《Bakugou's Lover》Chapter Six: You're My Hero


The streets were busy. The loud talking and footsteps of the people walking. A few kids playing tag when one ran into an alley to run from the other. Their laughs filled the almost quiet place. He panted as he walked farther down. He stopped. He looked around the narrow opening. He smelled. He walked further down to see what the smell was. It didn't smell of garbage or anything of the sort.

It smelled like iron.

"Hello?" The little boy said. He looked at the brick walls to see dark red handprints. He was smart enough to know it was blood. He followed them to a dead end. He gasped as he saw a barely concussed blond that looked severely beaten. And a redhead, dead. He fell back holding his hands over his mouth. The blond slowly lifted his head. He used all his strength to push his phone over to the boy. "...call...midoriya..."

The boy hesitantly picked up the phone to see that it was already on the contacts and this midoriya was one of the first contacts. He pushed the call button and put the phone up to his ear. The phone was immediately picked up and a loud but low voice was heard. "Kacchan! Are you okay? You've been gone for two days. Kirishima hasn't called us. Where are you?"

"...hello?" The boy said after the man finished. There was a pause before he heard another voice. "Hello. Are you with Katsuki?" The boy looked over to the blond. "H-he's the blond one, right?" "Yes, that's him. Are you two okay?" "H-he's all beaten up. He's not looking so good." The boy silently cried. "Where are you guys? We'll come to help." The boy nodded before quickly realizing they couldn't see him. "O-okay! We're in an alleyway across from some flower shop." The boy heard whispering from the other side of the line.

"Okay. We'll be there right away. Do you see anyone else with him? A man with red hair?" "He's not okay. There's a lot of blood around him and he looks pale." The boy cried. "Don't worry we'll be right there." The boy continued to cry and the two were getting worried that someone might hear him. "I-it's...okay. We'll...be...okay. C...come here." The boy looked over to the blond. He had set himself up on the wall and held out a hand. The boy slowly walked over to him and knelt down. Bakugou placed a hand on his face, wiping the tears that fell.


"A-are you okay?" The boy said in between cries. "I'm...fine. Thanks to y-you. I don't know w-what would have happened if you didn't come when you d-did." Bakugou said, pushing his black hair back. "W-what's your name?" "S-samidare." "I'm Katsuki. It's nice to meet you." Bakugou strained out as he felt his eyes begin to close. He felt a squeeze on his hand and tried to open his eyes. "Y-you have to stay up. M-midoriya wants you to stay up." Bakugou looked over to the phone and he couldn't hear anything from it. He looked over to Samidare to see his mouth open.

He couldn't hear him either.

Suddenly he was picked up. He looked over to see Kirishima being zipped up into a bag by three others in dark suits. He turned to see Midoriya comforting the small crying kid. He finally turned to the one carrying him. Shoto Todoroki. The second older son of Enji Todoroki. The first when mystically missing after a busted drug deal when he was 10 years old, but that's what the news says.

Bakugou closed his eyes again and fell into a deep sleep.

Todoroki stood holding the blond in his arms. Iida and a few others were cleaning off the blood from the ground and walls. Midoriya was helping the kid call his parents as he cried. When he found them, he held the unconscious blond in his arms, asking him to wake up. Midoriya was explaining to him that he's fine and that they will bring him to a doctor. Todoroki walked to their black SUV. He sat him down in the back seat and sat next to him. He moved his blond hair out of his face and he scowled.

Bakugou had bruises and scratches all over him. His arm was dislocated and he had a black eye. Todoroki ran his hands through Bakugou's hair as he slept. "How is he?" He looked over to see MIdoriya had gotten the kid situated. "He's badly beaten up and his arm is dislocated. Nothing other than that seems wrong with him though. How's the kid?" "He's fine. He's really shaken up about everything. He wants to call Kacchan when he wakes up." Todoroki nodded.


