out, displaying an unconscious Nicky looking awfully pale and bruised. Her mouth was closed in duck tape and her wrists were chained together, showing scruff marks indented into her skin were the chains were digging in.

The Cullen's –whom had already seen Nicky in her mermaid form weren't surprised as the entire pack was- Sam included and even Collin, Brady, Leah and Seth outside who's minds were linked to anyone in wolf form's jaws dropped, eyes widened as they looked at Paul's imprint… a mermaid.

Paul's POV

When Sam explained to me that Nicky was a mermaid I almost laughed. Hysterically too.

But seeing her, with my own eyes. I guess the term 'seeing is believing' couldn't be any more true.

Then anger boiled inside of me. She was alive- her heart was beating but she wasn't awake. I really hope she was sleeping.

I almost ran over to her when the head leech stood in front of her. An evil glint in his eyes.

"I didn't give permission to touch- did I?" He asked in a dangerously calm voice.

I growled on instinct and stood up to my full height. I brought my fist back- ready to punch him in that fucking head of his before I was pulled back by Sam and Edward.

"Cut it out," Sam ordered.

It wasn't an alpha's command, luckily.

"Why do you want her?" Carlisle asked, obviously not trying to start a fight by his casual position.

"I believe she is an important specimen, if I do say so myself,"

"She's not a specimen!" I yelled, without even thinking.

"Don't you dare phase!" Sam commanded in a harsh whisper.

Damn it.

"Why can't you use another mermaid?" Carlisle asked.

A moment of silence followed. The head-vamp looked back to the lazy two leechs still sitting in their thrown for answers. One of them shrugged while the other one stared off into space- looking bored as ever. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"She seems to be the last one left," Head-vamp said raising his chin up. How I wanted to punch that stupid chin back into his face. Now that would be fun, I even bet that bored looking vamp would be interested.

Edward put a hand on my shoulder- how did? Oh… mind reader. I guess he didn't want anyone to start a fight.

This is going to get us nowhere.

"Wouldn't that be because you killed them all?" Edward snarled. I kept my eyes trained by Aro's feet were Nicky was lying. My eyes caught a glimpse of that brown haired scrawny looking vampire staring at her. My fists might have clenched- the fire burnt in my back but my mind fought back- I couldn't phase. Alpha's orders.

"Maybe," Aro almost sang.

"Give us back Nicole! You don't need her," Sam said, standing in front of me. I rolled my eyes- might as well put a restraining collar on me.

"Then who else could I test my newborn vampires on?" Aro asked feigning innocents.

The pack behind me growled. While I kept my snarl down in my throat.

"That's not the only reason is it, Alec?" Edward sneered in the vampire staring at MY girl.

Alec looked up by the sound of his name. He nodded unashamed. Aro looked at Alec curiously. Seems like Alec has been keeping secrets from his master.


"Aro, you should really keep your …followers on a closer leash. I hope you know that Alec, over there, has found himself infatuated with Nicole," Edward smirked knowing fully well that Aro didn't know.

"Is this true, my boy?" The head vamp tilted his head to the side. Idiot.

"Yes, master" He said looking away from his 'master,'

"Pussy," I muttered. 'Alec' heard and gave me the stink eye.

I smirked.

"Anyways, that doesn't give you consent to take away our beloved mermaid, she loves it here," Aro said. I could see the lies coming out of his mouth.

Edward scoffed, taking control of this situation, "Let her tell us that- without Alec's sense control over her," I looked over at the one staring at my girl not even paying attention.

He was controlling her? Taking away her own freewill. Is that why she's unconscious? Because of him?

They already had her bloody chained and sticky taped up.

To say this in the nicest way possible: I was so. Fucking. Pissed.

I gulped and pulled back the transformation. The alpha hold on me still keeping me at bay. I had to stay cool.

"Alec, if you may," Aro said a bit too smugly. Forgetting that Edward could read his mind.

"And Chelsea too," Edward said directing his conversation to the tank vampire chick.

Aro raised a brow. "Sure," he replied stiffly. His plan already ruined.

I stood their waiting for Nicky to move, open her eyes or even twitch her fingers but nothing came. Not even a flick of her tail that I strangely already accept and love about her.

"Alec," Edward scorned. His eyes murderous.

"What are you going to do with her?" Alec asked stepping around Chelsea and positioning himself into a fighting stance- protecting Nicky.

The wolves behind me growled and stepped forward slowly. Ignoring Carlisle's silent hand gestures and protests. Even some of the Cullen's lips twitches into a snarl, stepping forward- ready to back us up when needed.

