《POSSESSIVE paul lahote love story(editing)》tides


Pauls' POV

I couldn't stop looking at her. She was hiding her face from me on purpose but I couldn't turn my head and face the front. I just don't understand why she hasn't accepted me. The only thing I could think of why the imprint hasn't worked on her is if she had a boyfriend. I looked at her again sadly. I don't even know if she has a boyfriend. I don't know anything about her- she won't let me in.

Instead of feeling mad about her having a boyfriend, I was ashamed of not knowing. Well of course she would have a boyfriend. Have you seen her? She's beautiful, body and soul.

I sighed sadly and looked down at my page the teacher was reading out. I wonder if she likes the classical books. Girls like that type of shit. I think. But Nicky is not like other girls. Not by a long-shot.

The bell rang bringing me out of my thoughts. I went to help Nicky up by putting out my hand. She simply looked at it before grabbing her books and standing up by herself. I awkwardly put my hand in my pocket.

She started walking to the door and I caught up easily.

She stared straight ahead not even acknowledging me.

"So Nicky…" I started.

"Mhm?" She said keeping her eyes ahead of her.

"How do you like Shakespeare?" I asked keeping up with her and bending my head down a little to see her reaction. Her face cringed but as soon as I saw it her face flashed back to her bored expression.

"It's cool." She lied shrugging her shoulders. I could see right through her.

"I hate it." I said bluntly. Her eyes met mine before she looked back at the crowded halls in front of us.

I watched her as she waited patiently as a couple seniors were mucking around taking up the whole corridors. I saw her lips twitch in anger as she continued to stand there behind them. I saw how she was angered by waiting for those idiots being dickheads. This made me mad. I felt my hand twitch before I shoved the school's quarterback into the lockers to make way for my girl.

She locked surprised but walked through.

"Hey what's your deal man?" He said struggling under my arms. I glared at him before letting go and rushing ahead towards Nicky.

"You don't have to be so violent. You could have just asked them politely to move." She said coldly. I didn't know what to say. It was painful to hear that she was disappointed in me. But I acted like it didn't bother me while she opened her locker and chucked her books in. I took a good look in her locker since she was re-reading her schedule.

It was messy, much like mine. Her books and papers were scattered over the locker shelves and her bag was just stuffed in the bottom shelf.

"What?" Said an angelic voice. I looked down at Nicki.

"Hmm?" She was finished memorising the paper and was staring up at me.

She raised a perfect eyebrow, "What's so fascinating?" She asked nodding her head in the direction of her locker. I closed the door of it for her and stared back at her.

"I just…" I actually couldn't put anything into words. I was just looking at her lockers trying to learn more about her… that would be weird. I just looked at her instead. She looked at me for a moment before sighing, realising I wasn't going to answer.


"It's cool, don't answer Me." she said in a light sarcastic voice shrugging. I could only smile like an idiot.

"Don't break your face." She stated pointing her finger under my chin. I automatically grabbed her hand and put it over my cheek, cupping it. Her smile vanished and she looked uncomfortable. I knew how uncomfortable she was but I didn't want to anything about it. I just wanted her to love me god damn it!

My wolf inside me took over for a moment and I grabbed her shoulders pushing her back roughly against the lockers. I leaned in closer inhaling her scent. My nose skimming over her neck. It took so much control not to bite her neck to mark her as mine.

The human side of me finally took control and I realised what I had just done. I pulled back immediately but realised she looked unfazed. She was just watching me, her eyes full of curiosity.

I didn't think she minded me being this close to her- my hands still gripping her shoulders. My hold on her loosened and I leaned in placing my hands on her waist. She still hadn't moved, if her eyes weren't watching me constantly I would have thought she was frozen.

She opened her mouth slightly as if to say something but I took that as a chance to press my lips against hers, not caring who was in the corridors watching.

But just as my lips brushed against hers I was pushed backwards- almost landing on my ass. I stumbled getting my balance back; noticing students watching this scene unfold. I didn't care, I just cared about Nicky. I looked at her immediately and saw her heated glare.

"Pig," she mumbled, picking up her books from the floor that I hadn't noticed were dropped.

I just stood there, not able to get a hold of what happened. How was she that quick to pull away and how the hell was she that quick to push me away?

She started walking down the hall again not looking back at me. I growled to myself. I'm so stupid. Why do I keep messing up? I just assume she wants me to kiss her.

I was shaking pretty badly. I couldn't phase here. Sam would kill me. I had to get my anger out somehow. I slammed my fist into the nearest locker making a large dent. The hallway became quiet behind me, I didn't even take notice when I started banging my head against the wall. I heard the sound of hurrying footsteps scurrying away from me.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I kept grumbling to myself.

