《POSSESSIVE paul lahote love story(editing)》mega-jugs
I was in my bed listening to music on my IPod. I turned it up load to block out all the sounds around me. Having sensitive hearing sucks because you can hear everything and I mean everything. I could hear the birds in the trees from the forest, the animals creeping out of their homes in search of food, the scampers of paws hitting the forest floor. Everything. It makes trying to go to sleep hard.
Listening to my IPod blocks out most of my sensors, I was drifting to sleep when I smelt a very sweet scent. It burnt my nose and my eyes shot wide open. I took out the earphones and could hear bare feet running at a speed only a cheetah could match. A vampire was around.
A smirk crossed my face as I jumped out of bed in a hurry and opened my window wide. Since my room was on the second floor of the house I had to climb down the tree that grew alongside the house. Lucky it was sturdy or else I would have to jump- not that it would hurt me anyways.
I ran barefoot at my fastest speed, following the vampires scent. I was running on the outskirts of La Push trying to find this leech. It was like they knew where they were going. I reached the end of the track where the end of the vampire scent stopped and the start of the town started, houses were surrounding the street while the forest surrounded the houses.
One house in particular stood out. It was a small two story house with a cop car parked in the driveway.
Even though I looked like an idiot, I went on all fours and smelt the earth. It's impossible, how did his scent just stop? He's trail just stopped here, like he vanished.
I heard a twig snap above me and looked up straight away to find a vampire with long black hair perched in the tree sneering down at me with his evil blood-red eyes.
He jumped down, landing on his feet on my back and held my neck, shoving my face in the dirt.
He took a long sniff of my neck and then picked me up by my neck, pushing my back against a tree. I pretended to be weak and struggled lightly. My face was full of fake terror. I wanted him to think I was a weak human and then I could catch him off guard.
"Haven't you ever been told to stay out of the woods, especially at night?" He told me, sniffing my neck again.
"You smell… so different, appealing. Victoria sent me to do a job, and I get rewarded with a treat. How pleasant?" He said smiling wickedly at me. Who the hell's Victoria? And what's his job. Well seeing as he is going to die soon he could tell me some information.
"W-ho's Victoria?" I said in a quiet voice, looking away from his piercing eyes.
"My boss. Now if you don't mind, tell me your name. I like to know who I'm… disposing of." He tightened his hold on my neck making me squeak in pain. Damn, this leech is giving me a bruise. I tried to look scared instead of extremely pissed off.
"N-Nicky, who are you!" I tried struggling against him gently again and his hold on me loosened. Good, he's letting down his guard.
"I'm Stephen, now deary… this might hurt, quite a bit." He said smiling at me. This is my chance. I smirked back at him holding his neck tightly. He had no idea what was coming.
"I'll say!" I said before pushing him into a tree roughly. Around here it was too close to civilisation. I couldn't let anyone see so I dragged him by his hair, hearing him struggle behind me, closer into the forest. I couldn't wipe the smirk off my face. Victoria is going to need another minion because this one is being 'disposed' of.
Damn I'm sleeping well tonight.
The next morning I had a long shower. I had a quick one last night to wash the scent of vampire off of me. After getting changed into my clothes for the day and pushing the front of my hair back into a white beret I skipped downstairs to the kitchen were my mum and sister were.
"Hey guys," I said cheerily. Normally I'm not a morning person, but hey I felt pretty satisfied with my work last night.
"Hey Nick." Carly said not taking any notice and slurping down her cereal. I kissed mums cheek on the way to the fridge.
"Morning sweetheart. Was that you I heard last night?" Mum said skimming through the newspaper.
"Yeah I heard a demon running around last night." I said casually as if I was talking about the weather. Mum sighed and shook her head.
"I really wish you wouldn't go looking for vampires," Mum said coming over to me and cupping my cheek. I was almost taller then her. I smiled at her, this conversation has been heard before.
"Mum two things: I didn't go looking for 'vampires' last night I heard one and went after it. And secondly, If I don't, who else will?" I said giving her a reassuring smile and grabbing a ball from the top shelf.
"I know, I know. It just scares me. You are fighting them in human form and that attracts them to you more." Mum said from over my shoulder. I was pouring some cereal into my bowl.
"But I'm pretty strong for a human don't you think? I haven't had any serious injuries lately and plus, if they are all attracted to me more that's good. They will leave other people alone." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.