"Keep her safe- bring her home," Edward answered for everyone.

"She doesn't belong to you!" I interfered- pointing my finger at him

"She belongs to no one! She decides!" Alec snarled.

"Oh yeah, what makes you think she would choose you?" I ridiculed.

"Why, does she love you?" He said- somehow, I know he knew that she didn't. And it hurt. Like a bitch. But did I let it show… well- yeah maybe.

"She could," I said venomously.

Sam pulled me back, but I was too riled up. I stormed passed Sam, pushing him aside while Edward stopped in front of me, whispering warnings.

"Move," I ordered. I was a couple centre metres taller than him but he was still hard as a rock.

"You'll get yourself killed," Edward advised.

"If it's for her- so be it," I said strongly. He sighed before moving aside- shocking me for a moment before I charged for that brown haired pubescent freak that's trying to steal my girlfriend-or future girlfriend.

I didn't know what was happening behind me- but I know no one else was fighting, probably observing me tackle Alec to the floor.

He pushed me off him, scrambling to get up.

I flew off him easily; I was stronger in my wolf form. I looked over at Sam who was unbuttoning his shirt- about to phase. Seeming to realise my dilemma he gave me the okay to phase.

Not caring if these were the only clothes I had with me I shredded them in an attempt to phase faster as Alec darted towards me.

Watch it –SETH

Paul, on your right –JARED

Ouch… that's gotta hurt –QUIL

Sam… Let us help –COLLIN

No. Let Paul handle this. We can't outnumber him, more of the guards will join in and things could get messy. –SAM

Dude… he's getting smashed –EMBRY


I hope he was talking to the vampire –LEAH

Ick. That's a lot of fur –JARED

Get his eyes! Yeah! WOO! GO PAUL… Ow... ahh, ouch, God. Wait watch it- don't… behind you… Paul man, think of Nicky –BRADY

Trying to keep my pack brother's and sister's thoughts out of my head I tried to think of Nicky, her fingers twitched slowly while her eyes fluttered openwhen Alec lifted his power off of her. I was only distracted for half a second before I was kicked by what seemed like a bulldozer in the gut. I was bleeding and a lot of fur was ripped out. I had been so distracted that when I actually focused on the fight at hand that I only did get in a few claw slashes in.

I lunged at Alec while he's attention was focused on Nicky. Aro stood in front of her judgmentally eyeing anyone who stepped too close.

I aimed for his neck but at the last second I growled, pausing what I was about to do when Aro picked up Nicky by her neck. Her eyes focused as she tried to look at the scene in front of her.

I instantly got off of Alec and raced towards Nicky, hearing Alec a few steps behind me.

"Let her go!" Alec shouted.

Chelsea, without saying a word, smiled evilly before lifting Nicky up higher, above her head and dropping her onto the floor. If Nicky wasn't taped up I would have heard her curse.

I leaped over on top of Nicky before Alec could catch up and covered her body with mine. Since my wolf form was so big I could just cover her up head to toe that she almost disappeared underneath me.

I growled at Alec who was now looking up to his 'master' in humiliation.

"You've disappointed me," Aro said wickedly.

I heard a few wolves behind me cough up a throaty chuckle.

Ha-ha- fucker is what I believe Jared had thought.

"Don't hurt her," He mumbled, looking down at his ugly-fashionable shoes.

"Aro- he only cares for her-" Edward's defence was cut off by Aro's hand gesturing to stop.

"Enough," He silenced.

"Do it," He said looking at Chelsea. Chelsea then grabbed me with her strength around my torso squeezing me hard while I tried to struggle out of her rock-hard grip. She was pressing into my wounds and making the air rush out of my lungs.

Nicky was pulled out from under me by Aro forcefully.

I then noticed her eyes were red- like she had been crying. I whimpered, not even listening to what the rest of my pack thought.

No, leave her alone! No! My legs flailing in every direction.

I didn't care if stray tears rolled down the red, bleeding skin where fur used to be underneath my eyes.

Sam, in his black wolf lunged at Alec, only stopping when Nicky was dangled in front of him by Aro.

"You attack any of us… say goodbye to your precious mermaid," Aro said. He looked over at Chelsea. She nodded once before dropping me with a yelp.

I fell on my hind legs and swear I heard a toe-curdling crack underneath me.

I whined out of pain then watch as Chelsea and the rest of the guards walked through a metal tomb-like door. Soon all that was left was some of the wolves, some of the Cullen's, Aro, Jane and Alec.

Unthinking I phased back into human, in my naked glory not giving a shit at the disgusted look Jane gave me.

Take it all bitch! I thought to her menacingly.

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