Someone's hand patted my shoulder and I looked up to see Jared and Kim with sympathic smiles on their faces.

"She'll come around." said Jared. I scoffed at him. He was so lucky he had Kim who loves him unconditionally.

I was jealous of them, Jared got it so easy. Kim was already in love with him. I wish Nicky was like that. I had to quickly rethink that. I do not wish Nicky was like Kim. Sure Kim's nice, but she's not for me. Nicky is. Only Nicky.

Her insulting me was only making me lover her more- if that was possible. Nicky is like no one I have ever met. And I'm glad. Nicky's special. I'm glad I imprinted on her.

"I hope," I ended up muttering.

Kim smiled sadly at me before rubbing my arm soothingly.

"Paul, she can't resist the imprint. It's too strong. If you ask me, maybe she's hiding the fact that she likes you." I thought about what Kim said. It made sense and it defiantly brought my hopes up. Only to have them crashing down, "If she likes me so much how come she keeps avoiding me." I sulked.


"Give her time, man. She's probably over-whelmed at the moment. She won't be able to resist." Jared said slapping my back. I smiled to myself.

"Yeah. No one has ever resisted an imprint. Never." I almost skipped down the hall. It makes sense now, she so loves me. She's just hiding it.

Nicky's POV

I sat down in art class- not really paying attention. I wish I could draw, or play an instrument. But I'm hopeless.

I was staring at the window while Embry sat next to me, busying himself in the clay. Yeah it was so much fun sculpturing what we want. If only I knew what I wanted to sculpture.

I started getting to work knowing that this wouldn't get finished by me just sitting here.

"Hmm…" I sighed to myself. Seriously I couldn't think of anything.

I started rolling the clay around my fingers absentmindly. What's something that could be easy to make. A snowman! is what I thought straight away, seeing as it looked like it was about to snow.

The sun just loves La Push, hey? *eye roll*

I started rolling up the terracotta clay into little balls.

All of a sudden my senses were in overdrive. I could smell the water, calling for me. I could hear the waves crashing together, waiting for me. I could taste the salt in the air, tempting me. I could see the ocean in my head, teasing me. I could feel the tide coming in. My blood was pumping through my veins as I had to sudden urge to dive into the water.

I knew what was making me like this. The full moon is tonight. It does funny things to people. I started squirming in my seat. I couldn't ditch class to go swim in the ocean. And let me tell you, how I wish I could.

Each month when the full moon comes around I have to prepare. I can be most dangerous on full moons since I can't control my actions. Half the time I can't remember what happens.

Embry must have noticed my fidgeting because he put a warm hand on my arm, distracting me.

"You ok?" he asked, concern laced his voice. I could only nod. Afraid I would spill secrets in this vulnerable state I was in. Shit! I totally forgot about the full moon. I shouldn't have come to school today since I start acting funny. I have to get home- to mum.

"I... eh, Gotta call my mum." I said in a rushed voice. He nodded sceptically.

"Kay, if you say so." he said before returning to his work.

I walked up to Mr. Flynn. He was too distracted in making his masterpiece. I didn't really want to bother him so I snuck out into the hall way.

I took my phone out of my back pocket and began dialling my home phone number.

"Hi! You've reached Mary, Nicole and Carly. We can't come to the phone right now-"

I hung up straight away. Mum was at work. I wonder if… I started tapping my fingers on the back of my phone.

Would I get into trouble for skipping school? Maybe. Was anyone around to stop me? I checked the corridors to find no one there. Nope.

And I headed to the school entrance.

After making my way back home, trying to avoid getting caught by any teachers that happened to be roaming the school grounds, I finally made it home.

I was in a rush to get inside. I unlocked the front door using the spare key and shut the door behind me.

I realised I should have gone to the hospital but it was to far away and I would probably would have answered the call to the sea.

I started preparing for the long night ahead.

Half an hour later I was looking over the duck taped curtains over the windows in the lounge room. It was important I was out of view form the moon tonight. I had turned off the plumbing, not really sure how I did that but I did! And covered the floor in movies, pillows and sleeping backs for my sister and me. I knew mum would probably work late and not get back home til early morning but you could never have enough pillows.

I was looking through the movies picking out my favourites when a knock on the door sounded. I looked at the time and school had finished about five minutes ago.

I made my way to the door thinking if it was Carly she could just use the spare key. The knocking continued impatiently and I opened the door before they broke the door off the hinges.

