《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Aquaman vs Queen Mera
Mera swam towards him and summoned the water around her arms, Shaping them into spears she fired repeatedly at her King, Aquaman was able to dodge a few of them but some landed into his body, He gritted his teeth in pain & fought back by using his quinident to fire bursts of electric towards the furies instead, Lashina quickly got in front of Bloody Mary and used her electric whips to defend against the electric burst of Aquaman.
Now it was up to Lashina & Mad Harriett to defend Bloody Mary because if she got wounded or even killed the mind control of Mera would be broken "Parademons, Sphere formation, Your job is to defend us from the Atlanteans" Lashina commanded.
A very large group of the creatures took up a formation in the form of a sphere around the 3 furies "Do your thing Mary, You're safe for now" said Harriett "Gladly but just make sure that for each Parademon that falls another must take it's place, The sphere must be kept intact" Mary replied her attention went back to the fight between the King & Queen.
Arthur clipped his quindent onto the back of his belt & swam towards his wife he wrapped his arms around her in order to try to restrain her "Mera listen to me your mind is being controlled by one of Darkseid's soldiers, You're stronger than them my love, Don't let them use you like this, I know you can break this mind control" Mera headbutted him in the nose which broke it on impact and capitalized on the opportunity by repeatedly punching her husband in the face, Queen Mera made two water knives and stabbed him in the right side of his torso & the deltoid area of his left arm which made him yell out in pain.
Mera finished off her attack by kicking him in the chest which was caught by the King he threw her leg aside & tackled her to the ground while Tula and Kahldur who had now dealt with Gilotina saw that their Queen was now under the control of the Furies and had already begun to attack the sphere.
Aquaman held Mera down by her arms and pinned his whole body weight down on her he was willing to take the hits from her but he didn't want to hit her back because this was his other half, His wife "MERA LISTEN TO ME PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU MY LOVE DO NOT FORCE ME TO HURT YOU BECAUSE THAT IS THE LAST THING I WOULD EVER WANT TO DO, BUT IF YOU CAN'T BREAK THIS CONTROL ON YOUR OWN THEN I WILL HAVE NO OPTION BUT TO FIGHT BACK!" "There is only one way this ends King of Atlantis either you die or she dies, If you don't fight back I will not hesitate in destroying her mind" said Mary.
Aquaman knew that the words being spoken by Mera were coming from the fury "NO I refuse to hurt her, Kill me if you want but spare her, I am begging you to release your control over my wife" said Arthur "YOU WILL FIGHT HER OR I WILL DESTROY HER MIND ATLANTEAN KING!" said Mera "Do one better than that, Use her to kill the King and then release her mind so that when she gets her bearings the horror of what she has done will haunt her mentally forever" said Lashina who was now trying to keep Kahldur from getting through the sphere.
The portal was still open as more & more Parademons came through, A large group of them headed for the King and began to attack him, Aquaman let go of Mera and turned his attention to the monsters and began to punch his way through them, Mera stood to her feet with her husband now finishing off the last of the Parademon group, They looked at each other, Queen Mera lifted her fists up "Mera I know you can hear me in there but forgive me for what I am going to have to do to save your life, I'm afraid you leave me with no other choice" said Aquaman who then lifted his fists up as well.
King and Queen swam towards each other as Aquaman threw a left & right punch with Mera ducking twice and blocked another right punch from her King with her left arm she followed up by roundhouse kicking him across the jaw and blasted a ball of water into his chest which sent him backwards, His Queen's attack hurt him but he had to fight back she swam towards him armed with a water spear, King Arthur grabbed Queen Mera by her right arm and used a judo throw to hurl her over his right shoulder and down onto the seabed, Once that happened he took the opportunity to rain down multiple punches onto her stomach which made her scream from the pain and brought her arms down to protect her torso.
Aquaman took the opportunity to switch his punches from hitting her stomach to hitting her face, Punching her repeatedly, A Parademon quickly grabbed her feet and pulled her towards itself in doing so Aquaman's punches made contact with the sea bed instead, Mera flipped herself up onto her feet as she turned around and faced her King, The Parademon who assisted her was killed due to a shark devouring it.
