《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Wonder Woman vs Steppenwolf
Steppenwolf ran toward her he jumped forward and brought his sword down towards the Princess, Wonder Woman raised her shield to block his attack which made her jump backwards. Steppenwolf sword hit the ground where Diana had just been stood as he slowly stood straight and attempted to regain his balance even though his body hurt like hell from his fight with Hippolyta earlier.
Wonder Woman capitalized on the opportunity & used her speed to slam the edge of her shield into the nose of Steppenwolf, A crack was heard as his nose broke from the impact he cried out in pain, Utilizing her shield again she whacked him across the jaw while at the same time swung her sword towards his face, The Apokoliptian quickly ducked and attempted to hit her right metal leg gauntlet with his sword but her shield immediately came down in front to absorb the hit he stumbled back & tried to regain his footing which gave the Amazon an opportunity to land a kick in his chest making him fall to the floor onto his back with him now breathing heavily.
The pain coursed through his body he could see the amazon coming towards him and slowly sat up in order for himself to shuffle slowly back towards the stone barrier when all of a sudden the lasso of truth wrapped around his ankles, His eyes caught sight of it and then saw Diana smirk, A look of fear appeared on his face after realizing what she was going to do "NO, NO, NO, DON'T YOU DARE!" said Steppenwolf.
Diana quickly pulled him back towards herself & used her lasso to lift him high up into the air, Steppenwolf screamed while Diana now quickly spun around so she was facing the other way and brought her right arm down as Steppenwolf was brought crashing down face first onto the surface in front of her he then groaned in pain "Amazon Bitch" he muttered.
Hippolyta and Artemis watched on with pride even after 100 years, Diana's warrior training was still intact "She didn't stop practising even while she was exiled, I have missed watching her fight" said Artemis "Me too Artemis and to think she came back to us even after we exiled her for a century, She still came back to save us" said Hippolyta who started to cry again "We need her back my Queen, 100 years has been long enough, We need to vote again, I want my sister back my Queen" said Artemis "I agree Artemis it is time Diana came home, The only thing is if our fellow Amazons vote in support of it or will it backfire again" Hippolyta replied "Trust me when I say they will vote in favour for her to come home" said Artemis "How do you know that?" Hippolyta asked "The Parademons were overpowering us slightly, Your daughter at that moment arrives out of nowhere and starts slaughtering the hell out of them, Me and the rest of our people were shocked that she had come back to such a point we stopped fighting in order to make sure what we were witnessing was real but Diana made sure we did not stop fighting and rallied us with her and in doing so helped us gain the battle back onto equal grounds" Artemis replied.
Hippolyta chuckled "She always did have the makings of a leader" the Queen cried out as the pain from her wounds stung again "By the Gods that hurts" "Hold on my Queen I beg of you to keep fighting, Don't you dare die on me now" Artemis replied "I'll try my best" said Hippolyta
Diana picked up his sword and threw it towards him "Get up Steppenwolf and fight me because you and I both know that you can't go back to Darkseid and tell him that you lost again to the Amazons" said Diana.
As much as it annoyed him hearing those words she was right even though he and the Parademons were here for the Motherbox if he went back to Apokolips and told Darkseid that he lost again to the Amazons, He wouldn't be facing death if anything Darkseid would make sure he suffers for the loss and that was something he did not want, He saw first-hand of what his nephew was capable of when a soldier fails him, Planting his sword into the ground he wrapped both his hands around the hilt and forced himself back up into a standing position, (His head rung, Blood was spilling out of his mouth & eyes with his vision slightly blurred as well).
Wonder Woman at that moment slammed her bracelets together which produced the same shockwave that was used against clone Doomsday in doing so it flung Steppenwolf backwards into the barrier. Hippolyta & Artemis looked at each other in shock & awe at what Diana had just done "By the gods" said Hippolyta "That actually just happened didn't it" said Artemis "Unbelievable, You have the blood of the old gods in you" said Steppenwolf "Correct" said Diana "Well even a god has to die at some point" said Steppenwolf.