There stood Paul. He sighed in relief before hugging me. I stepped back and his arms unwrapped around me instantly.

"Hi." he managed to breathe out.

"Hi, what are you-"

"You weren't at school and I didn't know where you were. I hope you don't mind but I asked around if anyone knew where you lived…" His meaningless drabble continued as I was in a trance. The sea was calling me. It was strong, wasting no time to get me in water before the full moon came.

I was completely oblivious as to what would happen next, only knowing that I have just lost my control.

Paul's POV

I had to follow Nicky's scent to find her home. It saved time. I couldn't describe the worry I felt when Embry said she hadn't come back to class. I was about to faint.

"You weren't at school and I didn't know where you were. I hope you don't mind but I asked around if anyone knew where you lived. I actually had to resort to Leah." I said jokingly. I laughed awkwardly when it looked like I had lost her attention. Her eyes were glazed over to something behind me. She was still as a statue.

"You ok?" I asked her scratching my neck. I know she doesn't like me touching her, or talking to her… or even being around her for the matter. But she has to love me, right? Yes. Right I am!

She didn't answer and it was making me feel uneasy. I would rather her be angry at me and show emotion then be in this zombie-like state. I looked down at her grabbing both of her hands that were laying limp by her side.

"Nicky. Are you ok?" I said, concerned filled my voice.

She kept staring off into space. I followed her direction to her gaze behind me. All I saw where the forest. I squinted my eyes to see if I could see anything. Nope, all clear. I think Sam would be the only one patrolling right now since school finished. Ever since that mysterious vampire ash was found Sam's been more on guard.

I was pushed roughly out of the way as Nicky shook off my hands and walked straight forward, that mysterious look in her eyes.

"Nicky, where are you going? W-what are you doing?" I asked as she was getting closer the forest borders.

She looked like she couldn't hear anyone. I stood in front of her seeing what she would do. She simply pushed me out of her way as if I weighed nothing.

"Nicky your scaring me… stop!" I said grabbing hold of her shoulders. She kept walking, me still latching onto her.

I couldn't stand this any longer she was walking to where the cliffs are. She could fall off. It's dangerous up there.

She just kept walking, like she knew exactly where to go.

Just as she almost tripped over a stick I picked her up easily. She was as light as a feather.

She didn't budge like I thought she would and it felt nice to have her in my arms. I started walking back the way we came, holding her to my chest. She didn't struggle at all.

I carried her back to her house, the door still wide open and walked up the porch. I held onto her tighter as I walked in, not knowing what to do next.

The lounge room was the first room to the right of the front door. I kicked the front door closed behind me, not wanted to take my arms of her.

No one else seemed to be home. I walked into the room and it was transformed into a giant, dark, movie room. Pillows and cushions scattered the floor and the curtains where duck-taped to no light could get in.

I placed her on the couch not really wanting to let go. I didn't know what was wrong with her. Her eyes were shut as if she were sleeping. I don't want to bring her to the doctor incase that leech is working there. Doctor Cullen, Pfft. Doctor Cullen my ass. He just wanted to suck the patients dry. And that is not happening to Nicky.

I took off her shoes. I was just unwrapping her scarf from her neck when I saw bruises. I almost growled but stopped myself incase she woke up. I leaned in closer to take a better look. It looked as if it was caused by someone by the hand prints stamped into her skin.

Whoever did this to her will pay. I tried to keep my breathing together. I wonder if she would tell me.

I pulled the scarf off, trying my best to not hurt her. I tried not thinking about the bruises, it would be dangerous if I turned 'wolf' with her so close.

She was still in that dream like state except her eyes were closed. Her fingers were twitching by her side and her breathing was calm.

I didn't understand. Not even ten minutes ago she was pushing me away.

I kneeled on the floor next to her head and started stroking her cheek. Her skin was cold compared to mine and I wanted to protect her from being cold. I grabbed a blanket that was on the floor and placed it over her gently. She seemed peaceful- there was no way I was leaving her… but I should.

I would never take advantage of her. NEVER. But I didn't want her to wake up alone and scared, even if she doesn't want me around. I leaned down and kissed her forehead gently, letting my lips linger there a bit longer then they should. I grabbed hold of her hand, clasping it between my massive hands making hers look miniature in comparison.

I'd stay by her side til she wakes up… or someone comes home.

Not even a second later I heard footsteps up the driveway. Crap, I have to go. I stood up quickly and kissed her lips gently, not applying to much pressure incase she wakes up. I tucked her in making sure she was warm without me and tried to find a back entrance to this place.

I will be back here later tonight –whether she likes it or not.

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