《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Justice League and Suicide Squad vs Apokalips (Part 1)
The Justice League watched as black trenchcoat guy heat vision clashed with Darkseid's omega beams, The two powers struggling to get the advantage over the other, In the middle of the clash a massive ball of fire grew and grew until it exploded sending the two individuals crashing away from each other "WHO DARES CHALLENGE THE ALMIGHTY DARKSEID!" shouted Darkseid "ME I DARE CHALLENGE YOU, MOTHERFUCKER!" the trenchcoat then threw his coat down onto the bridge.
The Justice League gasped in shock & awe at who it was except for (Batman, Wonder Woman, J'onn, Aquaman & Mera) who already knew who the black trench coat was "NO FUCKING WAY!" said Zatanna "IMPOSSIBLE!" said Green Arrow "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME!" said Cyborg "HOLY SHIT!" said Black Canary "SUPERMAN, IT'S THE SUPERMAN, HE IS ALIVE AND READY TO KICK SOME ASS!" said Shazam "Well I'll be damned, Look who is still alive and kicking" said Selina who then smirked "JUSTICE LEAGUE TAKE...THEM...DOWN!" shouted Superman.
Streets of Gotham
The GCPD, Suicide Squad, Nightwing and Robin battled the Parademons as they finished off the last of the ones that were attacking Gotham, The Suicide Squad had two new additions to their team in the forms of Louise Lincoln a.k.a Killer Frost and King Shark, Deadshot lined up a shot to take out a Parademon when Nightwing quickly took down the Parademon instead "Oh seriously, Now that is just being an asshole" said Deadshot "Fastest marksman on the planet, Yet was too slow to take out that one" said Nightwing "I swear to god man, I am this close to shooting your ass" Deadshot replied.
The two of them stared each other down & eventually started to laugh together "Oh man I forgot how funny you can be at times Lawton" said Nightwing "Yeah well at least you still have a sense of humour unlike this new robin he is just a moody asshole like Batman" Deadshot replied.
Nightwing laughed even harder "Like Father, Like Son" he thought to himself "HOLY SHIT, LOOK!" said Rick Flagg he pointed towards a huge tv screen that was built into one of the city's skyscrapers. The (GCPD, Nightwing, Robin & Suicide Squad) at that moment saw what Flagg was seeing "IT'S SUPERMAN!" said Jim Gordon "Well what do you know, Looks like he isn't dead after all" said Nightwing "Yeah but look what the JL have to deal with" said Lawton who pointed to the army of Parademons "Flagg give me your earpiece now, I need to talk to Waller" said Deadshot "Why do you need to talk to her?" asked Flagg "Just give me it dumbass" Deadshot replied.
Flagg handed it over to him "Waller listen, I have a request that I would like you to hear me out on?" Deadshot asked "What is it Lawton?" Waller replied "The League won't be able to take all of those creatures on by themselves, I request that you allow the Suicide Squad to assist the JL, It is the only way that Earth stands a chance of winning this alien invasion, The Squad need to stand alongside the Justice League on this one occasion, Now what do you say?" Floyd asked "Request denied, I can't risk the squad being seen in public" said Waller.
Floyd looked around and saw the people of Gotham watching them from the windows "A bit late for that everyone could see us fighting alongside the GCPD from their windows and with all due respect but won't it look bad on you and A.R.G.U.S that there was a possibility of the JL winning this war with the help of the Suicide Squad but you decided against it and in doing so let the planet get taken over by this boulder faced Dickhead that is talking to Superman...So Lady I would seriously rethink your decision" said Deadshot.
There was a long silence on the earpiece "Fine you win Floyd, Well played, Now take the Squad and help the Justice League win" said Waller "Yes Ma'am" he handed the earpiece back to Flagg "Come on you dumb prick, We gotta help the good guys save the world, Squad move out" said Deadshot.
Nightwing and Robin looked at each other "Why aren't we going with them?" Robin asked "We need to stay in Gotham just in case more of those creatures decide to attack the city Damian" said Nightwing.