I sat down next to Carly and watched mum sip her coffee.
"What about that mark around your neck." Mum said raising her eyebrows. Crap, I forgot about that. I rushed to the toaster and looked at my reflection. I had a bruise in the shape of that filthy demon's fingers. I growled to myself and went to the coat closest. I got out a white scarf and walked over to mum where she wrapped it carefully around my neck to hide the marks.
"Like I said, no serious injuries lately." I said to mum. She gave me a sceptic look.
After doing the normal morning routine of brushing my teeth, saying bye to mum and grabbing my bag, Carly and I stepped out of the front door together. I made sure to remind myself to leave my scarf on today. Last time I had visible bruises on my body teachers thought that I was abused. Carly told a couple of her friends that if I was abused I would kill that person. And then the rumours started. I was labelled a freak, maniac, killer and the worst: a murderer.
Sure vampires were humans once, but their life is over as soon as they are bitten. Yeah I kill them, but you can't murder something that's already dead… can you? So that word kind of hit home. I remember friends stayed away from me, teachers avoided me, other students started to gossip about me. With my hearing I heard stuff I shouldn't have. Supposed best-friends talking about me behind my back, teachers calling student's parents. It was crazy how one little sentence can be such a big deal.
I heard some of Carly's friends saying that I probably killed my dad. People couldn't believe I'd kill my own father so I must be unhuman, an alien… evil. Even though they were younger and well… stupid, they were right. And we had to move.
"Hey Carls… you haven't said anything about me lately have you?" I said once we crossed the road. She looked at me for a second before her eyes were cautioned.
"Why?" She said.
"No reason, I just… I was just remembering stuff." I said looking straight forward. I know it upset her when I spoke about before. I blamed her a bit for starting everything. But then I got over it, it wasn't her fault. It was probably bound to happen anyways.
"Nah I haven't. Honest." She said to me holding out her pinkie. I smiled before linking my pinkie with hers.
We have always done this since we were little. I don't think I have ever lied to Carls. I wouldn't want to. And plus there are no secrets in my family.
We reached the school gates and separated. I was currently opening my locker and shoving my back in there when a warm hand snaked around my waist. I turned around to glare at Paul.
"Morning beautiful," he said loudly. Getting some peoples attention. I rolled my eyes and pushed his arm off me.
"Go away," I said turning around and grabbing my English books.
"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine." He whispered in my ear, sending his warm breath down my neck. I shivered and he grinned at my response.
"No, you're just annoying." I said grumpily. There goes my good morning.
I shut my locker and walked away from him but he caught up easily putting his arm over my shoulder.
"What have I told you about walking away from me?" He said softly. I looked up at him, thinking he was kidding but his face was serious, intent. He started staring at me freakishly again and I shrugged his arm off me for the second time this morning and walked away from him.
"I'm serious." His annoying voice said from behind me. My face will permanently be scowling because of him.
"Whatever," I said looking at the room labels. I regret not looking at the schedule today because I had no idea where English is.
"Are you lost?" And amused voice asked behind me. He can't take a hint can he?
"No… I'm just exploring." I said half-joking. Seriously where is this room?
"Well can I explore with-"
"NO!" I said firmly turning the corridor, following some kids who looked like they were in my homeroom.
"Well that's not very nice." He teased. I turned around abruptly and stared up into his brown eyes. His face softened when he looked at me. I was tempted to slap him but he was putting me in this trance. I snapped out of it and glared at him, not looking into his eyes.
"If you want to help me, show me where the English room is." I said trying to hide my desperation. I didn't want to be late.
"You didn't say the magic word." He said crossing his arms over his chest and smirking down at me. I huffed.
"Please." I said as nicely as I could in a situation like this.
"That's not the magic word I meant." he said with a head nod.
"You're so immature I swear-"
"It's I love you Paul." He said interrupting me. He smiled at me cockily. Asshole.
I looked into his eyes again at his face softened. I stepped forward, closing the distance between us.
"I…" He leaned down towards me waiting for me to say it, "Hate you Paul." I said and walked around him. He's no help at all. I might as well go to that old lady in the office.
"Close enough. Come here." He said from behind me. I was about to say something when picked me up bridal style and started walking in the opposite direction I was going.