Midoriya and Todoroki walked into Katsuki's room. "Momo, how is he doing?" Momo turned towards the two and smiled. "He's doing well! Iida helped me pop his arm back into his socket and bandaged his wounds." The three looked back at him to see him playing with his hands. "I'll leave you three alone." She walked out of the room and shut the door. The two walked over to him and sat on either side of him. "Kacchan. Are you okay?" He nodded, looking at the two. "Do you wish to talk about what happened?" He nodded again.


"I-I don't remember a lot. I remember leaving and going to my flower shop, then to my friend's house, but some people were already there. I remember Kirishi- Eijiro calling him 'Dabi.' I don't remember anything that happened before me waking up in the alley." The two nodded. Dabi. He was someone that took over the drug empire by storm. It was like he had connections all over the place. Yagi had tried to partner up with them but they killed him on sight. Midoriya had watched it all godown.

It was like an impulse. It ended with a massive tank on Yagi's end. They have been going head to head for a while now. Midoriya had been trying to find out where their base was for a long time but came up empty-handed. Dabi kept his distance from them. They only see each other at the black market. They know the rules of the market so they kept their distance even there.

But why now are they trying to fight them?

"You did good, Kacchan. You'll need to stay in bed while you heal." Bakugou nodded. "I-Is Eijiro really..." Midoriya nodded. He silently nodded. "Samidare wanted to call you when you woke up." Bakugou softly smiled. "C-can I call him?" Midoriya pulled out his phone and called the most recently saved number.

"Hello?" "Hi, I'm Midoriya. We spoke early yesterday. I just wanted to tell him that Katsuki is up and is doing well." "Mom! Give me the phone!" Midoriya lightly chuckled as they argued. "Is he really okay?" "Yes. Would you like to talk to him?" "YES! Oh yes please." He nervously laughed. Midoriya handed the phone over to Bakugou.

"Samidare?" "You're okay!" He heard crying on the other end and smiled to himself. "I am. Thanks to you. You're my hero." "H-hero? I barely did a-anything!" Bakugou laughed. "Of course you did. If you didn't find me when you did I don't think I would have been okay. And you did your best to keep me up. So thank you!"

A knock was heard. Todoroki waved at Midoriya and Bakugou before going to open the door. "Hagakure?" "We have finished our report on Kirishima's body. We wanted to have you see." Todoroki nodded while walking with her. "So starting off. Kirishima had been starved throughout the whole two days he had been gone and he was highly dehydrated." Todoroki nodded. "So they wanted to torture him?" "That's what it looked like. He had light cuts all over his body. He also had many burns on his body from cigarettes and lighters. His hands were broken too. Most likely hit with a blunt object." Todoroki cringed.

How could they do that to him?

"He also found a phone in the back of his pocket when we were getting his clothes off. It was a new phone that didn't have anything but a video on it. We haven't played it and saved it for you to watch." He nodded as they finally got to the basement. They walked down a hall and stopped in front of a door. She opened it and Ojiro, her husband, greeted them. On the table was Kirishima's body.

Todoroki examined his face. "Did they not let him sleep? Why are his eyes so dark?" "Part of the reason he was dehydrated. He was crying so much." Ojiro said, handing the phone to Todoroki. "There were no fingerprints on it. It's in tip-top condition." Todoroki sat on one of the chairs and played the video.

"Kirishima~? Wake up!" The video started abruptly. The phone was in the corner of the room away from where Kirishima could see it. Kirishima was on the floor. Bandages covered his thigh. "What the hell do you want!? Where is Katsuki!?" A giggle was heard. "He's upstairs with Dabi. Who knows what they're doing!" The short blond girl broke out in laughter at the sight of Kirishima's voice. "Kirishima. I'm not sure if you knew or not but we've been watching you for a long time. We've seen you on multiple dates with Katsuki too." Kirishima visibly tensed.

"Ah! So you realized that we saw what you've been doing to Katsuki!"

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