The two of them walked towards each other, Steppenwolf tried attacking her on the left but she dodged it easily he then tried to attack her on the right which was easily dodged again, Wonder Woman quickly spun in a circle and brought her sword across his right hip which wounded him, The Apokoliptian cried out in pain while blood started to flow out of his newly acquired wound he attempted to punch her but his fist impacted with her shield instead, Wonder Woman used the front of it to push him away from her.
Diana brought her sword down which made Steppenwolf quickly sidestep to the right just in time for Diana's sword to miss, The Apokoliptian retaliated by swinging his sword but Wonder Woman ducked and rolled under his legs, The Amazon ended up behind him, The moment he turned around Diana's right foot impacted across his jaw which sent him hurtling across the stadium.
Wonder Woman flew towards Steppenwolf who was now on his hands and knees & was currently in the process of trying to get his bearings from the kick he had just received, He glanced to his left and saw the enraged Amazon Princess coming towards him, The Apokoliptian General knew that the current state he was in it would only be a matter time before Diana kills him and frankly no way in hell was he going to lose again to the Amazons, He had to come up with a plan fast, It was then that he realised what the surface of this arena was. An idea came to him he let go of his sword & gathered up a load of sand into his hands and cupped the small pile, All he had to do now was wait for Diana to get near.
Wonder Woman was now nearing him, Raising her sword she out a battle cry & prepared to attack Steppenwolf when at the last second he threw the sand into her face making her crash into him and fall to the floor in pain, The sand had done it's job by getting into her eyes and was now temporarily blinding her, The Amazon gritted her teeth in pain & tried to rub it out which led to it worsening her vision "DAMN IT, I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING!" said Diana "That is the idea you Bitch, Now time for payback" said Steppenwolf he stood to his feet and grabbed Wonder Woman by her hair, Pulled her back he slammed her face into the concrete barrier & then repeated this motion a few times until she was fully dazed.
Once that happened he drove his sword completely through the back of her left thigh.
Darkseid watched from his throne as team 1 of the JL, J'onn and Black Trench Coat carried on destroying the Parademons. The man in the black trench coat was the one who he was interested in the most he could tell from watching that out of the small group this person was the strongest out of all of them "Desaad who is that person in the black clothing, I want him identified" "Yes Master" said Desaad he approached a console & clicked a few buttons on the panel when the computer then replied "This person can't be identified" "What that is impossible, Search for the race of this person" said Desaad "Commencing...Race unknown, Cannot identify" the computer replied "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE CANNOT BE IDENTIFIED?!" Desaad shouted "No results can be found about this person because he is an unknown" a pair of Omega beams destroyed the computer.
Darkseid was now enraged "To the Parademons that are currently heading towards the portal bringing me new soldiers from those two cities you have a new task, I want you all to stop what you are doing and attack the person in black, Force him through the portal into Apokolips".
The Parademons flew towards the portal carrying a citizen from Gotham & Metropolis when they then heard their Master's order, They stopped and dropped the citizens from whatever height they had been flying at "NO THOSE PEOPLE WE NEED TO CATCH THEM!" said Lantern, The group disbanded and headed to try and catch as many people as they could while the Parademons gathered together in a large group "FOR DARKSEID, ATTACK MAN IN BLACK!" said a Parademon "Oh shit" said Superman, All the Parademons headed towards him "Shazam take these two for me" he passed the two citizens to his fellow hero "NOW SOLDIERS OF DARKSEID, BRING IT!" he flew towards them at great speed letting a roar out he prepared to go to war against them when all of a sudden bullets and missiles began to shred the Parademon army.
Superman immediately stopped in shock & turned to his left and saw Batman in his Batwing that was in hover mode he looked down and saw the Batmobile down below on the bridge between Gotham and Metropolis, Superman used his telescopic vision and saw a beautiful woman dressed like a cat sitting behind the wheel of the Batmobile "I love this car" said Selina.
Batman slowly flew towards the man in the black trench coat while Superman did the same and flew up next to him, The both of them stared each other down, Superman pulled up his hood to cover his head and pulled his neck warmer down.