Both of them looked at each other, Aquaman was bleeding out from his face, legs and torso while Mera was now bleeding from her eyes, nose and mouth but this battle was far from over, The two swam towards each other, Aquaman brought his right arm back and launched a punch which Mera quickly dodged by sidestepping out of the way which allowed her to launch an immediate left hook which impacted across the jaw of Arthur & followed it up with a left elbow into the kings sternum and finished it off with a left uppercut. The King's head reeled back from her attack in pain while she utilized her water powers to form two swords and forced one into his stomach while the other was now heading towards the Kings chest for a killing blow "NOOOOO!" the Queen screamed she stopped her own attack.
The sword dissipated while Mera grabbed her head in pain, Aquaman eyes lit up in excitement "Yes Mera fight it you can do this my Love, Fight for control over your own mind" "OH NO YOU DON'T, YOU ARE UNDER MY CONTROL YOUR MAJESTY AND YOU WILL DO WHAT I COMMAND, NOW KILL YOUR KING!" Mary shouted,
Mera eyes changed back to their colour of blue "Arthur help me please" for that brief moment Mera had got control but her eyes immediately changed back to complete black "Die Atlantean King" said Mera "Fuck" said Arthur who was now forced back onto the attack he launched a left punch that landed into her stomach which made her couch up blood & capitalized on the opportunity with a right uppercut and then a left & right punch across her jaw & followed it up with another devastating uppercut which sent her hurtling upwards he immediately swam after her as she broke through the surface and into the air.
Arthur launched himself towards his Queen, Wrapping his arms around her body he tackled her back down into the water "I'm sorry Mera" said Arthur, The Queen's eyes opened and were now their normal blue "Atlantean gods that hurts, What just happened?" the King immediately stopped swimming he let go of her and cupped her face with his hands "Mera thank the gods you have control again, Do you remember what just happened?" asked Arthur she was about to respond when her eyes turned back to black "Ah there we go, I have control again" said Mera "NO!" Aquaman shouted he quickly grabbed her again and pressed his JL earpiece "JUSTICE LEAGUE I NEED HELP, IS THERE ANYONE THAT CAN BREAK MIND CONTROL?!".
Team 2 & 3 of the Justice League alongside Selina who was still in the Batmobile had now assembled on the bridge as they battled Darkseid's forces while team 1 alongside Batman who was still in his Batwing, Trench Coat and J'onn were still fighting the creatures that were coming out of & heading into the portal.
The JL then received Aquaman's cry for help, Superman super hearing heard the transmission coming from their earpieces "J'onn, Aquaman needs help in breaking mind control you can do that right?" he asked "Yes I can do that, I can definitely do that" J'onn replied "Can you survive underwater?" Green Lantern asked "Yes I can, Tell Aquaman back up is on the way" said J'onn who flew alongside Superman with the duo now heading for the North Atlantic Ocean.
North Atlantic Ocean
J'onn and Superman were now over the North Atlantic Ocean, Superman took off his neck warmer and placed it into his coat pocket and zipped it up "Ready J'onn?" "Ready when you are Kal" J'onn replied "3, 2, 1, DIVE!" said Superman as the duo went down deep into the water "How do we know where to go?" asked J'onn "Easy follow them" Superman replied who pointed towards the large groups of (Sharks, Whales & Dolphins) that were all swimming to the same place, Atlantis.
Martian and Kryptonian eyes saw the battle that was raging between Atlantis & Darkseid's forces with the duo now nearing the underwater city, Superman pulled his hood up and unleashed his heat vision on a group of Parademons while J'onn quickly spoke to an Atlantean soldier and asked him what was happening, The Atlantean explained him about Mera being controlled and how the furies were protected inside the sphere "KAL!" J'onn shouted, Superman looked at him "BREAK THAT SPHERE OF PARADEMONS AND TAKE DOWN THE FURIES INSIDE IT, ONE OF THEM IS CONTROLLING THE QUEEN AND MAKING HER FIGHT THE KING!" "GOT IT" Superman replied.
The two of them then went their separate ways to do their respective jobs.
J'onn swam towards Aquaman who was now struggling to restrain her "Your Majesty" said J'onn, Arthur looked at him "Who are you?" Aquaman asked "I am part of the backup that you requested, I can break Bloody Mary's mind control over your wife" "Do it please" said Aquaman, J'onn hands grabbed onto Mera's head as he then talked to her telepathically "Mera if you can hear me my name is J'onn J'onnz, I am a friend and I am here to help you get control over your mind" the telepathic battle against Bloody Mary was officially underway.
