《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Superman vs Parademon Brute
Superman Memorial
Superman floated to the Parademon Brute that was now standing on one of the many bridges that connected to the memorial "Kryptonian I am going to enjoy killing you" said the Brute "Why don't you put the gun away and let's settle this with our fighting skills" Superman replied "If you want to do bloody, we can do bloody?" the Brute asked "Let's do this" said Superman.
The Brute put the gun on it's back but kept it's claw gauntlets unsheathed as the two walked towards each other.
Superman stood sideways with his left leg back and his right leg inching forward slowly, His right arm stretched out while his left palm was now facing his right bicep, The Brute stood sideways and then formed the same martial arts pose in the opposite way as Superman, Even though he was bigger and was currently looking down at the Kryptonian, His right arm crossed with the back of his opponents arm while his right leg stretched forward so that his right foot aligned itself with Superman's right foot and last of all his left leg was stretched out behind him.
The two aliens stared each other down both with the same thought, This fight was going to be brutal, The Parademon launched a few punches with Superman countering them, The creature pushed him slightly backwards and smirked while Superman breathed carefully as the two went back into their original stances and crossed arms again.
The Brute went on the attack by launching a right punch, a right elbow, left punch and then a left kick all of which were countered by Superman, The two of them took a few steps away from each other and went into different stances, Superman tried pulling the left arm of the Brute it retaliated by throwing a right punch that was heading for the Kryptonian's torso which Superman floated back to avoid.
Parademon lifted his hands to taunt Superman "Come on Kryptonian, Show me what you can do" Superman looked at him and then down to the Brute's legs, Kal lifted his hands up while the Brute waited for his opponents next attack. Superman spun around and attempted a roundhouse kick to his opponents leg, The Brute lifted it's left leg quickly which made Kal miss in doing so the Brute replied with a left kick of it's own.
Kal-El leaned back immediately to avoid the left kick from the Parademon who quickly brought his left leg down and lifted his right leg up to kick Superman twice but the Kryptonian blocked the double right kick with his left arm, The Brute breathed fire at him which Superman leaned back to avoid, In doing so it made him lose his balance and fall onto his back which allowed the creature to take the opportunity to strike by lifting it's left leg and tried to stamp on the Kryptonian but Superman quickly flew backwards and floated upwards into a standing position with his feet now touching the ground.
The Parademon attempted a right kick to Superman's torso which was pushed aside by Kal who went on the defence as the Parademon threw multiple punches which were countered by the son of El who retaliated by attempting to land a right elbow into the chest of the Brute which was deflected away,
This gave the Brute the opportunity to land his left claw into the right side of Superman's torso, He then pulled it out and pushed Superman away from him.
Kal's left hand went to his newly acquired wound "That hurt", The two aliens engaged in combat again, Blocking each other's punches, The moment for Kal to strike came when the Parademon left his torso unguarded as Superman then spun around on the spot and landed a left kick into the right side of the Brute's torso which made it yell out in pain.
Clark took the opportunity & floated upwards, Utilizing his super speed he landed a vicious right kick into the sternum of the Brute who was now sent crashing away from the son of Jor & Lara-El.
The Brute landed on it's back & carried on rolling backwards (losing it's gun in the process) until it was lying flat on it's stomach "You going to pay for that Kryptonian" the Brute muttered, It placed it's hands on the concrete and lifted himself back up into a standing position & shook it's head to attention while Superman flew and landed in front of it.
The soldier of Darkseid threw a right punch which Superman ducked, Allowing him to end up behind his opponent, The moment the Brute turned around his jaw was met with Superman's fist crashing across it, This dazed it with the Man of Steel following up with a left kick to the stomach, Another left kick to the back of the Brute's left knee, A third left kick to the face he then floated up quickly and finished his combo off with a left roundhouse kick to the jaw of the Parademon who was sent crashing down to the floor again.
The Hero of Metropolis lifted the Parademon to it's feet & proceeded to land multiple punches and elbows to the Brute's chest, His right elbow landed down onto the Brute's right shoulder and immediately followed it up with a right karate chop to the neck, Once that was done he held the Parademons right arm so that he could land a left kick to the Brute's right hip which worked.