Batman blood went cold a look of disbelief on his face at who the black trenchcoat man really was "Superman" he whispered, The Kryptonian grinned & pulled his neck warmer back up onto his nose "How you doing Bruce, Don't tell the others" said Clark "How?" Batman asked "Explain you later" said Superman he then heard the distant scream of the woman he loves and turned his head to locate it "Diana" he thought to himself he was about to head for Themyscira even though he didn't know where it was when he then stopped himself "She is not Lois you idiot she doesn't need saving, She is a trained Amazon warrior, Concentrate on what is happening here because that is what she would want you to focus on instead of trying to save her".
A large group of Parademons came out of the portal "HAIL MASTER DARKSEID!" shouted the Parademons, Superman concentration turned to them and started to crack his knuckles, His gaze looked at Batman who was now focused on the Parademons as well.
Wayne & Kent looked at each other "Here we go again" said Batman a smirk came to his face, Superman nodded to him "Let's do this".
The world's finest flew towards the Parademons with the duo now going to war against Darkseid's soldiers.
Diana screamed from the pain of Steppenwolf attack as he pulled the sword out & placed his left foot down on her newly acquired wound which made Diana scream even more "STEPPENWOLF YOU BASTARD, GET YOUR FOOT OFF MY DAUGHTER NOW!" Hippolyta shouted "Well to be honest you're not exactly in the position to be making demands your majesty and last time I checked there weren't any rules when it comes to a fight to the death so if I were you I would keep that mouth shut and watch as I end your daughter" he replied "Artemis go help Diana" said Hippolyta "What, But my Queen you will die if I take my hands off your stab wound" Artemis replied "It is too late for me anyway Artemis, My other wounds are too much as well, I have to face the cold hard truth that I am going to die but please I beg of you don't let Diana die at the hands of that monster, Please Artemis" her hands left Hippolyta wounds and picked up the godkiller sword "Goodbye my Queen it was an honour to serve under you" said Artemis "The honour was mine Artemis" the Queen replied.
Artemis ran towards Steppenwolf who was now readying himself to deliver his death blow to Wonder Woman. Hippolyta took one last look at her daughter "Goodbye Diana at least the Gods were kind enough to send you back to me, I will always love you my daughter" tears fell from her eyes as she then closed them and let the darkness claim her.
The Apokoliptian sword came down towards Diana with the intention of beheading her when a foot impacted with his chest which winded him & sent him backwards "YOU WILL NOT KILL MY SISTER!" Artemis shouted as she then brought the fight to Steppenwolf.
Two bright lights appeared in the stadium which slowly dissipated revealing Athena Goddess of Wisdom & Protector of the Amazons, The other God was Hermes messenger of Olympus, The two gods looked at each other and nodded, Hermes headed for Diana while Athena ran to Hippolyta. The Goddess of wisdom went down onto her knee's beside the Queen "Hippolyta wake up now, Don't you dare die on me" she slapped the Queen lightly on the cheek as Hippolyta eyes slightly opened "Athena" Hippolyta whispered "Just hold on Hippolyta, Please don't die" said Athena.
The two of them teleported out of the arena while Hermes crouched down next to Diana "Diana it is me Hermes, I need you to open your eyes so I can wash the sand out with this jug of water" he sat her up against the barrier and poured the water slowly into her eyes "Hermes what are you doing here?" she asked "I am here to help you little sister" "My mother how is she?" Diana asked, "Artemis is fighting Steppenwolf while Athena has taken your mother to be treated by Epione" he pulled her bottom eye lids down and poured the water again "How is your vision now?" the god asked "Getting better" she replied "Good I have about half a jug left, Just let me finish up here then you can go & help Artemis" Hermes replied "Thank you Hermes" said Diana "Your welcome sister also I am glad you understood the message I sent you" said Hermes "What message?" she asked "That vision that you had of Steppenwolf killing your mother & sisters, I sent it you because I knew that your mother & sisters were going to need your help winning the war for Themyscira" Hermes replied "You were the one who gave me that vision?" Diana asked "Diana I am not the messenger of Olympus for no reason, You do realise that is my position in Olympus" Hermes replied "Yeah of course I do, Just didn't realise it was you who sent it but thank you for sending me it" "No problem little sister" he then finished off tending to her eyes "Can you see?" Hermes asked "Oh yes I can see clearly, Now if I may Hermes I have an Apokoliptian to kill" Hermes laughed and helped her to her feet he handed Diana her sword "What is it those Mortals say if I am correct it goes something along these words, Go and kick his ass" "I plan to" said Diana.
