《Hoops •LaMelo Ball•》Championships (4 of 4)


"William you are a starter today." Coach Haven said.

"Coach why you gotta put all my business out like that?"

"Why not? Now shut up before you stay on the bench."

Will put his hands up in surrender and sat back down waiting for the game to start.

I was sitting quietly as they boys talked . It's 9 at night right now and I'm so sleepy. We walked around all morning then they came to my room to chill before the game. Everyone was rubbed down by either mama T, lavar, the person trainer, or me. They room still probably smells like tiger bomb and icy hot.

"No pep talk?" Melo asked me. He was sitting at the edge of the seat dribbling the ball under his legs back and forth.

"The one from yesterday doesn't work for today?" I asked jokingly.

"Yesterdays talk was barely a pep talk. You basically just told us what we were doing wrong." He said putting the ball in his lap.

"I mean y'all were acting like y'all never played ball before​." I said laughing. "Games finna start go on over there young buck."

"I'm older then you .." he said standing to his full height.

" And? Whats that suppose to me?" I said giving him the -and I care because ... - look.

"I can never win with you."

"You knew what you were getting you Into when we started dating."

"You right. I still don't regret a single thing." I said winking before going to sit down. The boys who weren't​ starting made a tunnel and the light turned off.

Let's get ready to rumble head ass.

"Number 0 standing at 6'4 Eli Scott."

"Number 1. Youngest ball brother also know as Mr. 92! 6'3 LaMelo Ball!" The announcer yelled in the microphone. I obviously​ clapped for my man as I wore is green Jersey.

"LiAngelo ball 6'6 leading scorer for chino hills and senior."

I began to pray for no injuries and great performances from my boys I know they will do great but I also know that Eli, O, Melo and Gelo will not be getting any subs.

The whistle blew and the big bol bol got the ball and tipped it towards his team. Number 18 dribbled up uncontested and shot for three making the first points for he game.

Melo got the ball passed it to LiAngelo on the out side and Liagnelo tied it up.

"Let's go boys! Let's pick up the intensity! We want to win." Coach haven said putting his clip board under his arms and cupped his hands around his mouth.

I sat silently on the bench as I observed what they were doing well and what they needed to fix.

The crowd kept booing melo and gelo Everytime they made a shot or even touched the ball. It mad me upset but I know better to say something .

"No foul ref?!" Zo yelled as will went for a easy lay you and was pushed. The ref shook his head and ran down the side lines.

If the refs are not gonna call anything this game is gonna be ... Interesting.

"Melo Pass the ball bro!" I yelled. He had two people in his and he decided to shoot the ball knowing dang well it wasn't going in.

"Gelo gotta make those." I yelled again. My cool calm collected self went through the window as we started playing sloppy. Bad passes, easy lay ups getting blocked or just miss in them all together . Defense is lacking and shots aren't falling.


The score is consistently changing. No one can keep the lead. The boys are getting frustrated and upset because the ref isn't calling anything.

"Real talk bro. Push me again and I'm punching you in yo mouth." Eli said pushing a player out his way and walking to the free throw line.

"You aint bout shit." The smaller boy retorted.

"Bet." Eli said making his shots and jogging back getting on defense.

There was so much tension in the air. We were playing faster than normal tiring the other team out. Bol bol being the big man blocked alot of lay ups but melo and gelo started getting fancy doing one two passes or complicated layup packages.

It was loud and hot in this gym. Everyone was cheering and jumping around. Excitement was the only thing I can say to discribe everything.

"Ohhhh!" The whole gym and chino hills bench stood up as O two hand dunked the ball on somebody head. The ref called for half time and we went to the locker rooms.

"Good half boys good half." Coach said . He started talking about what he saw that need to be fixed and it was some of the same point I had. I didn't have anything to say I just stood there quietly until after coach was done being a coach.

"Y'all still are trash." I joked.

"You being for real?" Nick said being the sensitive nigga he is.

"No nigga. She not being for real, get out yo damn feeling boy." Eli said making me laugh. "And even if she was being for real she wasn't talking to you, bench warmer head ass."

"Get off that man head Eli." Melo said putting his head on my stomach. I was standing up right next to him .

Nick sat quietly not saying anything because​ one he scary two Eli is big and three Eli would boom this nigga if he did.

I just chuckled at Eli being mean. He and Nick are the Victoria and me. But on the boys team.

"We got 10 more minutes of glad time let's go watch the dance." Melo said. Out dance team is performing and we haven't seen it yet.

We make our way out the room and go sit on our side and some of the boys ,mostly Eli, eyeball the other team.

"Coogi down to the socks like I'm biggie papa. Babyyyyy!" The boys said with the music.

They were doing a mix of song put together and it was lit as hell. I'd I could dance I would try out for the team but I can I my hit them folks and even when I do that I look retarded.

"My anaconda don't my anaconda don't my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun." I said with the song. I was sitting in between Melo and O and they were both bobbing there head along with the music. " Boy toy named melo who lives in Cali."

"Chill out." Melo said laughing at my remix.

"Dead ass she did that." O commented.

"It's over stretch a little bit get warmed back up." I said.

Melo and his teammates got up and did hip stretches, hamstring and quad stretches and ankles rolls.