Superman flew towards the Sphere at great speed & broke through it with ease "What the" said Lashina "Who was that?" Mad Harriett asked before they could react, Superman grabbed Harriet and threw her at Lashina, The two furies collided with one another "WHO ARE YOU!" Mary asked "Your worst nightmare" said Superman he silenced her with a punch in the face which knocked her unconscious & sent her crashing down onto the sea bed "Get him Lashina" said Harriett "We take him down together" Lashina replied.
The two of them headed towards him, Superman flew at them and enclosed his hands around their throats, His heat vision lit up "Surrender willingly or I will force you to" said Superman "We don't need to surrender, Our task is near completion" said Lashina "We got our Motherbox back" said Harriett "Parademons attack" Lashina commanded, A group of them headed for Superman while one of them grabbed the Atlantean motherbox and flew back through the portal.
The Kryptonian bashed the two furies heads together knocking them both out & immediately dropped them he turned around and used his heat vision to disintegrate the group of monsters while more kept coming out of the boomtube, A few of the creatures grabbed the 5 furies and took them back through the portal to Apokolips until Kahldur used one of his water bearers to form a whip in order to kill the one that was taking Bloody Mary with that done he restrained the unconscious fury "This one needs to answer to the King & Queen" said Kahldur.
The portal then shut.
Mera thrashed about in Aquaman's arms with the Martian now nearly done removing every last bit of the control that Mary had gotten over the Queen even though the fury was knocked out, J'onn didn't want Mera to be a weapon that the Fury could use later on "Nearly done your Majesty" said J'onn. Mera lost consciousness and went limp in Arthur's arms "Done it" said J'onn "Thank you, Thank you so much" said Arthur "No problem your majesty when she wakes up she will feel disoriented and maybe even drained as well but a good rest is all she will need to recover" J'onn replied "Thank you now just one last thing to do" he placed his left fingers to his temple and sent out a mental message to the sea creature army telling them that this war for Atlantis was over and that they could all go home.
The sea creatures dispersed quickly as they all went their separate ways to their respective homes while the Atlanteans finished off the last of the Parademons, Kahldur and Tula dragged the unconscious fury to the King & Queen while Superman helped the Atlanteans gather their dead, The Queen slowly regained consciousness "Arthur" said Mera "Hey how you feeling?" he asked "Drained what happened?" Mera asked "This soldier of Darkseid we have here controlled your mind and made you & Arthur fight each other to the death that is why you and he are bleeding, Just in case you were wondering" said Tula "Then this gentlemen here helped free your mind...Oh I just realised I never asked your name?" Arthur asked "The name is J'onn J'onnz, It is an honour to meet you Arthur and Mera, King & Queen of Atlantis" he bowed & then stood straight "It is nice to meet you J'onn and thank you for freeing me from this woman's control" Mera replied "Thank you J'onn, You have my deepest gratitude" said Aquaman "Happy to help your Majesties" said J'onn "Please no need to be so formal, Just call us by our names also may I introduce my sister Tula and my apprentice Kahldur'ahm" said Arthur.
The group finished with their introductions when Kahldur'ahm then asked J'onn "Quick question J'onn that person there who is he?" Kahldur pointed at the hooded figure.
All of them looked at the hooded figure who was helping the Atlantean soldiers "Can't tell you" said J'onn "Why not?" asked Tula "Because he said he doesn't want anyone knowing who he is, All you need to know is that he is an ally" J'onn replied "Well sorry but I am going to go find out" said Arthur who swam towards trenchcoat while still carrying his wife in his arms "This is not going to end well" said J'onn who followed behind Tula and Kahldur.
Aquaman and Mera approached the hooded figure who now had his back to them and was currently placing another dead soldier alongside the other "Um excuse me if you don't mind me asking, Who are you?" Arthur asked "Who I am that does not matter, Just know I am here to help" Superman replied "You just helped us get the victory over Darkseid forces, We would like to know who you are" said Arthur "With all due respect who I am is not a matter you need to be concerned with and yes you got the victory but this war is far from over since Darkseid got your motherbox" said Superman "We'll deal with him later but first take off your hood or we will take it off for you" said Mera "Really, Good luck with trying to accomplish that" Superman replied "Kal what are you doing you idiot" J'onn thought to himself.