The Princess let out a battle cry and joined Artemis, The both of them attacked him with the Apokoliptian now struggling to fight back, Artemis sword cut his right hand off which made him scream out in pain while Diana quickly followed up by cutting his left hand off which made him scream even more with his sword now on the ground, The Amazon and the Bana stuck their swords down into the ground, Artemis threw a left punch across Steppenwolf jaw & followed up by kicking him in the chest, Diana took over by uppercutting him with her right fist & backhanded her left fist across his face, Artemis kicked him in the back of his left thigh which sent him down to one knee & followed up by burying a vicious left punch into their opponents stomach, Diana punched him across the jaw again with Artemis landing an uppercut immediately after, The two amazons quickly pulled their swords out of the ground and drove both of them into his lungs.
The Amazon duo looked at him in anger & satisfaction "Oh look at that we won Steppenwolf" said Diana "Enjoy the underworld you son of a bitch, Hades & Osiris are waiting for you" said Artemis she pulled her sword out and walked away "Just so you know my death does not change the fact that with the kryptonian dead this planet will belong to Master Darkseid, You don't stand a chance against him" said Steppenwolf "That is where you are wrong Steppenwolf, The kryptonian lives" said Diana.
Steppenwolf face turned pale "What, No you lie he is dead the mortal Lex Luthor told us" "The last son of Krypton, My Kal he lives and trust me when I say he is going to beat Darkseid, This invasion will fail just like it did last time & now to finish you off" she pulled her sword out and with one almighty blow she decapitated him.
Princess Diana turned around and limped away from the dead Apokoliptian General when she then spotted Artemis talking to Euboea and could see on their faces that something had happened while her and Artemis were facing Steppenwolf "What's happened Euboea?" Diana asked "They have taken the motherbox, They distracted us long enough for one Parademon to quickly take it and bring it back to Apokolips, Once that happened the portal closed & the remaining Parademons that were left behind were killed" Euboea replied "What about our dead, How many?" Diana asked "About 85 sisters died" Euboea replied "Damn it, Okay follow me" said Diana with the trio now leaving the coliseum
Tears came to Diana's eyes even after a century they still showed their loyalty by rallying behind her, A hand touched her shoulder she turned to look at Artemis who enveloped her in a hug "I have missed you my sister, It is good to have you back" said Artemis "I have missed you too Artemis" Diana replied, Artemis handed Diana the godkiller sword "You're going to need this to take down Darkseid, This war is far from over, The next two places he will hit is Atlantis and mans world for their motherboxes, You won't need your shield when it comes to Darkseid, Just do me a favour use these two swords and stab that bastard in the eyes for me" said Artemis "Will do Artemis" Diana replied "Well if I may ask, Who wants to keep his weapon?" said Hermes who was now carrying the sword, Head, Hands and corpse of Steppenwolf, "You should have his sword Artemis, You did help me take him down" said Diana "I'd be happy to have it" Artemis replied as she took it from Hermes hands "Now if you ladies can excuse me, I have a corpse here that needs to be delivered to Hades" Hermes then disappeared.
Diana carried on saying her proper hello's to Euboea, Mala, Phillipus, Penthesilia, Egeria and a few other Amazons, Once that was done she flew towards the healing aisle.
The Parademon set the Amazon Motherbox down onto the floor as Desaad picked it up and linked it with the newly created one, Both boxes glowed as they connected.
Darkseid sat on his throne with a sadistic grin on his face "2 down, 1 to go".
Themyscira Healing Aisle
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