Arkham Asylum
A guard of Arkham Asylum approached a certain cell and proceeded to knock on it "Prisoner AC23-1940 get your ass up and walk to the door" Lex Luthor opened his eyes gently & slowly sat up from there he stood to his feet and turned his head to the left with his eyes looking at his cell door he walked up to it, The guard opened the rectangle cover on the door "I was told to show you this Luthor this is genuine live footage of what is happening in your city of Metropolis" the guard stuck his phone against the glass panel with Lex now watching the footage his eyes became wide out of shock at what he was seeing "NOOOO...IMPOSSIBLE...MY DEVIL KILLED THE GOD YET HE STILL LIVES!" Lex shouted,
The guard laughed at Luthor "You stupid son of bitch, You really thought you could take down Superman, You failed, He lives and now all you have left to do is to rot in this cell" the guard replied he pulled the cover back up and walked away from the cell while Lex was going into a fit of rage & currently in the process of smashing his own cell up.
Alfred sat there stunned watching the TV he couldn't believe his eyes the Superman was alive "Bloody hell" said Alfred.
Daily Planet
The Daily Planet stood silent at the shock of who black trenchcoat really was it was only until Perry broke the silence by cheering in doing so the rest of them broke into celebrations, Richard White began to chant "SUPERMAN, SUPERMAN, SUPERMAN, SUPERMAN, SUPERMAN!" the rest of the planet decided to copy him as they then chanted with him.
The Kent Farm
Lana, Martha, Adam and Alanna watched the TV in excitement as Darkseid omega beams & Superman heat vision collided "Kick his ass Clark" said Lana she had been told by Martha on how Clark survived and what he had been doing for the past year, She was also very happy to learn that him and Diana were together "Darkseid has no idea what he is in for, Clark is going to beat the crap out of him" said Alanna "Oh he will especially with the blue sun molecules inside his body, Darkseid will put up a fight but Superman is going to annihilate him" said Adam.
A few happy tears flowed from Martha's eyes "Mrs Kent are you okay?" Lana asked "I'm okay Lana it's just that I didn't think I would ever be witnessing Clark saving the world again due to us thinking he was dead but with him alive I get to see my little boy in action again and this time he is not alone in his fight he has Diana and the League to assist him, Now my beautiful little boy show him what Superman can do" said Martha.
Planet Terminus
Late evening
On the Planet Terminus inside a random house a TV was currently switched on and was also broadcasting the fight between Earth and Apokolips on the galactic news channel, A man stood in front of the TV he was 6 foot 4, 205 lbs, His body was well built, Eye colour was green, His hair was shaved on the sides, The top was fully black while the tip of it was white, The man was dressed in blue cotton sleeping trousers and no shirt and was currently watching & waiting for Superman & Darkseid to clash "Kal-El this is the biggest test of your life, I have watched you take down villains like Zod, Faora-Ul, Nam-Ek, Clone Doomsday, Sinestro (Leader of the Yellow Lanterns), Mongul, Despero, Queen Kormand'r of Tamaran, Nekron (Leader of the Black Lanterns), Black Hand (Nekron's Lieutenant), Onimar Synn but now you face one of the oldest and most powerful gods in galactic history whose strength exceeds your previous opponents, Throughout this past year I have watched you go through test after test and have seen your reactions to the beauty and the horrors of what this big universe is like, Now use those experiences to guide you to defeat this overconfident evil prick, Do not disappoint me Kal-El, The house of El represents hope now make sure it lives up to it's meaning and remember this you are not alone in this fight if you need help ask for it, The Justice League are there to help you".
In Olympus Aphrodite Goddess of Love, Eros God of Love son of deceased war god Ares & Aphrodite, Hermes messenger of Olympus who had just returned from delivering Steppenwolf corpse to Hades, Heracles son of Zeus, Poseidon god of the Sea, Zeus King of Olympus had all gathered by the large circular pool that they would use to watch the affairs of man's world and right now it was being put to full use as they watched the battle for Earth "Come on Kal-El show Darkseid what you can do" said Hermes "He is perfection and if I am right his body is a lot more toned than before, If he wasn't with Diana I would definitely put all my efforts into seducing him so he could make love to me here in Olympus. When it came to that Lois Lane woman, I could tell he held back most of his strength when making love to her but with someone like me he would never have to hold back" said Aphrodite.
Hermes and Eros looked at each other, Both of them rolled their eyes at what Aphrodite had said "Mother I am standing right next to you, The last thing any son wants to hear from his mother is who she wants to lay with and like you said he is with Diana so he is taken unfortunately" said Eros "Is she still ogling the Kryptonian?" Athena asked she had returned from helping Hippolyta and the Amazons and had informed them that for the next two weeks she would temporarily take over duties as Queen of Themyscira so that Hippolyta could fully heal "Yes she is to such a point she wants the Kryptonian to make love to her" said Poseidon "Can you really blame me, Look at him" Aphrodite replied who was currently mesmerised at the sight of Superman.