Superman headbutted the Parademon which sent it stumbling backwards, Which allowed Supes the opportunity to bury a vicious left punch into the stomach of the creature which made it bend over in pain while at the same time Kal quickly did a backwards flip as the tip of his left boot impacted with his opponents face which brought the creature back up to a standing position while stunning it at the same time, Kal used both his fists and threw a double punch followed by a left kick to the chest he attempted a right kick to the chest which the brute avoided by sidestepping to the left but in doing so it didn't block the Kryptonian mid-air twist which allowed Kal to land a left kick that impacted directly into it's face which disoriented it again.
The Brute attempted a left and right punch both were deflected away by Kal-El who landed 4 punches to the chest of the Parademon, Another right elbow across the jaw, A right punch to the face he then buried landed a left punch into the stomach which made the Brute bend down in pain, This gave Supes the opportunity to land a left knee directly into the face of his opponent.
Superman wrapped his arms around the Brute's waist & flew him towards the memorial as he then tackled the soldier of Darkseid to the ground.
Supes stood up and lifted the Parademon up to it's feet "I'm not done with you yet, I am going to make you regret picking a fight with me" he threw multiple punches into the Brute's face and then launched a right uppercut which sent it to the floor "Stay down" said Superman, The Brute looked at him enraged "HAIL DARKSEID!" Superman launched a left kick which gave the opportunity for the Brute to sink both it's claws into Superman's leg.
Kal-El yelled out in pain and stumbled backwards holding his left leg, The Brute used it's wings and floated up into a standing position and immediately knew that this was the perfect opportunity to get the fight back into its favour, Parademon used it's right claw to shred through the skin of Superman's right cheek as blood sprayed out of it.
Superman right hand went to his right cheek.
An evil smile formed on the face of the creature as it then uttered two words to Superman "My turn" the Parademon went on the attack and swiped it's claws at Kal who was trying his hardest to deflect the attacks way but due to his injured leg his mobility was a lot slower, He could have flown away from the fight but that would be the act of a coward and that was something he refused to do, The kryptonian threw a left punch which was a massive mistake because he had now sealed his fate.
Kal-El mistake gave the Brute the opportunity to hurt him, The Parademon used it's left hand and caught Superman's left punch, It then forced it's right claw upwards into the underarm part of Kal's left brachialis & bicep area which made the kryptonian scream outloud from the pain,
The Brute tightened his grip on Kal's wounded left arm and used a left arm judo throw to flip him down onto his back, The Apokoliptian soldier more enraged than ever then proceeded by using it's claws to rip the Kryptonian's torso apart.
The Man of Steel screamed in pain and launched a right punch which the Parademon caught with it's left hand and forced it's right claw into the subscapularis muscle of the right shoulder of Superman, The Brute sheathed it's left claw & clenched it's left fist & proceeed to punch Superman repeatedly in the face until the Kryptonian was disoriented.
Kal-El who was now wounded from head to toe as blood poured out from his various injuries that he had received from Darkseid and the Brute, His face was completely covered in blood which ran down onto his blue kryptonian uniform and turned it dark red even the yellow parts of his crest were now dark red as well.
The Brute then dragged the dazed Superman down the bridge by using his right claw that was still inside the Kryptonian's subscapularis muscle.
Kent Farm
14th November 2016
Martha Kent expression was one of horror and despair, Tears ran down her face as she sobbed at the TV which was now showing the beaten & bloodied Superman being dragged by the Parademon, The same expressions were on the faces of Alanna and Lana as they cried as well, Adam comforted Alanna while Lana held Martha's hands, Just minutes earlier they were cheering for Clark who had been winning against Darkseid and the Brute but the creature had been able to get the fight back into it's favour "Why isn't he healing Adam, I thought the blue sun molecules were supposed to speed up his powers?" Alanna asked "They still are working but the problem is that the attacks of the Parademon have been too powerful for Clark and in doing so his injuries are not being given the opportunity to heal" Adam replied "Why isn't the league helping him?" Lana asked "Most likely because they have their own individual opponents to deal with" Adam replied "I can't lose him again, Please God I am begging you don't let him be taken from me again, I have just got him back" said Martha.
Superman Memorial
14th November 2016
The Brute dragged Kal-El to where it had dropped it's gun on the bridge, It sheathed it's right claw which dropped Superman completely, The Brute left hand enclosed around the Kryptonian's throat & lifted him up while choking him at the same time, The Brute unsheathed it's right claw and began to stab Superman repeatedly in the stomach & sternum, Once it had finished making Superman suffer it threw the Kryptonian to the ground and grabbed it's gun, Aiming it down directly at Superman's face with the intention of executing him, It's finger pulled the trigger.