"We up right now but we gotta keep putting in work to win. They are good but if we wanna repeat we gotta stay focused." Gelo said being inspirational.


They grabbing something to drink and stepped back on the court for there last half. For some , like O and Melo, this was just the last game of the year. But for others , Eli and gelo , this was there last highschool game.

The ref grabbed the ball blew the whistle and handed the ball to Eli so he could inbound the ball.

I have faith that they can do this.

"Come one boys we gotta get the defensive rebounds!" Coach yelled as Eli dribbled down court with the ball.

E motioned for they boys to get in space. He dribbled the ball up to the 3 point line. He drived in the paint before passing the ball to O who shot for two and made it. Melo and Gelo sprinted back to gaurd the 7 foot Bol Bol.

His teammates screened for him as he dunked. Everyone got hype but it wasn't really that cool to me since he was 7 foot and barely had to jump, it's like a easy lay up for him. He better be able to dunk, he's 7 foot tall!

"Get his cool ass Melo!" Will yelled mocking OSN. The whole bench stood up as Melo was dribbling the ball between his legs trying g to get the gaurd off him.

"Step back threeeee!" The guy said over the microphone. I wish we had a instant reply to see Melo make the kid fall. He drived towards the basket step back making the kid fall and made his buckets. He even put his hand in his face holding up 3 fingers.

We were down 4 points. Bol bol is now taking over dunking​, shooting 3's and making all his two point fade aways.

I can see the boys spirit getting lower and lower as the clock ticks down to 2 minutes and 16 seconds left.

"Time out!" I called as the clock hit 2 flat. It was out last one so i'd better make this talk fast and meaningful.

"This better be good williams." Coach said disagreeing with my call.

"I don't mean to quote high school musical at a time like this but y'all really need to get y'all's head into he game . Your defense is pretty good but lock them down, double team if possible. Pressure them , they will pass bad if y'all are all up on em. Y'all got this grab the rebouds we they shoot it and group ours when we shoot they are up 10 I know but anything can happen, it's basketball." I said taking as fast but clear as I can. "We can win this y'all just have to believe in y'all self as much as I believe in you. Make your shots guys block balls. Go win."

I ended my speech there and they went out there and played there hearts out and now were only down 3 points with less that 1 minute​ left.

"Stop looking so uptight." Lonzo said. He's been talking to me all night but I've been blowing him off cause I've been to anxious.

"I'm to .. ughh." I said. That was the only way to discribe my feelings right now.

"Wow great discription​." He said laughing.

I dis regarded all what he was talking about as LiAngelo got the ball. "Shoot it!" I screamed. The ball flew through the air and bounced off the rim and the sounding of the game ended . It seems like the ball went extra fast as it plopped into the net making every chino hills can jump in the air.

"Let's get it boys!" I yelled as they came over to side lines. " We got 5 minutes over time let's win the bih!"

"LiAngelo you are the goat." Quan said.

"Look were putting O, Eli, and Daijon jn. Daij I need you and O to stay on defense at all times. Keep the past fast there big man Bol Bol is getting tired like the rest of them." Coach said drawing circles on his board representing match ups.

" 1 minute coach." Ref said telling us how much we have left.

"Grab some water. Pray, take a nap do whatever you need to do to win."

I turned around to talk to See and melo came up and kissed me. I of course kissed back but I was confused.

"What the hell?" I said looking up at my tall boyfriend.

"He said do whatever I need to win and kissing my good luck charm is what I need to do to win ." He said walking off leaving me stunned for a second time today.

"He really tryna get some tonight." Zo said.

"He won't be getting any for a while." I said think back to my convo with melo earlier.

"Good. My sister in law got rules."

"Sister in law?"I said looking at Zo.

"Speaking it into existence." He said sounding​ like his dad. I shook my head and looked back at the game we had two minutes more of. We were going back and forth. They would be in the lead then we would then them then us.

"Yeah Eli!" I said as he dunked on some kids head.

Time was running out and we were down by 2. We need something and Gelo's shoots weren't falling an Melo isn't good under pressure.

"Ball! Ball!" Melo yelled as LiAngelo got double teamed.

The game had only a few seconds left and Melo shot right before buzzer went off.

The ball flew in the air and it seemed liked it was there forever. Everyone's​ eyes followed the ball. Both benches were standing, I was clenching on lonzo hand probably breaking it.

"We won!" The bench flooded the court surrounding Melo, Gelo, Daijon, Eli, and O. I stayed in the side lines not wanting to get in that way.

They chanted and chanted. Everyone dispersed and they got there plaque and they started handing out rings. I helped.

"Hey coach here's an extra ring." I said handing him the fairly small ring.

"No honey it's yours not a extra ." Coach haven said making the boys hoop and holler .

"Mine ? " I said. " I don't play."

" But you have helped coach for the last half of the season. You've help motivate these boys and coach them to their big ass victory and for that you deserve a state ring."

"Yeahhhhhh!" Everyone celebrated once again after we took pictures. I stood outside the locker room talking to Mary.

"Baby we won!" Melo said picking me up and swinging me In a circle .

"You did!" I said.

"I love you girl." He said. "I told you you were my Good luck charm. We got us a ring didn't we?"


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