Athena approached a table that had a jug of wine and empty gold chalice's on it, Picking one up she poured the wine into it and took a sip & joined her fellow gods "Will you get a hold of yourself Aphrodite, Look at yourself you're drooling over him, Yes I agree Kal-El is incredible physically and yes I know you want him but you can't have him, His heart belongs to Diana & her heart belong to him, Also Diana says thank you for sending him back to her" said Athena "I am happy that she is happy, Diana's prayers to me over the past year and watching her mourn him were too hard to ignore, I wasn't too sure on how to help her because we all saw him die that day which he sort of did but didn't if you know what I mean, So the only thing I could do for her was to try and use my magic to help her mind and heart heal from the pain of him being dead then for him to return alive and well, I also had a slight feeling that it was him who saved those people in that plane incident earlier" Aphrodite replied "Don't forget the Kryptonian's adopted mother Martha Kent she was a massive help to Diana as well, The way the two of them helped each other grieve for him, She is a very kind hearted woman" said Eros "And Queen Mera of Atlantis she was also a massive help to Diana" said Poseidon "Don't forget about Lana Lang, Kal-El childhood friend" said Hermes.
Heracles looked unimpressed by Superman "I think you lot think too highly of him he isn't all that impressive in my opinion and I am ten times more stronger than him, I could definitely beat him in a fight" the gods looked at him and then laughed at the words he had just said except for Zeus who carried on looking down at the pool in silence "You think you can beat him, You got battered by Rao for trying to rescue your Father all those years ago, If you took on Kal-El he would destroy you in a fight" said Poseidon "No he wouldn't" Heracles replied "Yes he would" said Eros "It is a known fact that Kryptonians are far superior than Olympians" said Athena "If Rao wanted to he could have killed you and Father that day he found out what Mother did to Hippolyta and how Father allowed it to happen after that vicious beating he gave to Father you tried to rescue him and in doing so you stepped up against the wrong god, The two of you were lucky that he didn't kill both of you that day, Rao is so powerful he could kill all of us if he wanted to" said Hermes.
Poseidon put his hand on his nephew's shoulder "Ares, Zeus, me and you we have all fallen to him when we tried to step up against him individually, He has fought your Father many times and every time my Brother would be laid out unconscious in a pool of his own blood, Beaten and broken, Your father has never beaten Rao and I know for a fact that he never will, Rao is far too strong and Kal-El strength is just slightly less than his if you stepped up against him it would only end badly for you" the sea god replied.
The gods looked down at the pool just in time to see Darkseid and Superman came to blows
Superman and Darkseid began to exchange punches while Batman took the opportunity to quickly tell the league on who they should deal with "This is the plan for all for us it will be Me, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, Shazam, Aquaman, J'onn, Dr Fate, Zatanna and Mera that will deal with the big Parademons, Let Superman deal with Darkseid, Meanwhile Flash, Catwoman, Green Arrow, Black Canary & Fire, You deal with the small Parademons" "How the fuck are we supposed to deal with all of them by ourselves?" asked Black Canary "That's why you are going to need our help" said Deadshot.
The small group looked at them "Fucking hell it's the Suicide Squad" said Green Arrow "The what Squad?" Fire asked "Fight first, Questions later" said Flash as the 100,000 parademons headed for the two groups which forced them to team up
Flash ran while at the same time was throwing punches to the left and right which knocked the Parademons out, Green Arrow fired his arrows at them with some of the arrows exploding after hitting their target which caused multiple ones to die as well while Black Canary used her canary cry to deafen the Parademons who were now screaming & covering their ears in pain this gave Fire, Catwoman and the Suicide Squad the opportunity to decimate their opponents "Yeah eat lead Motherfuckers" said Deadshot "There is one huge Parademon left who deals with him?" asked Selina.
A green fist shot out of the water and hit the Parademon Brute with it now being sent soaring into the air, Green Lantern shot out of the water "HAL!" said Zatanna "Leave this one to me" he caught the Brute and took it up into space, Once that was done he threw the Parademon onto the Moon's surface "You wanna dance, Let's dance asshole" the Parademon stood to it's feet and roared at the Green Lantern as the two flew towards each other.