Aquaman grabbed his quindent off his back readying the electricity he aimed it at Superman's back "Take your hood off now before I really get pissed off" Arthur threatened "If you don't stand down in the next 5 seconds King of Atlantis, I won't hesitate in breaking your face" said Superman "You go for him and you will have me to deal with" said Mera "Not just you if anything you will have Atlantis to deal with" said Tula as the guards then picked up their weapons & aimed them at him "This is how you treat someone who helped you win, What a way of saying thank you" said Superman, It was then that Mera noticed a clue as to who this person was, Her expression turned to one of shock and awe "No way...Impossible...Is this who i think it is" Mera thought to herself "That's it, I'm done talking" said Aquaman.
Mera arm stretched out in front of Arthur "Arthur wait, Don't attack him...Atlantean Gods, It's you isn't it" said Mera.
Superman turned around & faced them he unzipped his coat & pulled the coat apart to reveal the blue suit with the red & yellow House of El crest he then pulled his hood down & smiled at them "No fucking way" said Kahldur "You have got to be shitting me, It's the fucking Superman" said Aquaman who was now stood there in shock "Atlantean gods you survived...How?" Mera asked "I never died Mera, I went into a regenerative coma when I woke up I climbed out of my grave & have spent the past year in deep space helping various planets" said Superman "Wait till Diana see's him she is going to be so happy" Mera thought to herself "By the way, How did you figure out who I was?" he asked "Your red boots, You can't hide those" said Mera.
Clark looked down at his red boots "Wow really that is how you figured me out" Clark replied "Who else knows that you are alive?" asked Tula "My adoptive Mother, J'onn, Two mutual friends of ours, Lois and Diana" said Clark "Diana knows as well" said Mera "Yeah but what I am about to say you can't tell the league, I am only telling you lot is because Mera is close with Diana" said Clark "We won't tell anyone, What is it you need us to keep secret?" asked Arthur "Me and Diana are together" said Clark.
All of them except J'onn looked in shock "Wait like together as in lovers?" Mera asked, Clark nodded in response "I love her Mera and she loves me" "ATLANTEAN GODS, THIS IS BRILLIANT YOU AND DIANA ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!" Mera shouted she then hugged Superman, The kryptonian looked at her and then towards the rest of them who were now trying not to laugh at the Queen, Clark returned the hug "Diana said you would be excited but I didn't realise you would be this excited" Mera let go of him & interlocked her hands with his "Diana is my best friend Clark with her believing you were dead for the past year, I had to be there for her at times when she cried, Begged for you to return, Wishing that she told you how much she loved you, Your death really affected her but now that you are back my best friend is happy again, Her wish got granted" said Mera "Thank you Mera and if I may say I am sorry for my hostile attitude just now, I have been keeping my identity a secret because I didn't want the league knowing who I was, Also I feared what would happen if a soldier of Darkseid found out and would go back to inform him of me being alive" said Clark he then stretched out his hand towards Arthur who shook it & place his hand on Superman's shoulder "Apology accepted Buddy, It's good to have you back man" "It's great to be back" said Clark.
Tula then spoke "All of you should leave for the surface world, Darkseid will now be on his way, I and our soldiers will deal with the clean up here" "She's right we have to get back to Metropolis" said J'onn "What do you want done with her?" asked Kahldur "Put her in our prisons, We'll deal with her later" said Arthur he then clicked his symbol on his belt which switched the lockdown off "Put her in the prisons immediately" said Mera.
A guard accompanied Kahldur in taking Mary away while Tula quickly fixed Arthurs broken nose "Let's go" said Mera.
Arthur was about to protest against her going when she then gave him that look "We're stronger together remember" said Mera he interlocked their hands & kissed her passionately with the Queen responding eagerly, The two of them eventually parted from each other as Mera cupped Arthur's cheeks & touched her forehead to his "To battle we go my Love" said Mera.
The 4 heroes swam towards the surface, Once they had broken through they headed for Metropolis.
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