At that very split second moment Superman rolled out of the way, In doing so the laser beam from the gun blew a small hole into the bridge instead, Making the Parademon roar out loud in frustration as Kal flew up into a standing position "Okay soldier of Darkseid, Now you've pissed me off".
The Kryptonian landed on the ground and wiped the blood from his face, The Parademon took the opportunity & started firing it's gun at Kal who took full advantage of his super speed and ran towards the Brute while dodging the gunshots at the same time, Once he was in front of the Brute he landed a left punch to the right side of the Brute's torso and quickly followed it up with another one as the Brute stumbled back in pain he then disarmed it of it's gun "SUPERMAN!".
Kal turned his head and saw Green Lantern John Stewart looking at him "THE GUN, GIVE ME THE GUN, I NEED IT!" Superman threw it to him as he then caught it with his ring "THANK YOU, NEED ANY HELP?!" John asked "I got this Green Lantern, Go help the others" Clark replied "Will do" said John who flew away to assist the JL, SS & Kyle Rayner with the smaller Parademons.
Using the Brute's gun he went to work annihilating the smaller ones what was once a 100,000 Parademons were now 90,000 still a lot but the heroes and criminals refused to give up while Catwoman then drove away from the fighting and headed back into Gotham, Her destination the batcave due to needing Alfred to reload the car with bullets and missiles.
Superman gaze locked onto the Brute's "Let's end this" said Superman "I may have lost my gun but it was my claws that did the most damage to you and I will use them to bring forth your death" the Brute replied, The two walked up to each other as the brute swiped it's claws furiously which Superman was now dodging by backing away he caught the Brute's left arm and spun around in a circle twisting it while still holding the arm at the same time with his right hand he used his left fist to launch very quick repetitive punches into the face of the brute & pushed the creature away from himself with it's back now facing him.
The Brute turned around to face his opponent and threw a right and left attack which Superman countered with Kal now landing a right punch across the Brute's jaw which made the creature reel back in pain "Same move that Faora-Ul did to me at the Smallville I-Hop diner, I just did to you, Now time to finish this" Superman thought to himself he then threw multiple punches & elbows to the Brute's torso and spun the Brute around so it's back was facing him he twisted it's right arm and kicked it in the back of it's right knee which sent it down onto said knee.
The Man of Steel let go of the creatures arm & quickly stood in front of it and launched a right uppercut which knocked it's head backwards it began to fall when Superman quickly hovered and spun left in a circle, In doing so the tip of his right boot went crashing across the jaw of the Parademon which now fell onto it's back defeated.
Superman stood over the Brute and grabbed it by the throat, He lifted it up into a sitting position & looked at it while his eyes lit up bright red as he roared and unleashed the full force of his heat vision onto it, Incinerating the Brute's head he let go of the headless corpse, Turning around the Kryptonian grabbed his wounds in pain and began to slowly walk down the bridge while blood drained out of him from head to toe. Kal felt really light headed as he grabbed the railing for support he looked up and saw Mera & Aquaman running to him in order to help him "Mom, Diana" his last words as he then lost consciousness.
His body fell to the left and onto the floor with Kal now laid out on his back.
Kent Farm
The four of them watched Superman collapse "NOOOOOOO...NOT AGAIN...NOT AGAIN!" Martha screamed from despair, She sunk to her knee's and cried "CLARK!" said Lana who then went down to the floor and held Martha's hands as the two of them cried together.
Adam eyes filled with tears due to feeling that his blue sun molecules wasn't enough to help Superman win while Alanna was doing her best to reassure him that it wasn't his fault.
The Gods looked on in shock and horror at Superman collapsing except for Zeus & Heracles, The two of them were grinning at what had just happened "Ha and you thought he could beat me when he could barely take down one of Darkseid's soldiers" said Heracles, Aphrodite and Athena eyes filled with tears "Poor Diana she never even got to have her future with him" said Aphrodite "Not just her Martha as well, She has just lost her son again" said Athena "I don't think he's dead, I think he has collapsed from exhaustion" said Hermes "Yeah but the thing is his wounds aren't healing at their normal rate so he is bleeding out as well" said Eros.
Planet Terminus
The man watched Superman collapse "DAMN IT!" he then sat down in one of the chairs and hoped that Superman would get up "Don't you dare die, Get up Kal son of Jor & Lara El, You have a war to win, Diana and your friends are going to need your help, NOW GET THE HELL UP!".
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