I glared at him but I was happy that he was taking me there. It would have been fun if I didn't hate him so much.
"Paul. Put me down, I can walk." I said firmly. He stopped suddenly and looked down at me. His eyes sparkled at something I said.
"What?" My brows furrowed, when I leaned away from him he only held me tighter.
"You said me name." He said dreamily.
"Yeah, so?" I have said it before.
"It sounds so…" He stopped suddenly smiling at me.
"Beautiful, coming from you." He whispered.
"!" I said awkwardly and jumped out of his arms. Well, tried he still held onto me tight.
"Let me go!" I said trying not to say his name. What a creeper.
"No." He said and pulled me to his chest. I looked at him disbelieving.
"Yes." I said struggling against him. I started using my strength but his hold on me was too strong, almost stronger then me. No fricken way.
Well, I have wanted to do this since yesterday; I elbowed him in the nose. He's hold on me loosened giving me a chance to escape his warm arms.
As much as I hate to say it, it was kind of comfortable in his arms.
I looked around and saw that a couple students were around staring in disbelief. I rolled my eyes at them all and followed the direction of the corridor leaving him holding his bleeding nose in the middle of shocked and confused students.
Luckily about five minutes later I finally found the room I was looking for. Unluckily I was a couple minutes late and the teacher was already reading to the class, and even more unluckily Paul was in the class… with the only empty seat next to him. Great.
"Yes?" The teacher asked. She was middle-aged and a bit chubby with massive boobs. I know, too much information but it's just… I couldn't stop looking at them.
She cleared her throat and I realised I was just standing at the door looking at her sagging breasts. How embarrassing.
"Um... err, yeah Mrs…" I looked down at my English folder, oh god how ironic, "Megajugs." I had to hold in my laugh because she looked really strict. I saw in the corner of my eyes that half the class was also trying to hold in their laughs. Many failed.
"I'm in your class. Sorry I was… lost." I glared at Paul who just grinned at me. He looked like the happiest person right now, as if I didn't just tell him I hated him and elbowed him in the nose. Speaking of which, why isn't it bleeding anymore. I ignored the throat and turned back to Megajugs.
"Tardiness is not…" My brain just blocked her out because he boobs were coming awfully close to me as she walked toward me. She is a short woman who I easily tower over.
"Are you listening miss…?" She said waiting for me to state my name.
"Summers, Nicky Summers." I supplied.
"Oh and yeah, I'm listening." I said nonchalantly.
"Well. Come over here and collect your book we will be reading." She turned around to her desk and I almost sighed in relief that I didn't have to look at her chest again. It was like Paul's eyes, you just can't not stare at them.
I grabbed the book of her, mumbled thanks and walked down the isle next to Paul. He turned in his chair, making his whole body face towards me. I rolled my eyes and scooted the chair away from him. He only scooted his closer.
I sighed defeated and looked at the book the teacher was reading from. WHAT! Romeo and Juliette. Seriously?
That has got to be the crappest book ever. I haven't even read it but judging from the way it's written and acted out, why would I?
Paul touches my arm and I look at his panicked face.
"What's wrong?" he said in a rush looking over my body to see if I was injured.
"Nothing." I said looking back at the teacher. I've known him for what, two days? Why does he care so much?
"Are you sure?" he probed.
"Yeah, I'm sure." I said looking away from him. I started turning the pages of the book and saw a word that made me laugh. Hence.
The rest of the class I was ignoring Paul completely. I could feel his eyes burning a hole into the side of my head. Talk about creepy.
Halfway through I put my leg up on the chair and rested my chin on my knee, wrapping my arms around my leg. This resulted in hair swishing into my face but I didn't mind. It was like a wall between me and him.
Warm fingers brushed my hair back behind my ears. I looked at him and saw his fingers linger on my skin a little bit longer then they should.
He saw me staring at him and brought his hand down straight away, "Don't ever hide your face from me," He whispered and then looked down at his copy of Romeo and Juliette.
I looked at him for a couple more seconds confused. In a weird way that made my heart beat a little faster. WAIT! No way, I am NOT letting him get to me. So I looked back to the front and pulled my beret out, shook my hair out and pulled all of it over my shoulder, leading in a massive hair-wall blocking my view from Paul, or rather blocking his view from me. I saw him visibly pout and put his head on the table.
I smirked with satisfaction.
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