Darkseid left hand enclosed around Superman's throat which allowed him the opportunity to launch punch after punch into the Kryptonian's face "Luthor may have failed to kill you but I won't, You will die by my hand Kryptonian" he threw another punch but Superman left hand caught Darkseid's right fist "My turn" said Kal-El he landed a right punch into the Apokoliptians face and followed up with a left hook followed with (A 2nd one, A 3rd one, A 4th punch) and finished it off with multiple punches and elbows into Darkseid's stomach.
The Kryptonian flew slightly higher and launched a right kick across Darkseid's jaw "See during my trip in space I took the opportunity to learn how to fight, My teachers the legendary Warlords of Okaara, If you had taken me on a year ago you would have been winning right now but the warlords have taught me a lot not just in fighting but on how to be a better person and a better Superman, I am not the same man I was a year ago I have seen the beauty and the darkness of the universe and in seeing all that it has changed me a lot and I will use those experiences to guide myself in defeating you" said Superman.
Darkseid flew towards him and tackled the Kryptonian by the waist with the two of them flying upwards into the sky.
Cyborg and Shazam went back to back with the duo preparing themselves to fight their individual Parademon Brute, Cyborg left and right arms transformed into 2 large large laser cannons while the Parademon lifted his gun and aimed it at Victor "BRING IT DICKHEAD!" Victor shouted, The two fired at each other as their shots impacted into each other's chest, Mere moments later their battle turned into a flight & gunfight battle as they chased after each other.
Shazam formed a ball of thunder in his hands with the Brute now roaring & blew fire out of it's mouth, Shazam flew slightly to the right in order to dodge the attack and launched his ball of lighting which the Parademon immediately dodged as well, Shazam raised his hands and taunted the Parademon "Come on Ugly, Let's fight" channelling his lightning into his fists, The Parademon carried on firing at him while Shazam flew towards it while also trying to dodge the beam of laser that was being fired out of the Brute's gun, Once he was close he began to launch multiple punches onto the face of the creature.
Batman locked eyes with the Parademon as the bullets from the Batwing impacted with the Brute's chest area but it didn't seem to have much effect due to the armour on the Brute who now looked at Batman and smirked "Pathetic your man made bullets don't work against someone like me, Now it's my turn" the Parademon fired his gun "Oh shit" said Batman who responded by pushing down on the steering wheel sending the Batwing into a nosedive, One of the Brute's laser bursts had hit the rear edge of the Batwing but had only done minor damage to it "Fuck" said Batman he then pulled the steering wheel towards him to level it out.
Once that was done he pulled it even more so that the Batwing would go rising up back into the air, The Brute gave chase with the dark knight now leading it into Gotham "You're on my turf now you ugly son of a bitch, No one knows these streets better than I do" said Batman.
The two battled it out through the streets of Gotham with the Brute now firing his gun at Batman while the dark knight was now trying out some aerial manoeuvres in order to avoid getting hit. A few of the laser bursts impacted with the rear end of the Batwing "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" said Batman "Stay calm Master Wayne, Stay calm and you'll be able to win this" said Alfred who talked to him through the earpiece.
J'onn stared down the Parademon Brute "You're not scared Martian, I see you are accepting your death" said the Brute "No if anything you should be the one that is scared" J'onn replied "Why's that?" the Brute asked, The Martian transformed himself into a huge green dragon "Oh" said the Brute who now had an expression of fear "Yeah Oh, If I was you I would start flying away" said J'onn, The Parademon placed his gun on his back & utilized his claw gauntlets to attack the Martian's face "SOLDIERS OF DARKSEID WILL NEVER COWER, NOW DIE MARTIAN!".
Zatanna and Dr fate stood side by side while the two Brutes stood opposite, Aiming their guns at the two magicians, The Brute opposite Zatanna spoke "HAIL DARKSEID!" Zatanna lifted her two middle fingers "FUCK DARKSEID!" she replied, The two Parademons flew at them and fired their guns with Zatanna & Fate fighting back by firing beams of magic at the Brutes who despite being hit were carrying on flying towards them more enraged than before "Etativel" said Zatanna which granted her the ability to fly she followed up by casting 4 purple hexagrams, Lining them up in front of herself "Gninthgil" she fired the purple thunder bolt through the line of hexagrams while Fate formed a Ankh to use as a shield against the gunfire from the Brute he was facing.
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